Friday, August 28, 2020

Hope Beyond Lockdown: Part 2

Prepare for the Coming Day

In the first part of this message we learned about what God called His covenant people who obeyed and followed His direction – “special treasures”.  

Then our challenge was to put ourselves in the shoes of Moses and the Israelites concerning the relationship they had with the Lord.

This week we’ll pick up on the second part of the message God gave to Moses for the people.  It was to prepare!  What were they to prepare for anyway?  Anything … just be ready for something new and the unexpected!

Read Hope Beyond Lockdown Part 1 here.

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Getting the House in Order

When we are anticipating an event there are all kinds of things we need to do in preparation for the joyful day.   We’re thrilled about it, but then realize all we have to do to get ready for whoever might be coming.

The first thing that comes rushing to my mind is “THE HOUSE – I’ve got to clean the house, closets, drawers, basement, attic, etc …”  This doesn’t even include the outside like mowing, cleaning up any junk around the yard, watering, planting, weed whacking or anything else the people might see before they even enter the house! 

When we were first married my husband would ask, “Why do we have to clean the closet and drawers?”  Without hesitation I said, “Because they’ll look!”

I know, you probably think I was acting a little paranoid, but that wasn’t exactly the case.  Since the early days, Hubby no longer asks about those things and you know why?  We learned through the grapevine that there was a certain person who couldn’t resist opening all the cabinets while in the restroom.  Actually, it was his wife who squealed on him.

This wasn’t a big deal, being a close bunch.  However, my husband and I couldn’t resist having a little fun with our friend, so we prepared and set a trap.

One night we had a few friends over for dinner.  While everyone was in the dining area eating, we heard a noise coming from the other room.  Our friend had done what was expected … he opened the medicine cabinet and out rolled marbles off the shelves, bouncing onto the counter and down to the floor.

Those of us sitting at the table heard the loud crashing of marbles and our friend scurrying around the bathroom trying to pick up the little run-a-ways.  Hearing the restroom door close, we held back the laughter, pretending nothing happened.

After a long period in the bathroom our good friend came out with a big smile on his face.  I guess you know what happened.” … end of story and snooping!   Such fun!

I know this may seem a little off topic, but the point is that it taught me to be prepared by keeping drawers and cabinets pretty much in order for the unexpected.  It’s the visible living space that causes the challenge these days! 

This leads me to other types of action that are initiated in preparation for things to come.  See if you can relate to any of this ...

Prep Time

If there is a menu to plan that means someone has to do the shopping for the food or decorative items.  Then prep time and actually making the meal has to be scheduled into the agenda along with the time and place for it.  Will it be sit-down or hands-on as in serve yourself buffet style?  This is only one part of the planning.

Entertainment?  Is there time for that and do we even want any?  I suppose it all revolves around the type of event.

What are we going to wear?  Is there something in the closet we can “make-do” with or will another shopping trip be added to the list for the adults, kids or pets?  Oh hubby needs a haircut ... call the barber!

Taking a bath and making sure to have clean clothes is usually on our list of things to do (at least I hope it is), and this was also a part of what the Israelites were told.

Besides presenting themselves physically clean, their mindset had to be right so they would be prepared spiritually as well.  Don’t forget, they’re about to witness and be a part of history in the making!

My husband and I were talking about what it must have been like in the Israelite camp.  Was there pandemonium and did they panic?  Can you picture the people gathering water, scrubbing clothes for the special occasion and doing a crash course in memorizing certain laws or scripture just in case GOD gave a surprise quiz?

“Then the LORD told Moses, go down and prepare the people
for My arrival.  Consecrate them today and tomorrow,
and have them wash their clothing.

Be sure they are ready on the third day, for on that day
the LORD will come down on Mount Sinai as all the people watch.” (Exodus 19:10-11 NLT)

Who besides a girl dreaming about the perfect wedding would know where to start in preparing for the greatest day of your life?  The most important event was about to happen, and God only gave them a three-day notice! 

If you knew Jesus was making a visit in seventy-two hours what would you be rushing about to get done?  Would it be enough time to get ready spiritually, physically and mentally?  I’m sure everything else would come to a halt and I’d quickly grasp what really mattered.

Perfectly Prepared

Following the logistics of consecration was something the Israelites were accustomed to doing.  If you are not familiar with that term, essentially it means to totally dedicate yourself to God as something sacred and Holy for His purpose and glory.

“Special treasures” were to prepare themselves to do something beyond their abilities through the hand of God.  Preparing to be used by the Lord isn’t something that was only for the Israelites, but is also for us today.

In the New Testament of the Bible, the Apostle Paul instructs followers to live a consecrated, Holy and sacred life before the Lord.  We are to be set apart for worship, sanctification and no longer seek the ways of the world as we strive to live in God’s image and likeness.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies (dedicating all of yourselves, set apart) as a sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship.

And do not be conformed to this world (any longer with its superficial values and customs), but be transformed (interpreted as metamorphosis in the Greek) and (progressively changed as you mature spiritually) by the renewing of your mind (focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes), so that you may prove (for yourselves) what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (in His plan and purpose for you). (Romans 12:1-2 AMP)

The only way we can do this is through the Holy Spirit and by spending personal time in fellowship with Christ.  Believers must learn to separate themselves from the world’s system or way of life, and follow after God in order to receive the blessings of His favor through covenant living. 

“What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said:  I will dwell among them and walk among them; and I will be their GOD, and they shall be My people. 

So, come out from among unbelievers and be separate, says the Lord.  And do not touch what is unclean; and I will graciously receive you and welcome you with favor.

And I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:16-18 AMP)

A dedicated person has a willing heart that longs to spend time with the Lord.  They are sorry for their sins and ask God’s forgiveness.  With a heavy heart they repent, acknowledging that they need a Savior and cannot make it through this world on their own.

Stepping into their new life being forgiven, with an attitude of gratitude and love for their Savior, they have made the decision to dedicate their entire being (spirit, soul and body) to the calling of God for His use and Divine purpose.  The believer remains committed to following God’s commands through His new birth covenant, by staying consecrated to the Lord through daily fellowship and worship.

Moses pursued God everyday in the decisions he had to make.  He relied on the wisdom of Jehovah as a guide to lead the special treasures of God.  It was a big responsibility that Moses didn’t take lightly and he prepared for each step through consecration, setting himself apart for the Lord every day for the rest of his earthly life.

God didn’t expect Moses or the Israelites to be perfect, but to be faithful in their walk (lifestyle) and to always be prepared for His appearing to give instruction.  If they would draw closer to Him, He would stay close and reward them with favor for the journey to the promised land.

Hopelessly Devoted

When the Israelites lived in Egypt, they were in their own type of lockdown having no freedom or religious rights.  It was through their prayers and cries to the LORD that He delivered them out of the hands of their oppressors.

At that time God commanded the Israelites to consecrate themselves to be His Holy people, not as part of their salvation, but because of His love for them.  We cannot “be Holy” apart from God, and only through belief in His Son Jesus can a person be saved and forgiven of sin.

The Israelites were not delivered out of Egypt because they always did right, but because God loved them and heard their plea for help.  They were hopelessly lost and realized they needed a Deliverer to save them. 

When God answered their prayers, the hopeless souls became hopelessly devoted to follow a God who cared so much that He would send someone to lead them to the covenant promised land.  He’s still answering those prayers and hears the cries of His people.

Grafted in at Calvary

God would repeatedly tell His special treasures to “be My Holy devoted people” and to set themselves apart for worship.  This command has not changed for believers under the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ that covers sin.

We don’t follow a cloud by day or fire in the sky by night, but believe in the work of Christ on the cross of Calvary to save souls.  It is through the unmerited, undeserved favor of God’s loving grace and mercy, just like it was for the Israelites, that God saves and delivers us out of the hands of the enemy (oppressor).

As God gave commands to His special treasures during the time of Moses, Jesus, God’s Son, has spoken the same words to us – His grafted in special treasures.  We are recipients of the same covenant promises and have been grafted in by faith believing that Jesus died for the forgiveness of sinners at Calvary, rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven.

“And if some of the branches were broken off (some of the Jewish faith have fallen away from the covenant through unbelief), and you (Gentiles), being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them (the Jews), and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness (favor and blessings promised to Abraham and his descendants) of the olive tree.” (Romans 11:17 emphasis mine)

I cannot say this any clearer than the Phillips translation; take a look:

“If some of the branches of the tree have been broken off, while you, like shoots of wild-olive, have been grafted in, and don't share like a natural branch the rich nourishment of the root, don't let yourself feel superior to those former branches.  (If you feel inclined that way, remind yourself that you do not support the Root, the Root Jesus supports you.)

You may make the natural retort, but the branches were broken off to make room for My grafting!  It wasn't quite like that.  They lost their position because they failed to believe; you only maintain yours because you do believe.  

The situation does not call for conceit, but for a certain wholesome fear.  If God removed the natural branches for a good reason, take care that you don't give Him the same reason for removing you."  (Romans 11:17-21 PHILLIPS)

For those who have been redeemed by the saving grace (unmerited favor) of God, we too are to obey and “be Holy as His Father is Holy”.  Believers are still to consecrate themselves before the Lord not to earn His favor, but because we have been given favor and receive covenant blessings that we have not earned or deserved!

This Week’s Challenge:
Preparing for Beyond Lockdown

There is a new day coming when God will reveal Himself for the upcoming events in our life.  He has and always will speak to His special treasures to guide them through His favor and blessings.  Our part is to recommit our lives to the Lord through consecration so we can hear from Him.

God knows what He is about to do beyond this pandemic, but we have not heard His voice, because we have strayed from believing and obeying His commands.  As God instructed, it's time to set ourselves apart from this world and come into His throne room with praise and worship.

God told Moses to remind the people of all He had done for them in the past that proved He alone was the One True God.  I present that same 7 Step Challenge so that you are prepared beyond this pandemic lockdown.

7 Steps to Beyond Lockdown

1 - Physically set yourself apart from others and household distractions such as the television, radio, computer or phone.  This is part of removing yourself from idols or anything else that takes your mind off of the Lord.

2 - Prepare your heart for thanksgiving, praise and worshiping the Lord.  With pen in hand (yes, not your phone or any other electronic device), write down all the things the Lord has done for you including His good gifts you have not deserved.

3 - Write down all the things that have kept you away from the calling on your life.  What distractions or interruptions have stolen your time and prevented you from doing what God instructed by giving Him precedence in your life?

4 - Humbly go before the Lord in prayer and repent of your actions, attitudes, excuses, hateful thoughts or laziness.  Ask for forgiveness if you have been greedy, contentious in spirit, lusted after others or their belongings.

5 - Pray that others have not turned from God because of something they saw in you that was not in His image, and that He sends someone across their path that would bring them back to the Lord.

6 - Recommit your heart and life to the Lord by consecration to clean Holy living before Him.  Declare your love and loyalty to His commands and covenant.  Seek His ways and ask for God to clearly reveal Himself to you as He did to Moses and the Israelites. 

7 - Get ready for the day Christ makes His appearance.  Moses was instructed to tell the people to prepare for a new day, a new thing the Lord was doing among them.

God would come in a cloud personally to increase their faith.  They would hear His voice and believe the prophets words forever.  (Exodus 19:9) Like Moses told the people of Israel, believer’s in Christ are to speak the same words to the lost, and remind fellow believers of Jesus’ coming. 

The message for the Israelites is the same for you and I today.  Prepare to hear God’s voice through consecration to Him.  Set yourself apart as His special covenant treasure.  Grow in His marvelous love and grace as you get to know Him.  There is no greater joy than to experience the love of God through Christ Jesus.

After you have obeyed through preparation, get ready to receive His favor.  Rest assured that time spent purposely growing your relationship with Jesus will give the peace needed for moving forward to the unknown.

Don’t be shaken by what is happening in the world, but plant your feet on the solid foundation of Jesus.  Think back to when God’s goodness and mercy has been with you providing whatever you needed.  He made a way, calmed the troubled seas and parted the waters so you could “walk” through to safety. 

This is the covenant God Who is working all things for your good, because His promises are yes, and amen!

“For all the promises of God in Him (Jesus) are Yes, 
and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” 
(2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV)

It's not a time to be distressed, fearful or full of worry, but an opportunity to believe God for favor bigger and better than ever imagined.  He knows the desires of your heart and His covenant promises are real.  Let Him lead you into new prospects, blessings and victories that will take your hope beyond lockdown and into glory. 

“There is no peace like the peace of those whose minds are possessed with full assurance that they have known God, and God has known them, and that this relationship (through covenant) guarantees God’s favor to them in life, through death and on forever.” 
J.J. Packer

The God I Know by Chris Tomlin

Until next time, prepare for beyond lockdown favor! 

“Consecrate yourself to Me for favor that removes oppression.”
- Jesus Christ

Read Hope Beyond Lockdown Part 1 here.

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.   

What’s New This Week: Click on links below.

Knowing God by J. I. Packer
Available in Paperback, Hardback, eBook
MP3, Spanish, Companion Study Guide

Buy it on Amazon or Christian Book

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

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Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Hub. 
*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.   
Note: When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives.

Image credit: Image God's Will   Take A Bath Stinky   Image Fully Devoted   Image New Day  Google Images and Quotes are Creative Common License if not specified. 

Labels: Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Favor, Weekly Challenge, Holy Spirit, Bible Study, Prayer, Hope, Fear, Pandemic, Guidance, Faithfulness, Covenant, Preparedness, Obedience, Trust, Teaching Series, Hope Beyond Lockdown, Teaching Series

Friday, August 14, 2020

Hope Beyond Lockdown: Part 1

Looking back, it's hard to believe that it's already three months since the Bell's Palsy episode, which caused me to make major changes in my life that had nothing to do with the global pandemic or lockdown.  

The timing however, couldn't have been worse when it came to having to be in the hospital.

For those who are not familiar with Bell's Palsy, it has many of the same symptoms as a stroke victim, but thankfully it isn't that.  Besides from specific facial exercises, there really isn't a cure except for prayer and time.

When the incident first happened, I wasn't able to do much especially in the writing area because of how it affected my physical vision.  This is partly why I haven't been able to post as regularly as usual.

What upset me even more was not being able to keep up with my schedule and life vision.  Everything would have to be put on hold and my bubble of moving forward was burst.

One week after being diagnosed at 5:30 a.m. on May 19th, 2020, the Holy Spirit gave me a message.  For two hours I intently listened and wrote down what I heard in my spirit.  In the beginning I felt the message was just for me and so I never shared it. 

Frankly not everything made sense to me then, because I don't participate in some of the things He spoke of during that time.  However, now I realized that the message wasn't just for me but was to be shared at the proper moment.

Thanks for joining us on Daily Favor Blog. 
Subscribe, read News from Fay, visit the Q & A or other sections. 

Pioneering through the Crisis

For months our world has been changed and so has our way of thinking and going about life.  We’re not experiencing just one worldwide lockdown, each of us is experiencing our own type of lockdown emotionally as well as physically.

Those who are in good relationships have taken this time in stride and are experiencing positive results based on their attitude going into the pandemic.  They’re intrigued finding new ways to stay virtually connected through modern technology, and welcome this “stress-free” time to slow down taking in the simple things in life all while enjoying their families to the fullest.

Let’s not forget that anyone who lives in an area that has a yard or outdoor space available to them doesn’t feel quite so cut off from the world.  Having the ability to go outside and still be a part of the environment lowers the risk of falling into depression significantly.

A time of reflection and “finding myself” has become clearer in 20/20 leading them to pursue their life goals with gusto.  They’re embracing the opportunity no matter how short it may be to take hold and make the most of this moment in time.

Others have felt trapped in solitude and struggle with the current events of life.  Along with loneliness from the lack of interaction with co-workers, friends or family, millions have also dealt with non-employment, tragedy, illness and even loss of a loved one.

One of my childhood friend’s mother left for Heaven in early May. Three days later his father asked him to deliver the eulogy.  Gladly he accepted and prepared for it immediately.  Little did he realize the service would be postponed until mid-August because of the quarantine.

Standing in an open courtyard last week with few friends or family present, he spoke with a quivering voice stating how difficult it was not to be able to share this in the midst of those she loved.  His only relief was knowing that she was with her Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Sadness and heartache are real.  Some are stuck in unhealthy relationships which is taking a toll on the entire family. 

Children are experiencing negativity, physical or emotional abuse as illegal substances and alcohol rises behind closed doors.

No matter how you are perceiving it, universally daily routines have been interrupted and may never return as we once lived.   With so much time having passed since the first orders were given concerning staying safe at home, people have psychologically taken on new perspectives, mindsets and identities with the forming of new habits. 

As events in life happen, people ultimately change whether they plan on it or not mainly for survival and staying sane during such chaos.  Many new behaviors will become permanent or what some call the “new normal”.

When we first moved, my mother used to refer to it as “pioneering” through a crisis or situation as in the early settler days of America when families grew closer and were tightly knit.  Gatherings with “outsiders” only took place a few times a year, and bible reading was a nightly event in each household after dinner.

People spent more time on home priorities including caring for their own families and community.  From what I’ve been studying, hearing and reading, even with the pandemic calming down society is less inclined to go back to normal socializing, even at a safe distance.

Re-entry into society with limited restrictions is still going to be slow, and that’s not such a bad idea really.  Depending on who you spent your lockdown time with, will make a difference in how quickly you are able to respond to the changes that have taken place and will remain in effect.

Solitude Living

With all the changes what can we expect to happen next?  Is there hope beyond this lockdown that people can cling to, and how do we prepare for the unknown?

We have to seriously look at what we’ve been doing with the time we’ve been given in this so called “solitude” living.  There are lessons to be learned from the scriptures when the people of God were faced with challenging times. 

I’d like to direct you to a passage in Exodus where God gave direction for the Israelites that was nothing short of miraculous.  Anyone who is about to venture into a different way of living needs guidance and instruction, but mostly they need hope to get through each step, day by day as they face challenges.

We're no different than the Israelites back in Moses’ time, in needing something to hold on to that reminds us that things are going to get better.  Moses looked to Jehovah, the God on the mountain.  Today our hope is in that same God, but our message is found in the gospel of Jesus found in the Holy Bible.

Delivering the Treasured Message

Turning to the Bible book of Exodus chapter nineteen, one of the many conversations between Moses and Jehovah takes place.  It gives details of how God was going to do wonders among the people after they were delivered out of bondage.

They couldn’t imagine how this could happen, but the Israelites willingly listened for instruction.  It would be two months after they left Egypt that the LORD would reveal Himself at Mount Sinai.

The first time Moses climbed the mountain to appear before God, the LORD gave instructions for him to give to the family of Jacob and the descendants of Israel.  He reminded Moses of what He did to the enemy and how He delivered them out of captivity.

Now I doubt Moses forgot how the Red Sea sucked up all the Egyptian soldiers by the hand of God who released the raging waters that allowed the Israelites to pass through on dry ground.  Why was it important he be reminded?

It was a word-for-word message Moses was to deliver to the people reminding them of how God kept His covenant promise.  Jehovah heard their cries and delivered the Israelites out of the oppressive hands of Pharaoh, He fed, led and kept them safe daily.  This leg of the journey would require them to faithfully keep their part of the covenant and trust Jehovah in ways they never had.

God’s message through Moses to the people of Israel:

“Now if you will obey Me and keep My covenant, you will be My own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth; for all the earth belongs to Me.

And you will be My kingdom of priests, My Holy nation.” (Exodus 19:5-6 NLT)

Moses did as the LORD spoke and gathered the people giving them the message of how special they were to Him.  The Israelites agreed to do everything the LORD commanded even though they may not understand what He was doing; Moses returned to the mountain to relay their response to the LORD.

Here is what most people miss in this passage.  They remember God said He would speak through Moses, because basically, that’s what He was already doing.  The Israelites received the Word of the Lord in their hearts that they were Jehovah’s special treasures, and there would be a thick cloud as evidence He was present. 

What we fail to realize is that not only did God promise to come in a thick cloud so the people could see something was about to happen, they would also be able to hear the conversations between Moses and the LORD for themselves!  This is huge!

Sure, the Israelites knew they were favored by God in how they were delivered out of bondage, but this is beyond what they asked or thought could happen. Favor came on the entire nation of Israel to hear the voice of the LORD give instruction for the people when they obeyed and were faithful to the covenant, which included not worshiping other gods.

“Then the LORD said to Moses, I will come to you in a thick cloud, Moses, so the people themselves can hear Me when I speak to you.  Then they will always trust you.” (Exodus 19:9 NLT)

Don’t you think it made Moses’ day when God called him by name?  It shows that they had a relationship that was more than superficial, but personal. 

God didn’t have to do anything but keep things as they were between Moses and Himself.  He chose to give special favor to His treasured friend so that the people would trust Moses when he gave instruction for the journey. 

Notice the point wasn’t so the people would trust God, but that they would believe the messages delivered to them by God through the "messenger" prophet Moses in the future. God was planting seed into the mindset of the Israelites.  It was another unselfish act of God to demonstrate His love for His special treasures.

Believe that You Are Special

Talk and praise are cheap when they don’t have love to back them.  In this lockdown situation people are really finding out the true colors of others and how they feel about them in the way they are responding to individual burdens. 

Feelings of loneliness, depression and anxiety are overwhelming, because some can’t fathom what it means to be loved unconditionally.  They don’t see a way out or hope beyond this lockdown.  Crying out in desperation they don’t feel heard or special in what they are going through, because so many others are experiencing the same thing.

This is why the message God spoke to Moses to tell the people was so important.  Jehovah wanted them to know their cries were heard and that they were His own specially loved treasures. 

I can’t recall a time when someone praised me simply because of who I was. Nor do I remember anyone ever saying I was special.  In fact, I was told the exact opposite!  Not thinking I was important really didn’t give me much confidence in succeeding in life, but that changed through learning about the love of God through Christ Jesus.

Coming to the understanding that God loves you not because of your gifts, talents or special abilities is eye-opening!  I think of it like this … God loved me so much that He picked special skills and selected attributes that would make me who I was, and I would love who I am (learning to like myself came first).

God already loved and fashioned me into who I am because He wanted me to love what He loved – me!  He planned for and wanted me, not someone "like" me, but flesh and bones literal me who He knew would mess-up and not always get things right!

I am favored by God not because of what I can bring to Him or do for Him, but because He first loved me so much that He wanted blessings to always be in my midst my entire life.

I totally get how King David felt when he wrote Psalm 23.

“Surely goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord (and His presence) shall be my dwelling place.” (Psalm 23:6)

These aren’t just words to make him feel good when things were going bad or when he had passed on to glory. They were words of hope for the living here on earth that helped David cope.  He knew that God’s promises were real and for him.  They are just as real for us here and now!

In verse six the term “goodness” means in the widest sense it is God’s pleasure to present to His precious treasure the most beautiful, best, bountiful, kindest, loving, cheerful things shall be in his favor (yours, mine or anyone who believes).

His mercy on me is kind implying beauty, favor and goodness.  This mercy gift of favor will follow, run after with intent to pursue, chase or hunt after me my entire life.

When you wholeheartedly believe this is true, the way you handle the unexpected challenges of life will be different because you are expecting God’s covenant favor to always be with you.  It’s a game and life changer!

This Week's Challenge:
Walking in Treasured Shoes

We are all either followers or leaders; at times we are to be both.  The question is which do you want to be and which are you actually called to be?

Not all of us are called to be a Moses, but all believers are called His special treasures, that means we too are responsible for a specific task that will benefit the Kingdom of God.  How you receive the Word of God in your spirit will determine the depth of favor that God will distribute to you.

This week I’d like you to put yourself in the shoes of the treasured Israelites.  Remember the times God has brought you out of a bad situation and into safety.  Recall how He heard your prayers through heartache or sorrow and was willing to provide a solution.

Then put yourself in the “special” shoes of Moses.  Did he see things as hopeless?  Think of his relationship to the people and God, and the calling on his life. 

How did Moses prepare to hear the voice of God that was different from the Israelites?  What was special about Moses that God was able to use him differently than the others?

"As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace." (Ephesians 6:15 NRSV)

In other words, prepare yourself to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news of the Gospel of peace through Jesus.  That will take belief and hope in a God that speaks to those who keep His commands.

As you engage with people, think back on the last time anyone said that you were special or a treasure to them.  What effect did it play in your life? 

Have you put on the special treasure shoes of belief?  God is waiting to come to you with answers and solutions that will bring favor into your life, but He needs you to obey and keep His covenant in order for Him to reveal Himself to you. 

During this time of separation from the public, don’t separate yourself from God and from His favor.  In this uncertain time, God is the only One that knows the future, so why not put your hope and trust in Him?

Face it, people will forget you, but God won’t. He has always called you by name, because He loves you like no one else does or can.

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name; You are Mine.

For I am the Lord your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
(from Isaiah 43:1-3 NKJV)

There is not one thing God doesn’t know about you, and He loves you anyway!  Isn’t it time you become one of His special treasures?  Read here to find out how.

Next time we'll continue with the second message God gave Moses for His special treasures.

P.S.  I have to report that God is faithful and my healing has been progressing steadily.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  I love and appreciate each of you!

Until next time, special treasures merit God’s favor! 

“I love giving favor to My special treasures.”
- Jesus Christ

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.

What’s New This Week: Click on Amazon links below.

Obey, Yahweh - Yahshua - Yeshua
Exodus 19:5 Shirts for Men, Women and Youth 
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Round neck Christian Apparel Tees
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Labels: Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Favor, Weekly Challenge, Bible Study,  Prayer, Hope, Pandemic, Guidance, Faithfulness, Covenant, Preparedness, Obedience, Bell's Palsy, Trust, Teaching Series