Friday, November 16, 2018

Limiting God’s Favor: Part 3

For the past two weeks we’ve been studying things that put the brakes on God’s hand limiting His favor.  From what you have “soaked up” I hope you have begun to invest in yourself by putting into practice the steps that you learned. 

Have you become a sponge head thirsty for knowledge?

I’d like to share with you one more thing that essentially prevents us from walking in Daily Favor from the Lord in order to achieve the calling on our lives.  You might be surprised to find out what the culprit may actually be that has stopped the dream of your life from coming to pass.  Want to take a guess?

Need to catch-up on the first two segments of this lesson?

Talk Yourself In

The number one reason why people don’t achieve their goals, dreams and vision is they believe the naysayers and talk themselves out of it by saying,

“I’ll never be able to … There’s no way … How can I possibly…?”

As soon as those thoughts pop into our thinking we need to nip it in the bud and start doing what King David did. 

When he got discouraged this believer would encourage (strengthen) himself in the Lord by praising God and speak faith.

In other words, when all the people turned against him David remembered what scriptures said and chose to believe God about his destiny over the lies mankind mockingly spoke.

“Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” (1 Samuel 30:6 NKJV)

If you are willing and obedient, the Lord will help you succeed.  Instead of talking yourself out of doing what God has placed in your heart, talk yourself in to believing “I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength to do whatever I need to achieve this.” (from Philippines 4:13 emphasis mine)

Not everyone is going to understand or believe in your dreams.  Even your family may not get it, but don’t quit.  If you recall, David's brothers didn't have an ounce of faith in his abilities to slay Goliath.  God saw the shepherd boy's faith and he had victory over this giant challenge!  What man saw as impossible, with God's help David saw as possible.

God gave this to you, not them.  They have their own dreams.  Remember your heritage as a child of God and tell yourself to keep going despite what others may think or say.

“Remember me, Lord, when You show favor to Your people;
    come near and rescue me.  Let me share in the prosperity
of Your chosen ones. Let me rejoice in the joy of Your people;
    let me praise You with those who are Your heritage.”
(Psalm 106:4-5 NLT)

Believe that God will rain down favor on you because of obedience to His Word. Remind yourself – it’s part of your inheritance as His child for believing in Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

If you can envision it you can live it.  Surround yourself with people that will stay in the fight with you, and believe me … it is a fight.  The last thing satan wants is for you to be happy and live the abundant life Jesus died for on the cross.   

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance
 (to the full, till it overflows). (John 10:10 AMPC)

Keep in mind though, with Jesus on your side you can do anything! The devil may be the dream killer, but glory to God, Jesus is the dream fulfiller!  

Let’s put this on the bottom shelf and translate the concept into words we can grasp or understand.  God will bring it into actuality, effect or make it real.  He will fulfill the promise, fulfill the dream, perform it, carry it out, meet the required conditions and simply satisfy the desire!

Now that we realize the vision or dream is something God put in our hearts, what should we do next?  Glad you asked.

Step 5 – Take steps toward your dream and vision.  
Do something!

Step Up and Step Out – Keep Swinging

Until we see what God sees in us, we’ll never become what He envisioned for us upon creation.  If we ever want to see more favor come into our lives we have to step up and step out as we seek God for guidance in becoming all He wants us to be.

You have to begin somewhere, so start with something simple. I remember when we were coaching Little League and this one little guy never got on base.  It was frustrating just to watch, let alone be the person everyone was staring at to see if he would ever hit the ball.

Well one day during practice my husband saw that he was getting nowhere with the boy.  He walked out to the pitcher’s mound and told the player, “Step up to the plate and swing; no matter where the ball is just swing and keep swinging!”

The rest of the team remained in the outfield waiting to see if Adam would hit the ball.  He began to swing and miss, swing and miss.  Instead of making fun of him, the team started cheering him on shouting,

 “This time you’ll get it ...
keep at it …

Finally after 70 pitches from Coach Hubby, Adam connected with the ball.  My husband's shoulder was sore, but our little ball player was ecstatic!  I've never seen such a happy fellow.

It barely got out of the infield, but it didn't matter.  Everyone jumped in excitement praising him because he hit the ball!  It changed Adam's attitude and the way he played the game.  His mindset was transformed from "I can’t" to "I can do this".

That season Adam turned out to be the best pitcher we had and never stopped hitting the ball.  At a tender age he learned the lesson that if you want a home run, you have to swing the bat!  

The point is Adam acted on the instruction he received. He stepped up to the plate and did something (kept swinging until he hit the ball) before he was able to step out on the field as a runner.

Just as no one can hit a ball without taking action,
no one can live their dream without stepping out in faith!

Speaking of stepping out … I have to tell you a little secret.  Remember my friend Champ (I shared the story in part 2)?  Well, he may have been new to teaching, but he was a whiz at computers. 

When we first met, I didn’t even know how to turn on a computer.  In the beginning I was convinced that I would blow it up by hitting something wrong.  Of course, he thought I was nuts, but he didn’t stop believing in me.

Champ slowly guided me step-by-step and practically commanded me to “get on the computer” now!  For months I asked questions and bugged the stuffing out of him if I didn’t understand something.  To this day he is still one of the most patient “believe in you” kind of person I’ve ever met!

Eventually I learned how to program my own tests, quizzes, study sheets and puzzles for the classroom.  Who would have thought my first website could be designed from a simple classroom program called Print Shop?  Was the program for websites?  No, but no one told me I couldn’t do it – so I did.  

I didn't see the "limits" so for me there weren't any.  If we could apply that kind of thinking to everything we did imagine what our lives would look like now!  

My colleague gave me the support needed to develop the skills God had already placed in me to pursue my calling.  Friends, God has placed specific talents and skills inside you to bring your dreams to pass.  He has placed people "out there" to help make it happen.  (Remember what scriptures says? "He grew in favor from God AND man.")  

I stepped out by passing on the knowledge and understanding from what I learned, which continued to build my skills.  Although I wasn't an expert, that confidence led me to teaching others (including my mother) about simple computer basics.  Neither Champ or I knew what the future would bring, but God did by putting two people in position for the favor that we'd individually enjoy in walking out our dreams and vision.

This Week’s Challenge: 
Believe in Limitless Favor

If we thought about how often we've put a stop sign in front of God when it comes to limiting His favor on a situation, it would probably bring us to tears.  Thankfully, the grace (unlimited favorof God forgives a repentant heart. He is loving, kind, patient and never gives up because His vision for us is greater than we could ever think or imagine.

Friends you have to learn to invest in yourself and your dreams; God has!  He believes in you, because He placed the gifts and talents that are within you to achieve the “good end” that was promised from before your birth.

“I will bless you with a future filled with hope — a future of success,
not of suffering. (Jeremiah 29:11 CEV)

“I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord.  “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you.
 I will give you hope and a good future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NCV)

God gave the promise of a blessing for favor to those who keep His commands by being obedient to Him.

If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform (do) them, I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm, establish and ratify My covenant with you.”
 (from Leviticus 26:3, 9 emphasis mine)

The time is NOW to get focused on what you really want to accomplish in life.  Dig your heels into the ground and stay determined to finish well.

Listen to motivational Bible teaching daily and change how you think about your life.  Ask loads of questions and study, study, study your field becoming a sponge of knowledge.  Then be bold knowing that God has given you everything you need to succeed and take steps in moving toward your dream or vision.

Jesus is telling you to trust Him when He says,

No boundaries … release Me … take off the limits!

Start believing that the Daily Favor God wants to pour into your life is limitless.  There is no end to the things He desires for you and all of it is good!

If this article has encouraged or helped you please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.

Until next time, God’s favor is limitless!

I have unlimited favor – want some?
-        Jesus Christ

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Note: Emphasis may be given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take away from the inspirited Word of God.

When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives.

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues but is geared toward spiritual awareness.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Unless noted, scripture reference in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  Image credit:  Sponge Head  Encourage Yourself   Little League Batter  Creative Common License if not specified.  

News from Fay, Where Faith and Favor Meet, Favor of God, Favor, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Limiting Gods Favor, Israel and New Breed, TD Jakes, Teaching Series, Vision Live Your Dream.