Friday, August 30, 2024

Favor Is A Gift from God

Eighty and Fabulous Gift Set
On Tuesday, August 27th my husband and I had the pleasure of going to lunch with a friend who was turning a fabulous 80 years old!  Tris is spunky, funny, dresses to the nines, full of smiles, and without a crook in her walk.  She is full of life and a delight to be around.

We arrived at the restaurant and had parked when here she comes, right up behind us with a big grin on her face.  In a flash, Tris was on our heels with a stretched-out arm shouting, “I got the door.”

Entering the dining area the hostess instructed us to sit where we liked.  Plunking her pocketbook on the floor she pulled out her chair and started in on a story.  Oh no … it was not long before we were laughing anticipating the outcome of her “swallowed tooth” story!  We were not disappointed.

During our conversation, she was excited over showing off the new pink coffee mug gift set to her senior girlfriend group – the “magnificent seven,” and that she was going to bring it next time they met for dinner.   Her response sent us over the moon knowing it was something she liked.

I’m glad you liked our gift and these are for you.” I said handing her a yellow bouquet of flowers and dripping water all over the table from the carry sack in which they were contained.  I quickly began sopping up the water with napkins when she took the flowers and leaned them up against her purse on the floor.

Pushing a small chocolate cream cake next to her plate I said, “This is for you as well.”  Putting down her fork she smiled and picked up the dessert. “Ooooh, let’s just eat this!”  She read my mind!

As we sat at the table I explained to our server that we were celebrating my friend’s birthday and shared her age.  Looking at her the lady acted surprised and could not believe it.  I felt the same and thought God surely renewed her youth just like it says in His word.

Abounding in Benefits

There are many “benefits” as the Bible calls it, described for those who accept and follow Christ as their Savior according to Psalm 103.  God blesses the soul, forgives sins, heals diseases, supplies good things, and even renews our bodies to name a few of those salvation benefits. 

However, there are more promises from God that go far beyond the few mentioned in this passage and one is His favor.  In verse 4 of that same chapter, it states how God gives lovingkindness and mercy.

“Who redeems your life from destruction (saves you from going to hell), Who crowns (adorns, encircles) you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.”

The word “mercies” from the original Hebrew translation of this verse means that God has compassion for us from the beginning; we are cherished with great love from before we are born.  Here God implies that He cherishes, takes pity on, and has tender mercy for the fetus acknowledging it is a living being He loves.

8) “The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy (great in mercy).

In verse eight “merciful” means God is compassionate and full of mercy. Moving down in the blessing list of benefits we see the word mercy again several times, only it does not mean the same as in the previous verses.

Pick up with the last part of verse 8:

" ... and plenteous in mercy (great in mercy).

11) For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear (revere) Him.

12) As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions (confessed sins) from us.

17) … but the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children’s children;

18) To such as keep His covenant, and to those that remember His commandments to do them."

If we look at verses 8b (the term mercy), 11 and 17, the same word means a great deal more than God’s great compassion.  It includes: kindness, goodness, mercy, beauty and yes – favor referring to the person in reference.  

Not only does God give favor, He abounds in it!  These things cannot be bought, worked for, or earned, but are given freely from the Lord because of His mercy (compassion).

If you are born again God's favor is automatically on your life and available the moment you asked Jesus into your life and heart.  Favor is a gift from God if you are a believer, but many Christians do not know or realize it.  Even more they do not know how to walk in God's favor or recognize it in their daily lives.

Scriptures teach in Psalm 3:8 that the blessing of the Lord is on His people.  We can ask for favor on certain situations or increase of favor, but the initial blessing of favor (compassionate mercy) we do not need to ask for because it is already on you as a child of God’s. 

Every person who trusts Jesus as their Savior under the New Testament covenant, becomes an heir to the promises God made to Abraham.  We are identified as "seed" and “joint heirs with Jesus,” therefore qualifying us as heirs to the covenant promise made to Abraham in the Old Testament.

Upon salvation every individual receives the blessing of God that includes His favor.  They go together and cannot be separated.

Unfortunately, most Christians only believe in salvation that grants them a place in Heaven one day; they never walk in God's blessing or favor even though it is available to every child of God.  It cannot be earned, bought, or worked for … it is a gift!

It was one year ago since we first met sweet Tris at a water dispenser in Walmart, and a few weeks later we were honored to celebrate her 79th birthday at her home.  After a wonderful time of fellowship, she shared her love for Jesus and we ended the afternoon in a time of prayer and blessings.

I am not sure how much she knows about God’s favor or understands the depth of it, but pray she will experience this gift from the Lord in ways more than she could ever ask or think.  My prayer is the same for you!

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV)

            Until next time, Favored Blessings

*For those who trust in Jesus Christ, God gives the promise of life here but also the gift of eternal life (in Heaven; a Kingdom that cannot be shaken) as an inheritance of being His child.  If you would like to have this gift also, click here to learn more.

*Names in articles are not used but changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.

Fay aka Favored1 on TwitterYou TubePinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Unless noted, scripture reference in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  Image Creative Common License if not specified. 

Tags: Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Fay Ann Daniels,  Favor from God, Favor, Blessings, Salvation, Senior, Godly Woman, Psalm 103