Monday, August 19, 2024

Grace and Favor Homes

Last summer when doing research for writing, I came across some rather interesting information that might not be public knowledge.  Perhaps those living outside the United States are aware of this and find it is common practice in their country, but it was something I deemed worthy of sharing. 

Did you know that certain members who work for the United Kingdom Royal family are often gifted homes somewhere on the royal estate properties during their time of service?  I did not, but found it fascinating and a nice benefit that most are not privileged to receive ever in a lifetime. 

These properties are referred to as “grace and favor” homes.  Being able to live rent or mortgage free is one perk for the chosen few.  Although this is a financially great benefit, in the end, these homes are not theirs to keep.  At some point the grace and favor eventually runs out for every individual, returning the use of the home to the owner(s).  

Who owns these properties you ask?  The government, big-ticket companies, or mega corporations?  No, but that would have been a good guess.  

They are owned by the Crown Estate (belonging to the reigning Queen or King) and are official temporary residences of the individuals whose work falls in line with national importance.  It is a type of “renewal” for services given to the current monarchy.  This is a privilege reserved for those associated directly to the royal family. 

The idea of a grace and favor home began under the reign of King George 3rd in 1760 when he chose not to keep his main place of living at Hampton Court Palace.  He preferred to use Kew Palace as the royal residence.  The King made the decision to turn the Hampton Court Palace into a large house for residents.  People would apply for an apartment if they served the Crown or state in any number of roles which included head gardeners, military leaders, diplomats or others holding a royal title. 

In the past, there have been many individuals, as well as heads of state governments who have stayed in dozens of the great favor homes or properties; an estimate of over 140 homes or apartments spread across England, Scotland and Ireland. 

An example of a grace and favor home is Frogmore Cottage which is located on the Windsor Castle estate near the actual much larger Frogmore House.  It is a residence reserved for the current Duke and Duchess of Sussex.  Former “hosts” as it is called included Queen Victoria’s Mother, Queen Charlotte and even Queen Mary.  (Original cottage in above photo.)

Currently, the King’s niece, Princess Eugenie, and her husband Jack, are living there.  However, this is subject to change at any given moment if her role changes and she no longer works for the Crown in some manner.  Regardless of how close one is to the royals a time comes when they must leave regardless of their status or rank if their service to the throne is no longer active. 

The Bible talks about Kingdom homes that God has prepared for those who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior.  No one pays for nor needs to renovate them in any way.  They are beautifully and completely prepared for each believing individual by God Himself.  

Jesus gave these words of comfort to those who believed in Him:  

“Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid).  You believe confidently in God, believe in Me (have faith in, rely on).  In My Father’s house are many mansions, dwelling places. 

If it were not so (true), I would have told you, because I go to prepare a place for you.  I go and prepare a place for you and will come back and will take you to Myself (in Heaven), so that where I am you may be also.” (from John 14:1-3) 

Just like the “grace and favor” homes of the King or Queen, God's promise of a dwelling place in Heaven are also reserved for the chosen.  There is something uniquely different though between the two kingdoms.  

Unlike the earthly royal homes, anyone who believes in Jesus as God's Son will one day live in a grace and favor home that is especially hand-crafted just for them and it is for eternity.  

In the end, those who follow Christ receive a much better royal benefit from KING Jesus.  Through God's grace gift of salvation, we will receive His unmerited favor to a place in Heaven, a favored home for all those who chose to believe God.

Until next time, Favored Blessings

*For those who trust in Jesus Christ, God gives the promise of life here but also the gift of eternal life (in Heaven; a Kingdom that cannot be shaken) as an inheritance of being His child.  If you would like to have this gift also, click here to learn more.

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.

Fay aka Favored1 on TwitterYou TubePinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Unless noted, scripture reference in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  Image Creative Common License if not specified.  Image

Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Fay Ann Daniels, Grace and Favor, Grace and Favor Homes, Salvation, God's Benefit Package, Royal Homes, Heaven, Historic Royal Homes, Frogmore Cottage, Royalty, UK Royal Homes