Friday, July 5, 2024

Dealing with Life’s Distractions: Part 3

 Dealing with Life's Distractions: Part 3  

A Day in the life of ....

Distraction #3 - Errands and Scheduling Fix: Value the Moments

Part of the training I do with hubby includes helping him regain his freedom to do things safely, and that takes an enormous amount of time and patience that are not figured into normal vision plans.  For him, it falls in line with daily goal setting, which in turn becomes vision manifested in his healing and liberty to do things on his own. 

Although his goals and vision are part of my daily life, they are not always part of my personal vision or goals for me specifically and vice versa.  I need to work both into the schedule and that is not always easy, which often brings in more distractions (from the vision or life goals).

I'm often asked, "How are you doing everything you're doing without getting overwhelmed?"  Who said I do not feel overwhelmed?  There are times when in tears I reach a breaking point like everyone else, and when I feel that happening, I run to God and ASK for Him to intercede with strength, favor, and wisdom for that moment.

I may need to do it over and over on some days, but every single time the Holy Spirit helps me discern why I am feeling the way I am and how to snap out of it so that I cause no harm to anyone in poor decision making.  Here are some things I do to "fix" a situation (or counteract possible distractions) so that both my husband and I are achieving all God wants us to be as we journey toward our life vision.

Daily Goal Setting Toward the Vision

When I know my husband has an appointment or we need to go out for errands, the following day is more relaxed so he can regroup.  I make it a part of the plan so the current goal is within short reach for him, plus it allows me to get other things on the "to-do" list done that do not require him relearning something.  Sometimes this results in me staying up all night to watch over him if his medications are off, so I take that time to work online (I am doing that right now and have for this entire teaching series).

The next morning while he is awake, he does training for reading aloud, recites his affirmations or reviews what he wants to do that day.  I then get a few hours sleep because he is not out doing anything that requires my help and he can also rest if needed after four hours of taking his medications.

Our schedule changes according to his needs, which affects my day and what goals get finished.  My daily planner and journaling are essential tools for helping achieve short term goals without getting discouraged or down on myself.  The joy in the journey is that he is getting better and that vision of total restoration for him is my heart's greatest desire.

Blocking time is a skill I learned from teaching when writing out daily or weekly lesson plans.  Truly, I do not know what I would do without it.  This has been so valuable in maintaining some sense of discipline over my schedule and in goal setting.

(A little inside tip.  If you are having issues with getting your days on track by failing to block out your hourly time, go invest in a simple teacher's schedule yearly planner. Forget all the other stuff it has and only use the weekly block planner for time management. It will change your life and help you get more done.  You will be stress free and your weekends will once more be fun and not work loaded. Use your other planners if you like for lists, goals, and other things.)

While washing dishes or doing laundry and at bedtime I listen to teaching or educational podcasts.  These encourage me to stay focused on my goals and vision despite what is happening at the time.  Faith filled messages give me strength not to give up when I feel my get up has plumb got up and gone!

You may have noticed the lack of television viewing, and that is because we do not have "TV" networking channels that come in our area without internet or cable.  We have a set for DVD use only and that is usually for movie night, which is part of the schedule on weekends.    

Paying for tv has never been a part of our marriage and we do not feel we are missing out on anything.  So movie nights are always special and full of our favorite snacks.

Write, Write and Write Some More

I study and write daily even though it is hard to get online, journal my prayers and thankfulness, and keep an ongoing checklist of what goals were achieved that day.

In keeping everything in control including errands, before I go to bed each night I write the list of things that need to be done for the next day (another thing I learned from teaching six or seven levels in one special needs classroom).  I write two lists, one for my husband (like I did for my students) and one for me to help each of us stay on target so that we can spend more time together in the evening not doing tasks or chores.

My list has everything on it for the day, including things like: wash hair, cut his hair, sort mail, check the propane tank, call the doctor, go to pharmacy, groom the pets, replace light bulb, fertilize plants, etc.  Even little things get put on the schedule, because it is easy to think you have done nothing when in reality you have been working all day. 

Writing things down in a daily schedule builds confidence and is rewarding to see things actually are working out for your good as God intended. Plus it helps you not listen to the enemy when he tries to tell you otherwise.

Hubby's list has two or three things on it so he does not become overwhelmed and it is written on a dry erase board on the refrigerator to keep it before his eyes as scripture says in Habakkuk 2:2.

"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he (everyone who passes by) may be able to read it easily at a quick glance."

He knows exactly what to do and what he wants to do for that day.  When the task is finished, he checks it off and when I see it done, I erase it.  It is rewarding to see a clean board for both of us.  

Sometimes it may take days or the entire week before he finishes one thing, but that is okay.  He knows to work on it the next day and I do not add to his list until he finishes what he wants to do on that board.  The board lists his goals not daily tasks so it is entirely up to him whether it gets done or not, and it is in his timing not mine.

For his "to do" list, he keeps a steno notebook by him so he can refer to it all day.  He writes everything and anything he wants to remember on that pad. I have used steno pads for my daily writing since my high school stenographer classes, so he was used to me doing it and followed in what I do.  It seemed natural so he just does it on his own.

At night I get his medications and vitamins ready for the next day; morning and night.  I take these from the weekly containers I assemble on Saturday's this way I only have the "big" distribution count once a week.

After I give my husband the medication(s) throughout the day, it is his responsibility to write them down on a charted paper on the refrigerator so he remembers he took it.  I keep a watch to see if he misses writing anything down and remind him to do it.  This helps him keep track of what day of the week it is, time management and have some control over his medical health needs. 

Schedule Down Time

Regardless to how busy we may be, there is always time for a fun picnic lunch in our back yard and we do this all year long.  When we eat meals, we do not spend time on our phones, but actually talk to one another.  What a concept!

No matter how life is treating you, make sure to spend more quality and quiet time with the ones you love and rebuild your relationship continually.

We have learned to value the moment you are in at the time.  It is kind of hard to stay stressed when watching birds or squirrels during a meal.  By the time you are finished eating, you are relaxed and ready to get back to your day.

Our schedule has become extremely flexible and we are not upset if things do not always look the neatest around the house or get done as planned.  When they do, we celebrate ... really, because another goal is reached and we are one step closer to the dream or vision being manifested.  All the little steps count!

Over all, what gets done God knew would get done, and we are finally okay with that.

Three Things that Make It All Work: 
Wisdom, Discernment and Favor

My husband and I have learned that there are certain things that mesh everything you want to achieve together.  We ask God for wisdom, discernment, and favor in each goal making decision and we take this seriously.  

Everyone deals with the things I've discussed in this series including various errands and all it takes to keep a household going; we are no different in encountering these challenges.  Asking God to grant you wisdom, discernment and favor is key in not giving up on a dream, goal or vision when you feel like nothing is going right.  Using these tools from the Lord will help you reach any goal in life, despite all the distractions that sometimes take you off course. 

What I am about to share next time may not seem to be vision related, however, it does help us achieve what is important at any given moment, which includes living a goal-oriented life.

Until next time, Favored Blessings

My Goals Planner: Write the Vision Make it Plain Habakkuk 2:2
Undated Christian goal setting notebook designed to help you get
super clear goals and take action steps to reach them.

*For those who trust in Jesus Christ, God gives the promise of life here but also the gift of eternal life (in Heaven; a Kingdom that cannot be shaken) as an inheritance of being His child.  If you would like to have this gift also, click here to learn more.

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.

Fay aka Favored1 on TwitterYou TubePinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Unless noted, scripture reference in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  Image Creative Common License if not specified.  Image

Welcome,  Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Fay Ann Daniels, Distractions, Goal Setting, Goals, Vision, Ask God, Solutions, Problem, VIsion and Goal Planner