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What's Happening this Weekend?
Happy Thanksgiving
November 24th - 30th
24 Thanksgiving - A time to be thankful.
25 Black Friday - Friday after Thanksgiving
25 National Parfait Day
25 You're Welcome Day - the day after Thanksgiving
26 Shopping Reminder Day
27 Advent begins
27 Pins and Needles Day
28 French Toast Day
28 Cyber Monday
28 Make Your Own Head Day
28 Red Planet Day
29 Square Dance Day
30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day
May 25th-31st, 2016
25 Tap Dance Day
26 Sally Ride Day
27 Sun Screen Day
28 Amnesty International Day
28 International Jazz Day - Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.
29 Learn About Composting Day
30 Memorial Day last Monday of month.
30 Water a Flower Day
31 National Macaroon Day
31 Save Your Hearing Day
31 World No Tobacco Day
Happy New Year - 2015!
Start with some sparks!
9 National Static Electricity Day
10 National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
11 Cigarettes Are Hazardous To Your Health Day
11 Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
11 National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
11 Stephen Foster Day
Activities to Sing about
19 Look for an Evergreen Day
19 Oatmeal Muffin Day
20 Go Caroling Day
21 Forefather's Day
21 National Flashlight Day
21 Look on the Bright Side Day
Keeping the Holiday Spirit
Let's have some fun!
12 Poinsettia Day
12 Ugly Sweater Day
13 Ice Cream Day
13 Tic Tac Toe Day
13 Violin Day
13 Gingerbread House Decorating Day
13 National Cocoa Day
14 International Children's Day
14 National Bouillabaisse Day
Welcome December
with these activities.
5 World Soil Day
5 National Salesperson Day
6 Mitten Tree Day
6 Ear Muff Day
6 Put on your own Shoes Day
7 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
7 International Civil Aviation Day
7 National Cotton Candy Day
7 Letter Writing Day
November Farewell ...
but we're leaving dancing.
28 Black Friday
28 Buy Nothing Day - I guess so there is no pressure!
28 National Day of Listening
28 National Native American Heritage Day
28 Make Your Own Head Day - yes, this is for real!
28 Flossing Day
28 Your Welcoming Giving Day
28 Red Planet Day
28 Fur Free Friday
28 You're Welcome Day - the day after Thanksgiving
28 Sinkie Day - eat leftovers over the sink
28 Maize Day - the day after Thanksgiving
29 National Day of Giving
29 Small Business Saturday
29 Square Dance Day
29 Electronic Greetings Day
30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day - after church of course.
Gotta Enjoy this Day
the weekend is on ...
21 World Hello Day
22 Go For a Ride Day
22 National Adoption Day
23 Eat a Cranberry Day
23 National Cashew Day
Have A "Beary" Good Weekend
Fall Fun
Friday: 14 National American Teddy Bear Day
14 Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
14 Operating Room Nurse Day
14 National Spicy Guacamole Day
14 World Diabetes Day
14 International Girls Day
Saturday: 15 Clean Your Refrigerator Day
15 I Love to Write Day
15 America Recycles Day
15 National Bundt Pan Day
15 National Philanthropy Day
15 Play Mobil's National Day of Play
15 Guinness Book of Records Day
Sunday: 16 Have a Party With Your Bear Day
First Weekend
5/2 Baby Day
5/2 Brothers and Sisters Day (Call or do something after your rest time.)
5/2 International Tuba Day - first Friday in May
5/2 Space Day - first Friday in May
5/3 Lumpy Rug Day
5/3 World Press Freedom Day
5/4 Bird Day
5/4 National Candied Orange Peel Day (Really?)
5/4 Renewal Day (Perfect for the challenge!)
5/4 Star Wars Day (Honestly, this one will be hard for some of you!)
Pretty Amazing Little Kitties
"A number of them (I'm not sure what they mean by that) are rife with spelling issues and I to find it very bothersome to inform the truth however I will certainly come back again."
Happy Thanksgiving
November 24th - 30th
24 Thanksgiving - A time to be thankful.
25 Black Friday - Friday after Thanksgiving
25 National Parfait Day
25 You're Welcome Day - the day after Thanksgiving
26 Shopping Reminder Day
27 Advent begins
27 Pins and Needles Day
28 French Toast Day
28 Cyber Monday
28 Make Your Own Head Day
28 Red Planet Day
29 Square Dance Day
30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day
May 25th-31st, 2016
25 Tap Dance Day
26 Sally Ride Day
27 Sun Screen Day
28 Amnesty International Day
28 International Jazz Day - Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.
29 Learn About Composting Day
30 Memorial Day last Monday of month.
30 Water a Flower Day
31 National Macaroon Day
31 Save Your Hearing Day
31 World No Tobacco Day
Happy New Year - 2015!
Start with some sparks!
9 National Static Electricity Day
10 National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
11 Cigarettes Are Hazardous To Your Health Day
11 Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
11 National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
11 Stephen Foster Day
Activities to Sing about
19 Look for an Evergreen Day
19 Oatmeal Muffin Day
20 Go Caroling Day
21 Forefather's Day
21 National Flashlight Day
21 Look on the Bright Side Day
Keeping the Holiday Spirit
Let's have some fun!
12 Poinsettia Day
12 Ugly Sweater Day
13 Ice Cream Day
13 Tic Tac Toe Day
13 Violin Day
13 Gingerbread House Decorating Day
13 National Cocoa Day
14 International Children's Day
14 National Bouillabaisse Day
Welcome December
with these activities.
5 World Soil Day
5 National Salesperson Day
6 Mitten Tree Day
6 Ear Muff Day
6 Put on your own Shoes Day
7 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
7 International Civil Aviation Day
7 National Cotton Candy Day
7 Letter Writing Day
November Farewell ...
but we're leaving dancing.
28 Black Friday
28 Buy Nothing Day - I guess so there is no pressure!
28 National Day of Listening
28 National Native American Heritage Day
28 Make Your Own Head Day - yes, this is for real!
28 Flossing Day
28 Your Welcoming Giving Day
28 Red Planet Day
28 Fur Free Friday
28 You're Welcome Day - the day after Thanksgiving
28 Sinkie Day - eat leftovers over the sink
28 Maize Day - the day after Thanksgiving
29 National Day of Giving
29 Small Business Saturday
29 Square Dance Day
29 Electronic Greetings Day
30 Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day - after church of course.
Gotta Enjoy this Day
the weekend is on ...
21 World Hello Day
22 Go For a Ride Day
22 National Adoption Day
23 Eat a Cranberry Day
23 National Cashew Day
Have A "Beary" Good Weekend
Fall Fun
Friday: 14 National American Teddy Bear Day
14 Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
14 Operating Room Nurse Day
14 National Spicy Guacamole Day
14 World Diabetes Day
14 International Girls Day
Saturday: 15 Clean Your Refrigerator Day
15 I Love to Write Day
15 America Recycles Day
15 National Bundt Pan Day
15 National Philanthropy Day
15 Play Mobil's National Day of Play
15 Guinness Book of Records Day
Sunday: 16 Have a Party With Your Bear Day
First Weekend
Something with a twist
7 Bittersweet Chocolate with Almond Day
8 Cook Something Bold Day
9 World Freedom Day
9 International Tongue Twister Day
November is World Vegan Month
Hello November
Sharing & Caring
31 National Forgiveness Day
31 Knock-Knock Joke Day
31 National Caramel Apple Day
31 National Girl Scout Founder's Day
3 Housewife's Day (Monday - head's up guys)
Time to Make A Difference
Sharing & Caring
25 Make a Difference Day - Help change a life.
25 World Pasta Day - Have a recipe to share?
Extra, Extra the Weekend News
Reporting fun for everyone!
17 Wear Something Gaudy Day - over the top fun and unusual
18 International Newspaper Carrier Day - the date changes yearly
18 No Beard Day - good day to go for the clean shaved look
18 Sweetest Day - give a sweet to a shut-in, orphan or widow
19 Evaluate Your Life Day - good time to get back to God
Shiploads of Fun
Celebrating Columbus Day
10 National Angel Food Cake Day - I love this cake!
10 World Egg Day - lots of recipes for this one.
11 It's My Party Day - something special
12 Cookbook Launch Day - gather family recipes for an eBook
12 Old Farmer's Day - honor a farmer for their great harvest
13 Columbus Day - Actual day is the 12th
Hello October
Cool things happening ...
3 World Smile Day but we can do this everyday!
5 Do Something Nice Day and everyday :)
5 World Teacher's Day - honor a special teacher in your life
Farewell September
Closing out with ...
26 Native American Day - 4th Friday
27 International Rabbit Day - 4th Saturday
Argh Matey ...
Treasures for this weekend.
19 International Talk Like A Pirate Day Try not to annoy everyone!
19 POW/MIA Recognition Day - 3rd Friday in September
21 National Women's Friendship Day - 3rd Sunday in September
21 World Gratitude Day I'm thankful for all my Daily Favor friends!
What's Shakin' this weekend?
Summer isn't quite over ...
12 National Video Games Day (but not at work!)
14 National Cream-Filled Donut Day (here we go again Brenda!)
Hello September
Setting aside time for grandparents
6 Read a Book Day I've got loads of suggestions. See them here.
7 Grandparent's Day - time for making memories.
7 Neither Rain nor Snow Day - it's not what you think!
Foodies Beware
Let's make some snacks this weekend.
Are You Seeing Angels?
What can we do for others?
22 Be an Angel Day - A great day for stewardship
22 National Tooth Fairy Day - also February 28
23 Ride the Wind Day - Try a balloon ride or fly a kite.
24 Vesuvius Day - Why not read about this date with the kids?
Is Relaxation in the Forecast?
What looks interesting?
15 Relaxation Day - I'm ready for this now!
A Stay at Home Weekend
Spend some time in quietness.
8 Take Zucchini to Your Neighbor's Porch Day - Or any veggies for that matter!
9 Book Lover's Day - a good day to check out the Daily Favor Book of the Week
10 National S'mores Day - make some to share with a friend.
Hello August!
This weekend is packed with fun things.
First Sunday of the month has some special events.
Ready, Set ...Cook
Why not whip up something for the folks?
25 Culinarians Day Plan on having guest.
25 Threading the Needle Day Need a magnifying glass?
26 Aunt and Uncle Day Leftovers are a no-no!
27 Parent's Day (fourth Sunday in July)
27 Take Your Pants for a Walk Day I want to do this. Have an extra leash?
Lucy, somethins smellin' fishy!
Well of course Ricky ...
18 National Caviar Day- so that's what the big stink is. Not so bad!
20 Moon Day
20 National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday of July)
20 Ugly Truck Day- it's a "guy" thing - I don't get it.
What's Going on?
This week's blog goes perfectly with Friday's activity.
11 Cheer up the Lonely Day A good day to give an encouraging book.
11 World Population Day Some is counting?
12 Different Colored Eyes Day Do you know anyone?
12 Pecan Pie Day My brother-in-laws favorite.
13 Barbershop Music Appreciation Day Not telling hubby this one!
13 Embrace Your Geekness Day We do that every day!
July Starts of with a Bang
After the fireworks what is there to do?
This weekend is "picture" perfect!
Gather the kids, friends & pets for summer fun & sun.
Today - June 24th
It's 24 Swim a Lap Day but I think I'll just walk.
What can we do this weekend?
Family fun has just begun.
First be sure to visit the new site: Daily Favor Blog Book List
How Important is Your Word?
Saturday I decided that I would try a spinach calzone based on the salesgirl's word.
Since I still had some shopping to do in the mall I told her I would stop back and pick it up when I was about to leave.
When I returned for my calzone she had sold it. I asked her why she did that when I said I would be back. Her response was that she needed to sell it before she left. Continuing the conversation I reminded her that I said I would be back for it and kept my word. I kept mine, but she didn't keep hers.
In the end we had a wonderful exchange. I explained to her that I was only making a point and that I understood what she sold "my" calzone, since she didn't know me nor did she know I would return. I wanted her to realize that there is still hope in this world and that she should look for opportunities to "believe."
Whether or not others keep their word isn't the issue. How important is keeping your word to you? Tell me what you think?
Happy Father's Day Weekend
First be sure to visit the new site: Daily Favor Blog Book List
Need ideas for family fun? 7 Super Summer Suggestions for Siblings
14 Flag Day
14 World Juggler's Day - Saturday closest to June 17th
15 Father's Day - third Sunday
June is here!
This weekend prepare to have the best time with friends & family.
6 National Doughnut Day - first Friday in June
6 National Gardening Exercise Day- Melt away pounds and exercise in the garden.
7 National Trails Day - first Saturday in June
Ending with the New
We close out May & welcome June
30 Traditional Memorial Day
31 National Macaroon Day - can't wait for this
Hello June
Kick off the holiday weekend
24 International Jazz Day - Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.
26 Memorial Day
Some much to do this weekend!
You won't lack for fun with all these activities.
16 Love a Tree Day
16 National Bike to Work Day - third Friday of month
16 National Sea Monkey Day
16 Wear Purple for Peace Day
17 Armed Forces Day - third Saturday of month
17 Pack Rat Day
18 International Museum Day
18 No Dirty Dishes Day (This must mean eating out!)
18 Visit Your Relatives Day (Hey, what's for dinner!)
It's OK ...
16 National Bike to Work Day - third Friday of month
16 National Sea Monkey Day
16 Wear Purple for Peace Day
17 Armed Forces Day - third Saturday of month
17 Pack Rat Day
18 International Museum Day
18 No Dirty Dishes Day (This must mean eating out!)
18 Visit Your Relatives Day (Hey, what's for dinner!)
It's OK ...
Some of you taking the challenge have said that you haven't been able to finish the assignment of getting your alone time with the Lord. It's OK, don't get discouraged or give up on the task. It will come.
You have also mentioned that you didn't ask God to reveal a place and time. Do that and see what happens. You're doing fine ... keep at it with song :)
What's on ...
9 Lost Sock Memorial Day
9 Military Spouses Day - Friday before Mother's Day
9 Military Spouses Day - Friday before Mother's Day
10 Birth Mother's Day - Saturday before Mother's Day
10 International Migratory Bird Day the second Saturday in May
10 National Train Day- dates vary
11 Mother's Day - second Sunday in May
Do me a Favor ...
Would you please leave a comment letting me know where you are from? I don't think I'm getting everyone and wouldn't want to leave anyone off the list. Thanks!
So, where have you been?
Where did your "Be" time with God take you? Leave a comment or send me a photo.
Get Ready for A Real Time Weekend
Although all this is going on,
you can't do it until after you've done the challenge. If you don't, you know you won't.
5/2 Baby Day
5/2 Brothers and Sisters Day (Call or do something after your rest time.)
5/2 International Tuba Day - first Friday in May
5/2 Space Day - first Friday in May
5/3 Lumpy Rug Day
5/3 World Press Freedom Day
5/4 Bird Day
5/4 National Candied Orange Peel Day (Really?)
5/4 Renewal Day (Perfect for the challenge!)
5/4 Star Wars Day (Honestly, this one will be hard for some of you!)
Pretty Amazing Little Kitties
Rescue kitty Figaro is doing fine. He had surgery yesterday on his face/mouth. He's an older cat with only 6 teeth, but today he did eat. His tongue still sticks out from a tumor he had in his throat. He was supposed to be put down five years, but is still here. We prayed and the tumor is gone!
Mr. Fluff is also doing really well after his surgery last week for a broken jaw. He now has a pin in it and is starting to eat soft foods. What precious babies.
Busy Weekend Ahead ...
4/25 East meets West Day
4/25 World Penguin Day
4/26 Hug an Australian Day (or friend)
4/26 National Pretzel Day
4/27 Tell a Story Day
Happy Resurrection Weekend
Praise God, Jesus is Alive!
Appreciate Your Faithfulness
I just wanted to thank everyone for being so faithful in traveling with me for the Inner Journey towards God. You are such an encouragement to me and keep me humbled by your support. Thank you for all the blessings you bring me each time you click on Daily Favor. (4/16/14)
Comment Answer
Today 4(/15) I received an anonymous comment stating the following:

Let me assure my readers (as an English teacher) that all my writing is checked several times before publishing by at least two people. Since I cannot respond to the person, I need to do it here. There are no spelling errors in the English language in Friday's post.
However, there may be "slang" or abbreviations that other countries are not familiar with, so I apologize for that. In future, remember we're all human ... that was the point of the post. If anyone does see a problem though, please be specific. Thanks.
Also (like the person who left this comment), I will not post anyone who has spammed my site.
Why did I post this? Normally I would let it go, but we're walking out this journey and I wanted to share that I wasn't offended by the comment. I appreciate each one of you.
Now go out and have a great week ... and don't get offended!
What's happening this weekend?
4/13 Scrabble Day
Did you celebrate these?
4/4 Vitamin C Day
4/5 Everyday is Tag Day
4/5 International Pillow Fight Day
4/8 Draw A Bird Day
4/9 Name Yourself Day
4/10 Natl. Siblings Day, Golfer's Day &
Encourage Young Writer's Day
Good-bye March ...
3/28 Something on a Stick Day
3/29 National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
3/30 National Doctor's Day
3/30 I am in Control Day
3/30 Take a Walk in the Park Day
3/29 National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
3/30 National Doctor's Day
3/30 I am in Control Day
3/30 Take a Walk in the Park Day
Happy Spring!
Have you seen my new Pinterest site? It has lots of ideas for home, garden, gifts, recipes and holiday ideas. Tell a friend,
Friday, March 15th is:
National Quilting Day - third Saturday of month
Friday, March 14th is:
Why today? Because today is 3.14, the value of Pi.
International Ask A Question Day
Moth - er Day
Friday, March 7th is:
Today is National Polar Bear Day
February 27th, 2014
What will you do to celebrate?
Get ideas here.
It's Carnival Day
February 26th, 2014
What makes you smile at the carnival?
What makes you smile at the carnival?
Be Humble Day
February 21st, 2014
Try laughing at your spouses jokes even if they aren't really too funny.
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone
February 14th, 2014
I hope your day is favored with beautiful people and things!
A few ideas to make your day a little more special ...
A few ideas to make your day a little more special ...
P.S. I Love You Gifts
For some, saying "I love you" comes quite easily. They don't have a problem expressing their feelings openly. But for others it can be quite difficult, and that's...
Easy Chocolate Cheesecake
Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts. Add chocolate with cheesecake and it becomes
- yet another "love" of my life. In doing my research I found that this...
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