Friday, June 28, 2024

Dealing with Life's Distractions: Part 2

Dealing with Life's Distractions: Part 2

Distraction #1 - The County Fair Fix: I ASKED God for help! 

Being an instructor, there is one thing I always encourage my students to do ... ASK me if you need help in anything!  Just ask!

The Bible tells us in James 4:2-3 that, "You have not because you ask not ... you ask amiss."  Could it be that many of our situations could easily be taken care of if we merely asked God for His help?

Throughout my years as a believer in Christ Jesus I have learned that the only fix for lack of wisdom or direction in a situation when you do not know what to do, is to ask God for it.

Looking back, I see how my wanting to enter the fair, this year in particular, was not exactly "fair" when it came to placing blame on why I did not get things done or how all my efforts were in vain due to the storms.

Do you remember the scriptures I left you with at the end of the last teaching found in Galatians 6?  Let me give a little reminder ...

Scripture teaches that we are not to grow weary in doing good, because at the proper time of God, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up on doing what is right in God's eyes.  Sometimes we do not see things the way He does and that often turns into distractions or what we think may be a distraction.

Focus on the underlined words and see if you do not gain insight to what God is saying in how we go about handling life, people and vision.

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please God the Spirit, from the Spirit God will reap eternal life.  

Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." (from Galatians 6 NIV)

With understanding what had been stealing or consuming the precious time I had scheduled for my dreams becoming a reality, what did I do to get back on track to my vision and goals?  

Going about the plans for the competition was "normal" for my goal setting and in that I was not off track.  However, I did not consider how the weather events would change things and my pride was what kept me going, not God's plan.  Wanting to enter the fair again was not wrong, but the reasoning behind winning to gain the ultimate prize was prideful which canceled out my compassion.  Even winning is not wrong, but when winning is about everything else, it is wrong and God will not take part in it.  Lesson learned.

In the end I felt that maybe the land and garden needed a rest after all so we could focus on the storm clean-up (the physical vision - literally).  It was hard to accept, because my goals were set high after winning championships and qualifying for the "States" in three categories last summer, which was a goal that had taken me all these years to achieve.

This was supposed to be a record breaking (self-set goal mind you) year for me ... but apparently not something God had ordained for this season.  My desire to win was not against God, but not realizing the way I was going about it when other things were taking place was the issue.

What else had interfered with the vision in my heart for this year?  Time for a visit back to the vision board to see where else I may have missed a target and what needed to be done to get myself back on course.

Distraction #2 - Weekly Lawn Care Fix: ASK Others!

I asked God for direction and then I asked others for help concerning all the lawn yard work.  Truthfully, no one can do it all, and God does not expect us to either.  He wants us to be a blessing and sometimes that results in others showing "favor" to us in return.  

Not long after the second storm uprooted two trees, my husband and I tried  to clear out as much debris as we could reach or pick up so we could walk about in the yard safely.  Without thinking twice, I picked up branches, brush, garbage, trash - you name it, if it blew in the yard or came down from the trees, I picked it up and carried it out to the curb.  There was only one problem with what I did.

Not thinking how the storm blew stuff in our yard, I forgot to put on gloves or change my clothing.  Instead, I got to work to get as much out for the trash collection the next morning and did not go back in the house to put on slacks or a long-sleeved jacket, nor go get my work gloves.

Why in the world did I neglect to do that?  I never work in the yard without covering my skin. I let the size of the mess distract me and disregarded my usual practices in "Basic 101 Yardwork"!

Two days later I was covered with some type of poison, which now made it impossible for me to wear much clothing.  Doing any more yard work or fair arrangements was out of the question.

What I had also forgotten is that last summer we hired men to clean out a section of the yard that had poison ivy in it.  We had not contacted them to come back this year due to the storms, but intended to do so later when the downed trees were removed so they would not be in any danger while working in the yard. I forgot about the poison ivy and that it can be spread through the air by flying debris.  It never crossed my mind.

In figuring out the yard situation, these men were going to do that part of the yard, but the rest still needed attention and care.  My prayer for help was heard and God's favor set the rest in motion.

While my husband was putting out the trash that day a neighbor came over and made this statement to him, "I would like to mow your front yard all this summer if that is alright with you."  What?!  She did not know what I prayed!  My husband did not know what I prayed ... only God did!

Okay, now the front is taken care of (thank You Lord), what about outside the back gate?  While hubby was mowing, I could see how difficult it was for him to push the mower because the grass had gotten too high, and at that time I could not do it due to the poison ivy condition.

I happened to look across the back ally and saw another neighbor on a riding mower.  The Holy Spirit reminded me of the verse ... "You have not because you ask not ... go ask her to do this section.  It will take her only a few minutes to do it."

Walking over to hubby I told him what the Lord said for me to do (in my spirit). So, like any good wife would do, I told him to go. Like a good husband, he did.

A few minutes later the back area was mowed.  The only section  left to mow was inside the gates, and that was where the trees from the storm were, so that would come later.

The following week when we mowed a small section around the fallen tree area that stretched out to where we fed the birds and walked to the shed, we noticed something.  Outside the back gate had been mowed.  The woman on the riding mower came back and did it again without us asking!

By now I was wondering what was happening ... Lord, women were mowing, not men!  Why?  For some time I had been taking on the tasks of my husband and they noticed without me saying anything.  They were watching both of us and our Christian-walk.  God was rewarding us openly for what we were doing privately (so I thought).  Never under estimate the power of prayer and that the Lord does care about every detail of your life, especially in difficult times.  He will provide what we need if we only ask.

Wait! It gets better ... we grew in more favor!

After the storm took down the trees, we called the electric and internet companies inquiring if they would come trim the branches that were near their lines.  The internet company responded, "Do you still have service, if so, we will not come."  That surprised us, so we did not know what to expect from the electric company.

They agreed to come see if there was any danger in the positioning of the trees regarding their lines. Once again, we were surprised,  but this time in what actually happened.  Frankly I do not know why I was surprised, especially since I prayed and asked the Lord for help.  God was faithful in answering prayer; He always is, but does not always do things the way we expect!

According to their regulations (the electric company's) anything "in" the yard is not their responsibility, and if they do anything there will be a charge on the next bill for services rendered.  However, this gentleman offered to cut the branches close to the lines so that when the trees were removed, they will not knock out the power.  

He took care of it that very moment and by the time I got outside he had already gone.  Problem taken care of immediately without charge!  Thank You Jesus!

The next person to contact was a tree service to come give us an estimate on the removal of the trees. They did and we did not!  With a price around $1,000 or more we told him we would have to get back to his company.  Again, I went to the Lord for guidance and trusted in His plan on how to get this tree situation out of the yard.

A neighbor across the street recently moved in when we saw him doing yardwork in his new place.  We went over and introduced ourselves.  The house next to him had been demolished by the city a few days before and he was cleaning out the areas between the two properties.

Somehow a conversation about trees started and we explained how there had been two major tornadic storms recently and that was why there was so much debris everywhere.  That is when we mentioned the downed trees in our backyard and that we were cleaning up debris (like he was) as well.  We never said anything else about it.

We were about to leave when he looked at us with a smile and said, "I have a chainsaw and could help with the removal of the trees if you can wait a few weeks until I get back."  He was still in the moving process of bringing his things from another state and did not have the chainsaw at the time.

I answered, "If you can remove those trees safely, we'll give you our new firepit that has only been used once."  "Deal" he said.  Our new neighbors - that women who asked to mow our front lawn ... wanted a firepit for their new backyard!  It was on her desired "vision" or wish list for the property.

How amazing is that?  They did not know about the trees and we did not know she wanted a firepit before that day, but God knows everything and how to bring the right people into your life to fulfil His plans for good things to happen.

When we finished our conversation, the gentleman said he would do the weed whacking as well after she mowed. Unbelievable? Not at all; it is God's favor and timing to help me get back on track with the goals and vision He has for my life (and hubby's), which He put in my heart.

See you next time for the third part of this series with the solution to "Distraction #3 - Errands and Scheduling Fix.  

Until next time, Favored Blessings

*For those who trust in Jesus Christ, God gives the promise of life here but also the gift of eternal life (in Heaven; a Kingdom that cannot be shaken) as an inheritance of being His child.  If you would like to have this gift also, click here to learn more.

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.

Fay aka Favored1 on TwitterYou TubePinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Unless noted, scripture reference in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  Image Creative Common License if not specified.  Image

Welcome,  Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Fay Ann Daniels, Distractions, Goal Setting, Goals, Vision, Ask God, Solutions, Problem 

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