I might as well confess it right now; I had a temper
tantrum with God over the weekend because of a disappointment. Well, maybe not so much as a tantrum, but a
pity party without all the cool snacks.
You might even say I was a bit arrogant in my
thinking with all this “favor” I had been talking about and receiving. Would I say God put a stop to it? No, but He did bring things to my remembrance
that caused me to repent immediately.
If you would like to pick up your disappointment
ticket, follow along with me. Only one
per customer, results may vary.
All week long I had spent much time in conversation
with the Lord and in His Word. We were
tight, you know, so how this happened is strictly because I am human! Thankfully, He knows that and wasn’t
surprised about my behavior, but lovingly forgave me.
the Beans

Ok, so I guess you want me to tell you what
happened? I thought so.
Last weekend I had the great opportunity to
hold a baby lion. For a year I had been waiting for this moment, and it finally
My husband and I walked all around to visit
with the other animals in the traveling Safari. Finally we came to the place where the photographs were
taken with the baby animals.
This year
there was a larger choice of animals such as a capuchin monkey, lemur, kangaroo
(so cute) and the lion cub. Usually you
can choose between a baby lion or tiger, but I had already settled on the
lion. I figured I could tie that into
Biblical writing easier.
Standing in line I noticed that the price was
dramatically higher than last year. Ooh,
I started giving this a second thought. I
don’t know what happened to allow this doubt to come into my head. We had come prepared so what was the problem?
Just to give me a better defense, take a look at
just how cute this little guy was.
My husband was totally confused by now and kept
asking me, “What do you want to do?” In a quiet voice I said, “Hold the lion.” He went on to say, “Ok, so do it.” Instead I got out of line
and we walked around the area several more times as I was contemplating what to
Again he asked, “What do you want to do?” I looked at him
and said, “It’s not what I want to do; I
know what I want to do. It’s doing it.” “So
this is my fault?” he said. “Yes.” Now it wasn’t, but he offered to take the
blame, so I gave it to him. Don’t get
all excited, it was only a few minutes.
By now he was getting pretty upset because he didn’t
care if I held the lion or not. “Don’t you want to hold it?” I
asked. “No.” he replied. “You don’t, why?” Well, it was pretty funny actually.
Back to the conversation. “What’s the problem?” Then I
explained what my issue was. It hadn’t
even entered his mind. To him, we were going to pet the lion, get some pictures
and go shopping. Done deal. Where did all this other stuff come from and
why weren’t we in line?
vs. A Faithful God
There was nothing wrong with my wanting to hold that
little creature. In my mind there was a problem of me paying $17.00 to hold him
for 7 seconds while we needed a new heater.
I kept thinking, what if we were short $17 in paying for the heater? It
would be my fault because I wanted to do something selfish.
My thoughts poured outside the box, in the parking
lot and all around the area. On the way back to the car I was silently venting,
“How is this favor God?” There may have even been a little steam, but
I’m sure only God saw it! As he was opening my car
door I still believe my husband thought we were going to get back in line.
I know, don’t even say what you’re thinking, I can’t
believe it either. Actually I’m embarrassed
about it, but I promised to keep it honest.
You can’t manipulate God’s favor, especially if you
want if for selfish reasons. God didn’t
care about my wanting to hold that precious cub. He did care about my attitude
expecting His favor to operate on my whims.
What I didn’t realize is that I was already in His will, because I had
what I needed in my hands and with His blessing.
My husband was still in the dark as to what was
happening. He isn’t a mind reader (so he says), but
has learned to just wait it out and see where I’m going with something. The night was young so he figured we had
plenty of time and could come back later. Remember, this is going on in my mind
with no tickets for onlookers to observe.
Before we left the area I was apologizing for my
behavior, and thanked God for allowing me to watch kids with their parents
share a great moment. Besides, I was
able to pet the other animals and last year I even rode the camel.
The thing is, I know God would be happy for me to
have the desires of my heart and could have worked out the situation. I had the money. The problem was I didn’t
approach the situation correctly. Why in the
world did I even question if my God is more than enough and willing to supply my
heater need according to His riches in glory?
I know better.
Despite this, were we still operating in His favor?
Absolutely. When we arrived at the store
someone pulled out of the parking space that was the closest to the door. More
blessings came that weekend, and we even had $40 left. If I had trusted God I would have heard His
voice saying, “It’s OK. Go ahead, have a good time. I’ve got it
covered.” Instead I was trying to justify spending money on a mere
indulgence, when God wasn’t even doing that.
Boy did I squash a blessing that God had planned for me all along.
Feeling bad about my actions I approached my Bible
time with some things on my mind concerning the blessings and favor of God.
is the Proof or Evidence?

I was questioning and asking God to show me the
“greater” things, but I kept coming up blank.
I knew blessings were always a
part of God’s provision for His children, however there was something missing
that I couldn’t put my finger on in trying to describe “How do we know we are favored by God?” How could I have handled
that situation better and recognized I wasn’t out of God’s will? What was the
evidence He was trying to show me?
In my studies the Lord directed me to a passage I
had already used, but focused on another part of the verse.
There must be proof that as children of God we walk
in His blessings and favor when He is pleased with us. It also has to be something measureable and
visible. That is something I learned as
a teacher with my students. So what is
that “proof” we need in recognizing favor has been shown to us regarding a specific
situation? God pointed me to this:
“…because our enemies do not triumph over us.”
(Psalm 41:11 NKJV)
Wow, it’s so simple to miss isn’t it? The devil will
try to blast away at us every chance he can get, but when we are walking in the
Will of the Lord, our enemies always lose.
I had the proof ($17.00) in my hand and discounted it as the evidence He
had provided for me earlier that week.
When we triumph over any situation, it is proof of
favor and blessings in operation. Our
job is to recognize when it comes. It is measurable and visible for all to see.
There was no victory here because I gave into defeat
for no reason at all. I stole my own joy and gave it to the enemy, instead of
going with the plan that God was perfectly fine with me following.
This situation reminded me of a friend of ours who
didn’t give the victory to her enemy.
Woman after God’s Heart:
Who can I show My favor to today?

The Vine’s Bible Dictionary states in order for a
person to be blessed, it has to come from a superior person bestowing favor
(blessings) on another person.
In most
passages of the Bible, the one bestowing the favor blessing is God Himself, or
it is through Divine instruction
(God directs the path of others).
The Bible tells us that King David was a man after
God’s heart in Acts 13:22, but I know of many others that tug on the heart strings of the
Savior as well.
There was a dear woman of God I’ll call Mrs. Rivers,
who had wanted a new set of pots and pans.
She had saved for a long time for them and finally purchased a grand
set. When she found out that the church
needed pans for a dinner, she gave them her set. Oh, she didn’t give her old set, but she gave
God her brand new set that she really needed.
God saw her heart, and she had so many blessings
come into her house as a result of what she did unselfishly. Sometime after that, the cause and effect equation
took place that only God could have ordained.
(Read about it here).
Serious legal issues came up in the Rivers family
and she asked us to pray in agreement with her over the problem. A member of her family was destined to be
sentenced for a long prison term and she had asked God for guidance as to what
she needed to say in court.
My husband
gave her wise counsel, “Keep your mouth
shut and I’m going to pray that God would close your mouth like he did Zacharias
if you try to speak.” (See Luke 1:22) The things she
wanted to say would have hindered the case and only brought a greater judgment,
because she was operating on her emotions.
On the day of court, she really wanted to speak her
peace, only when she did, she couldn’t.
Her tongue wouldn’t work and nothing came out of her mouth! She realized God was doing something
miraculous in the courtroom and followed what my husband had told her. Also, she was never called to the stand as a witness. The
Lord was extending favor to her, and her family member did not go to jail. God turned the hearts of man, because
this woman did something that turned His heart.
The enemy wasn’t able to have
victory over that family, because God saw Mrs. Rivers heart and honored her
actions listening to a man of God, obeying the voice of the Lord and in her
giving. She could literally apply the
passage of Psalm 41:11 and say,
“Lord I’m
thankful you are pleased with what I did and you showed me that by having the
situation resolved in our favor.”
Looking Back ...

Is there anything in your life
that you can look back on now and see how God totally turned a situation around
in your favor? I’m pretty sure you could
just as I can, and you would probably think of it as “just answered prayer”. Well, you are right, but it is also your
proof of the Lord’s favor and blessing on your life. When things turn out for our good so that it
benefits the Kingdom (and not just us) it is evidence that God caused His shieldof favor to surround you and the effect was victory over your enemies.
"By this I know that You (God) are well
pleased with me, because my enemy does not triumph over me." (Psalm 41:11
If you aren’t sure God is really working on
your behalf, remind yourself of this verse.
Say it out loud to remind the devil, “God chose to favor my
situation, therefore, my enemy has not triumphed over me.” Don’t talk your way out of it by
rationalizing, debating or even logical thinking about the whys or why
nots. Simply thank Him for honoring His

Let’s give God something He can
work with this week by being a heart that seeks after the Lord. Don’t worry, He’ll notice and somewhere His
blessings of favor will show up for others to see.
Lord, You Have My Heart - Delirious?
Until next time, expect Favor over your enemies!
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for
more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from
Favored1. Do not copy.
Image credit if not listed by Google Images Creative Common License
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Bible Gateway
Image credit if not listed by Google Images Creative Common License
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Bible Gateway