However, as I promised a
few weeks ago, there are topics I believe all people shouldn’t shy away from
when it comes to living a life that God honors.
Let me fill you in on a few details
and then I’ll continue.
My husband made another visit to
the hospital for three kinds of tests, one of which is to check if the Digoxin
levels are too high causing nausea. I don't really understand the other
tests yet, but I'm sure they'll fill us in on the details soon. By the
way, his leg is healing great from the recent surgery.
While out doing errands, hubby has
had some challenges of his own. There are times when people aren't very kind if
he's moving a bit slower than they want when he's using a cane. That
brings me to sharing a side of our lives that is a little more private. Besides being on topic, I feel that it's Biblically
correct and necessary for Christians to speak-up and defend the righteous.
Leaving the doctor's
office (that we had to travel a great distance to) we decided to get something to eat before the long
trip home. While standing in line to order
our meal, a young man foolishly made fun of my husband making some unkind
remarks and laughing in an effort to humiliate or embarrass him.
It didn't work and this man found
the grace of God that day, because he didn't know the strength or abilities of
my husband. Having a hard upbringing, Hubby was the kind of guy that
would beat the stuffing out of someone, then pull you up and lay hands on you
for healing. To put it mildly in his
terms – he doesn’t do “stupid.”

God has given us the ability to
show others grace and forgiveness in difficult times. He didn’t say we’ll always like it or find it
easy to do so, but we are empowered by the Holy Spirit favor to do it anyway.
Stripping the lad of any power over
him, quietly hubby moved aside diminishing his attempts of belittlement, and
let the person go behind the counter of the establishment. Apparently, he
worked there and was about to start his shift.
Taking A Stand for the Righteous
The woman taking our order noticed
what happened but didn't say anything. Sheepishly turning her head, she
quickly went about trying to fill our order without making any eye contact.
I could see that she felt
uncomfortable over the situation, and felt the need to say something knowing at
that moment it would be scripturally correct. Wisdom led that it be short and to the point; God would do the rest.
After paying the bill I leaned over
the counter and spoke to the cashier in a timid manner.
might not be feeling that great either if you've had ten operations."
Instantly stopping what she was
doing her jaw dropped, "Are you
Nodding my head, I gathered our
order and we left the facility. As we were leaving, her speech turned as
sweet as cream with an apology to follow.
There's a reason I wanted to share
this with you. October is National Anti-Bullying Month, and although it's toward the end of it the action never ceases.
Please don't be
fooled into thinking that this type of conduct only happens to kids, because it doesn't. Bullying occurs in every race, religion, at all ages and to a both sexes.
Hurtful words and harmful behavior
happen at all ages, and even though hubby isn't old, he is proof of
that. That person saw the cane as a sign of weakness, but was obviously mistaken in his view and belief.
![]() |
Scene from Miracle on 34th Street |
Maybe if hubby was old he’d have used that cane
like Santa in Miracle on 34th Street did and pop that bugger on the
head … but he didn’t. (I wonder if that
crossed his mind; I’ll have to ask him.)
He doesn't usually need a cane, but
that day hubby did due to riding in the car for such a long time causing his
leg (the surgery one) to swell. If that individual walked past my husband
any other day he'd probably steer clear of him.
A warning to those who bully. Don't think because a person doesn't lash out or try to get revenge that you are off the hook. Someone is watching and waiting - God.
He sees it all and will turn the situation around so that those who are mocked are shown favor, while the mocker receives shame or public embarrassment.
“The Lord’s curse is on the house of
the wicked,
but He blesses the home of the righteous.
He mocks mockers, but He shows favor to the humble.
but He blesses the home of the righteous.
He mocks mockers, but He shows favor to the humble.
The wise gain
respect, but fools receive shame."
3:33-35 CEB)
This incident may not seem like
anything big ( I gave the shortened version), but it does demonstrate a “type” of hate crime between
generations or those with disabilities (even if temporary). Bullying happens in more ways than most people
realize, and at all levels from verbal to actual physical abuse.
Is A Cause
There are two specific issues that I'd like to
address when it comes to bullying. It’s not unusual for us to read, see
or hear about bullying that goes on around us.
Christians get bullied and believe it or not, Christians bully.
In this case my spouse didn't do
anything to warrant aggression toward him, and it had nothing to do with his
faith. However, in the past teen-hubby learned to bully from being
bullied – through his pain he gave pain. My husband came from a background
of being bullied, and as he grew taller and stronger in anger he used to respond the
wrong way.
It was through God’s grace that he
learned to recognize the reasons for the bad actions and types of bullying. He came to understand that all of it is a
result of something that had nothing to do with him.
As in every action, there is a
cause and effect. Hubby experienced the effect. He wasn’t
the cause of why this boy acted in that manner, but reaped the result of how
the person learned to respond like he did.
Along his path to righteousness
through Christ Jesus, my husband learned to make Favored Decisions to change his own
behavior even though he was hurting. Only
through the journeying with Jesus do we gain wisdom, knowledge and
understanding for receiving His Daily Favor on our lives.
Learning not to react to someone
else’s bad or bitter behavior is key to understanding the grace (unmerited, undeserved favor) of God. It’s what allows us to demonstrate love and
forgiveness to others even when they don’t deserve it.
Beloved, don’t be dismayed but
believe. By not getting angry and showing grace to others, God promises that
He will increase grace (favor) on those who are humble.
Grace Forgives Stupid
What is your attitude when it comes
to bullying at any age? How do you respond when you see someone being
Do you act the same way if it is geared toward an adult as you would if it was a child? What does God say He will do for those who remain
humble during difficult times of persecution?
be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another,
even as God
in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NKJV)

I long to have a heart that forgives, is full of compassion and loves just like Jesus. This is an attribute of Christ's that I strive for each and every day. It takes work, but God's and unmerited favor are so worth it don't you think?
It doesn't mean we are to become doormats for bullying as believers, but that we are to let the grace and mercy we have been given through salvation be shown ... and yes, I'm going to say it ... even to the stupid-hearted! After all, when we walked without Christ wasn't that a bit stupid as well?
Until next
time, demonstrate favor through God's grace!
I understand being persecuted and favor the
humble heart.
- Jesus
What’s New This Week: Click on the link.
Gerald A. Arbuckle
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Maybe you don’t know the Living God
that I know but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click
on the above tab “TellMe About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Note: Emphasis may be given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take away from the inspirited Word of God.
used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we
give him no place in our lives.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues but is geared toward spiritual awareness.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues but is geared toward spiritual awareness.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may
vary due to lack of belief.
Unless noted, scripture reference
in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Image credit: Creative Common License if not
specified. Humble in Spirit Zechariah 4:6 Miracle on 34th Street Heart that Forgives
News from Fay, Where Faith and Favor Meet, Relationships, Salvation, Favor of God, Favor, Favor to the Humble, Vessels of Grace, Grace, Forgiveness, Bullying, National Anti-Bullying Month, Santa, Persecuted Church, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Senior Citizens, Hubby Update, Holidays, Humility.