Leaving the house I reminded my husband to bring his
“She wrote them down yesterday
so I don’t need them.” Well, that
didn’t matter to me. What did matter is
that he wasn’t listening to me but another woman.
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Great Minds Think Alike
As my husband helped me in the car he said, “What’s the matter?” I didn’t say anything, but he knew what to do. Back in the house he went to fetch the bottles he should have brought in the first place.
After he got back in the car I vocalized why I was upset. “I don’t care if a million people told you
not to bring your medicine; I asked you to bring them. You made a promise not to question me about
this stuff. We may need them.”
“I know, I know …” he said as he backed out of
the driveway.
“How are you today?” Sharon asked as I plopped the medication
bag, my arms and chin on the counter. (It’s rather high.)
With a subdued voice I responded, “That’s a question that shouldn’t always be asked.” Then I
explained how my husband had several episodes of “stop breathing” that put a
scare in us, so the rest of the night we were uneasy. She understood.
“I see that you brought his
medicines. Good girl." My husband looked at me and
then Sharon as if we had it planned!
Life is Changing
Collecting the paperwork she quickly got around to the business of hooking up a heart monitor on my husband before he got on an exercise machine. While he was doing that a lady named Wanda showed him the ropes on how he was to use the treadmill.
My husband knows how to use a treadmill, this seemed silly. Only a minute
on the machine he learned it wasn’t silly, and had to be patient learning to
use it in a new way.
You see after something
different has happened to your body, you can’t do things the same way as you
did in the past.
This has been the pattern we’ve seen all week. Learning a new thing.
Through all this I’ve asked the Lord, “What
are you doing? What are we supposed to
be getting out of this?” I can see
things happening and falling into place, and they aren’t coming from people I
know. They are however, coming from
Christians who have joined forces causing the world to bow to the requests
through prayer.
Whenever I am going through something I am driven back to the scriptures,
mainly James chapter 1. When a
Christian experiences trials and tribulation we aren’t to be surprised. As a matter of fact, if we aren’t having
them every once in a while that should surprise us.
I asked my husband what God was saying to him, and the Holy Spirit took
him to Isaiah 43:19.
“Behold, look, I am doing a new
thing (in your life)! Now it springs
forth (it’s happening now); do you not perceive and know it (can’t you see
it?) and will you not give heed to it? (Give in to the new thing I’m
doing)? I will even make a way in the
wilderness (dead ends that give no passage) and rivers in the desert.”
(Isaiah 43:19 AMP emphasis mine)
I don’t think God talks like this, but it was if He was saying, “Dude, don’t you see I’m, working on
something here? Can’t you see that
things aren’t going the way you think they should, but they’re working out
anyway?” (Can you picture God saying dude?)
We could clearly see that God was at work, but we couldn’t put our finger
on it. Everything was changing and we
needed to learn more.
You’re Not Alone
The session went well and we were headed out the door with heartfelt partings, when Wanda called out, “You’re not in this alone.” She wasn’t even looking at us but at the computer when she said that. It was if it were a last second add on to a paragraph or ending of a story. For the next day that rang in my spirit as a witness from the Lord from what we’ve been learning.
Do remember Jonah from the Bible? He was a man that God wanted to use, yet he carried hatred in his heart.
God had plans for something
great to happen in the city of Nineveh, but Jonah went against what God told
him to do.
He seriously needed an
attitude adjustment in forgiveness. We know this, because Jonah’s disobedience caused him tremendous trials,
nothing like any human has ever experienced (that is unless you know someone
who has been swallowed up by a large fish and lived to tell it.)
What God was revealing to me is that even though Jonah made some wrong
choices, He never took His hand off his life or left him alone. He wasn’t the only one that God did this
with throughout their journey.
There were plenty of people who didn’t understand the plan of God, messed
up and still came out blessed. However, there
isn’t anything that tells us that Jonah ever changed his heart against the
people, but God’s plan still went forth.
His example is one that listened and obeyed, but not with a pure
God wanted to do a new thing by
giving the people of that wicked city a chance to repent, but Jonah wanted no
parts of it. We don’t read about any
blessing on his life even though he eventually did what God asked. He fought like a rebel. He's an example of what not to do.
Believing Doesn’t Always Mean Understanding
We can also look into the accounts of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph and King David following along their journeys. God had given guidelines for each of these people and certainly there were times that the requests didn’t make sense to them.
Do you think Abram (before God renamed him)
understood why the Lord would have him pick up and leave everything and
God had a new thing in mind, and even though he didn’t “get” the plan, he
got the blessings because he believed God and moved. Now he was late in doing
it, but he did as God said and the Lord did many new things in his life.
With each of these figures God gave them new people, places and things to
help them along their journey. He hasn’t
stopped doing that. God's walking this journey with us.
I don’t know what is happening in your life right now, but I do know that
you aren’t to be an island unto yourself.
The Lord is bringing people into our lives to help us finish what He
has started through us. His promise, “I will give you a new family” didn’t
mean biological family, but spiritual one that will encourage you to stay on
He was also using strangers to do that. Wanda didn’t know us, but was reminding my
husband of his calling and that time is short for finishing our course.
A few minutes later the room was empty except for the staff, one lady and
us. Everyone in the room was a believer. It was as if God emptied the room so
she could continue and she did.
“We’re not supposed to talk about this …” then she quietly began singing
a song from her church. You could feel the spirit of the Lord working, doing
a new thing. Rivers of joy were springing forth in a desert place, giving
hope to a situation the devil tried to destroy.
God’s New Thing Removes the Old Thing
What Jonah didn’t want was for the “old sin nature” from the people of Nineveh to be given a chance at the new thing God wanted to do in their lives. He wanted to hang on to the old and let the people suffer for their wrong doing, but that’s not the way God operates.
We don’t have time to waste getting trapped in the old things of this
world. God is doing a new thing,
because it’s the time when people are searching.
"Thus says the Lord, Who makes a way
through the sea and a path through the mighty waters. Who
brings forth chariot and horse, army and mighty warrior. They lie down
together, they cannot rise; they are extinguished, they are quenched like a
Do not (earnestly) remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing ... now!" (from Isaiah 43:16-19 AMP)
What we need to realize is that what we did in the past isn’t what God is
doing now. His new thing removes our old past or way of doing things. He is a NOW God and we need to get with the
A New Thing Brings A New Way
It is based on
our scripture for this lesson in Isaiah and gives voice to what we believe.
“God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see.”
This statement we need to take to
heart and really believe it.
If He is
doing the new thing in our lives, doesn’t it make sense that He will also
provide the way for it to work even if we don’t understand it?
Something else we forget is that if it’s His plan and His way, won’t He
lead us in the direction that He has already plotted out for us?
The Lord isn’t going to lead us in a way that others do, as a matter of fact
his plans will take us through the wilderness and not around it. Why is that? The reason God does this is because He is
the only one that knows where the help will come in the middle of a desert
place. He put the river smack in a
place that no one would look or go to without a guide, but His word promises
that you will see it. It is measurable.
Most people would stick to what they know from the past and keep tripping
along the path, thirsting for water from a dried up river. You’ve heard of it, taking the road less
traveled. There’s a reason people don’t
take it; because it looks too hard and bumpy.
My friend, God will send you in a direction that no one wants to travel,
knowing that there already is help waiting for you when you get there. His new thing brings a new way, which is
different from the roads you have taken in the past and will take you to a
new blessing you’ve never experienced!
Look for the New Thing
What is happening in your life that looks like there is no way to change the situation? What to do when you can’t possibly see a way out of it.
First we’re going to take it to the Lord and ask like we learned in
previous lessons.
Second we’re going to find the passages in the Bible that make a statement
concerning our situation.
For example,
maybe you have a life threatening health problem. Begin to proclaim the verse “I shall not die
but live, and shall declare the works of the Lord.” (from Psalm 118:17 NKJV)
Perhaps it’s a financial matter; declare “My God will supply all my need
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NKJV)
Or you need emotional or physical strength: “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
I think you get the idea. If you don’t know where a verse is that fits your situation look up the word in a Bible concordance. Some are even online. It will take you to passages that you can pray.
Third, be aware of the new things that don’t make sense in your life, and
see if you can recognize that God is doing a new thing. Those new things are His new ways to lead
you to your victory.
He may bring people into your life to help you or take you to places that
you’ve never been, and you’ll find your answer there. A “river” of blessings and favor are
Believe you will have the strength to finish your course. He hasn’t forgotten about you and has a
good future for you.
Don’t be afraid
to enter the “wilderness” meaning the new thing Jesus is doing in your life
at this moment. God will be with you, guiding you to that something wonderful.
Get ready! He is doing a new thing today.
Until next time, God’s new thing will
bring favor to you.
“I’m doing something new for you. Don’t you see it?”
– Jesus Christ
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Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. A.N.A. logo
by J.C.Penney, Inc.
Scripture reference was
taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Bible GatewayImage credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified. Images: Meds Abraham Journey Map Ocean Scene Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief. |