Still lying in bed, I joyfully raise my arms to praise
the Lord in song for His new mercy in giving me another day.
“… This is the day, the day when life begins.”
5 a.m. and every day I wake to this Phil Wickham tune on a radio broadcast. Already my heart is full of joy in
anticipation of the favor God has set before me for the activities of my day.
will be up soon, as he will prepare to bring two rescue kitties to the vet
clinic. Oh yeah … it’s going to be a
full day, and because we do not know what it will bring, we already prayed for
discernment on the choices that will have to be made.
gives thought to the word (or to a matter) will discover good, and
blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.
The wise of heart is called discerning and sweetness of speech increases
persuasiveness (learning).” (Proverbs 16:20-21 ESV)
Thanks for joining us on Daily Favor Blog.
to Wait
was 7:51 a.m. when my husband called for the second time since leaving the
house. I was listening to a bible teaching on procrastination and finishing what you start. The message fit in perfectly with what we've been learning here on Daily Favor for this year's 2020 vision.
Answering the phone, I expected to hear him say they were ready for
the kitties to go into surgery. Instead,
I could hear trembling in his voice. Fear
started to arise anticipating what would come out of his mouth next.
going to be a while." The tone of his voice sent a weird alarm
through my being not knowing what else he was about to tell me.
had left the house a little past 7:00 am with the kitties who were scheduled to
be neutered. Not living far from the clinic, he had already checked
in and then returned to the car because the lobby was so packed. A few
minutes earlier hubby phoned to let me know how long of a wait we had before it
was their turn. When it was time, he would go back inside with the fur
emergency C-section for a dog and two other cats were scheduled ahead of
him. They said it would be about 9 a.m., so he was prepared to wait until
the designated time.
hubby only had an hour I suggested he relax and get something to eat at a fast
food place right around the corner. Not being particularly hungry he
thought maybe I’ll just go sit inside and eat something light.
Value of Discerning Wisdom
son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands with you, so
that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;
yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for
understanding, if you seek her (wisdom) as silver, and search for her (wisdom)
as hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find
the knowledge of God.” (passage taken from Proverbs 2:1-5
husband hung up the phone and began to back the car out of the parking
space. He was about to leave the clinic’s
lot when all of a sudden, he felt an urgency in his spirit. It was the Holy Spirit giving him wisdom, understanding
and discernment to “stop - don't go".
Wondering what was wrong
he sat and waited with the car idling.
morning there was a heavy fog that seemed to get worse as the sun rose.
When he left the house, the thick mist was settling over the horizon making visibility
nearly impossible except for a few feet in front of you.
hubby didn’t realize is that although a natural fog from the environment was
falling over the area, a spiritual fog – the favor of God was about to fall on
him and change his direction.
in the car he heard a crash followed by a loud crunch. Looking in the rearview mirror he witnessed the other veterinarian
coming to work have an accident. The
doctor’s truck was flipped on its side, sliding into the parking lot like a bolt of
lightning where hubby would have been if he hadn’t paused those few discerning seconds
before the incident.
Apparently, the
doctor was pulling into the parking lot when another driver broadsided him
sending his vehicle spinning in the air. Now I understand why hubby's
voice was trembling so.
Happens to Them All
you find to do, do it well because where you are going - the grave - there will
be no working, thinking, knowing or wisdom.
turned and witnessed something else under the sun: the race does not always go
to the swift, the battle is not always won by the strong, bread does not always
fill the table of the wise, wealth does not always accrue to the skillful, and
favor is not always granted to the knowledgeable; but time and misfortune happen to them all.
person can’t possibly know when his time will come. Like fish caught in a cruel
net or birds trapped in a snare, without warning the unexpected happens, and people
are caught up in an evil time.”
(taken from Ecclesiastes
9:10-12 VOICE)
hubby re-parked the car in a different location and ran over to the truck. Being the first one there he went to the
windshield and called out,
“Doc ... are you alright?”
With relief he heard the doctor’s voice,
“Yeah … open the door.”
There was no way the door could be opened; it was crushed! Remaining
calm my husband wisely gave words of comfort and instruction not letting on the severity of the situation.
“Help is coming,
try to shut off the engine.” Stretching
as far as he could, the vet followed instructions.
now a crowd in panic began running out of the clinic having heard the impact
from inside the building, including the other vet who was already up to his
elbows in his own chaos. With so many
now gathering, hubby backed off and let the officials get to work.
around the state police were already on the scene. Having been a few cars behind the doctor that morning, they
witnessed the whole thing and notified the first responders team within a
minute of the accident.
Fifteen minutes later the crew arrived and broke out the jaws of life equipment working as fast as they could. The paramedics were on their way.
appeared to be a regular day turned into a race against time to save lives. Without warning the unexpected happened just
like the scriptures say … misfortune happens to them all.
It Could Have Been
back into the car (actually that day he was driving my small Dodge or “little
dude” as he calls her and not his “tanker”), hubby was literally shaking
thinking about what had happened. If he
followed through with leaving to go get that quick breakfast our car would have
been hit … and, well, you know how he felt and why his voice was trembling when
he phoned.
it could have been … but it wasn't! Stop, don't go there ... it didn't happen. Thank You Lord, thank You, thank You, thank You!”
and over the devil kept playing out the incident in his head; he had to take
those thoughts captive immediately. When
my husband began to feel fear, he stopped it in its tracks and spoke truth over
the situation. The devil is a liar!
down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of
God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” (2
Corinthians 10:5 NKJV)
to his quivering voice, I stayed on the phone as he “virtually walked” me
through the situation that was going on a few feet from where he was sitting in
our car. The details were quite
alarming, but yet God gave me peace about the entire episode.
Wisdom is Discernment
what God had done I couldn’t stop thanking the Lord for keeping my husband safe,
and for His Holy Spirit who gives discernment with wisdom when we ask for it. This is how I distinguish information on such a matter:
is being able to apply the wisdom and knowledge of God by understanding what to
do and when to act.
Perhaps James the brother of Jesus Christ says it a little better.
any of you (any believer that is) lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and
without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5 emphasis mine)
too many people don’t understand or neglect the fact that favor is a blessing tied
directly to wisdom from the Lord. Without
an active relationship with God, emotions get the best of us and we get caught
up in the stress or anxiety of the situation.
we allow feeling to get the best of us our decisions often turn out wrong,
irrational and illogical because we aren’t calm enough to take in all the facts
that surround us. We forget that as
children of the Living God we have His favor working on our behalf if we stop,
wait and act in His timing.
things happen so fast, like in this case, that there is no time to pray or flip
open the Bible and search out “what would Jesus do” here. We need wisdom and God’s favor to discern the
answer in an instant.
Psalm 91 Promise

veterinarian’s truck was hit broadside, smack center on the passenger doors. The other driver did not see his vehicle due to the intense fog.
my husband had finished his turn less than a minute earlier, he would have been
hit on the front drivers' side of our small car. The outcome would have been very different,
had it not been for the Psalm 91 promise.
a bird protecting its young, God will cover you with His feathers, will protect
you under His great wings; His faithfulness will form a shield (of favor as Psalm 5:12 states) around you, a
rock-solid wall to protect you.” (Psalm 91:4 VOICE)
wish there was a way to impart to you how very important it is that we stay in
fellowship with God so we can hear and be led by His Spirit. His favor shield is there to steer us away
from harm and into the good things He has for those who diligently seek Him.
you remember our lesson on the Road to Troas back in January where God changed Paul’s plans suddenly,
but later he was able to resume them?
The same thing happened in this case.
There was a small delay in plans, but in the end all went well.
the Holy Spirit is leading you away from something familiar, don’t argue over the
decision but gladly follow. It could
save your life!
things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the
Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are
foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned.” (1 Corinthians 2:13-14 NKJV)
Key to Discerning Favor
the book of James chapter 2 verse 23, it reveals the key to receiving discerning
favor from God. It’s through a close
relationship with Him that God imputes wisdom for discernment in any situation
when we listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, even when we don’t fully understand
the instructions.
a friend of God’s, we have privileges and insight that other’s do not possess. We read through the scriptures that Abraham
had such a close relationship with God that He included him in His plans (see
Genesis 18:23-33). I want that kind of
relationship, don’t you?
good news is that if you are a believer in Christ Jesus you have that
same access to God. On the other hand,
if you aren’t, you can if you receive Jesus into your heart through salvation by
Today could be your day, you know as I sang ... the day where life begins for you as a child of God or who knows, in an instant without warning the unexpected may happen! Remember what Solomon said, "misfortune happens to them all." Are you prepared?
thing is, even though all believers have access to the favor of God, it takes spiritual
discernment to recognize when it is being activated or how to apply it giving
you an advantage over the enemy. If you
aren’t actively engaged in fellowship with the Lord, you will “almost always”
miss out on the favor of God.
Tune in next week to find out what happened as we continue our lesson on
Discerning Favor.
next time, practice the key to discerning favor!
“Have you not discerned that I want a relationship with you?”
- Jesus Christ
*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the
individual(s) privacy.
Note: When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized
deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as
treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on
becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible
Version provided by Bible Hub.
Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not
specified. Image: This Is the Day Phone Call Brake Pedal Psalm 91:15 God My Friend
Labels: Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Favor, Discernment, Obedience,
Holy Spirit, Hubby, Psalm 91, Protection, Teaching Series, Bible Study, Fear
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