Although I was a Christian quite honestly, I
can’t quote Willie Nelson and say Christ “was
always on my mind” as a teenager. There were plenty of other things to sing
about that year.
was a rather exhausting summer come to think of it. I was fresh out of high school when … “he
offered me marriage”. As a matter of
fact, it was graduation night when my boyfriend asked my father for my hand in matrimony.
That didn’t go over well with either of
my parents.
it was an exciting time for me, let’s say things didn’t go that well for some
time after that, which brings me back to my story …
Part 1 here)
It Blows
The driver of the oncoming car was going so fast that he smashed into the passenger side of the Camaro, driving my knees up into the steering wheel. He hit me so hard that the car was pushed across two lanes of traffic, spinning it around to the direction I was headed in before I made the turn!
moment my spouse to be saw and heard what had
happened, a wave of shock came over him causing his adrenaline to kick into
high gear. “Dear God, NO!”
Making an about face in the parking lot and sending stones flying everywhere, he
raced his car back to the railroad intersection.
Pulling off onto the grassy shoulder of the road, he jumped out of the
car leaving his door open and sprinted to his "beloved" (aka me).
accident was so loud that it could be heard from inside the building where my
fiance’ worked. Immediately one of his co-workers ran back inside and called the
huge battering ram that the guy was
driving and the high speed at which the impact occurred, had smashed most of
the passenger side of the Camaro with major damage to the area where the gas
tank was positioned. All that was going through his mind was,
“I needed to get her
out of that car before it blows!”
my sweetheart was even next to the car he started calling:
"Are you O.K., are
you O.K.?
quite dazed by the impact I wasn't thinking all that clearly. For a few minutes
I didn’t move wondering if I should or even could.
the car my intended tried to open the door, but it was jammed shut by the car's
twisted frame. Getting a good grip with both hands, he put all his
"umph" into it pulling the noisy door open wide enough for me to slip
through into his rescuing arms. Lifting
me out of the crashed vehicle ever so gently, he took me back to his car to
wait for the police to come.
a short time, the accident site was surrounded by on-lookers, good Samaritans
and tons of police! There was barely
room for anyone to move around let alone access the situation.
might have thought they were giving out free tickets to the circus instead of an accident with all the
action that took place that afternoon!
Calmly casing the scene, the police went to work and started questioning
everyone … even some who actually weren’t there when it happened.
Report & The Lying Driver
police finally got to the other driver and the lies that were trickling out of
his mouth were getting to be a bit much to handle.
“She pulled in front of
odd, since you weren’t there when I started my turn I thought. He must have come out of the parking lot of
another nearby business.

"If the young lady cut you off as you say
she did, then where are your skid marks?"
lies ensued when the best one spilled out like a rushing river.
my hubby-to-be was standing by the police officer while questioning that
fellow, another man suddenly showed up and began walking around. Apparently,
he knew the driver.
his friend out to the officer, he professed that he was his witness having been
there to see the whole thing! There’s only one word to sum up that
statement … Liar!
had a witness? According to him, this
guy saw everything and would attest to it, but he had to get to work and left
before the police could question him.
funny thing is that this witness showed up after the accident and came from a
different direction so that he couldn't have seen anything. Something the
man from the accident didn’t know was that my fiance’ knew the guy and could confirm the fact that he wasn't there at the time.
the police had all their information one asked if I needed medical assistance. Not giving it any thought, I said no in responding
to the officer. At that time my knees hurt, but there was only a small cut on
one of them.
soon to be hubby insisted that I go to the emergency room and be checked out
for any injuries that may have occurred since the car was hit extremely hard.
Shielded by Favor
day I experienced the protective favor of God surrounding me like a shield,
when to look at the wreck … well, you can imagine just how bad it was.
I'm so glad that even when God wasn't always on my mind, I was always in His heart and in His sight!
“For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous;
With favor You will surround him as with a shield.”
With favor You will surround him as with a shield.”
(Psalm 5:12 NKJV)
I realized what happened I began to cry, not because of how I felt but the fact
that the car was totaled!
I tell you that the car was a butternut-yellow Classic 1967 Chevy Camaro with a
black vinyl top? Oh yeah … Ouch!
also neglected to tell you that it wasn’t my car but a friend’s. He let me
borrow it for a job interview knowing that I was meeting my fiance’
afterwards. You see, I didn’t own a car
but used my mother’s when I needed it. My
jobs were within walking distance.
story is far from over and trouble with my Dad just doubled! That friend worked for my father!
Come back to read what happened next in the sight of God and man!
Until next time, live protected surrounded in God's favor!
you don’t know the Living God that I know but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Unless noted, scripture reference in series was taken from the New
King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway. Image credit: Creative
Common License if not specified.
News from Fay, Favored1, Daily
Favor Blog, Where Faith and Favor Meet, Car Accident, Favor of God, Police
Report, Witness, In Sight of God and Man, Camaro