Friday, February 19, 2016

Random Acts of Favor

How far would a man go to show his love for a woman? I know that’s a loaded question isn’t it? 

Actually, love was the farthest thing from my mind when I asked my husband to escort me to an all-women’s event.  I suspect love won out though from the story I’m about to share. 

It all began with my husband when he was in a cardio rehab session last week.  Someone was about to extend a random act of favor and I was glad to be the recipient. 

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Give Me a Reason 

It was the annual “Heart of a Woman” type silent auction fund raiser for the cardiac rehabilitation center at the hospital. Tickets for the event didn’t come cheap either; to give you an estimate of pricing, a dinner for eight auctioned at around $525.00. 

The event wasn’t open to the general public, but only to an exclusive mostly affluent circle of individuals (112 to be precise excluding the speaker and servers).  

My hubby informed me that I had been invited and questioned if I was interested in attending the luncheon.  He told the lady that extended the invitation that I probably wouldn’t be, but he would ask anyway. 

Upon hearing the details I quickly grabbed the opportunity.  This would be the “airing or outing” that Kathy from last week’s story was referring to in the parking lot at Walmart.  Remember that incident? This event preceded the “Someone Loves Me” caper which took place on the same day.  (I’m really backing up three hours before that to 11:30 a.m.) 

No, accepting the offer wasn’t to prove my husband wrong, but it was an opportunity to mingle with actual people … ladies was a bonus.  He wasn’t sure if I should go not having been to an event like this in the past.  I understood his point, but something else persuaded me. 

Beautiful hanky quilt auctioned!
The reasons for not attending were weighing against me. 
It’s been said that women may show their claws when it comes to “shopping” (and the items for auction were amazing!), but few scratch you, unlike my feline friends that I care for on a daily basis.  Mind you cats do make great conversationalists, but they are so biased! (Prejudice in favor that is usually unfair.)

Reason two for not going was that I wouldn’t know anyone.  Well, that was his argument, but it would be a way to hook up with friends I never met.  So that thought didn’t stick either. 

Did I have to pay for the ticket? It did seem rather dumb to purchase a ticket to a luncheon even for charity when there probably wouldn’t be anything for me to eat.  That one almost got me, but I wasn’t through.  After all, I wouldn't be going mainly for the food.

A doctor bought the ticket and this random act of “favor” was extended to me.  Plus there may be an article or life lesson in it!  I’m in … let the auction begin. 

Hubby Take a Seat 

We arrived at a huge church that has a separate campus for such community functions.  My husband was going to drop me off and remain in the car until it was finished.  I insisted he come inside due to the cold weather and hang out at the back of the building if it made him more comfortable. 

It only took me one eye sweep around the room to see I was WAY underdressed.  Thank you Lord that hubby didn’t wear shorts as usual. 

Sure I looked nice, but my loving spouse failed to get the details on this being a “dressy bling” occasion.  My hot pink Ocean Pacific coat wasn’t their idea of pearls from the Pacific, if you know what I mean. 

Taking on the “at ease” military stance, he insisted on waiting by the door as the bouncer just in case (his words …) “things got rough”.  Rough … on a Baptist campus … run by the hospital, with Catholic kids serving?  

Having respect for my husband who isn’t a wuss of a man, but seriously … the roughest thing there would be the roughage in the salad! 

Besides the servers, he was the only male in the room.  Suddenly the keynote speaker poked his head around the corner and came over to talk to him.  Instantly invisible male bonding took place, and before long hubby was at our table in a room full of women!  

“OK, I’ll sit down but I won’t eat because I didn’t pay for this seat.”
He made it clear that sitting was somehow under protest.  While pulling out his chair we noticed one other lone hubby at a table beside us. I’m still not sure if it was the keynote speaker, the other husband or me that persuaded him, but was glad to see a familiar face I could talk to during the event.  

Chocolate Never Disappoints 

“How are you ladies doing?” said the male server as he filled our glasses with water.  “Good.” Answered my husband, causing the young man to reverb … “and man.” 
Hubby seemed right at home at our table gathering and why not, he knew most of the ladies from the cardio rehabilitation center!   

As I looked for things to write about, he chatted with everyone that came by to say hello.  How nice.  There was only one thing to do; get acquainted with a soul friend of mine – chocolate.  I scooped up the candy kisses along with a few chocolate hearts and began eating.   

Favor Found Me 

The menu was served and each of us had a beautiful dish of food plated before us.  My husband leaned over to me and whispered, “I’m not eating if that man over there doesn’t.”  Obviously the other gentleman didn’t have such issues and dove into the meal. 

I buttered a roll and was picking at the fruit salad with my fork, when a woman from the kitchen came from behind us to bend over for a hug. It was the head of the cardio rehab center who had volunteered to help organize the food end of the event.   

“Would you like a plate of vegetables.” she asked.  Turning toward her I said, “That would be very kind.”  A few minutes later she brought out a special dish.  This kindness was favor geared just for me!  Favor found me; I didn’t go looking for it, nor did I say anything to anyone at the table about being a vegetarian. 

My husband delighted in my favor, because he devoured two plates of delicious food he didn’t pay for or prepare.  It was a little hard to get caught up in his joy seeing he spilled his icy tea down the front of him!  You can imagine the look on my face as I tried not to burst out laughing or scold him like a five year old.  

While trying to cover his shirt with his coat he looked at me sheepishly and said, “I’m not used to drinking without a straw!”  Oh bother!  Maybe I should get him a sippy cup. 

Random Acts of Favor 

While I was researching for an article the Lord reminded me of His time spent with the disciples over a three year span.  Along the way they often stopped what they were doing and performed what we might refer to as “random acts of kindness.”  That’s not exactly how Jesus saw it. 

We know that these events took place from something Jesus said to Judas before He was crucified.  The Lord was referring to the betrayal, but the disciples thought He was talking about an act of favor (kindness). 

"Random" meaning they weren’t scheduled, but always were in God’s agenda.  They were so used to Jesus doing random acts (which included healing but was not limited to that sole deed), that the disciples didn’t blink an eye when Judas was ordered to do whatever it was “quickly.” 

“What you do, do quickly. But no one at the table knew for what reason He (Jesus) said this to him (Judas). For some thought, because Judas had the money box, that Jesus had said to him, buy those things we need for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor.” (John 13: 27b-29 NKJV) 

Although the Lord’s actions were kind, many were specific acts of favor geared toward a certain individual or group.  The Apostle John reminds us that there were so many stops along their journey for doing such things that they were too numerous to record.  

“And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.” (John 21:25 NKJV) 

Favor Kindness is a Fruit

You may not think that having someone give you an expensive ticket or having veggies served on a pretty plate rank up there with “favor”, but it does.  Both of these things were more than just random acts of kindness.

Lots of people do nice things, but not all are recipients of God’s favor. There is a reason for that. 

Scripture tells us that each believer is equipped with the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  We receive it upon the gift of salvation.  However, the sad thing is that many don’t know they possess it or that God wants us to reap favor when sown.

Kindness is a fruit or outward act that we are to experience on a regular basis (in both giving and receiving). The world sees it as acts of kindness or being nice; God sees it as favor fruit.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, KINDNESS, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV)  

This Week’s Challenge:
Distributor of Targeted Favor

When we respond to the Holy Spirit in being kind to others, we zero in or target favor toward the individual He had directed us to at a specific time. 

Our challenge this week is two-fold.

First - The next time you do something kind for someone, be thankful the Lord allowed that person to receive the favor fruit through you His earthly distributor.  Don’t mistake this as “It’s my nature to be kind and even the unsaved would do this.”  There’s more to it than that, so recognize the difference.  It’s favor seed sown.

Also, in doing so it is a witness that the fruit of the Spirit is functioning inside you to the point it is now productive!  Well done you!  Here is where favor sown gives way to favor being reaped as a harvest.

Second - My fellow modern day disciples, as you walk with Jesus, God may have you stop in the middle of the “journey road” to do something for Him.  Besides following through with your instructions, learn to expect Random Acts of Favor to fall on you, because you are a distributor of favor for the Lord. 

The law of reaping what you sow includes favor seed.

I doubt the lady with the veggies got up thinking about me that morning, but what I do know is that she is a woman of God who is always ready to grant favor through service.  It is foremost on her mind every day, and that’s why it’s easy for her to journey with Jesus whenever and wherever He leads.  

I am grateful that I was on the receiving end this time!  Plus it showed a room full of people that “somebody” loved me beyond embarrassment.  Thank you Honey, you were a good sport!

If this article has encouraged or helped you please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post. 

Until next time, be ready to do random acts of favor! 

“Prepare to operate in Random Acts of Favor.”
Jesus Christ 

*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. 

Note: The words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

What’s New This Week: Click on link. BACK in STOCK!
by: Robert Strand

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image:  Kindness Mark Twain Quote  Challenge
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Daily Favor Blog, Favor, Favored1, Fruit of the Spirit, Fundraising, Heart Health, Kindness, Random Acts of Favor, Random Acts of Kindness, Robert Strand, Secret Auction, Women.