In a panic, friends of ours called about 7:30 pm on
Friday asking if we could go check on a member of their congregation who was in
the hospital. They lived about an hour away so naturally we agreed to go see
the person.
Well, I was ready to leave, but somehow my husband wasn’t
within calling distance. Then I noticed
the back door was unlocked. Okay, he’s taking out the compost I thought. Great!
Not so great … looking to my right I noticed containers
on the back patio that needed to be emptied in the compost pile that had been
collecting for three days! I guess he
figured I wouldn’t look there? Who knows
what he thought, but he was about to know what I was thinking.
When I stepped outside I thought if he wasn’t already, he
surely will be in the dog house for this. Now where did he go?
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I am so happy for your visit and hope that you come back
each week to participate in the weekly challenges. God has been faithful and we expect His favor
to abound in the lives of those who chose to Journey with Jesus on Daily Favor
You are welcome to leave comments or prayer requests below. All are private. I would love to hear from
you and how Daily Favor has worked in your life. Contact me by leaving a message in the box at
the bottom of this week’s post.
Don't miss
out on this week's challenge (below).
What’s Happening?
I’m really not a brute, but seeing banana peels that fell out of the containers on the concrete
was a calling card for bugs or pests, and that really got me going. Sure there
had been a few cold days, but seriously, why didn’t he throw them away?
I was set to blast my husband with “pearls of wisdom”
from a fuming tongue as I set foot in the yard. Rounding the corner of the shed there he was,
“chatting” with the neighbor with what seemed to be a regular conversation. Not wanting to interrupt the male
bonding, politely I did the “Hey, how ya’ doing” distance wave and went
over to open the garden fence for the compost heap.

Thankfully the Lord stopped me from barking myself into
the dog house with my husband. My “Come
on we’re going to be late.” thinking quickly turned to what we’ve been focusing
on these past weeks – “Look, what’s happening in front of you?”
Watch & Pray
On my way back to the house, I watched as my husband
reached over the fence to put his arm around our neighbor and began to pray. Although it was important we make our visit
to the hospital, along the way the Lord had my husband stop and pray for
someone who needed guidance at that moment.
Apparently someone
was listening to the voice of the Lord!
“Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the
time is.” (Mark 13:33 NKJV)
Jesus spoke to His disciples about always being prepared
for His return through prayer and watching!
That command still holds for us. Being
the hands and feet of Christ means being in tune with the Holy Spirit, by
having an awareness of our surroundings so He can work through us.
“Watch therefore, for you do not know when the Master of
the house (Jesus) is coming – in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of
the rooster, or in the morning – lest, coming suddenly, He find you sleeping.
What I (Jesus) say to you all (which includes us):
Watch!” (Mark 13:35-37 NKJV)
The Lord wasn’t telling the disciples they could never
sleep, but used the word sleep as a
double reference in the context of “dead, lazy, non-active” followers of the
My husband didn’t go over to the fence to pray, but had
other intentions when he approached it.
Somewhere between our back door and the fence God changed my husband’s
mindset. He was headed toward a
destination and God said, “Wait … let’s pray.”
Prepare to Stop
When I have an agenda it’s difficult for me to stop in
the middle and change direction. I don’t know why, but that’s the way it is.
Somewhere in my brain I’m probably thinking I’ll get behind and off schedule,
but if it is God stopping the plan then I’m exactly where I should be. That’s what happened Sunday and most of the
week – I needed to prepare to stop what I was doing at any time.

I can picture the disciples on their way to minister
somewhere when Jesus decided to stop and pray.
What did they say or do? With a
southern drawl I picture the disciples using a shaky “Jerry Jordan” type voice
explaining their way out of this‘un …
“Well Lord, I’d like to stop here and pray, but I have to
get home to make a boat payment, and you know how the wife gets if I’m longer
than expected… Oh, You reckon I won’t
need the boat if I don’t stop and pray?
Alright then, as soon as I get home I’ll do that just as You said.”
“What’s that Jesus, stop here? Don’t You remember last
time we stopped outside this city? They weren’t that thrilled with us being
here Lord, and I ‘spect we have all the stones we’ll be a needin’… Can’t we pray later?”
“Master, the food markets are about to close and we haven’t
had supper yet. What, wait ‘til the last
supper? How ‘bout we just pray when we get something to eat? I’m sure all the prayers go to the same place
“Pray, why do we have to pray? Aren’t we following You? I thought God was
giving You the instructions. OK Lord, we’ll pray, but You might wanna go on
ahead, so’ens ours will make it through the door too.”
There are tons of excuses not to stop to pray … none of
which the Lord finds humor in, nor are acceptable.
We read in the gospels that there were times the
disciples fell asleep and missed prayer meeting. No doubt we can be placed on that list as
well. Jesus wasn’t happy about those times, but that didn’t stop Him from
asking them over and over again to pray.
Prayer Stops
Throughout the Bible we learn why, when, where and how
people pray. All are important so we
must be prepared for stopping at any point in the day when the Lord says, “Stop
– watch and pray.”
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the
Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplications for
all the Saints.” (Ephesians 6:18 NKJV)
“… always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you
may stand perfect and complete in all the Will of God.” (Colossians 4:12 NKJV)
We pray while on watch so that we will be in the Will of
“Brethren, pray for us.” (1 Thessalonians 5:25 NKJV)
“Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would
count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His
goodness and the work of faith with power… “ (2 Thessalonians 1:11 NKJV)
We pray for others so that God will fulfill the good work
He began in us with power (from the Holy Spirit).
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the
Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you.” (2
Thessalonians 3:1 NKJV)
We pray that God will quickly grant favor on a situation
so that He is glorified and it draws people to salvation.
Obey & Pray
We view life as a moving forward, keep going
adventure. When we’re given a slow-down
signal to stop along the road, it throws us a curve. No one ever prepares to stop; we prepare to
keep going.
However, there will be times when the Lord moves on our
spirit to pray over someone. It might be a fellow believer, friend, family member
or someone we don’t even know. Our job
is to obey and pray.
If we want God to show favor in our own lives, we need to
pray favor in the lives of others. The
Lord is waiting for the Righteous to pray. His ears are wide open and He is
ready to respond so that evil doesn’t come upon them.
“For the eyes of the Lord are on the Righteous, and His
ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who
do evil.” (1 Peter 3:12)
In Front of Me Prayers
The pieces had been gathering since my husband returned
from the hospital that Friday night; I knew this is what God wanted me to share
on Daily Favor.
God is faithful and did
so through a conversation I had with my friend Margaret and through her blog
post “A Flip of the Coin."
For about a week or so we had been conversing about where
the Lord is leading, and praying that we remain focused so we don’t miss
what God is revealing to us.
Every morning between 4-6 a.m., I looked out my kitchen
window remembering what the Lord had reminded me of during that impatient time
on Sunday. “Focus, front and center
young lady!”
There wasn’t very much activity of course, but I did see
a few cars and businesses that were preparing to open for the day. Leaning over the counter I watched as one vehicle
passed every few minutes.
As the car traveled down the road I prayed over the
person(s) and the vehicle. There were
six accidents and three fatalities last week on that very road. One was with the woman who was in the
I asked God to keep them safe, bring salvation to their
household and bless them with favor so they know it was from Him.
“In front of me” prayers then changed gears toward all
the businesses, their owners, clients and finances for each establishment. Turning around my eyes focused on my husband,
pets and the plans God had for me that day.
When I sat at the computer my prayers targeted on those I
would come in contact with concerning writing and social media. In doing so my week was blessed with favor
from God and people.
Prepare to Stop
With sincerity we’ve probably all said the phrase, “I’ll
pray for you.” Time goes by and oops, we’ve forgotten to do what we promised.
If we would have stopped and prayed at that moment we
would have kept our word and fulfilled scripture. Our problem is that we never prepared to stop
and pray the instant the situation arose.
Last week our challenge focused on the “in front” aspect regarding
being prepared to act in doing something of a physical nature for Christ.
This week our Challenge keeps within the spiritual task
of what’s “in front” of us, but the focus is to keep watch in preparing to stop
and pray.
Before you start your day prepare in prayer for your “prepare to stop” day. Throughout the entire week be aware of who is directly in
front of you, whether it is at home or out in public and get ready to pray. The prayer doesn’t have to be long; it might
only be a few sentences.
If you have already asked God to guide you in prayer, you
will know what to pray when the Lord puts an individual in front of your eyes.
For example, there were several people I
noticed with limps so I prayed over their legs for healing. I automatically knew what to pray when the
Holy Spirit put them in front of my eyes, because I was prepared.
If you’re in traffic waiting for the light to change,
pray for the person directly in front of you.
I noticed a few had car troubles and I prayed over the vehicle to get
them to where they needed to be.
When someone passes your office, pray for them. Pray over your neighbor when you see them leave
for work. You get the point. The main thing
is to pray for people you SEE, but don’t let that stop you from your regular
prayer time on behalf of those you know.
“In all your ways give ear to Him, and He will make
straight your footsteps.” (Proverbs 3:6)
Time is short and who knows, you might be the last one to
pray over the person “in front” of you.
Wouldn’t that be cool if your prayer was the last one that needed to be
spoken before Jesus returned! Talk about
favor !!!
“But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious
and watchful in your prayers (serving for God’s glory). (1 Peter 4:7 NKJV)
If this article has encouraged or helped you please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
next time, pray for favor in others!
“Pray favor for others and receive favor.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: The
words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no
place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on book or link.
Stormie Omartian
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Dog House Compost Prepare
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.