he’ll give up all his comforts,
and sleep out in the rain if she said that’s the way it ought to be.”
These lyrics have been sung by a dozen recording artists,
but I doubt Percy Sledge originally sang about the relationship of Adam and Eve
when he penned those words do you? Yet, it
can be argued that a man will do anything and is practically blinded to the
ways of a woman when it comes to true love.
Are you among those “believer’s”?
For a brief moment let’s step back in time to the
beginning where the first romance was formed between a man and a woman. Just what was it about this new being Adam
called “woman” that changed the
entirety of what the world would come to know as “head over heels in love?”
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the study of Daily Favor Relationships.
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Don't miss out on this week's challenge (below).
In the Beginning
The beginning of my own romance didn’t start in a garden,
but it did have a sweet aroma so to speak .. that is, it was innocent, flowers were involved, however it was
anything but love.
Well, that is on my part. Hubby’s version of what actually took place at the start of our relationship tells a different story.
Well, that is on my part. Hubby’s version of what actually took place at the start of our relationship tells a different story.
When Boy Meets Girl
It was around May of our 9th grade school year
and it took all the staff could do to reign in these radicals from surrounding
districts. Before our class came along
the 9th – 12th graders were in the same school, but that
changed when it came to the over one thousand “free spirited” freshmen who would roam the halls.
Our class was so large that we had to be housed in one
place all by ourselves! On behalf of the
teacher, I can attest that they had their work cut out for them with us.
The last period of the day was homeroom where students
were assigned to rooms according to their last names alphabetically. During that time I asked the teacher if I
could go to my locker which was located just outside the classroom.

Her long flowing hair moved side to side as she walked,
and her petite build was eye catching to say the least. I didn’t even notice what she was wearing
that day because my mind screamed out, “What
a head” … her wonderful features were positioned exquisitely on a perfectly
shaped head and she was coming closer and closer to me!
Kind of weird, huh … I know, but true. Her face … what a face! Did I tell her? Absolutely not. That would be strange!
She seemed focused and intentional in what she was doing,
really outgoing and friendly without overdoing it. Walking up to my locker she started a
conversation. From that point on I
totally forgot why I went to my locker in the first place, and had
absolutely no idea why she was out of her homeroom anyway.
“Hi, my name is Fay.
I recognize you from church. You
come with the Hooper family sometimes, don’t you? Is Davis your cousin? What is your name?”
It was Fay who did all the talking, but I was the one
out of breath! Practically
swallowing my tongue I could barely open my mouth to speak. Timidly I finally managed to blurt out my
name and explained the relationship between the Hooper’s and my family.
“You should come to church more often; we have a great
youth group.”
That was it … she smiled, turned around and disappeared
out of sight only to leave my heart melting in my shoes. Little did she know from that moment on I
planned on being at that church every time the doors were open for
anything! Right then I knew this was the
girl I wanted to marry. The problem was convincing her!
Capturing a Social Butterfly

After that initial hallway meeting we saw each other in
church more than at school, and as we moved on throughout high school our
friendship grew to the point of us becoming best friends. I was able to overcome my shyness with her,
but it would take a long time to make a move forward in the relationship I
desired to have with Fay.
Capturing this delicate butterfly wouldn’t be easy. Competition was something I hadn’t added into
the equation, but realized if I didn’t say anything she’d be listening to
someone else who could fill her lovely head with lies.
In December of our sophomore year the church youth group
was planning a semi-formal banquet for the week between Christmas and the New
Year. It was at a Sunday night hymn sing
that Davis asked me,
“Who are you going to ask to the banquet?”
I told him that I would like to ask Fay but was still kind
of shy about the whole thing.
“I’ll ask her for you”, he said and before I
could stop him he jumped up and was over talking to her.
I was a nervous mess waiting for my friend to come back,
but didn’t expect Fay to be with him. Without
hesitation she happily gave me my answer.
“I’ll go with you as long as Robbie (her boyfriend at the time) doesn’t
want to go.”
Nothing like a definite “maybe” to be a real confidence
builder for a young man’s ego! For the next
year and a half I was the greatest beggar at the Throne, praying she’d dump
every guy that asked her out or had anything to do with her.
Back then I didn’t understand the favor of God, but gradually
my little butterfly started fluttering her way toward the garden of roses I began sending her. God heard this teen’s prayers and Fay did
wind up going with me to the “social” that Christmas.
Loving Anyway
As the next few years unfolded, our friendship turned
into dating, followed with the romance of going steady (exclusive). I fell in love with Fay from the first time
we actually met in the hallway at school. For her … not so much, but she got there,
eventually – February 14th of our senior year to be exact when we
had our first kiss.

“Therefore be imitators of God as dear
children. And walk in love, as Christ
also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God
for a sweet-smelling aroma." (Ephesians 5:1-2 NKJV)
Our relationship developed not because of who I was, but
out of who I needed to be for Fay. It
may have been purely selfish on my part at that time, but God was there from
the beginning giving me hope when things didn’t look promising.
Just like Adam, God put Fay before my eyes. Thankfully there was no surgery involved and I
got to keep all my ribs. It’s kind of funny that she’s never eaten a rib in her
He showed me how to let the butterfly spirit in her fly
free and be what He created her to be for Him.
I love the Lord and practically everyone knows my love for animals, but Fay
is truly the companion and helper God created her to be in establishing a daily favored relationship.
Life in God’s Garden still goes on for those who seek the
Lord and want to grow in relationship with Him.
He will lead you to the person, place or thing that brings Him glory and
draws others to Jesus.
The Blessings of Relationship Continues
Last week I (Fay) began to talk about the blessing concerning relationships. Let’s briefly review the first part of blessing nine of Life in God’s Garden and continue on from there.
Ninth Blessing – God blessed mankind with
relationships, with Himself, animals and one another. No matter how you look at it, we were not
supposed to be without companionships throughout our entire life.
We broke it down into these three
First God created the relationships He
“For by Him (GOD) all things were created, in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or
authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him.” (Colossians 1:16
The Creator of all things wanted
relationships in which He could enjoy. It has always been His plan to give
Daily Favor to His creation whether it is a human or animal.
Second God created animals for mankind.
“And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a
helper comparable to him.’ Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the
field and every bird of the air…” Genesis 2:18-19 NKJV)
The relationship of animals with mankind
wasn’t the same as it is now (after the fall of man because of sin). Life in God’s garden had different
responsibilities than what we deal with in this age.
Jehovah wanted this relationship to be so great that He
favored man entrusting him with the privilege of knowing and naming the
animals. God brought and presented them
as individual creations.
“… and brought them to Adam to see what he
would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature that was its
name. So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to
every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable
to him.” (Genesis 2:19b – 20 NKJV)
Adam would recognize they were not like him, but had the
ability to love and be loyal.
This is where we pick up …
We notice that everything God made was good,
but all of a sudden something isn’t good … something isn’t quite right.
“… and the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a
helper comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18 NKJV)
What we learn is that there was a need for a
companion that would be suitable for man.
The next thing Jehovah does is rather interesting.
Instead of God creating another human He
brings the animals to Adam to be named (verses 19-20). This shows that the inadequacy of animals to
form the type of relationship man would need for fulfillment and completion.
Finally God does something wonderful for man
that would be beyond what he could ask or think. He would provide a true fit, equal
and companion for man. That takes us to the last part of the relational needs
for humans.
Third He created the female Adam – man.
On the very day man was created God demonstrated
that He favored the relationship of a male and female by joining them together. Contrary to the lyricist I mentioned in the
beginning of this post, God didn’t plan for man to give up all the comforts of
a loving home, nor did He have to fend off the rain to please a woman … not
while living in His Garden that is.
“And the Lord God
caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs,
and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into
a woman…” (Genesis 2:21-22a NKJV)
Are you starting to think more and ask
questions that never popped into your mind before this series? I hope so.
Adam was barely alive before he had to
undergo surgery! How
much time did Adam have before there was his companion and helper Eve? We know he spent a good part of the day alone
with God, so was she made in the “eve” – ning?
After all, God is the one who identified mankind as Adam (man) and Eve.

When Adam woke from his deep sleep we know what he said, but
what exactly was he thinking when his eyes first saw Eve’s “head” … (I
couldn’t resist) okay … her face? Was it
love at first sight?
Was this floating around in his head?
“I wonder what God was thinking when
He created you?
When God made you He must have been
thinking about me.
He made the sun; He made the moon to
harmonize in perfect tune.
One can’t do without the other; they
just have to be together.
And that is why I know it’s true, you’re
for me and I’m for you.
‘Cuz my world just can’t be right without
you in my life.”
Head or Heart Relationship
When it comes to my husband, I tend not to agree that he
was blinded to the ways of a woman when it came to love. However, his method of
finding “true love” isn’t exactly what I’d call typical either in building a
relationship, but it was a godly one that worked.
In the beginning what hubby felt in his heart concerning
love was only friendship in my head.
Time, patience and effort built the relationship into something
deeper. This week’s think on this challenge
had me wondering if it was the same for Eve when it came to Life in God’s
Did the Eden couple fall head over heels in love with one
another when their eyes first met? What
if it took Adam three years before he had the nerve to ask Eve out on a date
like hubby did with me? He had a good
start to winning her heart with all the flowers at his disposal, and they didn’t
cost him a week’s wages either.
With my husband I didn’t have a clue about his feelings
and thought we were just good friends.
The dating thing came as a complete surprise.
What do you suppose happened when Adam first met Eve? Was it love at first sight or did the relationship have to grow in favor?
How long did it take for Adam and Eve to fall in love …
or did they? Was it a head or a heart
relationship? After all, it was an
arranged marriage.
Wow, now that will keep you thinking! Go ahead and talk that one over with your
loved one!
Just for the record:
Although I have come to favor my husband’s humorous side,
I haven’t gotten past the “head” thing and even to this day he will put his
hands on me proclaiming, “I love this
head, because you came with it.” Strange!
When God Made You by Newsong
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider
sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.
Until next time, wake up to favor!
“Trust Me; I’ll put favor before your eyes.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on the links. We have two selections.
When a Man Loves a Woman: Pursuing Her Heart by
Pastor James Ford, Jr.
Skills Every Husband Must Develop to Love His Wife Well
Darrin and Amie Patrick
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the
above tab “Tell Me About Jesus”
for more information on salvation and becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
When a Man Loves a Woman by Percy Sledge Wikipedia
credit: Google Images Creative Common
License if not specified.Image: When a Man Loves a Woman Brown HairTeenage Girl Social Butterfly Ephesians 5:12 Perfume Bottle God Blessed Relationship When God Created You
Marriage, Life in Gods Garden, Garden of Eden, In the Garden, Adam and Eve, Daily Favor Relationships, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Newsong, Hubby Update, Pastor James Ford, Jr.