You've heard the saying, "God's never early, and He's never later either, but He's always on time." Well, the saying still holds true.
Those who have been following DFB know we were waiting on doctors to schedule my husband to have kidney stones removed asap because of kidney issues. It took some time, but the urologist got everything scheduled and hubby was set to for the procedure.
That morning I was up early and getting everything ready for the day knowing it might be a long one at the hospital. I had prepared my lunch the night before and was packing it for travel when my husband shouted from the bathroom.
"Honey, come here." Stopping what I was doing I went to see what was wrong. "Look!" He said as he handed me a tissue.
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Hubby's Kidney Stones |
What I saw appeared to be kidney stones - large ones! Not sure what to do, we called the doctor's office. Following through as planned we were instructed to continue on to the hospital for x-rays.
Arriving at the hospital the parking area was packed. There wasn't anything else to do, so hubby got out and went inside while I circled the lot until something became available.
Round and round I drove, but nothing ... no one was leaving! As soon as someone did get in their car, another vehicle that had been circling also got to it first. It was if we were all playing musical chairs but with vehicles, trying to get the only space available.
Bingo - a spot! Could I get to it in time before another vehicle? Almost at the same time I watched a lady drop off a woman in a wheelchair and scurry back to her vehicle. Of course, she needed to get inside too, anyone could tell by the way she moved quickly ... so I circled around and let her take the place.
That's when I saw this small area with yellow lines through it not far from where I needed to go. Obviously, it wasn't a parking spot, but it wasn't blocking anything so I figured I'd wait it out there instead of going around in circles a dozen more times.
Turning the car around so I could face the hospital lobby, I positioned myself in that little space hoping someone would come out that door and leave so I could park. As I sat there waiting, dozens of vehicles entered the parking lot, circled and left.
Was I naive in thinking I'd get a space when all those people didn't? It never crossed my mind to leave, so I kept praying God would open a space close to the entrance.
About thirty minutes passed and I was able to get a spot near the door! Thank you, Jesus!
Rushing in to catch-up with my husband I noticed that they had already taken him in for the x-rays. I sat in the front waiting room until I heard something. Not five minutes later a volunteer wheeled my husband back to the waiting area.
Calling out from his wheelchair down the hall, he said: "We have to go back to the urologist first." Okay, I thought after just getting that great parking spot. I know, that shouldn't have been what I was thinking, but it was!
It didn't take long after getting to the doctor's office before the head nurse came out to give us information. No one was in the waiting room, because the doctor was at the hospital for surgery! Uh ... waiting for us if anyone forgot!
Hubby was the first in line we were told due to his "urgent" issue concerning a kidney. What's happening? Why did we have to go to the urologist's office and then back to the hospital?
Handing the x-rays to the nurse, with a huge smile she took them and said, "You can go home! The kidney stones passed and the kidney is doing fine, with no bleeding."
Apparently, the doctor had read them at the hospital and we were the "carrier pigeons" of the documents he needed for his office files. That was quite alright with us, after all, there would be no surgery or procedure that day. God had answered our prayers!
I can't tell you how elated we were, well, me mainly. He was super glad, but little stunned from the change of plans. Having nothing to eat for quite some time, he was ready for a celebration lunch.
Our Times Are in His Hands
Throughout the night people around the globe had been praying that my husband wouldn't need the procedure or surgery, depending on what they found. This was the good news we prayed for, yet when it happened why were we even a bit surprised?
God had answered our prayers twenty minutes before we were to arrive at the hospital! That's right, twenty minutes! He wasn't early or late, but right on time ... His timing.
No matter the circumstance or situation, our "times" are in His hands. (Psalm 31:15) At the right time, His time, He will deliver or provide whatever the need in order that He can receive all the glory and praise.
A Season and Purpose
In Ecclesiastes 3:1, the Bible tells us that there is a season and purpose for everything. Only God knows what they are, and He moves as He desires in every situation.
Contrary to what some may think, those who seek after Christ and follow Him are not promised an easy road in life. However, we are promised that God would be with us for the journey if we put our trust and faith in Him.
We prepared physically, spiritually and emotionally believing God would see us through whatever needed to be done. I can tell you, there was no time wasted in giving God the praise for His faithfulness, and we have been spreading the good things He has done to everyone.
"Come and see what the Lord has done, the amazing things He has done on the earth." (Psalm 46:8 NCV)
"Come and see the wonders of God, His acts for humanity are awe-inspiring." (Psalm 66:5 HCSB)
God hears the prayers of His children and is ready to show the Righteous unmerited favor. Although our journey concerning hubby's health continues, one thing is certain. God will be and always is faithful to His covenant promises.
"... You are faithful to
Your promises, O God." (Psalm 71:22 NLT)
"Keep in mind that the LORD your God is (the only) God. He is a faithful God, who keeps His (covenant) promise and is merciful to thousands of generations of those who love Him and keep His commands." (Deuteronomy 7:9 GWT)
Until next time, favor the promises of God!
“Granting favor
through My promises! – Jesus Christ
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