There would be little doubt in my mind
that the majority of those who live outside of the USA disagree with this
statement. America doesn’t realize how
blessed it is with the variety of choices we get to make, solely based on the
abundance of products in this country.
It’s not that way all over the world.
I can remember talking with a neighbor
over some remodeling that she was planning.
Rose couldn’t make up her mind. Running
her fingers through her hair with frustration she looked at all the selections.
Baffled and overwhelmed my friend was
in a stupor as to what she should do. With
a smile on my face I stretched out my arms over the samples and simply said,
but look at all the choices you have to help with the decision.”
Okay … somehow that didn’t quite help.
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That Miracle Drink
From the time we open our eyes until
they shut at night our day is jam packed with decisions. Not all of them are life altering, but some
come close. I know of one in the form of
a beverage.
One morning my husband had to stop
over my sister-in-law’s to pick up her sons. They were going to work with him
for the day on a building site. She
answered the door while the boys gathered their things.
As hubby entered the room he began a
typical morning conversation, but before he finished his sentence she held up
her hand like a stop sign cutting him off mid-stream. Keeping silent she motioned for him to follow
her into the kitchen. As she poured a
cup of coffee into a large mug my husband waited for a signal for when he could
resume his conversation.
Taking a few sips she sighed, leaning
back on the counter she said, “Okay, now I can talk!” She was serious, and wouldn’t make one
decision to engage in anything as simple as “good morning” until she downed a
few gulps of that miraculous brown fluid that causes her brain to move into
motion. It’s amazing how that runs in my
family! The good thing though is that
she never starts a day with an unkind word.
Choose Me
What about those who need that cup of
coffee on their way to work? They mentally
ask themselves if they will have a meal at home or on the fly dashing out the
door. Who can keep up with the vast
amount of flavors for what used to be a simple cup of coffee?

Who will be the next favored soul to
get followed on social media, or who will get eliminated from the inner group
we sacredly follow each day? No matter
how hard we try, one cannot escape making decisions in life.
Decision Based
Each day people make choices over
which cable channel to watch. Not having it eliminates one decision for me
… somehow I don’t find much comfort in that.
Hmmm. Oh, I don’t mind living without
cable (it’s a decision we’ve made), it’s that it only eliminates one of the
thousands of things I have to decide!
Some decisions we make mainly because
we’re used to something so we continue to do that particular thing the same way
every time we confront that situation.
For instance, getting up at a certain time, going to bed, what and when
to eat and what to wear are pretty much “automatic decision based” modes,
simply because they are a regular practice in our daily lives.
There are decisions we make out of
necessity merely because we feel we have no other choice. Many of these are
founded on fear, anxiety, stress or exhaustion; these often turn out to be
wrong choices.
From birth we learn quickly the
process of decision making. As we observe
others it’s not long before we realize that certain decisions give us what we
want or cause friction in our relationships.
We also make decisions because our
parents did things “that way” and it’s just easier to agree than disagree. Not wanting to stand out as the oddball
sometimes our decisions are forced by peer or co-worker pressure.
On and On
Decisions are a process that takes
time by making choices that are usually based on thoughts. They are an act of
our own free will to do or not to do something.
It’s hard to believe that according to
research, most adults can make around 35,000 decisions in one day. However, when you break it down into
categories you see how they add up over the course of 24 hours.
With the routine decisions under our
belt on auto-pilot let’s add a few hundred more to the day. What about any shopping you need to do? Will the kids be picked up at school before
carting them off to some sports event?
How’s the job hunting/career thing working out for you? Did you remember to vote or return the book
to the library?
What will you do with your spare time
this weekend? Is church on the schedule,
relatives, parties, barbecues, weddings … Have you said yes to that marriage
proposal; where will you honeymoon?
Ladies, let’s not forget all the
things we have to decide for our spouses just to keep them on target for their
day. Each time hubby leaves the house I
run through a list of things he needs to take with him such as keys, water,
wallet, meds, sunglasses, cane umbrella, food, hat, etc. Then I remind him where he needs to go and in
which order so that he can get everything done.
I guess you can get my point. On and on, we’re always making some sort of
decision even if it’s the most minor or minuscule details. This kind of choice making can get tiring,
but most of the time we muddle through because it’s the sort of thing one has
to do to get through the day.
What about other decisions we make in
life … the ones we make based on emotions?
Are You Willing or Obedient?
Have you ever said, “I wish I never did or said that?” I
know I have. Wouldn’t it be great if we
could hit a “delete” tab and make the wrong decision go away forever? My friend, making decisions based on emotions
can be terribly wrong, and leaving God out of our plans is a good way to have
favor deleted from our life.
The Bible tells believers in Isaiah
1:19 that our decisions are blessed with favor when they come from obeying the
Lord. The choices we make will be blessed when we follow God’s revealed
will. That is, what He has let us know
through the written (logos) Word in the Bible.
“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat of the good of the land."
(Isaiah 1:19 NKJV)
This is pretty straight forward if you
understand the Bible, and that will come from spending time in the Word. Here’s an easy concept to grasp.
No one need argue over loving your
neighbor, because it’s spelled out in the Bible. So the decision to love others will be
blessed because it’s already revealed that it’s what God wants us to do
as are these:
“For the commandments, you shall not commit adultery,
shall not murder, you shall not
you shall not bear false witness, you shall not covet,
and if there
is any other commandment, are all
summed up in this
saying, namely, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
(Romans 13:9 NKJV)
What about situations/things that aren’t
spelled out in the Bible, how can we make the right decisions in those cases? This is where spending time in prayer comes
into our daily plans.
Through the “spoken word” God reveals information
to our heart through His Holy Spirit that dwells within us. God’s Spirit will
impress on us which decision to make. In
other words, there are many things He clearly speaks to us if our will is in
line with His.
There is a benefit to understanding/knowing
how God thinks and knowing His will for us. It makes it easier to eliminate the
things we know are not of Him.
Favored Decisions
Let’s say you are seeking the Lord on
a specific position or job and aren’t sure what to do. If you seek Him in prayer God will reveal to
your spirit the path you should take. When you act on that knowledge the Lord
will release favor on the situation.
Several years ago William was forced
to work weekends which took him out of any Sunday church activities. His desire was to work the day shift and not
on weekends, at least not on Sunday.
He and his wife prayed for months
about what God would have them do. When
the gentleman approached his boss he was given an ultimatum.
Either William was to remain where he
was or take a $6,000 cut in salary, his wages would be reduced by $3.00 an
hour, and he would be transferred to the maintenance department. What do you think he did? Yep … he took the cut in pay.
By deciding to follow the guidance and
direction of the Holy Spirit, God blessed William with favor for his
obedience. If there was another opening,
the program would take at least two years for him to reach the same level and
pay scale. However, that’s not what happened, because it
wasn’t the plan God had for him.
God favored the decision this couple
made, because their hearts desire was to please the Lord by putting Him first
in their lives. They included God in
their decision. They chose to follow the principles of God, because they had a
desire to do the will of God. His Will
was their will, so their will became God’s will.
Within six months he was transferred
back to the job where he was before making the same amount of money, except now
with the benefit of overtime – not on weekends!
Six Steps on How to Be Blessed with Favor
1 - Our decisions will be blessed when
we include God in them.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not depend on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge (or know) Him,
and do not depend on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge (or know) Him,
and He will make your paths straight."
3:5-6 ISV International Standard Version ISV)
Stay in fellowship through prayer and
the reading of His Word. When we’re out
of fellowship with God we can easily make wrong decisions thinking they are
2 - Our decisions will receive favor
when they follow the will and law of God.
Biblical laws aren’t like our kind of
laws, but are laws written on a believer’s heart revealed through the scriptures
and the Holy Spirit as our relationship grows in the Lord. Not wanting to follow the will of God can
get us into so much trouble, plus it takes us out of His favor and blessings.
"When they live by My statutes and
keep My ordinances
by observing them, then they’ll be My people
and I will be their God.
but to those whose hearts delight in loathsome things and
detestable practices, I'll bring the consequences of their
behavior crashing down on their own heads,
declares the Lord GOD."
11:20-22 ISV International Standard Version)
Even satan knows God’s will, truth and
Word, that’s why he tried to tempt Jesus.
The thing is though, Jesus knew he quoted the scriptures wrong. If we aren’t versed in the Word we might
think we are making sound decisions based on the Bible, but they could be
totally wrong.
3 - Our decisions will be blessed if we
delight ourselves in the Lord.
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He
shall give you the
desires of
your heart.” (Psalm 37:4 NKJV)
4 – Our decision will be blessed if we
chose to follow God, not man.
Are we trying to please God, others or
ourselves? The decisions we form
concerning friendships make a difference in the amount of favor we will receive
from the Lord.
17 Now I urge you, brothers, to watch
out for those who create divisions and sinful enticements that oppose the
teaching you have learned. Stay away from them, 18 because
such people are not serving the Messiah Christ our Lord, but their own desires.
By their smooth talk and flattering words they deceive the hearts of the
unsuspecting.” (Romans 16:17-18 ISV)
5 - Our decisions will be blessed if
our hearts desire is to serve God.
Whether we realize it, the decisions we make truly reveal the deepest
desires of our heart.
In the Old Testament of the Bible we
read about an honorable and godly man named Joshua who made wise decisions. He declared
among the people that he chose to serve the Lord, and challenged them to make a
decision of whom they would follow.
Notice he didn’t tell them they had to decide to follow his God, but declared
who he had chosen.
“And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for
yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers
served that were on the other
side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will
serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15. NKJV)
By making the decision to serve God
Joshua received great favor and those who did the same also received blessings,
because he was in the will of God.
6 – Our decision to seek God as a
source of wisdom will lead us into favor.
God created us to look to Him as our
source of wisdom. Do not lean on your own understanding; he wants to direct your
path into favor and success.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of
who gives to all liberally and without
and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5 NKJV)
Where are you seeking wisdom and
counsel? Is your source for making
decisions based on God’s word and will?
Is it counter to the will of God? If so, it won’t be blessed by
Learn to Make God Favored Decisions
The Bible doesn’t always point out
specific things we are to do, but the Holy Spirit will reveal to our heart the
correct decisions to make for any particular instance if we include God in them.
It’s called the unction or the
anointing of the Holy Spirit that speaks to believers and gives us a knowing of
what to do that pleases the Lord. (2 Corinthians 1:21)
Our challenge this week is to make an
effort to consciously include Christ in the decisions we make.
Purposely employ the “Six Steps on How
to Be Blessed with Favor” in your prayer life and throughout the day. Let the Lord know that you truly desire His
will and want to know what He thinks.
Ask the Holy Spirit to let you know if
you’re heading in the wrong direction, and to give you the courage needed to do
what’s right.
We all make decisions every day; some
not so earth-shaking, while others change our lives forever. Quick decisions or delayed ones; both can be disastrous
if God isn’t in them.
As you pray and seek God’s desires, He
will give you the wisdom needed to make the right decisions for life.
“I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart."
(Psalm 40:8 NKJV)
Life doesn't have to be confusing, overwhelming or baffle us when we have to make hard choices. We have help ...
If God has a good plan for us, isn’t
it time we decided to seek and include Him in our lives? One thing for sure, He won’t keep you waiting until
He’s had His coffee.
“For whoever finds Me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord.”
8:35 NKJV)
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
next time, find God and you’ll find His favor.
“With Me you will have eternal life and favor.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
When used,
the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him
no place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
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by June Hunt
Available in eBook format.
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you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the
above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
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Making Favored Decisions, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Daily Favor Prayer, Decision Making, Christian Living, Inspiration, Coffee, Employment, June Hunt, Rizon, Social Media, Weekly Challenge