You know that my husband and I share our life experiences
with you, especially when it comes to the favor of God. What happened really didn’t line up with the
theme of this site, so we waited to say anything until we felt that the Lord gave
us the okay.
Warning … this is not the “usual” type post,
but I’ll explain next week.
but I’ll explain next week.
With that said, turn back a few pages with me to March 8th,
2017 where our scene takes place at a local supermarket/department store.
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Don't miss out on this week's challenge
Wet Shoes
It seems our timing was off a little bit on Wednesday ...
or was it? Thinking back on the day, I
believe the timing was God putting us in a certain place at a specific time for
a reason to be revealed in due course.
We had hoped to leave the house by 11 a.m. and were doing
fairly well staying on schedule. I was
ready and my husband just finished washing up some rubber mats in the backyard
when he came into the house shaking his head.
In a rush he accidentally dumped the water bucket soaking
his right foot. Laughing it off he hurriedly
changed into dry shoes and socks.
Do You See What I See?
Once underway, things returned to "normal" and we
were favored with a great parking spot at the shopping center. We both grabbed a cart and before getting
started headed off to the restrooms.
Walking ahead of my husband I didn’t realize that I was
partially blocking the aisle; it’s not unusual for me to unintentionally take
the middle of the “road”. With hubby
following he noticed that a man was trying to get around me and called out, "Hon, move over so he can get by you."

My observant husband however, watched as he continued into
the restroom carrying a pair of pants and a shirt on their hangers flaunting
them as the tags waved in the air.
Standing there in amazement we looked at one another when my husband
said, “Did you see that? Is he stealing
I couldn’t help but wonder, “Didn’t he read the sign on the door about bringing merchandise in the
restrooms? There are signs plastered all
over the walls.”
At the same time we noticed a store supervisor standing
by a check-out facing the restrooms. She was sort of gazing
in his direction, so not thinking anything of it hubby was sure she saw what
happened and had things under control.
After all, the man walked right in front of her.
Off the Rack
Leaving my cart I went to the ladies room but to no
surprise it was full. Turning around I
came back out and sat down on the bench next to hubby, motioning he should go
ahead because it might be a while for me. Taking my advice (I should record that one!)
he entered the boy’s room and … well, I’ll let hubby tell it his way.
“When I got
inside the restroom, there was the man with the clothes on the hangers standing
smack in the middle of the floor with nothing on except his undergarment. That awkward display was something I hadn’t
expected to see, nor was it a very attractive sight.
Oblivious to the
other man in the bathroom, the off the rack new shirt and pants were draped
over the stalls as the guy became a quick change artist blocking the area for
anyone who entered.
Not being
comfortable with the situation hubby tried to avert his eyes from what was
happening and grunted, “Yo man, you mind
moving your stuff so I can pass by?”
Snatching the
clothes off the stall doors he responded, “Sorry”, and went about his
business. I can only imagine what the
other man behind a stall was thinking when a pair of pants came slapping over
top of his door. Listening to the
conversation I doubt he really wanted to know what was happening.
As I was washing
my hands the fella was standing to my left admiring his new ensemble in the
mirror saying to no one in particular, “I
don’t need these hangers now.” ditching them in the trash can.
With a strange look on his face hubby came out of the
restroom and sat next to me on the bench revealing what had just transpired. By
now the store associate was no longer watching and had gone over to customer
service. Hubby looked at me and said, "What
do you think we should do?"
Rising to the Occasion
In the middle of talking, the gentleman came out of the
restroom with his old clothes rolled up in a small bundle holding them in his
hand. Mumbling something he tucked the
clothes up under his arm and walked to his right. Stopping abruptly he turned around and headed
toward “exit stage left” still babbling as he walked past us.
Suddenly I was sitting with a nine year old as hubby whispered
in rapid fire, “Do you think he’s
stealing those clothes? I think he’s
stealing those clothes. Maybe he’s not …
but maybe he is. Do you think he’s
stealing those clothes? Maybe he paid
for them, what do you think? Do you
think he’s …”
“Stop already!” I
said trying to get him to slow down. “Why
don’t you follow him and see what he does.” Rising to the occasion, off he
went. With quite a few steps to his
favor the man had already exited the building walking right by the security
person posted at the exit.
Back to hubby’s adventure ...
Running as fast
as I could I reached the exit of the store.
Puffing and out of breath I bent over holding myself up with my hands on
my knees getting the attention of the security guard. Lifting one arm I pointed at the door saying,
“That man just stole those clothes he’s
He sprang into
action yelling into his wrist radio, “Security,
security, code yellow … SWARM, SWARM, SWARM!” A team of officers apprehended the offender in
the parking lot, and with his arms held behind him they brought him back into
the store marching the “king” by me. “Well done, Sir.” The security guard praised
me as he followed behind the others.
Okay, busted! That
didn’t happen, but it sounded good don’t you think? Here is what really happened…
Guarding Pluto
I asked the security
guard, "Did you see the man that
just walked out the exit?" He answered in an “I don’t want to get involved way” … "No, sorry."
How could he have
missed this guy? First off he was the
only person in the area leaving the store.
Secondly, the “king in his new clothes” stood about 6'4" tall and
weighed around 300 pounds! Was his brain
on Pluto to have missed this dude and his shiny new duds? Where’s Paul Blart when you need him?
When I explained
to the security person what had happened he said that he would report it when
he got relieved from his post. Hello, “Elvis”
has left the building! Obviously he
wasn’t moving from that spot.
Not really sure
this fella completely understood his job description. I guess his title is “occasional” loss
prevention, standing diligent to tackle the 80 year old grandma that might set
off the alarm with a can of oven cleaner she purchased. Then it’s “go time” to stop and check her
receipt. (Side note here … do you think
he’s being a tiny bit sarcastic? Okay, guess you caught that too.)
I went outside to
see if I could locate the sharp dressed man, but he had vanished into thin air. How
do you hide somebody that tall? In the
man's defense, he did have good taste in his clothing selection and he looked
mighty fine strutting out the door.
Stolen Favor
His story wasn’t over, and hubby filled in more of the
details of the event. By now I had left
the area and wasn’t aware that my husband was so disturbed about the matter.
Frankly I believed that everything worked itself out and he was getting the pet
food, because when I looked for him by the exit door he was nowhere to be
Passing the
security guard, whom I am sure didn’t see me because his mind was somewhere on another
planet, I came back into the store. I
still wasn’t sure what to do but felt I needed to do something.
I decided to go
to customer service and saw the same supervisor who I thought was watching the
man walk into the restroom with the clothes on a hanger. When I asked her about the incident she said that
she hadn't noticed him, and evidently security didn't have him in their sights
either so he just walked away with ease. Poof-poof, he was gone.
In our
conversation I told her that I felt bad about even saying anything since he may
have had a real need for those new clothes. Can you believe what she said? "You
know what I think about that? If you have a need, get a job!"
She may be right
in theory, but not at the level of passing judgment without knowing all the
details. The same holds true for
me. I don’t have any right to judge him.
Was he stealing
or not? Had he purchased them stuffing
the receipt in his pocket and decided to forgo the bag because he wanted to
wear them home?
If he didn’t have
the money I would have told him to give me the tags and gone and paid for
them. Then I’d bring him the receipt so he
wouldn’t get in trouble.
Would you say that man received favor that day? Stolen favor maybe. Or did someone drop the ball on doing the
right thing? With this mystery
unresolved, we took a deep breath and went about our shopping.
A New Level of Thinking
The entire incident baffled us and we continued to talk
about it the rest of the day. Later that
night I suggested, “Maybe the guy was an
angel; after all you said he vanished without a trace.” To which he responded, “If he was, I would have hoped that he had better drawers.” Ooo .. too much information!
So for the past two weeks we have been trying to figure
out the lesson in what we witnessed.
What were we supposed to do? What
should we have done? Why out of about
500 people in the store, half of them being men who could have used the same
restroom, were we the only ones to see this?
(Or were we?)
Where is the favor in all of this? If the man stole the clothes the store didn’t
get favor. In fact if the clothing
turned out to be ill-gotten gains and he got away with it, the man was making
his own favor and God doesn’t work His favor in that way.
This takes when God says in Deuteronomy 28:6, “You will be blessed when you are coming in
and going out” to a whole new level. When we take a look at what happened does this
come down to what society deems as a moral issue, or was my husband simply
being a snitch that should have minded his own business?
What is Morality & Who Determines What is Moral?
If someone is called snitch our minds automatically
change the way we think of a person or situation. Informer, stool pigeon, squealer, tattletale
and blabbermouth are just a few more words that come into my head. I begin to wonder if this person can be
trusted and what were their motives behind the actions they took. It all comes down to morals.
When people think of morality they incorporate principles
concerning the distinction between what is right and wrong or good and bad
behavior. Moral values have to do with
what is decided to be proper standards including honesty, integrity, just and
honorable or decent behavior in society.
Based on morals people determine what should or should not
be done in any given situation and often times there is a motive behind the
behavior. Christians determine what
morality is based on God’s character revealed to us through His inspired Word.
When it comes to who determines what is defined as moral
behavior we have to consider that this differs among cultures and they may
depend on a specific situation. Then there
are some things universally recognized as immoral or moral such as dealings
with children, animals, environment, marriage, discipline, business dealings, etc. What might be innocent and acceptable in one
nation could possibly be a disgrace in another.
Free Will vs. God’s Will
A moral decision acts in conjunction with the mind and
will of man. It doesn’t always line up
with God’s will or His laws concerning the desired behavior mankind should
reflect as His image bearers.
Free moral agents always act and choose according to their
most persuasive inclinations of what they are thinking. It’s as simple as this, if a person desires to
obey Christ they won't sin.
We follow our strongest desires at the time of any
situation. We always choose our behavior based on a reason. I did this because ... I did that because ...
There is a reason we always do things.
Force and coercion (pressure) may cause us to do things
we don't want to do and behave differently than normal by reducing our options.
For example, a robber makes a person
give up their wallet. The individual does it because he or she has a strong desire
to live, which is greater than not obeying the criminal. Immoral behavior won based on pressure to
make a decision against moral belief.
Human desires fluctuate and go up and down like a yo-yo
because of our free will. We have to
decide what will allow us to serve Christ and do what’s morally correct in His
The Apostle Paul said that he battled with his own will
when it came to doing the moral or right thing as a believer. In laymen terms, “I can choose against my
desires when I do what I don't want to do.” We’re
no different than him when it comes to always doing the moral thing.
“For what I am doing, I do not understand. For
what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.
If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree
with the law that it is good.
But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin
that dwells in me.
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh)
nothing good dwells; for to
will is present with me, but how to perform
what is good I do not find.
For the good that I will to do, I do not do;
but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.
Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no
longer I who do it,
but sin
that dwells in me.” (Romans 7:15-20 NKJV)
Fallen man has a free will to choose or not to choose
righteousness. Every choice we make is
free. Even if we do it against our will
through external forces we still decide what to do, including submission based
on things out of our control.
God has given us a free will to choose to do the right thing
or the wrong thing for that matter. He has also revealed to us His will and
laws to follow in order to receive favor and high esteem from Him and mankind.
“My son, do not forget My law, but let your
heart keep My commands;
for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.
for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.
Let not
mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man." (Proverbs 3:1-3 NKJV)
write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man." (Proverbs 3:1-3 NKJV)
To Rat or Not to Rat?
Ratting someone out or being a snitch isn’t something we
want to be labeled, but are there times when “ratting” on someone is the right
thing to do without making us a betrayer or “Judas”?
So, who decides when it’s right or wrong? What guidelines are there in making our
Our desires determine our choices good or bad, right or
wrong. We determine what we will do, which brings us to this week’s “morality” challenge.
Having thought about this, search the scriptures in
considering how you will answer these questions on morality when it comes to
the position of a believer that witnesses something like we did.
1 – What do you think should have been the course of
action for this incident?
2 – Was bringing this “alleged stealing” information to
someone’s attention being a tattle-tale or is it merely informing?
3 – When does the morality aspect come into play?
4 – Does the scripture James 5:20 on “covering a multitude
of sins” apply in this instance?
5 – Did favor play any part of this situation? If so how?
If not, why not?
Next week I’ll share more of the story in part two, and
what the Word of God says on the subject.
A special thanks to my husband for openly sharing his “adventure”
that we might gain wisdom, knowledge and insight to the mind of Christ.
Do What’s Right by Angelo & Veronica
Have you read:
Security Takes a Holiday: Part 1
Security Takes a Holiday: Part 2
Security Takes a Holiday: Part 3
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.
Security Takes a Holiday: Part 1
Security Takes a Holiday: Part 2
Security Takes a Holiday: Part 3
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.
Until next time, God’s favor cannot be
“Righteousness receives favor.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
When used,
the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him
no place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
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Image: This Really Happened Did You See That Planet Pluto Deuteronomy 28:6 Law & Morality God's Way My Way
Christian Living, Daily Favor Blog, Days of Daily Favor, Favored1, Free Will, Morality, Security Takes a Holiday, Stealing, Weekly Challenge, Sharp Dressed Man, The Will of God, Morals, Without a Trace