One day Elsie’s manager happened to be on her floor at
work and saw how she handled each responsibility given. The boss popped her head in and out of the
rooms, wondering where the other workers were that had also been given tasks on
that floor. No one was around except
Weeks had gone by and nothing more was said about the
missing co-workers. It was near closing
time and Elsie was finishing out her shift when she was summoned to the
office. Only working there a few months,
Elsie got worried. Was she about to be
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to abound in the lives of those who chose to Journey with Jesus on Daily Favor
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Earned Favor

Holding her breath she slowly raised her arm and tapped
gently on the door with three knocks. Given permission to enter Elsie hesitated
and then proceeded with caution. Giving
a quick glance around the room she noticed several upper management staff
seated in a half circle.
Being asked to sit down, Elsie placed her purse and tote
bag in front of her on the floor as if they could shield her from what might
happen. The room was silent when her
boss cleared her throat and began to speak.
Thirty minutes had gone by and Elsie’s anxiety was
relieved as each of the staff expressed their gratitude for how she performed
her duties. The meeting was closed with
the members in the room standing and walking over to shake her hand for a job
well done.
Elsie bent over to pick up her things from the floor when
her boss walked over and handed her an envelope. “Before
you leave we’d like to give this gift certificate to you as a way of showing
our appreciation.” She continued
with “Be sure you don’t tell anyone
else. This is only for you.”
What Elsie received that day was natural favor! She had
earned it for outstanding achievement.
Natural Favor
Natural favor is something that anyone can earn. It can
be extended to people, pets, places or items.
In general, natural favor is something we give to things that we love,
adore or cherish. Things that we think
fondly of often receive favor based on merit or how they rate on our approval
scale. You can see how that worked on Elsie’s behalf at work.
When people think of natural favor family or friends are
what usually come to mind. It’s natural
to favor these people over strangers, because they mean something to us
emotionally and personally. Most of the
time those close to us don’t have to do anything to earn our favor; the favor we
show them is based on love or friendship. We willingly pour out blessings on

Seriously, it really is great and I appreciate every time
he chooses to shower me with these blessings.
He doesn’t have to do it, but because I am his wife he “naturally” wants
to do these things for me alone.
Natural favor can also be earned by those who have shown
a kindness or have done something outstanding meriting blessings to be given
for certain things. Let’s say that you
have done a really good job at work like my friend Elsie. In turn your boss rewards you with a raise based
on duties that stood above your peers. Like
Elsie, you would be the only one to receive this “natural” favor in that
The problem with natural or human favor is that it may come
with work that has to be maintained.
Once a person slacks off or does something wrong the favor they once had
also diminishes. Staying in favor then
becomes a taskmaster, and often turns into bitterness if it’s no longer given
or received. You find yourself feeling like a pet that does tricks for a treat
hoping the trainer notices you’ve followed their commands.
Supernatural Favor
There is a difference between what we know as natural
favor versus supernatural favor. Although we like receiving favor from most
anyone I’d venture to say, gaining access to Supernatural favor is really what
we want.
Supernatural favor isn’t like natural favor, because it
cannot be earned or worked for by humans.
When we become children of God through Jesus Christ, we fall under the
covering of the Lord and His favor. He
grants us His favor and it increases as our journey with Jesus lines up with
God’s plan.
Part of the blessings of salvation is the gift of God’s
favor to the Righteous. It’s included under
the umbrella (canopy, shadow of the Almighty as Psalm 91 records) of His
wonderful grace and mercy. There isn’t
anything we can do to earn it, because it’s free. However, everyone who is a descendant of
Abraham has access to this favor and power when we walk in the precepts God has
outlined for us in His Word for His plan.
The more we learn to trust God and follow His path, the
more favor He entrusts us with for our journey.
When we receive this blessing, things start to change in our lives,
people notice that God’s hand is on us like it was on Abraham’s, Joseph’s or
King David’s life.
When we begin to pray and expect the favor of God to
surround us as a shield (Psalm 5:12), the doors that were once closed suddenly
open, opportunities come faster and blessings follow us wherever we set our feet. It’s rather amazing and supercharges the plan
of God on our life.
Favor Walk
For three and a half years the disciples experienced
favor walks with Jesus. They relied on
Him for everything, and that trust allowed God to rain favor on their
journey. It’s funny how they forgot
about that supernatural favor for a time when Jesus ascended into Heaven, but
praise God Pentecost came and their faith was restored.
Thanks to the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells within
us upon salvation, we don’t have to wait for Jesus to send down His power. Every day we can walk in the favor of God and
experience miracles and wonders when we allow Jesus to journey with us. Spending time with Him changes everything in
you, for you and around you.
All we have to do is ask for favor during our fellowship
time with Him.
“And let the (gracious) favor of the Lord our God be on
Confirm for us the work of our hands –
Yes, confirm the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17 AMP)
Ask for Supernatural Favor
In our prayer time sometimes it’s easy to forget to ask
God for something we need, because we usually focus on other people. If we do pray for God to move on our behalf I
doubt we use the word “favor” in the request.
The Bible shares specific times when individuals enjoyed
the favor of God on their lives. It also
tells of how people asked for the Lord’s favor in all kinds of situations. King David, for one, wasn’t shy when it came
to calling on the Lord for a favor or two.
You might even say he expected a favor flow based on what he makes known
about his prayer life. He declared the promises of God and as David did this,
favor increased.
“Hear, O Lord, be gracious and show favor to me; O Lord,
be my helper.” (Psalm 30:10 AMP)
“By this I know that You favor and delight in me, because
my enemy does not shout in triumph over me.” (Psalm 41:11 AMP)
challenge this week includes asking
for supernatural favor in our prayers by praying the promises of favor. This is something that I have incorporated in
my prayer life. I have experienced God’s
favor as a result of wanting to spend time with the Lord, asking Him to
overtake, overpower and overwhelm me with blessings as I walk with and seek His
Saturday, March 5th, 2016 the devil tried to do me harm in a minor
accident, but he was not permitted to triumph over me because God’s favor
shield surrounded me. You too can expect
God to do the same for you by praying His favor shield around you daily.
you have prayed and asked the Lord for His favor in a certain area, believe
that you will receive it. Elsie is
experiencing favor from God and mankind on a regular basis now, because she has
partnered with Jesus for her journey. I
met Elsie less than two years ago and I can verify that the favor hand of the
Lord surrounds her.
are out of work all over America, but Elsie was hired the day she applied for a
job. God positioned her in a place where
she would receive supernatural and natural favor, because her faith in God was
greater than statistics.
be fooled by satan that this isn’t for real. God hears the prayers of His
children and our confidence in Him is what He sees. He will distribute supernatural favor to you His
child, as your request lines up with your journey.
you walk in miracles and live a life of supernatural favor by praying (speaking
scriptures in your request) as did Moses.
When you pray the promises of God you will surely live in Supernatural
Daily Favor.
Father, make Your face shine upon me with favor, and be gracious surrounding me with
lovingkindness …” (from Numbers 6:25 AMP)
I bless you in the
name of Jesus that the favor of God be manifested in your life from this very
I Know Who I Am – FAVORED! (Sinach)
If this article has encouraged or helped you please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
next time, pray favor into your life!
“My favor is released through My promises.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: The
words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no
place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on book or link.
Kynan Bridges
Available in paperback or eBook.
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Woman at Desk Corridor Whose Favor
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Kynan Bridges, Supernatural Favor, Sinach, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Favor of God