Friday, November 13, 2020

Strength to Finish the Vision: Part 2

I think most would agree that the fabulous year 2020 we all anticipated has been less than we bargained for in moving forward in our plans or vision.  For me, practically every "road" I've traveled on stepping out in faith has been challenged and blocked by the enemy satan.

Even though it’s been difficult at times and I’ve had to take it a little slower, my goals have not changed in what I want to accomplish in my life that will please the Lord.  

There’s something else I’d like to add, God’s plans haven’t changed either!  Knowing this, where do we go from here? 

Read: Strength to Finish the Vision Part 1 

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When Life Throws You Bricks, Build A Wall 

What do you do when everything you’ve tried doesn’t seem to work and you keep hitting a brick wall in finding answers?  Let’s see, you can quit, but that would please the devil. 

You can try to find alternative solutions, which will probably delay plans for who knows how long until something clicks.  Then there’s the pressing on choice that might be difficult, but in the end could get you to the prize of the high calling on your life.  

Which have you chosen these past months during the COVID-19 crisis?  Here’s what I decided to do. 

When I came up against something that appeared to be a brick wall in not being able to find solutions, I turned to the scriptures for examples of situations to help me.   Over and over the same passage has helped me persevere when everything looked like it wouldn’t or couldn’t succeed. 

Here’s what I discovered. When life throws you bricks, build a wall.  That’s right, a spiritual prayer wall that the enemy cannot touch.  

Instead of thinking the things satan is tossing at you will prevent you from accomplishing the vision, get it in your thinking that when God is in the plan, He will use those things (aka bricks) and build something great for His glory.  

Praying for Bricks 

The Bible tells us of a man named Nehemiah who felt passionate about returning to his hometown when he learned that the wall around the city was in ruin.  If there was anyone who understood what it was like to face challenges in finishing the task of rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, it was Nehemiah. 

No matter what he wanted to do, something was placed in his path to stop him.  Those spiritual enemies threw things at him from every direction, and even used his own people against Nehemiah.  Those “virtual” bricks were already flying and hope seemed blocked in anything getting done to that broken-down wall that once protected the city from being overtaken. 

He had plenty of opportunities to quit on the vision, and who wouldn’t feel like he did with nothing coming together on a project?  However, instead of giving up, Nehemiah went to the Lord in prayer for everything, and I mean literally everything including the “bricks”! 

The servant cupbearer prayed about going before the king, the supplies, protection, people to build the wall and how to accomplish such a great task for his beloved hometown.  In doing so God gave him favor and caused others to do the same in order for the wall to be finished.   Let’s examine how this happened for Nehemiah, and how it can for us as well. 

Using Supernatural Power Tools 

Spending time with the Lord was vital for gaining wisdom against the enemies throughout the entire process of building.  It’s no different for us in this age if we are to finish what we started. 

Every time Nehemiah prayed, he obeyed and did what God told him to do.  Prayer and obedience are the supernatural tools that help us achieve great things that otherwise couldn’t have been done. 

E.M. Bounds (Edward McKendree Bounds), pastor and author of nine books on prayer, referred to prayer as “spiritual energy” for a believer.  He describes it as a means of God’s grace (favor) to do things through the action of prayer to accomplish great things with unusual results.   

“Prayer is the divine energy that brings the power into the plans that God has given you. Prepare your heart for God’s plan and pray about your plans day and night.”  E.M. Bounds 

His definition lines up with scripture, where James the brother of Jesus, wrote how the earnest prayer of the righteous avails much (has tremendous power).   In other words, the supernatural power tool is persistent prayer! 

“The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much (when put into action and made effective by God – it is dynamic and can have tremendous power). (James 5:16 AMP) 

Something easy to notice about Nehemiah is that he kept God on speed dial when it came to prayer.  That is, he learned to pray on the spot, instantly, regularly and interactively with the Lord for anything and everything, especially when it came to accomplishing his vision for rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem.  

The Prayer of the Righteous Favor 

According to Nehemiah 2:1-5, we learn Nehemiah was outwardly demonstrating being sad, which was a no-no to act this way in front of the king.  However, when the king noticed how his servant was behaving, he asked Nehemiah what was wrong. 

Now I have to give a little insight as to why showing emotions of sadness was severely dangerous and risky business for cup bearer Nehemiah or anyone for that matter.  To display such grief, sorrow or unhappiness in the presence of the king was a cause for a person to be put to death, because it created an atmosphere of gloom and despair.   To put it in my terms, "No joy suckers here!"

So, when Nehemiah told the king how he was distressed over the ruins of the wall in Jerusalem, he didn’t know how the king would react.  Knowing this, before he made the request, he instantly prayed silently for the right words to speak so his life would be spared. 

Nehemiah was bold and precise about the vision God gave him in telling the desires of his heart to the king. 

“If I have found favor in your sight, let me go rebuild the wall.” 

Instead of sending for the guards to take Nehemiah away, the king showed compassion for his loyal servant and asked what he could do to help.  He not only gave permission for a leave from his kingly duties, but sent armed guards to protect Nehemiah along the journey, provided letters for government officials allowing the work to commence and released the supplies needed to finish the job of building a security wall around Jerusalem. 

“I also said to the king, if it please the king, let me have letters addressed to the governors of the province west of the Euphrates River, instructing them to let me travel through safely through their territories on my way to Judah. 

And please give me a letter addressed to Asaph, the manager of the king’s forest, instructing him to give me timber. I will need it to make beams for the gates of the Temple fortress, for the city walls, and for a house for myself.  And the king granted these requests, because the gracious hand of God was on me.” (Nehemiah 2:7-8 NKJV) 

Can you believe that?  He even had supplies to build a house for himself while he stayed to complete the wall.  No “Motel 6” to leave the lights on needed!  Now that’s what I call “the prayer of the righteous”  kind of favor friends! 

Nehemiah’s bold faith overcame fear and doubt, allowing favor a place where it could work.  God will cause man to give favor in ways they never thought would happen when He is in on the construction committee; and when God is in the plans, everything changes in your favor. 

“Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.  Then you will find favor with both God and people (man), and you will earn a good reputation.” (Proverbs 3:3-4 NLT) 

Before Moving Forward – Pray, Plan and Prepare 

God answered yes to prayer and a dream.  Not only was Nehemiah given permission to go rebuild the wall, but the king also funded the project and sent armed guards to protect him on the journey!  How’s that for favor from God and man? 

Sometimes we come against challenges and don’t know what to do or how people will respond.  When we go to the Lord in prayer before we make our move forward, He prepares the hearts of others to make it possible for us to carry on with the plan, dream or vision. 

In the current conditions of the world, people are confused and are not sure what to do.  What we thought might have been the answer in past circumstances doesn’t necessarily hold true for today.  Almost everything we do or plan has to be rescheduled and reprocessed in our thinking of how to go about what we thought was the best way to do things.  

Every time my husband or I encounter a situation where we don’t know what to do, we immediately go to the Lord in prayer.  Perhaps you need to do the same if you’re up against a challenge and don’t have the wisdom, knowledge or understanding concerning what to do from this point forward. 

After you have prayed and planned, be ready for God to do something in His way and timing.  It may not be what you expected, but it will be what is needed to place you in the path for favor. 

Trust Him to do things in a manner that is glorifying and pleasing to Him, as well as working the situation out for your good.  

“Commit (trust God with) your works (plans and actions) to the LORD (submit and trust them to Him), and your thoughts (plans) will be established (will succeed if you respond to His will and guidance).”(from Proverbs 16:3 NKJV/AMP) 

God will open a way that you will not expect so that the vision, dream or goal will be accomplished.  There are going to be many things that you cannot control in striving to reach success.  Only God knows the end from the beginning and can provide what you need for each step toward that goal.  

I remember something my mother always said when she made her plans and it has stuck with me.  It was from the book of James in the bible. 

“Look here, you who say, today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year.  We will do business there and make a profit. How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?  Your life is like the morning fog – it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.  What you ought to say is, if the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:13-14 NLT) 

In her words … “Lord willing” she would do whatever it was she had planned.  She was right.  We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but as it says in the book of James, we are to plan.  

Give your plans to God and pray for wisdom in knowing what to do and when.  Expect Him to do more than you could have ever asked or thought. 

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power (the Holy Spirit) that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV) 

So, my friends, instead of throwing in the towel or walking away from your vision and quitting … when life throws you bricks, build a prayer wall!  I did and praise God, my vision for the book Christmas Favor: A Season of Miracles has come to pass!  It wasn't the one I thought would be published at this point, but God saw this was His timing for favor and I received it happily!  (View the promo video provided by Anthony Godinho.)

Get excited about how the Lord will unfold His favor on your life, because of obedience and faithfulness to Him.  He will supply every thing (“brick”) needed to complete the job according to His Word. 

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NKJV) 

Pray, plan and prepare with the strength you've been given to finish the vision God has placed in your heart with gladness. 

Until next time, use the prayer super tool for favor! 

“The persistent prayer of the righteous avails much favor.” – Jesus Christ 

Note: The words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives.  

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.   

What’s New This Series: Click on links below.    

The complete works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer (Edward McKendree Bounds)

Buy it on Amazon or Christian Book

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior. 

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief. 

Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.  Image 1  Image 2  Image 3

Labels Believe in God, Favored1, Faith, Obedience, Daily Favor Blog, Wisdom, Favor, God's Favor, Endurance, Prayer, Teaching Series, Bible Study