Target identified … it was a pastor’s wife that we
haven’t seen in about three or four years.
Finishing my business at the counter I stepped aside as Nina approached
me with delight radiating from her face.
As we talked Nina explained that she didn’t know why she
came into Penney’s that day, but felt drawn there by God. I could think of a few reasons to go shopping
that certainly wouldn’t include “being drawn there by God, however, my conscience
would feel a whole lot better if I could say “God sent me to bargain hunt!”
The conversation began to deepen when Nina explained that
she didn’t need anything, but before coming inside the store asked the Lord why
he had brought her there. Right then a
flag went up in my thinking … a lady, at a department store and she didn’t need
anything? Is she for real?
Upon seeing me Nina conveyed she immediately knew the
reason for God sending her to the store, and that was to get in touch with my
wife again. That’s right, this is me …
Ending a sentence with the word “again” should have given it away; Fay would never have done that! Right here should be the part she welcomes all of you ...
Ending a sentence with the word “again” should have given it away; Fay would never have done that!
A Greater Force
My next stop was Walmart.
I was in a bit of a hurry to get home since it was our wedding
anniversary, plus I had some frozen items in my cart. Okay, let me be honest since Fay’s blog is always about
transparency (something that goes against the very fiber of a man).

“Check the balance” resounded through my brain reminding
me to visit the bank inside the store before starting to shop. Of course being a man I forgot to do it until I had already finished shopping, but in my defense although my timing was off I did do it. Walking over to the ATM (Automated Teller
Machine) Don and Essie greeted me as they were departing the store.
We spoke for a few minutes and talked about getting
together soon but would leave the details up to Fay. Standing behind my friends I noticed a lady
waving to me from the customer service line as if she was trying to flag down a
taxi. Now what?
What was this … “national get me in trouble with my
wife day" because I’m running so late? Don’t they realize I have a greater force to
deal with if I don’t get home a.s.a.p.?
Plus, there’s the cheesecake to consider, come on now what else could be
more important?
Good News in Waiting
It was the groomer from the vet clinic calling out from
the slow moving customer service line she was waiting in to return something. “Don’t
leave. I need to talk to you!”
Recognizing that I was being summoned Don and Essie left
and I walked over to see what the woman in the customer service area wanted. When Alise (the groomer) was finished she shared
the good news about two rescue kitties that she had adopted from us in December
2016. It was a favored report and well
worth the wait to hear.
Value of Relationships

the items I hear a familiar voice calling out from behind me. With his long drawn out country boy accent I heard:
“Heyyyyyy, you ain’t got
nearly enough in that there cart”.
It was Ray-Ray ... molasses on two feet! He is one of the nicest people you ever want
to meet, but takes forever and a day to pour out the details of a story. He always goes out of his way to say hello, and
I never want to devalue our relationship by not spending a few moments with him.
Initiation of Friendships
Thinking back on the encounters of that day I thought
about how these relationships had developed over the years. What caused them to turn from acquaintances
into actual friendships? It was the
prayers and interaction of my wife who initiated the majority of them.
I can’t tell you how most of our adult friendships began,
but do know that Fay had something to do with it. Whether it started with telling someone she
liked their hair or shirt, to saying “excuse me” in the aisle of a store, “Favored1”
isn’t shy about meeting and greeting.
her, she’s never met a stranger and everyone that comes into her life becomes a
friend of sorts. I'm living proof of that, she initiated our first conversation back in 9th grade of high school. In my grief she offered words of comfort.
Growing up in a large household as my wife did, left each
child fending for their own relationships outside of the immediate family. Being an only child it’s something that I never
encountered until I met her. She was
never the center of attention, and I always was (and still am … with her).
Wanting to make friends or even talk to people is work,
and frankly I didn’t want to invest that kind of time with anyone else but
her. For a Christian, this is about the
most ungodly act we can do. Jesus is all
about bringing people into the fold, not keeping them at arms-length.
Favored Comments
Relationships are important to Fay, making good ones,
leaving bad ones behind and knowing when to let them grow in their own course
of time. Then there are those special
ones she cherishes or cultivates like the ones here on Daily Favor.
Over the past five years I’ve watched some of her
relationships take a nose dive, while others have blossomed into the most
loving friendships. No matter what is
going on in our lives, you beloved friends have been there and we thank God
mentioning you in prayer.
“Every time I think of you, I give
thanks to my God.
Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of
you with joy,
for you have been my partners in spreading the
Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.
(Philippians 1:3-5 NLT)
We have gained strength from your prayers, comments and
good wishes during my hospital stays and recovery. When discouraged, you were there through
prayer and leaving words of encouragement.
Many of your comments reflected something you received in
your heart from the post, while others reach us on a more intimate level. The thing here is that we appreciate all of
them, as do so many others that visit over the course of the year.
You Are Highly Favored
When my wife began Daily Favor I couldn’t imagine what
would compel her to write on a topic week after week, let alone year after
year. I mean, how much is there to say
about one thing right?
However as it unfolded I began to understand that being
favored by God is more than just a few words or a concept. It’s something we
can take hold of that touches every aspect of a believer’s life through
“Remember me, O Lord,
with the favor You have toward Your
Oh, visit me with Your salvation.” (Psalm 106:4
In scripture the Apostle Paul learned the value of
relationships throughout the course of his ministry. He didn’t have a problem pointing out the
ones that failed exposing the flaw in others, which I somehow doubt God looked
favorably on when he did that.

It’s true, the Lord inspires my wife in her writing, but
it’s a heart for souls that keeps her going and enthused about sharing the gift of God’s
favor with anyone who is willing to receive it.
Your unfailing love, support and extreme patience are food for her soul
to walk out the call of God on her life with joy.
I can attest that when mamma’s happy, pappa’s happy, and as
Ray-Ray would say, “Ain’t no getting
around that!”
Receiving Daily Favor
What I’ve learned and take away each week from reading
Daily Favor is that even though I don’t always receive the fullness of the
favor of God, there is hope that I can.
God isn’t holding anything back from me, but is waiting with arms wide
open for me to get my act together so I can enjoy the abundant life that Jesus
died to give me.
Favor is something that I come to expect from the
promises of God, not because I deserve any of it but because of His
unconditional love. More than ever I can
see God’s favor in my life on the little things, not just the obvious.
Fay expects God to be faithful in answering prayer and
blessing her because of who she is in Christ – favored! Being her husband I share in her receiving favor
daily and extend it to others more than ever, because I think differently about
why we receive it in the first place.
The weekly challenges are exhausting. They tug on my
heart, cause me change when I don’t want to, and even more … they force me to
think when my mind wants to stay in null mode.
I still can’t get past the “Making Favored Decisions” one!
Over and over I see my wife receive favor when no one
else does in certain situations. When I
ask her about it she reminds me that she “asked” and received. God grants her requests because she
continually seeks His face, not His hand(outs) so that she can bless someone
else. The purpose of receiving Daily
Favor isn’t for keeping, but for giving.
Meet and Greet

Although we haven’t had the pleasure of a meet and greet
yet, Fay and I look forward to when that will change whether it is here on Earth or in our Holy reunion in
Heaven with Jesus.
If you aren't sure about salvation you can change that by reading "Tell Me."
So for now, it is my sincere desire that you join us as we venture into God’s favor in relationships for our next series. By the way, don’t think we’ll get out of doing the
challenges. Have you even known an
instructor not to give homework? Try
living with one!
Little side note here ... saying a few extra prayers wouldn’t hurt since she’s asked me to co-pilot this part of the journey, which she’ll no doubt edit and change anyway to make it interesting.
If you aren't sure about salvation you can change that by reading "Tell Me."
So for now, it is my sincere desire that you join us as we venture into God’s favor in relationships for our next series.
Little side note here ... saying a few extra prayers wouldn’t hurt since she’s asked me to co-pilot this part of the journey, which she’ll no doubt edit and change anyway to make it interesting.

Happy Anniversary Daily Favor, and congratulations Sweetheart. May God continue to anoint your work as we learn to walk in the blessings of His Daily Favor!
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.
Until next time, the grace (favor) of the Lord our God be with you all.
P.S. I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I miss the challenge globe, don't you? No worries, Fay will have us working again soon no doubt!
Reference: Philippians 4:23 NKJV
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
When used,
the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him
no place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of
the Savior.
Content and
Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due
to lack of belief.
references provided by Gateway Bible in the New King James
Bible Version or as noted.
credit: Google Images
Creative Common License if not
Image: JC Penney National Cheesecake Day Value Comments Psalm 106:4 Highly Favored Jesus and Heaven Meet and Greet, Daily Favor Relationships, Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Christian Living, Weekly Challenge, Inspiration, Anniversary, National Cheesecake Day, Friendship, Hubby Update, God's Love, Salvation