Friday, July 30, 2021

The Other Bucket List

I don’t know about you, but no matter how well I planned my daily schedule something seemed to interrupt it, so getting around to those things on my life bucket list just got farther and farther away.  After a while it was looking like my dreams would never happen, that’s when I knew something had to change and giving up wasn’t on any of my lists! 

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I stopped pursuing that big “gotta do” list and started focusing on my other “B” list.  When I redirected my heart and thinking to eternal things, the things here on earth just didn’t seem to be as important.  You know what?  That’s when both the lists started coming together! 

Lay Up Treasures in Heaven 

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV) 

Every life is a journal waiting to be written, and we are the ones who hold the pen.  What we do in life is recorded for God in Heaven or counted as nothing and credited to things of this earth.  Our actions are our record; we determine tomorrow by what we do today.  

To the world the “B” list stands for things people want to do before they leave earth or “kick the bucket”. However, to the believer the “B” list stands for something else entirely – “B” as in “Before Jesus Comes” to do list.  

The world is changing dramatically each day before our eyes, and we don’t know how much time is left before Jesus calls His children home to Heaven.  I know, I know … people have been claiming “Jesus is coming” for centuries, but as each day goes by, we are that much closer to the actual event!  Are you ready to meet your Maker? 

Someone has told me over and over that she’s not ready for Jesus to return because she has so much on her bucket list to do before He comes.  Every time she mentions this it reminds me that her heart treasures are clearly set on earth and not in Heaven. No wonder she’s so discouraged; I know, I was living and thinking the same thing.

Wanting the Lord to return doesn’t mean that you’re ready to give up on life here, but actually the opposite.  Knowing that Jesus will return at any moment should keep us on our toes searching for ways to reach the lost, while striving to achieve those goals we deeply desire in our heart. 

When the Plan Comes Together 

I’d like to entreat you to redirect your heart and thinking.  Yes, your dreams and vision are important, but until God’s desires take first place in your heart, those other earthly aspirations will not turn out to be what you really wanted or expected.  They’ll always fall short because His hand of favor wasn’t on them. 

When my husband and I were coaching Little League boys we had a ten-year old fellow named Mark whose favorite saying has stuck with us for years. When the team came off the field making a great play he’d smile and run into the dugout shouting, “I love it when a plan comes together!”  Well, you know what? So, does God! 

Begin working on your new “B” list – the things you want to achieve before Jesus returns that will cause Him to say, “Well done!” when you stand before Him for eternity.  

It’s not something that will happen in one week, a month or even a year.  The converted list will be one to work at the rest of your life, the only difference is that this time you won’t be trying to achieve those things alone! 

Are you working on the other “B” List?

Okay, I get it, there are some things I need to change you say.  How do I know what to change and what to do?  There’s only one place to go for that answer – the prayer room.  The place of supernatural, Holy Spirit power, where instructions are given making the life path clear. 

Ask the Lord what needs to change specifically so that your bucket list lines up with His.   He may only give you one thing at the time, and if that happens, start there.  After all, why give a list of things to do if it’s hard to accomplish only one right?  

“Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. (Psalm 25:4 AMP)

Be patient with yourself and enjoy the newest of what God has in store for you.  Life certainly has been full of unexpected changes recently, isn’t it about time some of them are good? 

Loving your time with the Lord should be the first thing on your list.  May I give a word of wisdom?  There are a lot of things in our heart we’d like to do, but it’s the Lord’s list that will prevail. 

“Listen to advice and accept instruction, so you might grow in wisdom in the future.  Many plans (thoughts) are in a person’s mind (heart), but the LORD’s purpose will succeed.” (Proverbs 19:20-21 CEV) 

Spending quality time enjoying family and friends places high on God’s list of things to do, so it should rate up there on yours as well. This includes church family and spending time fellowshipping with people of like faith.  

Tackling the Before Jesus Comes List

Surely there are oodles of things we could do for the Lord in a lifetime, but have you considered these?  Here are ten “to do’s” you might include on your “Before Jesus Comes” (other bucket) list.

📃Lead someone to Christ. (Most believers never do this.)

📃Visit Israel to further understand the gospel message.

📃Read through the entire Bible every year. (So rewarding!!!)

📃Volunteer to work on a foreign mission project. (Actually go!)

📃Give a sacrificially large amount of money to a Christian charity.

📃Start a Bible Study or join one - online counts too!

📃Financially back a missionary monthly. 

📃Become a Jonathan, in other words, become an encourager.

📃Weekly write a letter to a stranger sharing the gospel message.

📃Organize and/or totally pay for a Christian event for the community.

Your “bucket list” desires are important to God. He isn’t asking you to do away with them, but to put His first over yours.   

Whatever God places on your heart, always make good use of your time and be sure to follow it through (remember our lesson on “Finish What You Started?”).  He will make a way for you to accomplish it through blessings, grace, mercy and favor. 

“Lord, teach us what it truly means to number our days wisely,
so that our work for You will always find favor."

Your life means so much to Jesus that He died for you to live it more abundantly (read John 10:10.  Life is a precious gift with every day being numbered and worth living.  Get started with your new bucket list and make the most of the time you’ve been given Before Jesus Comes, and He will establish the work of your hands to succeed!  

“Show Your servants the wonderful things You do (Your miracles); show Your greatness (splendor and beauty) to their children.

Lord our God, treat us well (show us favor). Give us success in what we do establishing the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17 EXB emphasis mine).

Until next time, invite God’s favor into your life list! 

“I establish My work with favor.”
Jesus Christ

Note: The words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

What’s New This Week: Click on book link below.

by David Roper
Available in eBook, Hardback, Paperback, Large/Easy Print

Favored1 on FacebookTwitterYou Tube, Pinterest and Articles

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.

Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified. Image  

Friday, July 23, 2021

Happy Birthday Daily Favor!

Happy Birthday Daily Favor!
Celebrating ten years of blogging!

Thank you to all our faithful followers!
We love YOU! 💖

Favored1 on FacebookTwitterYou TubePinterest and Articles.   

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior. 

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  

Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Labels: Favored1, Fay Ann Daniels, Daily Favor Blog, Happy Birthday, Blogging

Friday, July 9, 2021

Coming Unglued

Have you ever gone through a period in life where nothing seems to come together like you hoped for or planned?  I’m pretty sure that we’ve all experienced times like that, and we feel like if the Lord doesn’t intervene soon, we’re not going to make it. 

I took loads of deep breaths this week trying to hold back my emotions, but to be honest, it was a stretch to say the least.  Finally, my limits were about exhausted with the rudeness of a woman in a parking lot and I was ready to come unglued

Stuff Happens, It’s Called Life 

You know, we all go through those days when we say “if one more thing happens …”  and then it does!  I know … I get it.  Stuff happens, it’s called life.  Well, during those times it’s not always easy to remain calm and at peace while God works through us.  Can I get a witness? 

Perhaps, I need to back up a bit and fill you in on how I almost reached that point of having to eat my words and losing my testimony. 

Coming Unglued 

If you’re a regular on my teaching blog, you already know what’s been happening around my neck of the woods with hubby and daily living by faith.  Things have been somewhat strained, but we’re striving with the help of the Lord and friends by holding on to our confession for his healing. 

The schedule has been busy, but for the most part there has been progress. That’s when things started getting a little overwhelming and before I knew it, I was the one in the cardiologist’s office. 

About two weeks ago our refrigerator went on the blink and we lost almost everything in it.  These things happen I know, but this was the second time for this so called “new” refrigerator we purchased in 2020.  

Okay I thought, don’t panic … get some ice.  Well, that’s what I did and we managed to save a few items from the freezer in a cooler and unplugged the frig.

The same day the washer overflowed again, I stepped in cat poo and spew, my shoe broke and I didn’t have another pair, because they’ve all been glued so many times, they’re beyond wearing. 

It’s not that I cannot get shoes, but it’s hard to find them in my size without glitter, flashing lights or Disney characters on them!  Yes, I have small feet and not many companies make women’s shoes in smaller sizes!  One time I had to resort to kids shoes and they came with cherry lip balm!  Such fun! 

With so many businesses closing from COVID I had to make other arrangements.  No worries, God is good!  He allowed me to find shoes my size online.  Wow!  I was so excited when they arrived, but unfortunately, they didn’t fit. 

Once more, no worries … they were returned by UPS right away and I reordered another pair in the correct size.  Alright – we’re making headway, just be patient girl. 

That night we had just gotten to bed around 2:30 a.m. after cleaning up the messy refrigerator when my husband’s phone rang.  It was the credit card company telling us that our card was in question with fraudulent activity and it had been canceled for our protection.  They were extremely kind as they reviewed the activity that had taken place and said the charges would be removed. 

In the meantime, the shoes I reordered earlier that day were canceled by the company due to the card issue.  So, I went back to wearing my floppy glued shoes that came apart while I was walking. 

I Want to Go Home! 

The next day we had to change my husband’s phone number because of inappropriate calls that had been coming in for obviously the person who had the number previously.  I didn’t mind for me, but with hubby’s difficulty to recall things his number was something he actually remembered. 

Throughout the week I listened to more and more biblical teaching programs realizing that my patience and faith were being tested.  Everyday something new would happen … not big things always, but just enough to make you fly off the handle if someone said boo. 

I was finally able to get out and run errands. The only issue here is that everywhere I go my husband has to go with me, so it’s hard to get much accomplished. 

With one last stop my husband wasn’t up to walking so he asked if he could remain in the car.  Normally he has to go inside to sit or use one of those mobile carts, because it’s too hot to stay in a vehicle these days. 

Since I only had one thing to get and it was right inside the store doorway, I thought it would be fine and instructed him not to get out of the automobile.  He was still upset from the last stop I made at the bank when he came inside practically in tears, because he couldn’t remember how to use his phone. 

As part of cognitive therapy, I’ve been helping him relearn how to use the computer, review math, writing, memorization, and of course, use his phone to make a simple call along with other life management skills.  Ordering a take-out pizza would be an easy task normally, but for him it was confusing, even though he was given the information to complete the assignment. 

The bank teller was sympathetic as I assured hubby it was fine and that we’d do it together in a few minutes.  He was distraught and extremely upset with himself, so on our last stop I didn’t want him to relive that experience.  I agreed remaining in the car for a few minutes was the right thing to do. 

Watching him from the checkout, I quickly finished my purchase and hurried out to the vehicle.  Opening the door to get in, hubby kept saying “I want to go home.”   Trying to get situated I assured him we would soon be on our way. 

Being in such a rush I tried to close my wallet but it wouldn’t shut.  Stepping out of the car to give me more room, I leaned over the vehicle checking through my purse to see if I lost anything in my madness to cram everything in at the check-out. 

By now I was hot, exhausted, frustrated and had difficulty catching my breath.  Believe me, I wanted to go home as much as my husband did. 

Calgon, Take Me Away 

At that moment I heard a loud, rather harsh voice ask me if I could move and close the door so she could get into her truck.  Turning around I saw an extremely annoyed lady standing over me with a disgruntled look. 

My first instinct was to blast her with a few intellectual adjectives, but frankly I didn’t have the strength.  Besides, who was I kidding, I wouldn’t have said anything anyway.  Crying is more my style lately, but this time it was the inner voice of the Holy Spirit that kept me from reacting in my overtired state. 

In a low tone, I apologized and did as she asked.  Straight away she got into her vehicle, leaned over from the passenger’s side and turned on the engine so she could sit in the air conditioning.  

What was the big deal I thought, she wasn’t going anywhere?  She could have easily gone on the other side an entered her vehicle from the front. Couldn’t she tell I was frazzled?  You might have thought the bedraggled hairdo I was sporting, with sweat dripping from my face would have given her a clue something wasn’t exactly right.  Oh, Calgon, take me away! 

He’s Working It Out for Our Good 

Let’s face it, not everything in life is going to work out the way we planned or hoped.  We don’t always get the breaks we hoped for, but life isn’t supposed to be placed on hold because of some set-backs.  Hey, like I said, that’s why they call it “life” and sometimes simply living can take a toll on us if we forget God has allowed these tests/trials for a reason.

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you.” (1 Peter 4:12) 

From the beginning of Creation, God planned for us to experience good things through His loving favor, but it is coupled with how we handle situations both good and bad.  Have we held our tongue during those moments of temptation?  Did our faith override carnal feelings allowing God to work things out for our good in His timing? 

“In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ …” (1 Peter 1:6-7) 

Our faith is so precious to the Lord that it is valued more than anything else, and satan knows that.  If we cave on the small stuff, then he already knows he can trap us when it comes to big decisions.  So, we shouldn’t be surprised when a test (or two or ten …) passes our way, especially on days when we have about reached our limit on how much more we think we can bear before blowing our testimony! 

Steadfast: Loyal, Unwavering, Unmovable 

Through all the tests and trials we experience, God is looking for something special about our faith.  He wants to see steadfastness – that is, a faith that is loyal, unwavering and unmovable even during the hard stuff.  

We learn in the Old Testament of the Bible how King David was aware of his own behavior during stressful times and what he did to rectify the situation.  He had no problem calling out to the LORD to help him remain steadfast, requesting a “Calgon” calming moment of “cleanliness” to the heart when responding to adverse situations. 

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10 NKJV) 

You see, we have to remember that God isn’t a “deal maker”, but a promise keeper.  He will uphold those who are steadfast to Him through rough times and be there through every test, trial or tribulation.  

The Lord isn’t watching us and saying, “You messed up so the deal is off”.  We’re humans that have fallen from grace … he KNOWS we’re going to get things wrong and miss it sometimes, that’s why we need His unmerited grace and favor every single day of our lives. 

God isn’t looking for perfect people, but repenting people with unwavering faith He can reward.  He notices when we remain faithful to His Word by not coming unglued when the devil tries to get us to fall from His grace (favor).  It demonstrates that we believe what He says regardless to how things look at the moment. 

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”  (1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV) 

A Change of Heart 

The day came to a close taking care of hubby, the rescues and whatever else that needed tending to before retiring in the wee hours of the morning.  Crawling into bed I grabbed my Bible to read and pray, making sure my last waking moments of the day were spent with the Lord.  

Instead of asking if I pleased the Lord in how I lived my life today, it went something like this … 

“Lord, I am embarrassed by my behavior and failure to trust in Your faithfulness during this testing period.  You already know how I feel and what I will encounter throughout the day.  

You have promised not to leave or forsake me, but guide me to a good path and victory.  I am humbled by Your never-ending mercy and favor.  

Thank You Holy Spirit for leading me in the right direction so I did not sin against God.  For continually reminding me of Your truth … calming me down and creating a new heart in me to show compassion for others not knowing what they too could be facing in life. 

You are my joy and strength when I am weak, loving me through it all….” 

It’s easy to lash out, question and doubt God when we’re at our wits end, “Why Lord would You bring me here to this place where I feel I can’t handle it and am overwhelmed?”  Here’s the reason.  It’s not about me (or you) but those we’ve somehow connected with, so they can see the favor and treasures God had in store for those who remained steadfast and faithful to the end. 

God expects us to give an account of what we’ve done for His Son, the Savior that loved us so much that He gave His life on the Cross that we might live in Heaven with Him one day.  He knows we get tired, weary, discouraged and downhearted.  God is not oblivious to what’s going on in our lives and doesn’t judge when we’ve fallen, but looks beyond human weaknesses waiting for us to ask for His help.  

Christ invites us to come to Him for rest, a breather so to speak when we feel we can’t walk one more step.  He wants us to lean on Him not only during the difficult times when we’re about to come unglued, but all the time. 

“Come to Me, all you who are tired from labor and carrying heavy burdens (overburdened), and I will cause you to rest relieving and easing your burdens, refreshing your soul.” (taken from Matthew 11:28 emphasis mine) 

The following evening, we decided to plug in the refrigerator to see what would happen.  Several hours went by and praise the Lord – it started getting cold!  It was working!  How about that?! 

Wonder what happened with the shoe issue?  My feet are strutting a pair of new white shoes – without glitter or flashing lights!  

My husband is doing better in his cognitive training, and managing phone skills better.  As for my heart, both spiritually and physically are in good order! 

When It’s All Been Said and Done 

Friends, we’re never going to escape every problem we encounter, that’s just the way it is.  How we prepare, plan, preserver and pursue the Lord is key to receiving His Divine unmerited grace, mercy and daily favor. 

Do people notice that when things get rough, I serve a God of Truth who remains faithful to His promises?  Can they see His unmerited favor on my life because of steadfastness to His commands?  

Am I worthy of the call on my life?  Are my words or actions said and done in love so that they draw people to Jesus?  Do I reflect the ways of this world by becoming unglued and not standing the test or trial, looking to a type of “Calgon” for the rest I need for a weary soul?  

In the end, when it’s all been said and done, Jesus isn’t going to ask whether I accomplished everything on my to-do list or was nice to everyone I met … that’s why there is forgiveness.  He won’t care how many viewed my blog posts or wonder how many followers I have on social media. 

There won’t be any hype or fame from the riches I’ve gained nor praises over what was achieved.  No indeed … but one day He will ask how did my life testify of His love as my Lord and Savior so that it converted sinners into Saints.  

What do you think He’ll ask you? 

When It's All Been Said and Done (Robin Mark)

Until next time, steadfastly walk in God’s favor. 

My steadfast love never ceases, my mercy and favor are new every morning!  - Jesus

What’s New This Week: We have a few.  Click on the link below. 

Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa TerKeurst
Available in Paperback & eBook 

 Amazon   Christianbook

and ...

Scriptures for Worship, Holiness, and the Nature of God: Keys to Godly Insight and Steadfastness by John Eckhardt

Available in Hardback. Paperback, Audio, eBook (& Spanish) 

 Amazon   Christianbook

Follow Favored1 on FacebookTwitterYou TubePinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Fay Ann Daniels aka Favored1. Do not copy.  
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief. 

Unless noted, scripture reference is taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway. Image Image 2 Inage 3  Image 4 Creative Common License if not specified.  

Labels: Coming Unglued, Steadfastness, Stress, Trials, Tribulation, Faithfulness, Promises of God, Favor, God’s Promises, Weary, Burdens, Prayer, Fay Ann Daniels, Daily Favor Blog, Where Faith and Favor Meet, Favored1, Prayer.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Jersey Week Is Back!

Yeah, it's "Be Nice to New Jersey" week!  

With most of the COVID-19 restrictions lifted, it's a perfect time to re-connect with family and friends.

Yes, this isn't my "normal" teaching post, but I can't help it ... I love sharing news about fabulous family friendly places to visit in my home state, and I've listed a few dozen or so that should be on anyone's bucket list. 

If you've never been to beautiful New Jersey, summer would be the best time of year to taste the treasures that make it the true "garden" place among the states.  Especially the tomatoes, berries and fresh corn, not to mention all the flowers.

With so much to see across the entire state and the reopening of most places, including some business incentives, it's worth the trip.  Truly with countless reasons to come to New Jersey at any time of the year, a great reason to visit during NJ week is for the firework displays.  There are tons of places to view them literally by land and by sea.  Check here for where and when in some locations.

If you're not able to make it during Be Nice to NJ Week, consider adding some of these fun activities into your future schedule and budget.  For instance, take time to visit the many unique and historical sites throughout the state.

The Red Mill MuseumVietnam Vets Memorial, the Korean War Memorial), or the Battleship New Jersey  There are actually tickets for fireworks viewing with live music onboard for July 4th.

Zoos and Animal Kingdoms: 
The wolf preserve (call ahead for tour dates), aquariums, journey the marshes on a pontoon boat with Meadowlands Eco CruisesInsectropolis Museum, Liberty Science Center where T-Rex roars, planets come alive at night, Hot Wheels race and the climb chamber takes real skill to escape.

More unusual places to consider:

Batsto Village and Mansion (this one is free!),
rent a surrey, the gigantic Colgate Clock, a Telephone Pole Farm (yes, that's right!).

For extreme fun the entire family will enjoy northern New Jersey's largest indoor amusement park iPlay America.  With 1/2 price Wednesday, double ticket Thursday and unlimited Friday activities, this place has it all from games, rides, concerts, great eats, shops ... you name it. 

What about those beautiful garden areas?  The 180 acre Rutger's Gardens is a "natural" place to start.  Grounds for Sculpture is a 42 acre wonderland that was once home to the NJ State Fairgrounds.  Now, it's a site to behold with the most fascinating, whimsical giant designs you've ever seen in a garden and forest!  I promise, this one you'll never forget!

Something else you might find interesting is to work your way through a human maze of flowers or take part in the Sunflower festival.

There are plenty of living historic farms or roadside farmland produce markets in the southern areas.  

Just a short ride from where I grew up is the famous "Cowtown Rodeo" and Farmers Market on the legendary Route 40 (also know as Main Street of America) in Pilesgrove.

South Jersey Shore Points of Interest:

For those special occasions, eat at one of the various Jersey shore points fine dining restaurants to feast on fresh fish delicacies.  During those "munchie" times, don't forget to try the famous Atlantic City boardwalk fries and waffle cones!

After a day of "fun in the sun" swimming and making sun castles for the Wildwood Crest Sand Sculpture Festival, walk the moonlit sandy beaches or stroll the boardwalk piers for special gifts, seashells, collector mugs and souvenirs you can only get in Jersey.  Lastly, don't forget those scenic post cards.

Get a kick out of watching candy makers while they make homemade  fudge or mouthwatering salt water taffy.  With about 60 flavors in the summer, Shriver's is the oldest and best shop in Ocean City and Steel's is in Atlantic City!  In my opinion, both are excellent.  Be sure to bring extra home to your friends and family.

As the sun sets, watch it all come to life at night with the amusement parks, circus acts, live entertainment and rides for all ages.  

While at the shore, be sure to allow time for climbing a lighthouse along the Atlantic coastline.  Although there are 18, only 11 are currently open to the public.

Book a whale and dolphin watching cruise in Cape May, or stand in awe over the performance of the UFAF Thunderbirds Atlantic City Air Show this August. 

If you're looking for dinner shows or concerts (with the "favor"-ite "oldies music"), Atlantic City is where you want to be this summer (through September) if you want to see Rod Stewart, Air Supply, Patti Labelle, Gladys Knight, the Platters, the farewell tour of Kiss, the Beach Boys, Three Dog Night, Michael Buble, just to name a few being featured.  Now that's some line-up!  Of course, there are many other kinds of acts booked for the shore area that may be of interest to you besides musical.

Do you like outdoor or sports type activities? 

NJ is a fantastic place to bring the family for a more athletic sort of vacation with all that water!  Rushing rivers, bays, streams, gorgeous waterfalls and the Atlantic Ocean are certainly noteworthy.

Try boating, water skiing, free splashgrounds (splash pads) parks,  fishing, canoeing, kayaking, camping, horseback riding or trailing.   This year a Night in Venice Boat Parade and fireworks in Ocean City is scheduled for July 24th, and friends ... it's free!

Let me add two more that may surprise you!  In some areas kids bowl for free and several cities provide FREE movie night in parks or on a beach throughout the summer for the entire family!  Before traveling find out if the towns you plan on visiting offer this activity and where they are located. 

In your planning be sure to ask for group rates, discounts, manager specials and specific calendar date preferred rates.  Oh, and don't forget to inquire if prices are reduced or even free for kids including meals.  

For those who desire that great tan, not all beaches are free and you will have to purchase a tag, so figure that pricing per person in your overall figures as well.  

Everyone is welcome so why not plan a trip?  Once you've visited this beautiful state, being nice to Jersey will come easy!

I really appreciate you taking the time to visit with me on Daily Favor.  Since you're already here, why not browse through the hundreds of articles and read more about how you too can live in the Favor of God.  (Click here: Tell Me)

Follow Fay on social media or her other blogs, and share these articles of faith with someone today!

Until next time, Favored Blessings

Favored1 on FacebookTwitterYou TubePinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content copyright from Favored1 aka Fay Ann Daniels. Do not copy.  
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Unless noted, scripture reference is taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.. Image Creative Common License if not specified. 

New Jersey, New Jersey Activities, Summer Family Activities, Vacation, Jersey Week Is Back, Fay Ann Daniels, Daily Favor Blog, Entertainment, New Jersey Travel, Places to Visit in New Jersey, The Garden State, New Jersey Shore, July 4th, Independence Day, Family Fun Month, 31 Fun Family Activities, Family.

Daily Favor Blog, Where Faith and Favor Meet, Favored1, Read Across America Day, Holidays, Be Nice to Jersey Day, New Jersey, Jersey Shore, Garden State.