lessons on the topic of covenant will resume soon, but right now I’d like to
take the opportunity to thank you so much for continually showing support of Daily Favor in your visits, likes and shares.
world is in desperate need of a Savior; they are searching the internet for
answers and something to give them hope.
We are getting visits like never before from remote and restricted places
around the world where the gospel is not permitted. You have helped to make that happen!
am thrilled to see what God is doing among and through His people. It is encouraging that we can bring Living
Water to a spiritually dry world, illustrating that Christ’s Kingdom is
flourishing no matter what else is happening on this planet.
of God’s creation is a wondrous rainbow of colors displayed through flowers
(metaphorically speaking of mankind), and is a demonstration of His abounding
love toward all people. Beauty like this
makes the “gardening for souls” experience all worth it … like in this short
Thanks for joining us on Daily Favor Blog.
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or Singing
With so much going on in the world, prayer time was becoming burdensome. Trying to cover all that I felt I needed to bring before the Lord was exhausting and unfulfilling.
Instead of feeling uplifted, I was emotionally and physically drained waiting for answers from the Lord; and someone please, please report good news for once!

There was no way I could keep up with everything as well as dealing with my own issues. I sensed that complaining, resentment, bitterness and ungratefulness were trying to overtake my thankfulness based on what I was facing. My gratitude journal was noticeably receiving less and less entries over a short course of time.
Throughout the week I had to tame my tongue and lasso my words, before my thoughts became verbal giving the enemy a weapon to use against me. I even joked about it one day with my husband using a line the character Anne Shirley said in Anne of Green Gables:
"I know I chatter on far too much ... but if you only knew how many things I want to say and don't."
Now I wasn't speaking nasty things, but just voicing my disapproval of how my life was unfolding while I was trying to maintain a good attitude. Recent health issues, hubby being in an accident with my car (which I cannot drive now), and the months without a bed were catching up on my back, curbing the amount of sleep I was actually getting.
Basically, I was feeling a little sorry for myself, but soon snapped out of it and quickly repented after reading the monthly magazine we receive from the Voice of the Martyrs about the persecuted church.
It was getting late and I was preparing for bed. During an evening prayer, I heard that inner voice (not audible) ... a voice in my spirit saying, "Things will get better."
Not sure if it was God or my wishful thinking, I didn't take much stock in it at first or write it down as usual. I chalked it up to tiredness and mere self-encouragement or "preach to yourself" therapy as King David used to do. I've learned to do this a lot over the years, and it always works, because it's based on the Word of God not my emotions or circumstances.
Then I heard it again the next night. "Things will get better." Standing in faith, it rekindled my spirit to stay in the fight as Paul said in the scriptures to young Pastor Timothy.
"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." (1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV)
What Gets You Through?
The following day I was able to share my "go to" verse that I cling to during times of doubt, or in this case, a short mental lapse of God's promises. This scripture is so dear to me that it's one I keep posted on my refrigerator.

Here's the verse of promise I used that renews hope.
"I would have lost heart (hope), unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." (Psalm 27:13 NKJV)
Take a look at more descriptive words or phrases in various translations stating the depth of
this kind of hope:
would have fainted; fell in despair; what would have become of me; I am certain;
confident; truly and really believe; I know, am expecting; have sure faith that
I will see the Lord’s goodness.
translations of the same passage really reach the heart of how we should respond
when hope is fleeting.
“I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay
with God! Take heart. Don’t
quit. I’ll say it again: Stay with God.”
“Yet I totally trust You to rescue me one more time, so that I can
see once again how good You are while I’m still alive!” (TPT)
“I will move past my enemies with this one, sure hope: that
with my own eyes, I will see the goodness of the Eternal in the land of the
living.” (VOICE)
We have to move past the enemy and go directly to the promises of God concerning any matter. There we will find hope and the wisdom needed to carry on through whatever the devil wants to throw at us.
The key to hope is believing, without that there's nothing to hold on to or receive by faith! David said, "Unless I had believed!"
David knew he had to believe before he could see God's hand of favor move on a situation. He believed things would change in his life then ... while he was alive - "in the land of the living" here on earth!
“Where would I be if I did not believe I would experience the Lord’s favor in the land of the living?" (Psalm 27:13 NET)
Hope was not lost in David's heart, because He believed God's goodness in answering his prayers would be manifested. Help would come at the right time and be exactly what he needed.
No matter what things look like in your life right now, you have to keep believing God will surround your situation with favor so that His glory and goodness are revealed. Your part is to believe and let God work out the details you prayed for in hope by faith.
"For we walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV)
Share Hope for Better Days
What reconnects you to the hope you've found through a relationship with God? What do you do when you feel like quitting, but that inner voice or strength (the Holy Spirit) tells you to get up and keep going against the odds?
Whatever it is, you need to tell people so that they do not lose hope and succumb to circumstances, especially in these trying times.
We might not be able to gather as usual, but it doesn't mean we cannot encourage others and bring them hope that better days are coming. How do we know that? God's promises never fail, run out or expire. If God said it, He will deliver on His Word.
As we praise God and share the goodness of His saving grace (love), we will find the favor we need in resolving our own issues as the Lord draws others to Him through our testimony. We will see things get better in the land of the living!
"Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47 NKJV)
This week share Daily Favor posts faithfully, pray that the Lord continues to use us for His glory in reaching every nation with the message of hope through Jesus Christ, and that more would come to know Him as their personal Savior and Lord.
Pray that through their discouragement they will find solid biblical teaching that renews hope, peace, safety, salvation and prosperity to their situation. Encourage them that better days are coming; they simply must believe it.
Thank You Lord for allowing us to be a part of and enjoy Your beautiful works season after season. With hope in Christ Jesus we press on toward the high calling, gladly singing with joy as we watch and wait on You.
"Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy!
The deserts will become as green as the mountains of Lebanon, as lovely as Mount Carmel or the plain of Sharon. There the Lord will display His glory, the splendor of our God." (Isaiah 35:1-2)
Don't lose hope, God will see us through ... better days are coming!
Better Days by Amber Rhoads
Until next time, favored days are coming.
“Believe favor will come to you.”
- Jesus Christ
Our most heartfelt gratitude to all of you!
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Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Scripture reference taken from the New King James Bible Version
provided by Bible Gateway.
*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the
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Note: When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized
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Image credit: Rainbow Bouquet on Chair Anne Shirley Quote Why God? Lady Reading Bible Hope for Better Days
Labels: Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Favor, Bible Study, Prayer, Belief, Believe, Promises of God, Hope, Discouragement, Encouragement, Hope for Today, Better Days Are Coming, Faith, Doubt, Salvation, Weekly Challenge