A bright pink
paper was fastened to our door. It was
from the sheriff's office.
Immediately my mind tried to take me on a journey that faith would not follow.
My husband went to the station to retrieve the letter, but they wouldn’t release it to him. It had my name on it and I would have to go get it myself.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man (or woman) think they will receive anything from the Lord. A double minded person is unstable in all their ways.
On July 24th, 2013 I received a Word from the Lord about something that I kept praying for concerning the lack of strength and energy. He simply reminded me what my down fall had been.
I didn’t know
how God was going to turn things around, but I knew He could, so I have to act
like it has already happened. I chose to
maintain an attitude of faith.
If you need to change the people you eat lunch with, turn the dial on the radio, and walk away from naysayers then do it. They’ll talk you out of your favor and faith if you let them. Remind yourself that you are the one who has something to lose if you give up on your faith to believe God will deliver as He promised.
Immediately my mind tried to take me on a journey that faith would not follow.
My husband went to the station to retrieve the letter, but they wouldn’t release it to him. It had my name on it and I would have to go get it myself.
By the time
I learned that there was a pending letter for me it was late, and I would have
to wait until Thursday to find out what it was.
I can tell you that the faith walk never takes a rest, and in order for
me to get through the night I would have to stay in an attitude of faith and not
waver if I was to receive any favor from the Lord. In other words, I had to believe what James 1:6-8 says by acting on it.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man (or woman) think they will receive anything from the Lord. A double minded person is unstable in all their ways.
How do you
view life when the unexpected comes knocking?
When you see
things like God sees things, it’s the spirit of faith ruling your life and you
will do things differently. You will see
things as “all things possible”, not “Oh my, that looks impossible.”
All things
are possible with God. Do you believe
it? You may say yes, but don’t really
believe it for yourself. Sometimes I
find it much easier to believe for others than I do for myself. The Bible says that “all things are possible
to those that believe.” (Mark 9:23) That means believing
for myself as well as for others, that God is going to show Himself mightily in this
The spirit
of faith speaks what it believes.
The Word of God tells us that "our
light affliction" works for us. (2 Corinthians 4:17) God’s favor will come on those who operate in a
spirit of faith. He will take what the
devil slings at us and make it work for us and not against us.
We need to
say, God is going to strengthen me with all this. I know it’s light and isn’t
going to last; this is temporal. If we
realize that, we cannot lose or be beaten.
We will live as a winner, the way God sees us.
The problem
I was facing wasn’t wondering what the papers were (good or bad), but having
difficulty guarding my heart to what the devil was trying to sell me.
Solomon gave
us a scripture that should help us recognize an attack on our
faith from Proverbs
4:20-23 in the Amplified Bible.
son, attend to my words; consent and
submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh. Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flows the springs of life.
Why do we need to guard our hearts?
We need to keep
and guard our heart against the things of this world and the devil. It makes good sense that if we are blessed
from within to the outward man that we need to work on guarding our “innards”.
Look at it
like this. Do you lock your doors? Where do you keep your money? Under lock and key, guarding them, right? We guard what is valuable. The most important thing of value we need to
guard is our heart. It is vulnerable and satan knows it. If we think on the wrong things, our faith (heart)
to trust in the things of God won’t be visible or in effect. We become a target.
Let me remind you ...
Time after
time in the Bible we see how God showed favor to those who believed Him and
followed His Word. Joseph, Moses, Caleb
and Joshua to name a few. These people kept an attitude of faith when
others caved in to the circumstances. Do
you remember what Caleb said when he came back with a report to Moses?
God had
promised a land flowing with milk and honey to the Israelites. When they came to a certain place it was
overrun by the enemy. They would have to
conquer the land and take possession of it by force. Moses sent 12 spies in to take a look at what
they were up against. Only Caleb and
Joshua had a report that pleased God. This is told to us in the book of Numbers 13:17-33.
Caleb said
let’s go take the land, but the others thought he was nuts. The attitude of
faith spoke “we are able to take the land,” while the others felt they
weren’t able to overcome. He remembered how great the Lord had been to them. Even though
the Israelites all witnessed the abundance, they saw themselves as small and powerless. You have to realize that there were thousands
and thousands of Israelites, plus they had a record of winning battles. God showed them He was more powerful than
anything or anyone, but they still saw themselves as small and able to be
whipped. How do you see yourself? Small and powerless or great and full of the power of God.
The devil
was able to get to their mind making them believe they would fail, even though
they had been successful. In your life, you
are in control of what you believe, not God.
He has given you the power through Jesus Christ to guard your heart and life,
so you can experience victory. “I have
given you power” Jesus said in Luke 10:19. Now we have
to cooperate with God in order to gain the victory, but without faith God has
nothing to work with.
Let’s say it
together: We are able!
Only three
people believed “we are able” Caleb, Joshua and Moses. The majority was wrong! Hey, God and you are a majority. The
Israelites quit on God. Will you?
I’m not going
to pick up on the talk that is going on in the world, no matter how it looks. Stop following the headlines, turn off the
radio or television, put down the paper and guard your heart with an “I can”
attitude. People will think you’re not
living in reality, but in fact, you are living in spiritual reality. What’s happening in this world is not a
reality in God’s world, so why take part in fantasy?
Even though we
have things come against us, remind yourself that this too will pass. Storms come, but they also go. Some leave
damage and others just pose as being dangerous. You need to have the faith to identify which
kind of storm it is, how to wait it out, and where to turn when it is over so
you don’t enter back into the storm.
Pilots know
how to ride above a storm. With God we
can do the same. When God gives us
clearance to move forward then we can go safely. The Israelites were in a holding pattern for
40 years because of unbelief.
Refuse to
take on board the lies of the devil and talk of unbelief. Only those who believe will see the
Remember what happened to all
those who didn’t believe God in the wilderness?
Only Joshua and Caleb were left out of all the adults who first left Egypt. Even though they were delayed, they saw the
promise. They were the only ones who
maintained an attitude of faith.
No matter
what you have done in the past or what others try to do in discouraging you,
maintain the attitude of faith so God can give you the favor. There are even Christian’s that will try to
talk you out of your faith and tell you to get real and see what’s going on
around you. There are some preachers
that get me so discouraged that I can’t watch them. Matthew 7 says we’ll be
known by our fruit, and faith is part of that fruit. If people can recognize you’re not a faith
person, be sure God knows it.
I asked the Lord ...

I was looking for strength and energy when what I was missing was my joy (or should I say God's joy).
Nehemiah 8:10 says the joy of the Lord is my strength. Duh! I knew that! But still began struggling with it over a paper I had yet to see.
Without joy we are weak. I refused to give in to weakness over the unknown, and went to bed encouraging myself in the Lord as David did. Over and over I reminded myself that I will believe a good report, the Lord only has good things in store for me ...
Those who
are living in peace in spite of all that is happening are the ones who will
inherit the things of God. We aren’t to
try and figure everything out, but to believe and stay in peace. That's what I did.
Quit the
blame game, stop looking for answers you can’t find and believe God even if
your stomach is in butterflies.
Eventually, they’ll leave. Expect
things to change. Since God doesn’t
change, the circumstance has to and your faith will take you to levels you
never knew. The devil can’t take what
you haven’t given him permission to take. Don't give up your peace, joy or faith.
So what happened?

Wednesday night I went to bed confessing that God is
working this out for my good. I will not
fear, I will hold on to my peace. (You
may need to do this also.) Thursday came
and the devil didn’t have victory. If I
gave into the fear and doubt I wouldn’t have seen God move.
The whole thing turned out only to be estate legal papers my family wanted me to have, and the lawyer sent them to the sheriff's station for delivery. Devil, you are such a liar!
Only you can maintain your attitude of faith.
If you need to change the people you eat lunch with, turn the dial on the radio, and walk away from naysayers then do it. They’ll talk you out of your favor and faith if you let them. Remind yourself that you are the one who has something to lose if you give up on your faith to believe God will deliver as He promised.
Ask yourself
this question … "If I believe, why am I worrying?” Worry isn’t belief. Stay in
peace, joy and follow after righteousness until you come into the favor God
promised. Rise up, believe and enjoy the
Thought to take away: Great is the Lord! Don't let your mind (thought life) take you to places your faith cannot follow. Believe God is able to do more than we ask or think .. He Is God, Almighty! Now sing it with me!
Great is the Lord!
Daily Favor Requires Daily Faith
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Image credit if not listed by Google Images Creative Common License
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Gateway Bible
Image credit if not listed by Google Images Creative Common License
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Gateway Bible
What Attitude Image Number 13 Image Google Images Churchill Quote Image Nehemiah 8:10 Image Guard Your Heart Snoopy Image