we entered the expo building you could feel it get even hotter. It was actually
cooler outside than it was in there.
Hoping to make this a quick haul, my husband gathered our entries from
the exhibit bringing them over to a table where I could match the claim tickets
with each item.
to stay cool inside the building was impossible. I could see my husband getting overheated
with perspiration dripping off him in buckets.
his hand to his side it looked like someone turned on a faucet as sweat ran
down his arm and trickled off his pinky finger.
So much water ran off him it made a puddle on the floor and little
children were a splashin’ and a jumpin’ in it … not really but it sounded funny
and you get the picture of just how hot he was.
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I am so happy for your visit and hope that you come back
each week to participate in the weekly challenges. God has been faithful and we expect His favor
to abound in the lives of those who chose to be Discipled by Jesus on Daily
Favor Blog.
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Don't miss out on this week's challenge
Pretty Woman
two hours we were done loading the car and had received the rewards of our
labor. On our way home I mentioned that we
needed to stop at a grocery store to pick up some veggies for my greenie
shakes. “Oh … I need to get something to
drink right now.” Hubby said.
never travel without water in the car, but at this point it was rather
warm. Since we hadn’t eaten anything
that day I suggested that he also get a burger to tide him over until we got
home. McDonald’s was right across the
street from the food market so we decided to stop there.
I wait in the car for him since I don’t eat anything there but pancakes and ice
tea, but with the heat I figured it would be better to go inside. Opening the door of the restaurant there were
a few others standing in line. Trying to get out of their way I stepped to the
side so people could move to where they needed.
watched an attractive, well dressed couple as they took their order to the seat
near the door. The husband was bubbly and outgoing. I could hear his conversation to his wife
about how they just got out of church.
She didn’t seem interested in what he was saying and returned to the
counter for something.
woman had on a light weight short sleeve dress that was ankle length. It had a
black background and lovely coral and green flowers that looked like something
you’d see in Hawaii. So pretty.
I glanced down to see her feet and sure
enough she actually had coral colored shoes that matched perfectly with the
flowers. Looking back at her hubby, he
too was a “coordinate” with a bright coral dress shirt. You can guess who dressed him that day.
for my husband I debated as to whether or not I should say anything to her
about her attire. Then I remembered “if
you can do something nice for someone it’s a sin not to do it” … not quite the
way the Bible says it, but the same meaning.
she walked by me I tapped her on the arm and said, “You look very pretty today.” With a frown on her face and in a low pitched
growl she uttered, “Thanks” and walked away.
wasn’t judging her but observing and got to thinking maybe she’s having a bad
day or something like that; we all have them.
On the other hand, if that’s her normal light for Jesus, best she not
tell anyone she’s a Christian and let her candle dimly simmer under a bushel.
– Wham – Bam!
few minutes later we were in Aldi’s and I headed right to the produce aisle.
Hubby had the cart so he could lean on it and went to the meat section. Rounding the freezers I saw him coming toward
me with a smile on his face. He had been in a good mood lately and reaping the
bounty from his labors at the fair elevated his spirit.
the buggy now in front of me I placed the fruit in the shopping cart, stacking
three blueberry pint sized containers on top of one another. Why I did that who knows, especially when the
cart was almost empty and there was plenty of room for me to set them
his disapproval of my “Jenga berry stackage” hubby remarked, “Do you need to
stack them like that? They’ll fall when
I move the cart and go everywhere.”
as I spoke in a disagreeable like manner, “I don’t need to move them if you drive
the cart properly.” At that time neither
of us knew we had an audience until a young female shopper standing by laughed
and chimed in, “Yeah, don’t drive it like a man”.
it happened … I should have seen this coming!
Every time my husband tries to be spontaneous something happens! Playing along hubby jokingly stepped back
from the cart raising both hands in the air as if he was surrendering and said:
“Then you show me how to keep from spilling that wobbly stack of blueberries”.
arms flailing backwards, hubby felt an impact on his left arm and hand. POW … Wham … Bam! Turning around he saw that he had just clocked
an elderly gentleman (an innocent bystander to the whole conversation) smack in
the face and chest. Oh my, not again … reality
hits you hard bro’.
now the lady and I were laughing even harder as we watched hubby’s face go into
shock when he realized what he did. He felt
so bad and quickly went into action apologizing. The man slowly moved around our cart to the
other side of me into the “safe” zone.
my husband that he was fine he said, “It’s ok, we’ve all done it. No damage.”
The next thing we witness was hubby turning into Leon (the five year old
who offers everyone a bite of his sandwich on the Andy Griffith Show) as he held
out his hand with the Dr. Pepper in it asking the victim if he wanted a sip of
his soda! Absolutely hysterical!
our ride home we talked about the two incidences that happened within minutes
of one another. One was a self-proclaimed
church goer and for some reason beamed the light of a poor witness. The other we don’t know his religious position,
but he was a pure delight and joyously beamed as he left our presence. (He was
probably glad to get away safely!)
was those events that drew me back to what I had begun studying at the end of
June before we started this “Discipled by Jesus” journey. When I talked it over with my husband he
remarked that “You already wrote about the woman at the well.”
Well he was right to some degree, but I didn’t
go into what happened after the Samaritan woman left her encounter with Jesus.
I was putting my thoughts together for writing "Discipled by Jesus", I came to a complete halt
when I read verse fifteen of Matthew chapter five. One word stopped
me from moving forward and has kept me in that position for some time trying to
implement the Word that was revealed to me that day.
& Light
had been witness to the works of Christ all over Israel and it was in His
sermon on the mount where we learn how disciples of the Lord should act.
Jesus had already gone over the attitude of a
believer and was now focusing on the behavior of one that claims to be His
In this passage Christ uses the analogy of salt and light in His description of what
disciples should look like to an unbeliever.
13 “You (speaking to the followers) are the salt
of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is
then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
14 “You (followers of Me) are the light of the
world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a
basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. (Matthew
5:13-16 NKJV)
phrase “all who are in the house” is what took me back a bit, but the word house is what really got me. Sure it’s easy to put on a happy false face spreading
oodles of sunshine to those we encounter each day, but what happens when we go
back to our own homes? I know there have
been times where I’m in a perky mood, spreading smiles and joy wherever I go,
but when I got home my bright light was turned off by something silly that
ticked me off from my husband.
I read the chapter on the woman at the well the first thing I noticed is what
happened when she received the Light of Jesus into her life. Like a glorious fire cracker lighting up the
sky, exhilaration exploded from her because of what she had learned and
received from the Lord. She rejoiced and
couldn’t wait to spread the news of her transformation.
upon her leaving the presence of Christ, the Samaritan woman sang the praises
of Jesus and beamed like a city on a hill … people couldn’t help notice her
coming with that huge Light that shined brightly within her heart. Scriptures tell
us that the entire city took notice, and her good works of sharing the gospel
message of Christ shown all about leading them to believe on the Lord as the only
true Messiah.
“Now many Samaritans from that city believed in Him
(Jesus) and trusted Him as Savior because of what the woman said when she
testified.” (John 4:30 AMP)
first approached the well somberly with no light shining, much like that lady
in McDonalds. We know the Samaritan lady
knew the scriptures, because she even mentioned to Jesus about the coming of a
KING who would save them. By the time
she left speaking to the Lord, the Light now living inside her was so bright
that it changed her own household. In
other words, “it gave
light to those who were in
her (city and) house.”
for several weeks I’ve been really watching how I respond to anything and have
been diligent in my prayer life asking for God’s help when it came to being a
Light for Jesus, especially in my own home.
“Hear, O Lord, be gracious and show favor to me; O Lord,
be my helper.” (Psalm 30:10 AMP)
I’m generally in a good mood, sometimes being that shining light Jesus expects has
been difficult, especially with my father going to Heaven so recently.
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seen a difference in my husband and myself. In turn, God has heard my prayers and has blessed
us with favor in many areas, because the “spiritual salt” in our
house has renewed flavor. God’s favor rested on us and He confirmed the work of
our hands.
“… and let the gracious favor of the Lord our God be on
us; confirm for us the work of our hands. Yes, confirm the work of our hands.” (Proverbs 90:17 AMP)
“Blessed and greatly favored are those who dwell in Your
house and Your presence; They will be singing Your praises all the day long.
Selah. (Psalm 84:4 AMP)

This Week’s Challenge:
New Home Lights
Our home is continually being updated with new light
bulbs. For some time now my husband has
been going through the house trying to improve on the lighting. With all the new regulations it’s hard to
find something that is bright enough for me for writing and yet suitable for regular
room needs.
Finding that perfect brightness isn’t always easy, and
neither is it when it comes to being spiritual Lights to others. This is where our challenge comes in for this
What is the wattage of light in your home spiritually? Is your bulb about a 25 watt nightlight only
giving dim shadows at night and barely being visible in the daytime? Or are you a floodlight blasting tons of watts
over the entire city where you live including your own household, causing all
who come in contact with you to see the true Messiah?
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Largest light bulb watts 50,000 & 75,000 display in the Edison & Ford Museum in Fort Meyers Florida |
In 1954 General Electric produced a whopping 75,000 watt
bulb in honor of the 75th anniversary of Edison’s light bulb
invention. Can you imagine how bright that bugger was? What would it be like if Christians were the
brightest aspect of a city? Even more,
what if we were the bright spot in our own home?
Maybe things have been rough going and you’re not in the
mood to be that salt and light Jesus spoke of in the Bible. God understands our weaknesses, failures,
disappointments, hurts and sorrows. Having
this grace given Light from Him is an excellent example of why we can still be
the disciples Jesus wants. Through it all He
will grant favor in places we least expect.
Friends, stay seasoned in the freshness of God’s love and
power. Make the most of every chance you get to share the message of Jesus by
being the disciple “He loves” (as John said).
Don’t lose your light for the Lord, especially when it comes to those
who live in your home.
This week let’s revamp our spiritual lighting system and
install New Home Lights that reflect our discipleship with Jesus. Only when going through that transformation
try not to bop anyone along the way.
May your light shine brighter as your journey with Jesus
continues …
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
Until next time, God’s
favor makes our light shine brighter!
“I will be gracious in My favor when you ask for help.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
When used,
the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him
no place in our lives.
... and
yes the word "discipled" isn't a word used by the world, but that of
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week:
Living as Salt & Light by Derek Prince
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.
Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Claim Ticket Coral Heels Leon Jesus and the Woman at the Well Salt and Light 75,000 Watt Bulb
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
New Home Lights, Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Discipled by Jesus, Journey with Jesus, Christian Living, Derek Prince, Inspiration, Thomas Edison, This Little Light of Mine, Addison Road, Salt and Light, Samaritan Woman, Woman at the Well - Daily Favor Blog: I Sent You to Harvest