day while no one was in the building the church burned totally to the
ground. It appeared that all their
dreams and the vision for the church had gone up in smoke, leaving them no way
to come back from such a devastating tragedy.
of the community loved that tiny church and reached out to those who attended. Shortly after the incident the surrounding
families and businesses gathered to clean up the rubble, and the charcoaled skeleton
of the building that was bulldozed.
in faith that God wasn’t done with them, they decided to rebuild with a bigger
structure in mind that included a basement for the youth. Hiring a man to dig the basement the
excavation plans began for the new foundation.
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Don't miss out on this week's challenge
Vision Plan?
in the church was so excited how God brought the small community nestled in the
hills together. News of the event spread
throughout the nation and touched the hearts of the big cities everywhere. People wanted to get involved and it wasn’t
long before the contributions came pouring in for them to carry out the vision
God had given them.
construction was underway Bible studies were held in the homes of the
elders each Sunday, and the church had already started to outnumber their
existing fellowship. God had shown them
tremendous favor financially and added to the church before they ever stepped
into the new building.
weeks had gone by when the committee members decided that they should meet at
the land site and see how the work was progressing. When they arrived they found that
the basement was already completed, but there was a big problem. Someone had neglected to follow the vision
plans of the church.
design and layout was to turn the original position of the church in the opposite
direction. With the land boundaries
being narrow the new design would allow them to add on as the church grew. Plus they could have a larger parking area
that was handicapped accessible meeting all the updated building codes. However, that didn’t happen.
excavator had positioned the basement sideways instead of front to back. He remembered how the old church was
positioned and just made the new one the same way disregarding the new plans.
than go through all the work of starting over, the committee decided to leave
the new church sideways. The plans for a
larger building had failed because someone didn’t follow the master plans and
no one checked on the vision of the church daily. How could they, there were no written plans!
One Year Later
It was a Wednesday morning at Cardio Rehab that my
husband had heard about this miracle building that God had rained upon with
favor. The brother of one of the members
shared the story sparking our interest to visit this wonder God had lavished
with abundant blessings.
The harsh winter months went by and come summer we were
able to travel to join the congregation in a service one Sunday morning. I was so excited to hear about what God had
done on this forgotten hill in the Smokies, and knew it would be a great story
to share on Daily Favor. This was God in
action and I couldn’t wait to see what He had done for this part of the Body of
We had driven for hours and knew we were near our
destination, but where was it? Getting
lost in all those hills we stopped by a local business and they directed us to
where we needed to go. Nearing the
street where we had to turn there was a big sign boasting the church’s
location. From what we read our
anticipation grew, but was almost quashed when we arrived at the drive to turn
into the parking lot of the church.
Yes, indeed there was a new building but there wasn’t
much sign of life around it. The lawn was
overgrown and unkempt. As for the parking
lot, it was non-existent and people parked willy-nilly … anywhere they
wanted. The whole thing looked in
disarray like it had been practically abandoned. Even the old sign was disheveled and not up
to date.
Stepping into the foyer no one was there to greet us, but
when we entered the sanctuary the handful of people turned around to say
hello. For the next hour it felt
uncomfortable, like we were in group therapy and no one wanted to participate.
Following the service we were given a “home” tour with the
friend’s brother taking my husband in one direction and his senior son whisking
me off to the prized kitchen area thinking that’s what I’d like to see. Oh if
he only knew that the kitchen is merely a place to collect food already
prepared for me by hubby!
Making our way to the basement that was “for” the kids, I
was escorted in and out of the three small classrooms that opened into the
enormous kitchen/dining room.
There was no nursery or adult classes … they would be
held in the rather narrow sanctuary as usual. In other words, they weren’t
expecting more people on Sundays, but used the facilities for birthdays or
parties. Having a few celebrations for members
wasn’t the issue, but why not add a few more events to the
schedule including the community who helped them rebuild?
The Forgotten Vision
When our tour was finished I felt compelled to ask what
happened to all the people who donated to the church. Why weren’t any of them coming and what
happened to the pastor? An older woman
said, “We’re way back in the woods … no one wants to come here.”
Looking around the new construction I asked where their
vision board for the church was located.
They didn’t have one, and the pastor left because the congregation was
satisfied to use the building as a glorified living room and kitchen for their
own families.
My heart was saddened to hear this, when in fact the
place where we stopped to get directions was a widely known family campground. There were all sorts of water sports like
skiing, canoeing or fishing, along with music events and cook-offs. It’s a great place to bring the entire family,
and is always filled with kids of all ages year round.
The campground was so popular that they recently began
holding Sunday services for their visitors from all over the country. When inquiring about the services we learned
“Oh, we aren’t a religious campground, but have pastors
come in to hold services free of charge.
They’re packed! People kept
asking about a church in the area so we gave them what they wanted. They even
do communion once in a while.”
Every week that church’s congregation was gathering less
than two miles down the road! The forgotten
vision the pastor had was for outreach ministry … and it was already there. When they abandoned the vision plan the favor
of God stopped.
What Happens Without a Vision Plan?
In my best southern written accent, “Now don’t ya’ll be beat’n on this here church.” We’ve all left our life vision somewhere down
the road; some for a short time others forever!
Looking back on that situation it reminded me of how many times I’ve
gotten sidetracked or went “sideways” like that church.
there is a clear vision it’s easy to stay the course causing our dreams to
become a reality. Our convictions, ideas and action become substance and something
we can grasp.
the other side or “sideway” view, the vision is blurred and the odds of it even
happening are non-existent. People lose focus and then
wonder what they should have done or changed along the journey that would make
things turn out differently.
Having a God ordained vision or life path gives us direction, we become encouraged and passionate about what we do. Following a vision makes us feel significant and like we matter. There is a process and purpose in what we do, and why we do it.
The Bible tells us that God’s people need direction from
the Lord, and when we lose that vision it’s easy to get lost in life’s
fulfillment of purpose. It literally
means that when there is nothing godly in our life vision we get blinded by worldly
things, and ultimately the good plans (as in Jeremiah 29:11) God had in store
for us perish … they die never to be established.
Some use this passage incorrectly when it comes to having
a vision or plan for their life directing it toward children, but it’s actually
for all children of God regardless of age.
“Where there is no vision (no revelation of God and His
word), the people are unrestrained; but happy and blessed (favored) is he who keeps the law (of God). A servant will not be corrected by words alone; for though he understands, he
will not respond (nor pay attention).” (Proverbs 29:18-19 AMP)
I like how clear The Message Bible
puts this:
“If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all
over themselves;
but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed
(with favor). It
takes more than talk to keep workers in line; mere words go in
one ear and out the other.”
(Proverbs 29:18-19 MSG)
In other words, we must
have a plan, blueprint, something tangible that will help us stay focused on
the prize – goal for our life. So what
would Jesus do in this situation? Go to the
Father in prayer and get the action plan!
Write the Vision
How many times have
you as a parent or friend gone to the Lord in prayer seeking wisdom, guidance
and direction on how to help a loved one when they had lost their way? More than you can count I would guess.
The prophet Habakkuk
had done the same thing when it came to how the Israelites lost touch with God
and His plan for their lives. Frankly he
just about had it with them and was totally frustrated in what he should do. In prayer he cried out to the Lord asking
when He was going to do something.
Habakkuk didn’t get the answer he expected.

Their conversation continues as
they fellowship through prayer with Habakkuk responding back and forth during his
inquiry. It was then God gave him a
direct order to follow so that no one would doubt the plan He was about to set
in motion.
“And the Lord answered me and said,
Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets
that everyone who passes may (be able to) read
(it easily and quickly) as he hastens by.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it
to the end (fulfillment); it will not deceive or disappoint.
Though it tarry, wait (earnestly) for it, because it will
surely come;
it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.
Look at the proud; his soul is not straight or right within him,
but the (rigidly)
just and the (uncompromisingly)
righteous man
shall live by his faith and in his faithfulness.”
(Habakkuk 2:2-4 AMPC)
The obedient prophet finished out his prayer
in repentance, praise and hope for what was to come.
“O Lord, I have heard the report of You and was afraid.
O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years,
in the midst of
the years make (Yourself) known!
In wrath (earnestly) remember love, pity, and (your)
(unmerited favor).”
(Habakkuk 3:2 AMPC)
The vision for those in that day wasn’t a
good one because they turned sideways from the truth. What Habakkuk wrote was a reminder of what
would come to those who abort God’s plan and vision of restoration.
Praise the Lord the plan of God was carried out
around sixty-six years later, and favor was restored to those who
believed. That day came when Jesus died
on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead conquering unrighteousness,
making it possible for the family of God to be reunited through salvation.
Organized for Favor and Success
You may ask, “What does vision have to do with
organization, favor or success?” Glad
you asked – everything. Without a goal
to focus on, how do you know when you’ve arrived or achieved it?
Staying focused on an actual vision plan helps relieve
stress, encourages faith, strengthens our ability to endure and gives life
purpose. There are three parts to
remaining organized so you move forward in the overall vision.
Requires Focus:
1 – Spiritually: Daily stay connected to God.
2 – Mentally: Daily remind yourself of the vision.
3 – Physically: Daily separate yourself from non-vision
It was well over twenty years ago when I first “caught”
what vision meant concerning the favor of God. I thrived on learning everything I could about
how God operates through vision (direction for His children in spreading the
gospel message) soaking in every drop of wisdom. Immediately I took action on how I would
“stay at it” and not chuck the plan, even when I didn’t understand it or if it
seemed to be taking too long to manifest.
This is what I did.
Me in Remembrance … Remind Me
going to come a time when everyone will be judged on how they spent their
time, carried out the plan of God and stayed focused on His vision for our
lives. Jesus will even say,

(Isaiah 43:26 AMPC)
“Put Me in remembrance;
Let us contend together; State your case,
that you may be acquitted.” (NKJV)
order to remind myself to stay focused on the ultimate vision plan I have this
“mini” vision posted on my computer
to see every day. To help you better prepare
for that day before the Lord, I want to share something an evangelist spoke
back in the late 90’s.
Whenever you start to do something, remind yourself by
asking, “Why am I doing this?” using
these four checkpoints.
1 - Is this God’s plan?
(Does it incorporate the overall vision?)
2 - Will it win souls? (Does
it carry out the commission?)
3 - Will it help the body of
Christ? (Does it offer a needed provision?)
4 - How is what I’m doing
getting me closer to my goal? (Can I still see the vision?)
If you can’t answer yes to them all, rethink why you are
doing it. Don’t move forward until all
points check – “Yes” for the vision, dream, plan you have in mind.
Vision Success Requires a Plan
Sometimes we get caught up in the thrill of doing a
project or carrying through with a dream and forget the reason we did it in the
first place. There are other times when
we think God wants us to do something when in fact that “vision” or dream plan
is for someone else.
King David went off sideways in wanting to build a temple
for the Lord, but God made this vision clear that his plans weren’t exactly His
plans. David wanted to alter what God
wanted so he could get the credit.
Although it was a good thing to do and would honor God, it wasn’t
the plan He had for David. God’s plan
was for David to foot the bill and make a way for his son Solomon to build
it. Why?
It wasn’t the right timing.
had money and power to do anything he wanted and could have done it, but it
wouldn’t have counted for eternity. We
want the work we do for Christ to matter, and part of that requires us to take
action after we’ve spent time in prayer.
let’s take a look at that plan of action for visionary favor.
Write the Vision
the direction God has given so many times in scripture we’re going to do the
same using Habakkuk as our guide.
did Habakkuk do? He had an active
relationship with God through daily prayer, and he waited to hear what God
thought before he did anything. When he
got the answer, he obeyed through action. (Study the book of Habakkuk … it’s
only three chapters!)
He Prayed
He Waited
He Acted
this week’s challenge our active part will be to physically write the vision
and plan God has placed in our hearts to carry out in our lifetime here on
favor starts in prayer. No matter where
you look in the Bible when you see God’s hand of favor extended, it began with
fellowship through prayer. Keep in
mind, God will not partner with your vision unless it is part of His plan. (Jeremiah 29:11)
– Physically write the vision and plan God put in your heart backing it up with
– Prayerfully use daily think tanks with God to stay focused
– Display the vision in plain sight to help you keep focused and for all to see
when they enter or leave a specific area.
Make it big!
– Have at least one person in your corner for support and it doesn’t have to be
family. In fact, a friend or church
leader would be better.
– Dream big start small. Don’t despise
small beginnings.
“Do not despise these small beginnings,
for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin …”
(Zechariah 4:10a NLT)
America on the day of this post January 20th, 2017, Mr. Trump officially
becomes the 45th President of the United States, and he fully
realizes he can’t take action without a plan.
It doesn’t matter who you are, how famous a person or what great deeds
you have done, if it’s not God’s plan for your life, no matter how good it may
seem, it is all for nothing.
been a few years since we visited that church in the hills, and I hope to
return one day finding that they have written the vision of God for all to see and are following it with joy. Now that would be a great story!
As for
now, I’m going to focus on the vision God has for my life so I can continually
walk in His favor. What about you?
Stay organized and focused spiritually, physically and
Pray – Wait – Act
“When I called, You (God) answered me; You greatly
emboldened me (gave strength, courage and confidence to do this).”
(Psalm 138:3 NIV)
God’s vision and you’ll live your dream in His favor!
“If You are pleased with me (God), teach me Your ways so
I may know You and continue to
find favor with You (for the vision not to turn sideways). (Exodus 33:13a
You Are My Vision by Rend
Collective (with Lyrics)
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
Until next time, actively
work God’s vision and receive His favor!
“I give favor to build My Kingdom.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
When used,
the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him
no place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on the photo or link.
Andy Stanley
in Paperback, eBook, Spanish, audio CD, MP3
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Church Blueprint Focus Stone Tablet Remind Me Vision Action Plan Writing Challenge
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Smokey Mountains, Church, The Sideways Church, Vision, Daily Favor Blog, Daily Favor Prayer, Favored1, Andy Stanley, Christian Living, Presidential Election, Trump, How to Discover Your Vision, God's Vision for Life, Favor of God, Organization, Weekly Challenge, Writing Challenge, Smokey Mountains, Inspiration, Lead with Joy