Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Hubby Health Update

Update February 22nd, 2025

Happy day ... Hubby passed another BIG kidney stone!👍
No surgery!  Yahoo!!!!

Thank you Jesus! 

God bless all you prayers out there! We treasure you! 🙏

Update January 18th, 2025

Hello friends, it's time I gave you a new update on how things have been progressing with my husband.

First I want to say how much your continued prayers have meant to us and that you are on our minds with thanksgiving and gratitude.

As I shared you know that the surgery was scheduled for early December. It took place on December 3rd and in another longer post I'll share the wonderous works of God that happened then.  

I can gladly report that the surgery was successful and he came through it well.  However, it was the events that took place afterwards which have kept me from updating sooner.

After leaving the hospital with a several restrictions given, hubby seemed to be doing well.  About 3 or 4 days later I noticed his right leg was swollen and turning deep purple.  

When I took a closer look it covered the entire back of his thigh and he was in severe pain.  Immediately, we contacted the doctor and returned to the hospital like instructed if there was any issue.

The doctor was concerned that their was a blood clot or aneurysm, which can be life-threatening if it ruptures, especially if in an artery.  Praise God that wasn't the case, but was sort of strange in what happened.

Hubby was told not to lift anything over 5 pounds for a least a week or two.  He mostly kept to that but not as good as he should have.  It was hard for him to watch me doing all his tasks and he would lift more sometimes.

One night he was sitting with his leg stretched out (not to put stress on it as told) putting together a cat tower for Christmas.  The best way I can describe it is that he sort of "burst" at the place of the incision from the pressure of bending.  He popped his cork!

Back of the thigh to the knee.

I described it to him like this: you know those catsup packets you get at any fast food restaurant ... well, what happens if you pound or squeeze it hard?  It bursts and makes a mess.  That's what happened to his leg and he had internal bleeding as a result.

How could it happen in the first place?  It made no sense to me.

After hubby came out of surgery I was asked to leave for about 30-45 minutes so they could remove the groin sheath from the surgery area.  This actually worked out for me so I could go home and give insulin to two rescue cats and give him some time to rest for a few hours.  I did not realize how serious this was at the time, nor what they were really going to do.

Illustration of a groin sheath in place.

Removing the groin sheath was supposed to be done in the operating room, but due to an emergency they had to bring him out ahead of this procedure.

We were not informed that there could be other issues such as urinary retention, local bleeding, hematoma, or pain in the back and other areas.

Upon leaving the hospital we were given more instruction on what to do and for him to lift nothing. He was to rest a much as possible for another two weeks.

On December 16th we were back in the hospital for a repeat of what had been happening.  Thankfully they did not have to operate and found his body was starting to absorb the blood slowly.

Fast forward through the holidays to now.  The back of hubby's leg is starting to look "normal"; the purple is mostly gone and he isn't in as much pain.

As for his regular duties, he still isn't permitted to lift much and he hasn't driven either.  Until his leg completely heals he cannot put any pressure on it and driving requires the use of the right leg to push the pedals.

During his last visit to the doctor's last week he was given a good report and that he wouldn't have to see the doctor for six months.  Hallalujah!

In the meantime, he needs to find new doctors for his lungs (a pulmonologist) and physician (main health care) because they both left the area.  

My husband and I are thankful that so many of you have kept us in prayer and know you will continue to do so (with finding the right doctors as well).  

Thank you so much for your kind words, prayers and faithfulness to us and DFB.  

We love you! 🫶💑

Update November 26th, 2024

As you can tell by my posting I haven't been online much.  Frankly there hasn't been any time with caring full time for my husband and taking on his responsibilities as well as my own.

Since around August my husband has been having more difficulty with his breathing, which has affected practically everything he does including walking.  

With this he is experiencing more chest pain and has had to take nitroglycerin to help relax the blood vessels, which increases oxygen and blood flow to the heart.  This isn't something new, but the need to take it once or twice daily is.  

Last week he was taken to the hospital and the doctor wanted to operate on his heart asap.  He was supposed to have the operation on Monday the 25th, but due to the surgeons overloaded schedule it is now happening at the first week of December.

We already knew he had a 68% blockage in one main artery, but the doctor isn't sure if that has changed, a new blockage or something else.  He said he won't know until he "gets in there" to see what exactly is causing the breathing issues and pain.

Earlier this year we learned that his lungs are not at full capacity.  He is on medicine to help that and does breathing exercises to expand the lungs as well.

We ask that you pray over the surgery, doctors and all involved as we believe God for a good outcome report.  

We love and appreciate you! 💗

Update June 8th, 2024

Over the past several months my husband has been dealing with kidney stones again, but I'm pleased to report that he had passed quite a few.  Some extremely large!

We still don't know what is causing the stomach pain, but am convinced it stems from the medications he is currently taking.

He's been trying to do more when he can, especially outdoor work.  There has been quite a bit to do since the storms took out some trees over the past five months.  We worked together getting the first storm mess cleaned up eaelier this year.  

Since the storms in April and May we have more work to do in getting the downed trees cleaned up, but we are trusting the Lord for His favor in leading us in the direction of how to do this.  

Big Kidney Stone!  No wonder he has so much pain!

Daily we work on his rehab routine to help in his spiritual, cognitivie, physical healing and emotional needs from a individually designed program for him.  Some days it may be tough, but he always overcomes and presses on toward the prize of his high calling in God.

Thank you for continuing in prayer for hubby and believing with us for his full recovery from the brain bleeds and other conditions. 

We love and appreciate you so much! 💗

Update December 20th, 2023

Hello friends.  It's been some time since I last update.  Frankly, I didn 't realize that I haven't updated here.  Well, let me fill you in on what's happening.

On October 28th my husband had dental work done from a specialist 100 miles away from home.  Due to his condition(s) he has to go to a place connected with a hospital staff.
After the work done, he was still in pain for weeks and lost over 20 pounds.  We're not sure what was causing his weight loss, but chalked it up to the tooth pain, etc.

Thanksgiving day (23rd) we had everything ready for dinner.  Hubby wanted to work on Christmas lights outside and decided to climb a ladder (without my concent).  He was expecting help, but the person never showed up that week, and he wanted to finish what he started.  Honestly, I didn't want to discourage him, because he was excited about the lights.  After he came inside he was too exhausted to eat and we never had our dinner.  

It was Monday, November 27th, one month from the tooth surgery, that he was scheduled to see pulmonologist at the hospital.  His appointment was for the afternoon, however something happened earlier that morning.

Around 2 am hubby started experiencing the same symptoms as a stroke with his speech totally being unclear.  He couldn't make out one word and had a terrible headache.  I wanted to take him to the ER but he refused and wanted to rest.

We sat on the edge of the bed and began to pray, declaring he would live and not die.  Within the hour his speech began to return, although it was slow and somewhat difficult to form words.

I stayed up with him through the night praying what to do.  By morning he was extremely tired, but could speak.  

When we arrived at the hospital it was really busy.  Wheeling him into the doctor's I explained what happened earlier and played the recording I made of how hubby was speaking to keep record of what was happening.  

After hearing the tape, he felt as I did that it was a possible TIA or mild stroke, but it was too late to tell because we didn't get him to the hospital.  He felt that the fact his speech returned was a good sign, but that a follow-up was needed to make sure there wasn't a blood clot in his neck.  We're still waiting on the follow-up.

Due to the continued mouth pain, we had to make another 100 mile trip to the dental specialist on Friday December 8th.  After x-rays and an examination the doctor said his mouth and jar bone were healing perfectly and that it was not the cause of his pain, put it could possibly be from another tooth that needed filling.

Hubby developed a sore throat at the beginning of the month.  His immune system was compromised somehow and it started to surface.  

By now it was Monday, December 11th, and although he didn't feel that well he wanted to go to the tree lighting service at the hospital that evening.  Since it would only be about an hour I agreed to take him - wrong decision!

We both enjoyed the short outing and the testimony given by the speaker of how God healed her.  It's not often you hear that kind of thing at a public engagement.

Not long after we were home hubby wasn't feeling well and his temperature was rising.  It was the middle of the night and he was delirious.  His back was so hot it felt like he had a heating pad on it.
Since it was so late I couldn't call anyone and once again I couldn't get him to go to the hospital.  So I called on Jesus!  "Lord what should I do?"

I explained to my husband that if he wouldn't let me take him to the hospital he had to do everything I said to help him get better.  He agreed and the work began!

God literally walked me through every step I took to help get the fever to break.  Around 8:30 pm his fever came down and was 99.5.  The next few days I kept bathing him with cool cloths and gave him Tylonal.  

Getting him to eat was not easy.  We literally lived on peanut butter sandwiches and noodles with vegetable stock.  Finally I worked in a few crackers and vegan jello.  He was a good boy!

The lack of sleep for days began playing a toll on me.  I needed to lay down for a bit and since he was calm I took the opportunity to do so.  A little while later I heard him call out "Honey" ... he hadn't spoken a word I could understand for two days!  I began to cry as I thanked God for what He was doing in my husband's body.

Finally on Thursday, November 14th the fever broke and his temperature was back to normal.  Unfortunately, I had so little sleep that I began feeling unwell myself and ended up in bed the entire day.
It has been one week and hubby is still recovering from whatever he had.  He never experienced coughing or nausea thankfully, so we're not sure what it was.  Possibly COVID, but his systems made it unclear and praise God he continued to improve.

We would appreciate your continued prayers.  Please pray over both of us for strength and that the sense of "smell" returns fully.

We are so grateful to those who tell us they pray for us daily.  I can't tell you how much it means to me knowing you're out there and care as you do.  Words cannot express how much this means to both of us.
Thank you with all my heart and God's blessing to you for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With much love to you all! 💕

Update June 29th, 2023

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update sooner, but this is the first I've been able to sit at the computer in some time.

First I'd like to thank those who have followed on Twitter for updates (since we are no longer on Facebook). 

For those who didn't know, hubby had heart surgery on April 25th and we were pleased that he doesn't have any blood clots.  However, he has seen several doctors since to find out why he is having difficulty breathing.  Next is a lung specialist to check for blockages.

He was recovering from the surgery nicely when on June 1st he ended up in the hospital once more, this time is wasn't his heart but the brain.  According to the doctor's he has several mini strokes resulting in "lacunar infarctions" aka "small brain bleeds".  These "bleeds" have affected his cognitive and physical functions.

Since then he is working hard to recover memory, daily activity and overall health issues.  He is in tremendous pain, mostly from back problems and difficulty to stand or walk.

Being his sole caregiver I haven't been able to write as usual or do much of anything else.  Praise God for gardening!  My therapy!

People have asked how I'm able to keep going through all of this, and I only have one answer - prayer ... my own and those of others.

No matter what we face each day, hubby tries to do what he needs to for himself (with guidance) and for me.  I can't say there aren't a lot of tears at times crying out to God, because that would be a lie.  We're human and have limitations, but with God, all things are possible, so we keep going believing help is coming and this part of our journey is going to get better!

Since we were teenagers we have prayed together every night, and even though he has difficulty finding words, hubby still prays outloud the best that he can.  We believe God's Word when He said to pray for others that you may be healed; so we do, standing on the Word of God for healing. 

"...pray for one another, that you may be healed.  The effective, earnest, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails (accomplishes) much." (from James 5:16b)

If you are experiencing a health problem, pray for others with that same issue and believe for your own healing!  If you need scripture to back up your prayer requests, check out my scripture for healing page.

Thank you for faithfully keeping us in your prayers.  May the Lord continually bless you with His Daily Favor as you pray for others.

Love to you all! 💕

Update Oct. 22nd, 2022

Hello friends, I have to start with praise that hubby is alright and home.  On Tuesday he received a good report from his heart doctor and we praise God for that.

However, Wednesday was a different story - at first!  I took my husband to the emergency room at 9 am due to severe pain in his temple since Sunday, but it had increased.

We were told that if he had pain like this to take him to the ER right away, because of his two brain bleeds earlier this year.  After having tests done and a CAT scan the doctor reported that there was no mass or current bleeding.  He was given medications and by the next day the pain was gone.  They do not know what was causing it, but said it is common for his type of head trauma.

The doctor explained how we need to contact his neurologist for more details, and that my husband might require a change in medications.  That's about all we know at this point.

I am so thankful to have him home and continue praying for God to heal him completely.  All your prayers and support encourages us throughout this difficult journey.  We lean on the Word of God believing that He still has good things in store for us and that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13)

Stay close to the Lord and united in prayer with fellow believers.  We all need one another so much.  Through Christ we can do all things.

Love to you all! 💕

Update Oct. 11th, 2021

It's lovely to hear good news isn't it, especially when God answers prayer.

We want to give a shout out of praise for the procedure hubby had last week on his spine.  It has greatly helped his walking and ability to stand.

The overall evaluation of whether it will be long term has yet to be determined, since it's only been four days. However, hubby says his pain levels have significantly decreased.

He goes to the doctor again this week for a follow-up and to the heart doctor next week.  We'll keep you posted on the results.  Give a shout out of praise to the Lord for His faithfulness!  

Love to you all! 💕

Update Sept. 23rd, 2021

What's new?  Glad you asked!

Hubby is stepping out in faith.  Actually, we both are to be honest.  We have been practicing his driving!  Only for short distances and with me by his side as he is working on directional issues.  He is really doing well.

As for the pain in his back and hip, he saw a new doctor this week and is scheduled for an MRI and spine injections next week.  Not sure what else until they figure out what is causing the sever pain.  

We continue to uplift all those who are praying for us daily.  There are no words to express our gratitude!  We love you! 🙏

Update August 27th, 2021

Hi friends.  Just a few words about what's happening.  

Since last time my husband has been seen by several doctors. We finally found a regular doctor and he sent hubby for x-rays on his back/hip area.

Today an osteopathic doctor has come on board to find out why he is having such pain and difficulty walking.  I'm not sure what this all means, but will let you know when we have news.

We are still in need of a vehicle and trusting God to work out the details for this including the financial end concerning all the medical bills.   The vehicle has to be one that he can get in and out easily since he can't bend his legs that well - YET!  Standing strong in faith for his complete healing.

I do have some good news to share so click on the link to see what God did recently.  Read more.   

Thank you for being faithful in prayer!  Much love! 💕

Update August 1st, 2021

Hello everyone.  Here with another update on what's happening with hubby.

On Friday, July 30th, we spend the main part of the day going back and forth from the hospital to the urologist's office.  After x-rays and a CAT scan the doctor verified that my husband's severe stomach pain was due to two kidney stones that had moved.

His concern was so serious that he wanted to operate on him this Monday, stating that if there is a problem there could be a loss of a kidney.  However, due to the brain bleeds he had to back off until we get a green light from the neurologist team and heart doctor.

If the other doctors give the go ahead, he will be operated asap.  The urologist surgeon said he will try to go in the usual way using a ureteral stent placement and laser.  The other option is to go up the leg, through the back and down to where the stones are located.  

In the meantime he is on pain medication and we are fervently praying that the stones will pass naturally right away!  Please pray in agreement with us that the stones WILL pass without pain, and that hubby's kidneys and heart are working perfectly!

We love you and are so thankful for your prayers!

Updated July 3rd, 2021

It's been a few weeks since my husband had the latest CAT scan and praise God we have good reports - the brain bleeding has stopped!  We were given the results on Wednesday, June 30th.

After an appointment to the cardiologist, we stopped into the Cardio-Rehab to visit with some of hubby's buds from there hoping it would trigger his memory.  He did recognize one gentleman and had the courage to say hello and have a short chat.

As for the staff, he only said hello and sat near a window while I let them know how he was doing.  I needed the visit more than he did I believe.  When they saw us coming through the door I was greeted with the most wonderfully long hug (I was wearing a mask and gloves).  

Kathy broke out in tears and held me close knowing how difficult this has been, having experienced it with her own husband for many years.  Sharon was engaged on the phone with a client, but soon followed her co-worker's lead with signs of affection as dear friends do.

When she learned that her friend and client hubby still hadn't received any therapies she quickly went to work to find us answers.  If it wasn't for her initiative we wouldn't have learned that he was released from the neurologist's care with the standing "resolved", meaning the brain bleed is healing with no signs of clots or tumor.

While we were there, she had me sign another release form (this is the third) so that she could find out what was happening with therapy.  We pray that this will give us more insight.

I know that it seems like everything is taking so long, and the Lord keeps reminding me that it has only been 7 weeks for this brain bleed episode. It just seems like so long, and that's because of the one that he had in January.  

He was getting back some of his skills when the second brain bleed happened causing the entire process to be repeated.  Hubby is not only recovering from a brain bleed stroke, he's mending from two brain bleed strokes!  That is something we need to always be mindful of when feeling a little impatient as to why this is taking so long.

We were told that is wasn't safe for him to start any kind of excessive rehabilitation until the CAT scans came back that the brain wasn't bleeding at all.  He has been doing short scheduled sessions of cognitive, occupational, spiritual and emotional therapy at home with me on a daily basis.  The speech therapy is lagging, and we're trying to figure out what else I can do to help him.

As for the physical therapy, I can do some of it with him using large exercise balls or other things to help his response time and coordination, but he needs equipment we don't have for the strengthening aspect.

He get confused and frustrated easily so we're taking things slow to help calm him.  Right now he still gets extremely tired quickly and doesn't do much during the day on his own without prompting of some kind.  I was pleased he tried to read the Bible on his own even though it was for a few minutes.

At first his balance was extremely off, but it is getting better each day.  I cannot tell you how many places he leaves his cane(s).  Even though it kind of gets to me at times having to move it so much or retrieve it for him because he has no clue where he left it, I'm thrilled his balance is returning.

I wish I could avoid the other part - the finances, but it's a big part of this.  Please continue to present these things before the Lord as well.

I'll let you know when the therapies will begin and what is happening when we get more information.  Thanks everyone!

Love to you all ... 

Update May 20th, 2021

Please keep us in your prayers as hubby is now home from the hospital after having another brain bleed and stroke.  

Once again he is not scheduled for any therapies until they figure out what is happening.  Right now he is mostly sleeping.

He is able to walk some with two canes, but is having balance difficulties.  His memory and ability to speak have been affected.  We're not sure why he is having such stomach pain and headaches.  Last time it was related to the bleeding, but I don't know if he should still be experiencing such things.

They did do the angiogram on May 5th that was scheduled for May 12th, but are waiting for another CAT Scan to determine what to do next. 

Another issue came up where he broke a tooth and is in extreme pain. They are not able to do anything for it yet until he sees the neurologist.  

We would appreciate prayer over all those making the decisions and that we will receive good reports and the financial aspect as well.  

With sincere appreciate and love, we thank you so much!

It's 11 pm Tuesday May 4th, 2021.

My dear friend in Christ, once again I'm asking for urgent prayer. My husband was just air lifted again to another hospital several hours away for another brain bleed/stroke. A neurosurgeon team is waiting his arrival.

Please pray the bleed stops immediately and his brain is healed. I am not with him and at this moment. Pray the brain swelling stops and he does not need surgery.

Lord Jesus, help us now. Your Word is true and I am trusting in You. Help me to be strong so that I may testify of Your goodness.

March 30th, 2021 update

Hello faithful friends, 

Just a brief update on what we know so far concerning my husband’s health. 

For weeks we're been playing phone tag with doctors from two cities 400 miles apart.  It hasn’t been easy trying to get them to contact one another concerning their own schedules, but I suppose it is due to the COVID stuff which I totally understand. 

(If you haven't read what happened, you can find out here.)

As of this date he is scheduled for two operations in May and an MRI of his neck to see if there is any blockage. One operation may be on his brain and the other on his heart, but right now we're not sure. 

I promised you a good report and here it is.  However, it is all because of the goodness and healing power of God!  

Practically everyone my husband sees is amazed of how fast he is recovering from what happened; even the doctors are surprised at the things he is able to do.  They have told us most people who have experienced what he did cannot do what he is doing for almost 6 months to a year!  Maybe they don’t know about the prayers of the Righteous?  We do, and know God hears them! 

Give God the Praise!

Hubby is doing really well in getting about with a cane, but has difficulty lifting his legs and gets tired rather quickly. Upper body strength isn’t back to normal yet and fine motor skills need work, but both are also improving at a slower rate.  This is where physical therapy with the proper equipment would help, but picking up nails, pennies and even Cheerios one by one can be a real workout!  Hey, you use what you have right? 

His speech is good, but connecting the right words to the actual object is a task.  Also having a lengthy conversation makes him tired, especially if he can’t express himself clearly.  At times it’s quite comical and his sense of humor keeps me guessing.  Most of the time he’s close in what he wants to say and I can make it out (like exits for extension cord), but I still can’t figure out what dip diggers are!  Any clue? 

There are some short-term memory issues and that’s where post-its or daily schedule notebooks come in real handy.  I’m the queen of using these things, so I have loads of experience to share in what works and doesn’t work.  He’s even using them to help in praying. 

I have been working with him using various tools for learning to help cope including music, games, worksheets and hands-on tasks.  Thankfully he isn’t having as much trouble finding or remembering where things are in the house.  

One of his occupational and daily living tasks was to vacuum.  (I know - bonus for me!) It took some time finishing this one when he couldn't remember where he put the attachment.  Guess where we found it?  

The pantry shelf between the vitamins!  Why ... he has no idea, but we both had a good laugh.

His therapies still haven't been able to be scheduled due to waiting on what has to be done or the insurance company coverage, but he has been cooperative in working with me in doing activities for his rehabilitation.  They have been quite extensive and targeted for specific weaknesses.  He is making progress rapidly in some areas, while others are taking more effort.

God has been so faithful in working things out with the helicopter service and ambulance company costs of almost $100,000. The rest of the two hospital, medical or doctor's bills haven't come yet. 

We haven't been able to purchase another vehicle since he was in the accident, but by faith believe all the details will be taken care of through God's amazing grace, favor and provision.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I'll update again when we have more news. 🙏😀💕 

We love you so much and thank God for you in our prayers! 

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior. 

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.  Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.  

Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.

Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Labels Believe in God, Favored1, Faith, Hubby Health Update, Fay Ann Daniels, Daily Favor Blog,