it’s not that I’m pumped about all the “projects” I have on my vision and goals
list, it’s that I had SO much unfinished stuff that I didn’t know where to
start first! Can you relate?
Maybe I wasn't the Queen of Unfinished Projects, but it sure felt like it. Finally things were moving forward and I was off on the right foot.
was actually on schedule (like that’s hard to do only a few weeks into the
year!), when my computer began having hissy fits after we loaded a new bible software
program. That changed the game plan
instantly, and sent me into overdrive trying to figure out how in the world am
I going to catch up at this stage.
didn’t seem fair! I was doing life
coaching, getting people started on their own journey to success when mine
stopped before I barely got my hands on the tasks. Then God reminded me of a conversation during
prayer time just a few months ago when I was getting discouraged about my own
incomplete goals list for 2019.
Thanks for joining us on Daily Favor Blog.
Doesn’t Attend Pity Parties

a few weeks the excitement of phase one dwindles and is soon
gone. The pity party invitations go out and woe is me gets a foothold in the heart door.
It’s not long before we let
discouragement win and think “it wasn’t to be” I guess. Dreams shatter and we fall right back into
the same old pattern we hated, but can’t seem to break. Ugh!!! A million times ugh!
know what? God had no intentions of
attending or participating in my pity party.
As a matter of fact, He put something before my eyes that I’ve done in
the past, but haven’t practiced lately.
It led me back to the Old Testament and the prophet Haggai.
Back Here
was a time when the citizens of Judah were excited about the message the
prophet Haggai gave them which involved the re-building of the temple. However, after a short time the Jews lost
their enthusiasm and stopped all the work leaving the city still in ruins.
a time at the daily grind their values changed. The work of God diminished. Instead they sought out their own dreams and
built elaborate homes for themselves, even though they were smack in the midst
of the assignment.

than sticking to the plan they quit and left, leaving a big mess in the middle
of the city! Parent’s can you relate with
giving instructions to your kids to pick up their toys only to find out that
they have left the room to seek after something better to do?
can kind of imagine how ticked off it must have made the LORD. Parents don’t mind that kids want to do other
things, but need them to get back in that room and first finish what you asked
right? Of course!
God Says Enough
to say (but I’m going to anyway …), God wasn’t pleased with the behavior of His
children and had no intentions of letting them slide in following through with
what they started. I can picture it like
a father getting after his kids to pick up their toys to put them away after
the Mom (like Haggai) already gave the instruction.

you hear the squabbling that went on as Haggai tries to reason with God
over their poor behavior? Don’t we do
that in coming up with excuses as to why we didn’t finish what we started?
people basically said:
know God wants us to do this, but it’s not the right time. We have our own harvests to bring in and don’t have the time at the moment. It’s
not convenient right now.
it! Enough is enough! God sent Haggai the prophet to stir them into
action again by putting them in their place.
He refused to accept their excuses for not sticking with the vision God laid out
for them to follow. In other words, he
was ticked off and was about to spell out the consequences for their lack of
Your Ways
learn about God’s response in the book of Ezra, (beginning in chapter 4) where He in essence
read them the riot act and why their work hadn’t been blessed by Him. This was
Haggai’s message to the Jews in Judah:
word of the LORD came through Haggai the prophet saying, is it time for you to
work on your own houses while the temple is in ruins? Consider your ways and what you’ve done!
sow a lot, but reap little, you eat and there isn’t enough, you drink but are
still thirsty. You wear clothes but aren’t
warm, and make a living but there’s never enough to pay your bills. If you consider your ways and what you did
instead of what I told you, then you would know why I haven’t blessed the work
of your hands.
soon as you made a little profit, I blew it away because you let My house
remain in ruins while everyone went and visited your houses leaving mine
empty! So, I allowed the drought to fall
on the land, your harvest, livestock and everything you did fell in ruin with
the poor seeds you sowed into my vision!
consider what you did and get back up to the mountains. Pick up the wood and build
the temple. I will be with you to bless
this project and cause favor from the King in giving of supplies. This is what
will please and glorify me. (taken from Haggai chapter 1 and Ezra chapter 5;
emphasis mine)
The people gladly received the message and immediately went to work finishing what
they started in rebuilding the temple of the LORD. When they obeyed, God was with them, the task
was completed in record time and they were able to establish their vision as
delight (get excited) in the Lord, and He will give you the
of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4-5)
This First
I mentioned in the beginning of the year how I was really on schedule and
everything was going as planned until the computer thingy? Well, it’s true and although a monkey wrench
was thrown into some projects, I didn’t get flustered because of that
conversation I had with the Lord over my past goals. It’s literally what turned things around and
kept me from climbing back in the boxing ring to beat myself up over what
happened that was out of my control.
not being able to finish everything on the “goal” list for my vision board from
last year wasn’t the issue, even though I thought it was. In my spirit I heard the Lord tell me these
four words:
What You Started!”
didn’t need to make another list or add new things. In my thinking, the old ones obviously
weren’t God’s plan since they didn’t happen.
That wasn’t it at all.
Back to the Mountain
Gifted Christian musician Tim Oladeru got this concept and it gave him peace like it did me!
Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean that you have to start everything
new! Sometimes, the best thing you can do
is be disciplined enough to finish what you started the previous year or
improve on it.
making out my vision board and goal planning last year, didn’t I bring it
before the Lord in the first place?
Wasn’t He always a part of the process?
then why did I think it wasn’t good and I needed to ditch it for something
else? There wasn’t a reason at all,
other than the world trying to tell me I failed and needed to do something else
merely need to finish what I already started!
In other words, like God told the Hebrew children … get back to that
mountain and tackle it by finishing the job you started!
this a big revelation? Not so much …
more like disobedience and fault finding I’d say. This is a matter that only I could get under
control and correct – so I have and am in the process of some major overhauls.
is something I always did, but somewhere along my journey I strayed off the
straight and narrow path. I just needed
to get back to that mountain (or shall I say “mountains”) I was trying to
finish what you began to do.
Then your
willingness will be matched by what you accomplished.”
(2 Corinthians 8:11
God’s Word Translation)
Lord has given clarity to this 20/20 vision request to stay focused and get
organized. Be diligent and determined,
then you can move on to something else with a clear mindset.
Right Now
you walk around your house and see something needs to be done do you look at it
and say, “I need to do that someday,” then walk away with the project still
left undone? Generally speaking, we all
do this I suppose, but that particular “someday” never comes does it?
is where we need to retrain our brains and stop the excuses. When we change our mindset to think “excellence”,
we won’t let things go by. Start
practicing that now is the right time to get things done. When the Holy Spirit puts it before you, now is
the time!
blesses us for our obedience and satan knows that, so learn to consider your
ways in which you go about daily activities.
The devil watches our patterns and behavior, because he cannot read our
minds. When we put things off over and
over, he swoops in to devour our progress knowing blessings aren’t coming to
this person who continually quits before finishing.
have you let slide by in not getting organized or following through on
something you started? It doesn’t matter
why you didn’t finish, that’s in the past.

to God in prayer and ask Him where you should begin, and then get to it so
you’ll be back on track for His blessings on your work. If needed, ask for a reminder of the last
thing He told you to do, and then do it without hesitation.
and obedience shouldn’t have a long period of time between them. Immediate obedience is the difference between
blessings being manifested today, tomorrow or never.
not get in the position where God has to chasten us for not finishing what we
started. We all know how that would end
if we take that path correct?
Have to Start in Order to Finish
you remember a few weeks back when I talked about Paul not going to Troas
because God changed his direction? Well,
on Paul’s 3rd missionary trip he was able to return to Troas and
fulfill his commitments, finishing what he started. It was just in the process of the journey
that God took him on a bigger road trip.
want to encourage you to believe in your dreams again and have hope. Get back
to the mountain you avoided and start over; God isn’t through with you! He wants to bless you with His favor, but it begins
with obedience in finishing what you started.
have fought the good fight, I have stayed on course and finished the race, and
through it all, I have kept believing. I
look forward to what’s in store for me: a crown of righteousness that the Lord –
the always right and just judge – will give me that day (but it is not only for
me, but for all those who love and long for His appearing).”
(2 Timothy 4:7-8
did you start in the past that you haven’t completed? Maybe it’s a business, working out, losing
weight, mending emotional fences. It
doesn’t matter; the fact is you weren’t able to complete it for some reason. For me it was classes!
all have them - those ongoing projects that are still waiting to be
finished! Perhaps you did start
something, but need to improve on what you already have to better serve people
and bring God glory. That’s fine, but
get back to that mountain and tackle it until you are finished the task.
you are right on target and ready to begin something new with God, that’s great
– go with God in His favor. For most of
us though, we’ve got some Masterful work to yet to finish, but this time we’re
going to move forward with patience instead of frustration in achieving our
is better than starting. Patience is
better than pride.”
(Ecclesiastes 7:8)
2019, my husband and I had a blessed and productive year accomplishing things
in areas that I didn’t expect, but fell way short in others. Together we faced extremely difficult situations
as well as some happy times.
in December when I was feeling discouraged and pressured to get more crossed
off my life goal list, the Lord’s message “finish what you started” turned out
to be words of insight, concepts and ideas.
Instead of a browbeating for not achieving all my goals toward the
vision in my heart, I was encouraged and motivated to keep going.
never know what a day (or year for that matter) may hold, but God does. The Lord knew which events would take place (such
as hubby’s eleventh hospital stay), and that I needed words of affirmation, not
chastisement for a vision refresh. Not
this time anyway!
wasn’t angry or disappointed with me; He merely wants to complete the good work He
began in me with His full favor and blessings.
am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to
completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6 ESV)
all it took, and I firmly planted myself in position to finish something I had
started. For me it was additional courses
toward another degree that took me eight years when it should have taken less
than two! Hey … I was a little busy!
on December 31st, 2019 at 11:45 pm I finished that goal! The weight was lifted and feels so good not
having it constantly nagging at me to get it done. I can fully attest to what scripture declares …
finishing is truly better than starting.
2020 Vision Refresh
you may not have accomplished all your goals or vision in past years, do not be
disheartened. You just need a little
refresh of the correct steps to take, which include finishing the ones He’s
already given you. Friend, Hallelujah -
if it’s of God, it’s still there and in His plans.
the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His
heart through all
generations.” (Psalm 33:11)
love that verse, don’t you? God has
given each of us a specific vision for life; get it back in focus and start
the things you have been doing that took you away from the “mountain” so to speak. Were they always legit, or simply not
following through when you had the opportunity?
Maybe it was both, but not anymore!
Ask the Lord for the 2020 clarity you need to accomplish your goals in finishing what you started!
forget that all things work together to those that love the Lord God and His
vision. Believe that this is going to be
your best year of clarity for the manifestation of vision and goals. As soon as you are back on track, stay there
by sticking to the plan of God and His favor will surely come.
He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed! (Psalm
Be Thou My Vision – Selah
next time, believe God for renewed vision favor!
on My vision for miracle favor.”
- Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual (s)
Prayer from the blessings in Deuteronomy 33 and 1 John 1:2 Amplified Bible.
When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because
we give him no place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
New This Week: Click on link.
By Andre Pierre Bright (paperback)
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible
credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Queen Pity Party Messy Playroom God Says Enough Finish What You Started Time Is Now Finishing Vision Refresh
Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Blessed Life, Favor, Obedience, Vision, Goals,
Hearing from God, Guidance, Direction, Finish What You Started, Bible Study, Weekly Challenge, Inspiration
#BibleStudy #Blessed #Favor #Favored #Challenge #TeachingSeries
description: Finish What You Started: Refreshing the vision of God for manifestation. On Daily Favor Blog