Now I watched 4, 5, 6 … no, 7 daytime shows on a regular basis. The fact that I scheduled all my college classes around General Hospital doesn’t mean I had a problem. Oh my, alright, you can say that is a little unusual.
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Taking Inventory
My husband never said anything but made his feelings
clear when he “forbid” me to watch Oprah anymore. So how did she get into this debate? To be fair looking back I can see his point;
the man never had a chance.
Young married couples like to keep things fresh in the
relationship, especially the wives.
my husband got home from work I blasted him with ridiculous questions from
those “compatibility” tests that were in the magazines or on those talk shows.
Recording all the daytime serials while I was in college or
teaching left little time for anything else, except for those heartfelt interrogations
I was giving hubby. Surely he wanted our
marriage to be great, so why not answer a few “baiting” questions? He had
I didn’t realize how those things weren’t a natural part
of relationships and only thought of them as “fun” ways to keep things
lively. Really I don’t know where I got
that kind of thinking, because we never watched those programs before I was
married. We didn’t even have a TV for
the first year of marriage and only listened to the radio.

It wasn’t until we were moving into our new home that I
did a purification check. One tends to
do an inventory when moving so you don’t pack things that you don’t want to
take to the new place. Well, my
magazines had become “collector’s” items in my mind, so of course they made the
However, during the course of setting up house, those
boxes started to bother me.
We had a big house dedication party telling the Lord this
would be His house and for His use.
Somehow I couldn’t see Jesus reading in our library asking, “Do you have a copy of All My Children’s
Anniversary magazine?”
Here we are in a new home and it’s already being “filthed”
up with unacceptable décor. Taking
inventory on my Christ walk Philippians 4:8 came to my mind.
When Life Changes Lifestyle
I made the decision to give the items away and was
feeling good about the pricey donation, when “Mr. Stick in the mud” (hubby) popped
my vanity bubble. Around that time a
student of mine dropped by our home. I don’t remember why he visited, but this young
chap was one of my “prodigies.” His
background read like a mystery novel with drugs, jail and alternative school
part of his colorful resume. School is where we met.
It was a rough senior year for this individual. One of my tasks was to keep this drug runner
out of trouble and in school until graduation. Believe me this wasn’t easy so I
had my work cut out for me. Having been
given the challenge I approached the principal with a plan on what I wanted to
do to make this happen for the student.
I pleaded for permission to recruit some of the
borderline kids (and his buddies) to commission them to paint an entire wall
mural for the primary grades. Using an
overhead projector they traced my fantasy world drawings onto the wall and the
work began. If I calculated correctly
the project would take three months to complete, and my young hopefuls would
all graduate. Thank God it worked.
When June rolled around they all returned to their own
districts for graduation in their own schools.
My husband and I were honored that these kids would give up prime seat
tickets for the event just for us.
By now this rehabilitated man was calling us Mom and
Dad. He received Christ after attending
our church. Repeatedly we invited him to
come Sunday after Sunday and one day he just showed up at the door. Having no “church” clothes he wore his best
jeans and biker shirt accessorized with gold chains.
He was so overwhelmed by how the 70+ year old greeter
received him with open arms that it changed his heart. After the service we went back to the house
and talked. He got down on his knees and
I led him in the sinner’s prayer. From
then on I realized how much my life needed to reflect what Jesus did.
Whatever is pure …
A few years had passed since that day and Hosea now did
add jobs for my husband, which included help in building our home. Every time
we heard a squeak in the living room floor we called out his name (because he
missed a nail), fondly remembering what fun we had when constructing that room.

My husband watched the deal about to go down and quickly
interrupted. Pointing to the magazines he asked me, “Why are you getting rid of them?” He was “baiting” the student only this time
it was me.
I had realized that these weren’t pure, lovely and
certainly had no good reports, virtue or truth for me as a Christian. With that
being the reason I was disposing of them in the first place, I surely couldn’t
give them to our babe in Christ “son.”
What a waste of time and money I thought.
“Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is
anything praiseworthy – mediate on these things.” (Philippians 4:8 NKJV)
Looking back to my husband I questioned, “What can we do with them?” His suggestion … burn them. So we did.
G Means Gotta Go
The song “Cleanse
My Heart Oh God” took on a new meaning in our lives. We set out to have a house purifying party
getting rid of anything we might think was the least bit questionable in the
life of a believer.
When a woman from church came to help she couldn’t
understand why we purged our video library of films like the Wizard of Oz or
“But they’re cartoons and rated G. There’s nothing wrong with these.”
she softly proclaimed and took them to give to another charity.
We even had matching lion costumes from a harvest party
that was Oz themed.
Getting rid of prime editions of certain movies was
upsetting, however if purifying out house of witches of any kind, barely
dressed mermaids that cause eyes to lust meant God’s favor was cut off from us,
we weren’t willing to take that kind of risk.
I remember listening to a preacher who said things had
gone drastically wrong in his ministry.
When he prayed God told him to do a purity check in his home, ministry
and staff. He discovered why the favor
of God was cut off during this entire purification overhaul and got rid of the
problem. Once again God’s blessings and
favor returned.
The cause wasn’t even him, but someone in his firm. Taking to heart what scripture says about the
wicked being cut off from God’s mercy and favor, the Lord has restored his
Christian’s it’s time to do a house check like Pharaoh did
with Abraham and others in the Bible. If
you want to see how fast God will remove His hand on your life, just stay in
Living an Open Book Life
My students watch me and follow my life. They are my family and become very much a
part of my activities. They know my
pets, my husband goes on all our class trips, he cooks for them. My students visit my church, home and cheer at
my ball games.
Living an open book life means your “book” is always visible
to others. What are people reading on
your life pages? Are tons of books on
the shell with a Bible tucked under the stack collecting dust? If Jesus came to your house would it be
purified or would you have to quickly hid things?
Don’t judge me, this is what we felt was right for us and
what we were supposed to do as we branched out on another road in our journey
to Christ.
Ask God to convict your heart as to what needs to be
purified in your life, which includes your dwelling.
Let It Go
It’s spring cleaning time in America and we automatically
gear up for getting rid of all the dirt, grime and broken things in our yard or
home. Why not take it a wee bit further
by adding a spiritual check to the top of the list?
God may or may not want you to get rid of certain things
that might not see wrong in your eyes.
However, if they are cluttering up your path they need to be gone from
your life.
Make a prayer checklist and see what has to go in the bin
and follow through with it. Don’t think
about the price, the expense, the waste, etc.
Not having God’s favor will cost you more than anything you ever give up
for Him.
Come on, who doesn’t love the tin man and what about the
Disney kids songs? I loved singing Under
the Sea with my nephew, but I wasn’t taking any chances in getting this wrong
with God.
The Bible says not to have anything to do with witchcraft,
and cartoon or not, it was going. “Bye, Bye Glinda.” This was right for us at the time and we’ve
never regretted our decision.
If we were to believe what we said we believed in God's Word about blessings and cursings, we had to start somewhere, and this is how we approached the situation.
Do A Purifying Check
Maybe you think this is being legalistic, I hope
not. I do know that people are watching
Christians with an eye of a hawk, and we cannot expect Heavenly favor by
holding onto worldly things that take higher priority in our lives then God
Our challenge is to do a spiritual check to see if our
lifestyle lines up scripturally with God’s plan. We will measure our earthly goods
and lifestyle against this week’s passage of scripture in Philippians 4:8.
Is it true? If you
don’t get past the first checkpoint it has to go. If it does pass inspection,
move on to the next one and so forth. Is it lovely? Is there anything praise worthy about
it? If it can’t pass every point then “Let it Go.”
The Eight Point Checklist:
Is it true?
Is it noble?
Is it just?
Is it pure?
Is it lovely?
Is there a good
Is there any
virtue in it?
Is it
Being willing to seek out house purifiers will take the work of the Holy Spirt in your life. Listen
as He gently nudges you in your decision making and follow through with what
you’ve been instructed. In the end you
will have a clean house spiritually as well as physically.
“Purify thyself and see God’s favor.”
Jesus Christ
What’s New This Week: Click
on book or link.
Daily to the Still Small Voice of God
By Jennifer
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Soap Operas Inventory Philippians 4:8 Oz Cowardly Lion Glinda Oz
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief. Updated 10/1/18
Challenge, Daily Favor Blog, Favor, Favor of God, Favored1, Holy Spirit, House Cleaning, House Puifiers, Inventory, Let it Go, Newsboys, Philippians 4:8, Soap Operas, Spiritual, Wizard of Oz Cowardly Lion, Wizard of Oz,