The bell had rung
to alert the class that recess was finished.
Martin and Arlene were walking back toward the school building when
another boy threw a rock. He was aiming
it at Martin, but when he ducked it hit Arlene cutting her on the head.
Entering the classroom Arlene asked her
teacher if she could go to the nurse because her head was bleeding. The teacher refused to let her leave the
class even though he saw her wound. Mr. Ward
made it plain that he didn’t like this girl and blurted out, “Why can’t you be more like your sister?” Hello my name is inferiority.
Welcome new friends this week
The USA, Singapore, United Arab
Emirates, Belgium and Spain who was in the lead with new visitors this week! Please share this challenge and invite more
friends to join us. Thank you!
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the Ukraine in prayer this week as you pray for all the followers of Daily
Don't miss out on this week's challenge below! Visit the Q & A section!
Don't miss out on this week's challenge below! Visit the Q & A section!
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What do you believe? Is this really you? |
It was a normal function in class for
the teacher to call on the students to read passages from the lesson. Around the room they would proceed with each
child reading a few paragraphs.
When it
was Tina’s turn she would make the excuse she left her glasses at home, so the
teacher would skip over her.
Not long into the school year the
students began noticing Tina had difficulty reading aloud. A few weeks later the teacher put her in a
lower reading group. Hello my name is
Evelyn lived across the street from
Helen. She was in her late 80’s but
Helen enjoyed spending time on the porch with Evelyn talking about
Over the course of years Helen stopped
spending as much time with her neighbor, but always felt she would get back to
One day a knock came on the
door. It was Evelyn’s daughter
giving the news that her mother had passed away. Hello my name is regret.
Shortly after Charlie’s family had
immigrated from Germany he became an orphan.
His memories of childhood haunted him throughout his entire life.
While talking with his
granddaughter he broke down and confessed the reason for his bitterness. “I was never adopted and grew up in that awful
orphanage.” Hello my name is anger.
Charity was a high spirited child that
loved to be around people. Her interests
were quite different than the rest of her family's and so was her attitude.
As she matured, Charity became more
outspoken about her beliefs. It was
things like this that caused her to argue with her mother. In the midst of an argument Charity’s mother retaliated shouting out, “You’ve been a problem since my womb.” Hello my name is worthless.
By now you have gotten the message that
all of humanity has experienced some kind of emotional pain along the journey. We
have listened to these little whispers and voices of the devil that spread
lies. Even worse, we believed them.
Right now I’d like for you to take an
inventory check and see how many of these you have felt in your life:
Broken, afraid, unbelief, no purpose in
life, rejected, depressed, insecure, misled, alone, lonely, ugly, unfaithful, helpless, hopeless,
defeated, weak, failure, chained, forgotten, unimportant, invisible, deserted, outsider, a mistake, loser, liar, thief, shame,
lost, addict, desperate, confused, envy, malice, rebellious, ashamed, jealous,
bitter, anger, hatred…
The list can go on for eons, but this is
where it stops. Today you’re going to hear
the truth and get it in your heart so that you believe what God says about who
you are as His Favored Child.
The Royal in You
It’s hard to move forward sometimes when
you have suffered such pain in the past.
There’s a reason for that. The
devil doesn’t want you to know that you can be healed emotionally, and he definitely
doesn’t want you to feel forgiven.
Anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as
their Savior did it understanding that salvation means forgiveness of sin –
past, present or future. The problem is
that we don’t truly comprehend what becoming part of God’s family actually
Princess Grace Kelly Rainier of Monaco |
Taking the focus off ourselves allows us
to dig deeper into our heritage as Children of the One True God.
When Grace Kelly married into royalty she had
to learn how to become a princess. She
didn’t know all the benefits that came with her new title. That’s sort of what it’s like to be born into
the Kingdom of God, we have to learn what accompanies our salvation.
God’s children are not subject to the
lies of the devil, in fact, he is subject to God who gave us authority over
him. Although the sinner flesh man may
have committed a multitude of sins, God says He will forgive ALL of them, if we
confess them to Him and ask for His forgiveness. Basically, we are asking for mercy, grace and
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is
a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”
(2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV)
As joint heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom we
have been given gifts from our Father above, which the unsaved do not
have. We are rescued, saved, have hope,
forgiven, victorious, brand new beings, complete, at peace with God, alive,
redeemed, delivered, healed, transformed.Everything satan tries to declare over our lives is a lie and we need not follow the devil in our minds believing what he is marketing.
Your Savior
What happens when a believer grasps the
concept of their position in Christ Jesus?
Let me share with you how these stories ended.
grew into adulthood feeling unloved, second rate and inferior. Due to that incident she had in school as a
child, she became a teacher so that no child would be made to feel inferior,
training them how to overcome those feelings of defeat. Hello her name is victorious.
In college while testing a child for one of
her classes, Tina discovered that she was dyslexic and turned her disability
into ability. Hello her name is wisdom.
read tons of books on how to get over regret and guilt, but none of them
helped. One day in prayer the Lord
revealed to her that He died to free her from those things, and that she does
not have to carry what He already unloaded.
Hello my name is freedom.
over thirty years Charlie’s daughter prayed for her father to receive Christ,
but he never did. She didn’t give up on
her dad. In his senior years, Charlie
came to know the Lord when he learned that there are no orphans in God’s
family. Hello my name is peace.
never felt that her mother ever accepted her, and always tried to please her
mother. She is still searching and longs
to feel loved, but it’s no longer from her mother. These days Charity finds self-worth in being
a princess of the KING. Hello my name is Child of the One True God.
What I do doesn’t define who I am. Don’t let your past or your occupation define who you are. God made you brand new when you became part of His family.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV)
It’s not how we see ourselves, but how God sees us. He sees a person that He absolutely adores and wants to spent time with daily. God sees a beautiful, clean spirit full of life and loved. That’s what we need to see, not what the devil wants us to believe.
Understanding that our position in
Christ comes with privileges will help us overcome obstacles, move beyond
mistakes of the past and onward to victory.
It’s time that we agree with God, that
is … agree that we are what He says – Saved, set free, forgiven, valued and
extremely loved!
What We Already Are
Doesn’t that sound strange? "Become what we already are?"
For the most part, it has taken me years to believe what God says about me. If I am to be honest, I still struggle with some of them.
The thing is though, just because I may not feel loved or forgiven doesn’t mean that I’m not. My thoughts have to come into agreement with what God said and I have to stop taking sides with my inner doubts.
Whether or not a person accepts what Jesus
said in His Word about how God feels about His children is entirely up to the
individual. It won’t change God or His
love for us. He loves us whether we feel
it or not.
Week’s Challenge:
Change Your Name

As our inner journey to Jesus continues, the assignment this week is to cast
down every thought and imagination that changes what God says about who we are
in Him and to Him.
That means we have
to change the name of the lie of what we're believing about ourselves.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that
you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
(Romans 12:2 NKJV)
I like how the New Living Translation
states this bringing it to light on our part of the journey.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform
you into a new person by changing the way
you think. Then you will learn to know God’s
will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
(Romans 12:2 NLT)
We confess, our minds are changed about ourselves. We are transformed!
Change the way you think, by changing
what you say. I believe I am what God
says I am.
When feelings of guilt, insecurity,
jealousy, anger …etc. creep into your spirit, call out the opposite.
Say something like this ...
Good-bye guilt, hello my name is
Good-bye sadness, hello my name is
Good-bye sinner,
hello my name is
Good-bye mistake,
hello my name is redeemed.
Good-bye doubt and old self …
Fill in each tag that replaces something from
the old you to what you are in Christ Jesus. This is who God says I am ...
Now rejoice as you sing about it!
Hello My Name is by Matthew West Lyrics)
Until next time, “Hello my name is Favored!”.
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for
more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
The stories told in this article are all true, but the names have been "changed" :)Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. A.N.A. logo by J.C.Penney, Inc.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Bible Gateway.
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Hello I know who I am.
Revised: 6/10/17; 8.15.20