Monday, March 30, 2020

The Other Side of the Fence

Are you beginning to get unsettled under the current circumstances of this global pandemic?  If so, then jot down these notes with a pen or pencil ... 

The grass is always browner on the other side of the fence!

You read that right - BROWNER!

I get it … from an emotional view your world has really been rocked and shaken.  Some may be getting pretty antsy not having patience and you’re ready to get your regular or "normal" life back.

What looks like is going great for others, may not exactly be the truth.  In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s what the United States President Trump often refers to as “fake news”, and guess who’s dishing out that nasty gossip. 

If you said the media, you’d be wrong!  It’s satan, the founder of lies, doom and gloom.  He's not shy when it comes to spreading anything that will kill, steal or destroy and he'll use fear as his #1 deceptive tool.

Right now, things in your life may not be looking that great with the challenges you never thought you would experience, yet they're here.  

A quick word of encouragement.  Take a look at what's happening on your side of the "fence".  In other words, what’s really happening in your life, inside the walls of your dwelling and on your property?  Have you gone from faith to fear and can't see anything good coming out of this mess?

Let's do a little research shall we? ( ... Uh, you know that "we" really means you right?)  When you go out into your yard or surrounding area, is there any green on your side of a dividing fence or boundary? I mean even a hint that something is trying to grow and burst forth?  

Have you found anything?  If not, you're not looking hard enough so keep at it.  Something is there, I'm sure of it!

If so, you are blessed with water - provision.  You know - FAVOR from God for new things that change what was there into something different.  Now take that image and apply it to the overall picture, which happens to be your current conditions in life.

What things are going well for you during this "brown wave" the world is experiencing?  Come on, get down on your knees and prayerfully look for the "blade" of grass that God is watering for you.  There's evidence that He is right there and has things covered!

The Blade of Grass is Hope Alive!

Ahhh, you're beginning to see it aren't you?  The other side of the fence isn't looking green after all.  In fact, it's down right brown,  not even worth a glance any more!  

You see, God hasn't forgotten where you live!  Forget about what was, it's nothing compared to what God is going to do.  Focus on what will be coming - VICTORY!

God is making a way in the wilderness and about to give favor that you never experienced in the past.  Jesus says, only believe  ... it's your time for favor!

Stop worrying; God is not only for you, He's right there beside you!  Get excited and celebrate what's happening on your side of the fence!  

Things are changing,  Something new is happening in your life.  Green is everywhere, don't you see it?

"For I am about to do something new. 
See I have already begun, do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness,
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."
(Isaiah 43:19 NLT)  

Put your confidence and trust solely in the Lord.  God will give you the favor to overcome any obstacle the devil tries to throw your way.

Learn to recognize what God is doing in your own "backyard" and not in someone else's life, as in - the other side of the fence.   His favor for you isn't over there!

Be grateful that He is in control working things out for good to those that love Him; and if you are a believer in Christ Jesus, you are included in that outcome!   

"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace,
that we may receive mercy and find grace (unmerited favor)
to help (us) in the time of need."
(Hebrews 4:16 ESV, emphasis mine)

Don’t lose heart, but draw close to His throne of grace to receive the mercy and Daily Favor just when you need it.  

Until next time, God's favor is on your side! 

“There is daily favor at My throne of grace.”
- Jesus Christ

*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.   
Note: When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.            

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Unless noted, scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version. 
Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified. Image 

Labels: Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Favor, The Other Side of the Fence,
#PencilDay #GrassIsAlwaysBrownerOnTheOtherSide


  1. Hallelujah
    Add on Psalms 46
    Be still and know that I am God in the pandemic
    There is a river, the streams whereof shall make the city of God

    1. Amen Jingo, we just have to follow the River of Life to where the blessings overflow.

      Be still, and know that I am God;
      I will be exalted among the nations,
      I will be exalted in the earth!


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