It’s hard to be cooped up inside knowing that at any time there is going to be an abundance of flowers popping out from the ground or tree blossoms waiting to be cut for a beautiful bouquet.
More and more people emerge from winter hibernation to
see what is happening all around them. Something different is in the air.
Why does the season change make people want to start over
when things around them look glum? It’s
because God has implanted in each of us hope, and springtime means there’s a
set time of favor about to burst forth.
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to abound in the lives of those who chose to Journey with Jesus on Daily Favor
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Setting of Time
I think that most people are in the habit of setting
their clocks for one reason or another. My clock is set to go off six times a day,
not including special appointments or dates I need to remember.
Generally I rely on a set time so I can
organize my day, year and life. Without
those set times I doubt I’d be in position to be a blessing to anyone.
Having our time organized for us is actually an act of God;
after all it was His idea. There are some
time matters that we benefit from and should be thankful they weren’t left up
to us when it comes to “gettin' ‘er done.”
Those who are familiar with the Old Testament of the
Bible are aware that God has always ordained special times of year to be set
apart for certain things. In the book of
Genesis an example of this is through season changes, which include dormancy and
There are other set times that God places in motion,
especially when it comes to showering His children with supernatural favor. This “set time favor” is what I’m going to
share with you.
Ordained Favor
Celebrations such as the Jewish Spring Feasts of
Passover (Christian Crucifixion of Jesus), Unleavened Bread (Christian Burial of Christ), First Fruits (Christian Resurrection of Christ) and Pentecost (Descent of the Holy Spirit), were among designated
times where the Lord pre-planned blessings for the Israelites. (Leviticus 23:4)
They couldn’t be changed because they were based on calendar seasons or moon
cycles. Although God was always with the
Israelites, He set specific times of favor to bless them above and beyond Daily
As children of God, that set time of favor is also
ordained for our lives. Before understanding favor, I didn’t realize how much
God’s hand was on my life. Now that I
know the difference between favor and blessings I can see how it has been
manifested continually over the years.
Anyone can choose to bless or receive blessings, the same
goes for favor. The difference is not
everyone blesses or receives blessings, nor is everyone shown supernatural or
natural favor. I’ve talked about this in
great lengths in past posts. Are you
able to recognize the differences yet?
Favor is a Need
Those who have followed this particular blog have read
that I pray favor into my life. I’ve
gotten some negative feedback on that, but that doesn’t surprise me. The reason why I pray for favor to surround
my life is because it’s totally Biblical.
I don’t pray for God to rain favor on me because I think
I’m better than anyone else or that I deserve it.
Living a life of favor for a
believer is a need. Since scripture declares “My God shall supply all my need
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NKJV), I
know that it is to be a part of my life.
In order for me to walk with Jesus and carry out His
commission, it will require favor to be actively working in my life if I am to
be a blessing. Without the favor of God
no one will be saved, healed or blessed. Tell me, would you believe a person who had
nothing going right for them and who is always complaining? Neither would I, because their words would
constantly be sabotaging my faith.
People want to believe, but Christians who spread the
gospel of lack, bust and disgust aren’t exactly driving the unsaved to the
altar. The world wants to see that God does answer prayer and He
is real. Therefore, favor is no longer
on a want list, but on a need to have list.
If we expect God’s promises to work in our lives, we must
believe that they are going to happen, and that includes understanding the
“need” principle of favor.
God gave favor to the Israelites because they needed Him
to show up in their lives at “set” or “appointed” times along their
journey. During the “Wilderness” days
financial favor wasn’t a top priority, but daily food provision and safety was. The shield of favor was in operation.
“For You, O Lord, will bless the
righteous; with favor
You will surround him as with a
shield.” (Psalm 5:12)
There is a Set Time for Favor
Have you been waiting for favor to fall on you in a way
that it takes you out of the pit and into the palace like it did with
Joseph? He waited over ten years for God
to act on his prayers. Throughout that
time Joseph didn’t lose hope, and believed that this would work as God planned
and for his good.
During his time of waiting Joseph experienced portions of
favor, but there was that one set time
when God propelled him from prisoner to prosperous. God caused things to fall into place when the
time was right. Favor was ordained into
Joseph’s life long before he was ever captured and when things were coming
against him.
Believe your time of favor will come. Things may not have
worked out for you before, but this time it will because it’s your time, your
season for the set time of favor. It’s a
promise of God and for you, so don’t give up on things working out to your
What you couldn’t accomplish before you can do now,
because it’s a new season in your life with brand new favor to “spring”
forth. If you continue to journey with
Jesus, things that held you back will be removed, doors will open, and people
God wanted to cross your path are now lining up in place.
Why will all this happen? It’s the set time of favor for
God’s children during these last days before Jesus comes.
Hope Brings Favor
This week I was reading from Psalm 102. If you’re in a distressed state it wouldn’t
be something you’d want to read, because you’d think this man is a mess. However, the key is to keep reading!
It wasn’t a particularly blessed time for this author, and
practically everything was going wrong in his life. He was sick, had enemies, was broke, his friends
abandoned him, and there was no reason to have hope.
The psalmist poured out his woes in prayer, but then remembers
something that changes everything. Look at what it was:
“But You, O
LORD, shall endure forever, and the remembrance of Your name to all
You will arise and have mercy on Zion (which is the redeemed
church); for the time to favor her, yes the set time, has come!” (Psalm
102:12-13 NKJV)
Since the Zion of the New Testament is the Body of
Christ, this means each of us can insert our names in that slot for the set
time of favor to come on us.
It would be like this if I were praying this: "You will arise and have mercy on Fay; for the time to favor her, yes the set time, has come."
If we stay in belief in the midst of our difficulty, God
will arise and mercy will come because it will be our set time of favor. Jesus
will clear the way along our journey with Him, because we believed.
Keep believing no matter how things look. Stay in hope.
Don’t get caught up in your circumstance letting them dictate your
future. Forget listening to people who
say "It can't happen!" Stay in
faith believing God is still on the Throne, and that you have a set time of
favor ordained in your life by the Lord.
Believe your set time has sprung forth to overcoming
obstacles. Believe that you will receive
favor for that promotion, your family will come to Christ, that special someone
will suddenly enter your life, debt is canceled and you will accomplish what
God wants you to do.
God will arise and bring forth what He set as favor for
you. No weapon formed against you will prosper.
This is the blessing of spring seed time. Not seeds that you put in the ground and wait
for the harvest in the fall, but seed as in you being the seed of Abraham time.
You need to believe that favor seed was planted in you by
God and is about to sprout. It’s your
time to grow in faith and favor.
Stop thinking it’s not going to happen for you and
believe it’s your day for God’s set favor to be released. It has to happen for the end time church, but
most will miss it because of unbelief. You
don’t want to be among those statistics.
By faith take hold of the favor God has set aside for you. Keep telling yourself, “It may not have
happened yet, but it’s coming … my set time of God’s favor is here."
If you don’t believe that God has pre-ordained favor in
your life, you won’t finish your journey well.
Your walk with Jesus will be short and uneventful. Our part isn’t to figure out how God is going
to make things work out for our good; we’re supposed to believe it will and
watch it come to pass.
Believe in Your Set Time
Last year (2015) I wrote about how supernatural favor is
something that can be seen - tangible evidence. It has to be manifested into the visual realm so
others will know that the hand of God is on our lives. When it’s your set time for favor, there will
be no doubt that the face of God shined on you.
Each morning I wake up wondering how God will shine His
face on me for that day. I’m not looking
for it by sight, but by faith. Seeing by faith will allow me to experience
favor by sight.
I wait on Him and say, “Thank you Heavenly Father that your mercies, grace, blessings and
favor are new each morning. Lead, guide,
direct and show me Your favor that I may be a blessing to You and those I that
come in contact with today.”
Our challenge this week is to believe we have a set time
of favor. If Christians want to take
part in the end time soul harvest we have to get in line with what scripture
says about blessings and favor. It will
be a tool for leading souls to Christ.
On the flip side for those who think this is rubbish and
don’t believe these passages are for you, have no worries … favor won’t find
Beloved, Jesus is coming at a set time by the Father and
we need to be ready. The Holy Spirit is
here and active in the life of those who walk with Jesus.
This is the church age of grace and favor, a set time by
God for the end generation. In the name
of Jesus believe every enemy against you is bound and the Lord is rising up
within you now. Healing is released,
families are restored and Your Time of Favor has come.
BTW – Remember Palm Sunday is this weekend 3/20/16.
If this article has encouraged or helped you please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
Until next time,
God’s favor is set for life!
“My favor is set in time.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: The
words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no
place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on book or link.
Not Available At This Time
Prophetic Grace: God's
Set Time by Dr. Jonathan Doctor
The Set Time Has Come [Music Download] by Maranatha! Singers
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Scripture reference was taken from the New
King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Image credit: Google
Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.Image: Jewish Feast Chart Philippians 4:19 Psalm 102:13
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Your Time for Favor, Favor of God, Seasons, Spring, Daily Favor Blog, Supernatural Favor, Favored1, Inspiration, Maranatha Singers, Jonathan Doctor, Believe, Messianic Music, Alarm Clocks, Jewish Feasts, Philippians 4:19, Set Time of Favor
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