Emotional luggage being unloaded has cleared room for some enjoyment of things that I let
slide merely because I’ve been too busy.
It all started with my mapping out my day, or should I say my journey
such as it was.
I have come to realize is that I’m tired of not “loving” every part of my life,
and want the journey to be better. So that means I’ve got more to learn in
order for that to happen, and it involves me doing the changing.
matter where I look lately, God has been putting these “journey” people in
front of me. Their stories may be interesting, but there were certain things
they had in common and other things that were plain dumb to me.
all of this I shared my thoughts with a dear friend,
walk with Jesus is becoming very narrow, putting other things behind to stay
focused on my calling. If Jesus were to
come today would I find I spent time on the journey rather than the
destination? Or is the journey more
important, knowing the destination?
I briefly share some stories with you? I hope so, because this is part
of what God’s put on my heart to share this week.
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to abound in the lives of those who chose to Journey with Jesus on
Daily Favor Blog.
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“Nothing’s going to stop me. I’m going to go it alone …”
Have you ever said that? I suppose we all have over some
things, but what about life itself? Why
is it that we think we can journey through life untouched by human emotion or
feelings? Are we that bold to think we
have the power to conquer every challenge on our own without the help of a
single soul?
I’d like to share with you some people that I have come
to know or learned about over the years.
Each has a true story to tell, but not all stories are what I’d call “a journey
of a lifetime.”
1 - Jessie
Jessie is definitely the adventurous type of character,
and after forty years he’s still game for a road trip.
While in his teens he had
the opportunity of a lifetime to travel the world, well at least a good part of
it. Any boy would delight in this type
of adventure and he was determined not to miss out on it.
He described trail blazing after pleading for permission
from his parents, with the argument of finishing his education early so he
could gain employment in his field. It
worked. After twelve months of careful
planning of every stop and gathering supplies, the trip begin over difficult terrain
by truck and then freighter traveling with companions throughout Asia, Australia,
and the Middle East.
2 - Paul

Serving God was difficult, not because of will power, but
an absence of emotional and financial support. It only took a few years before
Paul returned to the states. He believes
he still has a call on his life, but is living in unrest and confusion.
3 - Mark

For the past ten years life has been a
carefree dream not having to answer to anyone and doing whatever he wants,
whenever he desires.
Occasionally he has a friend or two along for the trip,
but for the bulk of his experiences he goes at it alone. No chance of getting caught up in
relationships for him that would slow him down.
4 - Greg
He was used to having anything he wanted, never lacking
for provision when he was growing up in corporate America. Through his business travels one of Greg’s trips
was interrupted and landed him in Asia where he met the “least of these Jesus’
of the poor.” (Matthew 25:31-46)
“… Assuredly, I (Jesus)
say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren,
you did it to Me.”
Totally changed by what he saw Greg knew God wanted him
to do more. Leaving his well-to-do lifestyle, he and his wife moved to the
slums of Cambodia. They would live
alongside the children to share Jesus through food, spiritual comfort and Christ’s
What Happened Along the Journey?
Not all travels turn out like we plan do they? Circumstances and situations come and go determining how things turn out and which path we end up traveling. Read what I mean.
Since the initial trip many years ago, Jessie's life has taken on one of adventure, but it doesn't involve long distance travel and is full of detours. Somehow he has gotten stuck along the journey and the plans have changed. Unlike his first adventure, most of life is traveled alone.
Paul always felt that his desire to serve the people of
Africa meant he was supposed to physically go there. What he didn’t realize is that his affluent career
allowed him to be a financial support for someone who God did call to serve
overseas. His continual support would be
seeds for the souls that he so wanted to win to the Lord. His journey showed him that he was to stay put
and serve locally by giving into his church, community and ministry outreaches.
Our young traveler Mark really isn’t set on a journey
that is caught up with relationships or add-on’s (extra people baggage). He simply wants to travel when and wherever
he wants, and does so.
There is no goal or final destination, just give him the
opportunity and Mark is on his way to anywhere.
In other words, he doesn’t want anyone alongside him at any point along
the road. That would mean he would have
to compromise, listen to and care about the other people that came across his
It’s been over fifteen years now since Greg and his wife
moved. Their obedient travels produced
favor from God and man along their pathway. That favor made way to establish a ministry which
has spread beyond Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Africa. Their work has extended to include local
churches to help young Christians in their walk with Jesus.
Threads Uncommon
Jessie and Paul knew which journey they wanted to take
and did what they could to make it happen. Both knew about their destination
however neither were led by the Holy Spirit.
They did what they “felt” was right or a good opportunity.
Paul had the right motive, but didn’t wait for
instruction, unlike Jessie who listened to the adults in his life and his
journey turned out to be a good one for that time. His issues didn’t come until many years later
trying to re-live things of his youth without the aid of Jesus alongside him.
The Bible tells us about the journey Moses took with God
and how he moved as the Spirit led. He too had a specific destination following
the travel route God laid out for the Israelites. He didn’t know how long it would take to get
from point A to B, but trusted in God for everything.
Both Mark and Greg had the financial means to travel.
Both left their homeland for uncharted territory, but only Greg’s was a true
journey with Jesus. Like Abraham he left
all he knew and obeyed God. He moved
throughout the years across land as the Lord directed, not knowing what he
would find at the other end of the road. Obedience opened favor doors for both
Abraham and Greg’s family. His journey
alongside Jesus continues.
Is this a Journey?
As children of God we too are on a journey. Our final destination of Heaven is known, but
the “deets” (details) and itinerary are being revealed piece by piece. This is why traveling with Jesus makes sense.
He knows the entire plan and can take us safely to each port along the way.
Something all the journeyers learned quickly is that they
had to travel light in order to keep up with their schedules. Some had to abandon their belongings, plans
and homeland if it were to be a real adventure with Christ.
They had to trust more, overcome fear and step out to get
on with their journey. There was no
lagging behind. A journey is not like a
quick vacation or trip where you’re away from all you know for short amounts of
time. On a vacation not much is
unknown. You know where you’re going, for
approximately how long, places you want to visit or avoid, where you'll lodge
and the rough cost for such a trip.
Even your clothing is pretty much laid out depending on
the climate during the seasons you travel.
The only real surprises may be in unplanned daily activities. If at any time you are unsatisfied you simply
return home.
Although such trips may be fun, could this really be
classified as an adventure journey if you know practically everything in advance?
Trip, Vacation or Journey … Which was it?
From the examples can you tell which ones were more
of a trip than a journey? In all
situations each relied on good relationships, even if some were short lived
(very short in Mark’s case).
Some examples had great support a few didn’t. The first excursion had nothing to do with
faith, but a desire to finish their education quickly. The second sought God
and still is on a journey hoping one day to find answers.
Paul had wavering faith and the lack of solid knowledge
hearing from God for the journey. He
wanted to serve Jesus, but forgot about the relationship for the journey.
seemed to be the only one of these four that after he met Jesus, he wanted to
stay alongside the Lord for the journey no matter the cost or where it
led. He’s having a glorious time
regardless to what the world would see as “living a life of poverty.”
We are all at various points along our journey; I’ve
traveled a few of them myself. Where are you?
Which example fits you the best?
All journeys have some things in common, such as a
willingness to step out to travel and along the travels relationships are bound to
be formed in some way.
In John chapter one Jesus invited the disciples to “follow
me.” They accepted and for 3½ years they
learned, received instructions and stepped out to journey with Jesus leaving
family, business and worries behind. They didn’t know where their journey would
take them, but by faith they took the challenge to journey with Jesus.
From God to Abraham to Jesus to You
As Christians our journey is to be more like our
forefathers (Abraham and Moses) who walked with God, only our road continues
with God’s Son Jesus by our side. The Holy Spirit will keep guiding us as He
did Moses if we let Him.
Although we don’t know all the plans, our destination is
set in Heaven. (Hebrews 11) All we lack are the details as we travel.
It’s true, what God has planned for us requires walking
by faith, not by sight. Our travel plans
are sure to be full of surprises, excitement, hard at times, unpredictable,
stressful, exhilarating, favor rich and by far more challenging than we
God will indeed place people who we will need at every
point, but this is the best news of all. There is a better relationship to
build. We won’t be traveling alone, but will have Jesus alongside all the way.
We know the destination …
focus on the journey
that prepares us for it.
Leave the Itinerary to Jesus
Upon waking each morning I have an idea of what I need to
do and what I’d like to accomplish. With
these things in mind I ask the Lord to direct my steps and that everything I do
is part of His plan for my journey with Christ.
Our challenge this week is to let go of our itinerary and
pick up God’s.
There’s no getting around it; this is where we all have
to begin … in prayer. Go before the Lord and tell God you’re sorry for trying
to make your own way and to forgive you of your sins.
Stop trying to plan your journey. Enjoy each place you are along the way beginning
with today. I’m not telling you to “bloom where you’re planted” kind of
thing. That’s something different.
Instead, start to look at each situation as an
opportunity God has placed before you as part of your journey with Him for that
particular day.
You don’t have the itinerary, so why not “sight see”
literally and by faith. What’s in front
of you right now is what God wants
you to see. It’s all He is revealing at
the moment, so there must be something important you need to learn or do at
this stop in the travel.
Rest, live, love, embrace all around you. It may be the
only time you will see this place (literally and figuratively). Move as the
Holy Spirit moves, don’t get ahead of Him or pick up more baggage (by judging,
rationalizing, developing an “It’s about me attitude”).
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD.
They are plans for good and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)
We have to trust God for and with our life on our journey
with Jesus. He won’t force us to do it; after all, it’s our life as a “free
will” agent, but He wants to be there for every step. God wants to make our dreams
a reality, and knows which paths will make it happen. He knows if we have faith for His favor and when
we don’t.
Don’t get ahead of Jesus
thinking you can do it on your own.
It’s no less a journey if we travel it with someone else.
Why not let it be Jesus? God’s faithfulness and favor will provide what is needed
and our travels will be more FAVOR-able!
Where You go I’ll go,
where You stay I’ll stay.
When You move I’ll move,
where you serve I’ll serve.
... with You
alongside me!
I Will Follow by Christ Tomlin
If this article has encouraged or helped you please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
Until next
time, God’s favor is alongside you!
“My favor is with you for the journey.”
Jesus Christ
*The names
in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: The
words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no
place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on book or link.
by Rev Joseph Cuoco
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Love Life Adventure World Map World Traveler Journey with Jesus
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.