“Could you open this. I
just put on hand cream. It seems that I
always need you to open something right after I’ve put on hand cream. Why is
around from loading the washer, laughing in agreement hubby took the peanut jar
from me and twisted the top. Handing it
back he said, “Mine are gone.”
a few out of the container looking directly in his eyes I smiled smugly while
crunching down on them … “I know.” Right away he realized I wasn’t about to
offer him any from my stash.
“You wouldn’t be eating
them if I didn’t open the jar.” He said and snatched the peanuts out of my
hand. Retrieving my jar, I put them back
into the cupboard and he returned to what he was doing.
the way it’s been all week. One of us is
in the middle of doing something and we’re abruptly interrupted by practically
anything. How in the world are we to
ever get work done around here?
is Enough
seemed to be going on schedule this week (as if having one was the solution). My time with God was squeezed into a few
minutes here and there when I could stay awake.
praying together we kept one eye open because of all the activity that was
going on around us. Even God had to wait
as we stopped to do something in a middle of a sentence. Both of us apologized to the Lord, but it
happened over and over.
was close to another feeding time for the cat rescues, but I simply didn’t have
the energy to do it. Neither my husband
or I had breakfast or lunch and were barely functioning due to practically no
many of you know from your own experiences, ministering to elderly, sick or special
needs animals round the clock takes a lot of energy and practical management. Since October 2017 our hands have been full –
literally. Sadly, two cats have passed
over to Heaven after extended illnesses and old age. One on December 1st and another on
January 1st.

with other issues there is another animal who has to be cautiously hand fed
due to an inoperable tumor in her mouth that prevents her from eating or
drinking on her own. In January she had
a feeding tube put in her neck at a University Veterinary Hospital, which exposed
another world of problems we frankly never handled before with rescues.
a few weeks of feeding her every four hours an incident with vomiting caused the
feeding tube to come out resulting in us now mouth feeding around the
growth. Her feeding schedule varies but
is every few hours, so it is round the clock feeding, cleaning and medicating
which takes a toll on the body, hers and ours.
we’ve been working trying to piece “this and that” into what we needed to do,
but it wasn’t happening. I knew why and
was about to change it.
tasks, sleep, study time, eating and normal functioning structure had become so
fractured that we were spent emotionally, physically and socially. I finally said enough is enough!
matter what I’m doing in life, the first thing I do when I wake is talk to the
Lord. I thank Him for the new mercy
(favor) He has in store for me on that day in allowing me to wake, and I ask
what He wants me to do as His servant.
“It is because of the Lord’s mercy (new, endless
favor) and
loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because
His (tender) compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and
abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.”
(Lamentations 3:22 Amp)
problem lately isn’t that I haven’t talked to God, but that I haven’t hung
around long enough for His answer. I
know not to do this, but have done it anyway, because “my needs are fierce” and
I have to get going. God can catch up
with me as I move throughout my day, right?
recently read an article that made a statement that I have a hard time wrapping
my belief around. It went on to report
that smartphones have now outnumbered people on earth. When I talked about it with my husband he
also didn’t believe it but added that it may be true since some people have
several phones for home or business use.
declaration was that these “so called” devices along with other technology is
keeping us from living a “normal” life and is fracturing our thinking into tiny
pieces to the point that we never give our full attention to one thing anymore. (Hold on while I take the clothes out of the
we don’t have kids, and neither of us have smartphones, television or play
video games (Bubbletown doesn’t count. It’s therapeutic.) something else must
be dividing up our attention. Yep, I
figured it out … just life, regular stuff that has us hopping off on bunny
trails leaving no time to hear from God.
kind of living is only allowing God to give pieces of His Daily Favor in dribs
and drabs. There’s no room for peace or
His abundance. There’s only one little flaw with this … me.
Lord revealed to me that it’s not typical life kinds of things; I’ve been doing
okay with those. However, He’s been
really dealing with me on the subject of patience or should I say – the lack of
it which is why some things haven’t gone the way they could have.
my husband and I began a new project (which we prayerfully received a green
light to from the Lord) that has practically torn up or rearranged the entire
back yard. I don’t’ want to say that
it’s a mess, but … it’s a MESS!
with cutting down trees and branches which are positioned almost anywhere you
have to walk, we had to dig up some bushes over a week ago and they’re still
stuck in a large bucket waiting to be replanted. The problem is that I have no idea where they
should go, because the previous location was so perfect.
of this will change eternity and compared to “real” problems going on in this
world I’m rather taken back at my emotions and behavior. In my own reality though, with things in such
disarray (inside as well as outside) I’m not getting to spend the time I need
with the Lord to focus on what He would have me do to keep everything moving in
the direction He wants. The only way
that would change is if I stopped everything else to spend time with Him.
now it was almost 3:00 in the afternoon and we still hadn’t eaten. I made
sandwiches for the two of us, packed some BBQ chips (hubby loves his barbecue
stuff) along with beverages and we headed out to eat in the shed! That’s right … our practically empty shed.
current project I’ve been hinting about revolves around this “shed” which was
moved in order to be repurposed. At this
point the only thing in it are a few chairs and a folding table. It’s clean, quiet, free of animals and
people, with no electric or technology – perfect for “shedding light” on the
entire situation.
and Me Time
so many things pulling at us in our lives it can be hard to hear the voice of
God for direction. That is why it’s so
important that we spend time in fellowship with the Lord.

Trying to catch up on some of
my social media I saw a video post of a father who was having “Daddy Time” with
his daughter at the nail salon. Attempting
to get her to respond was like pulling teeth, but he was excited and loved
sharing what they were doing together.
first thing I thought was how ungrateful she was. Here her Dad was being so patient in words
and action, intentionally taking time to be with his daughter. He was willing to foot the bill by lavishing
her with additional favor, but all she wanted to do was focus on what she
I took a step back as it reminded me of how I sometimes get when God is trying
to shower affection and favor on me. I
want the favor, but don’t want to relax and hear anything else God has to say. An attitude like that will actually stop
favor instead of releasing it on my situation.
very thing I ultimately want is to spend time with God and learn more about His
desires. If I fail to seek Him because
my schedule is overwhelming it will prevent me from hearing His voice to receive
what He has already prepared for me.
“Seek the Lord and His strength; yearn for and
seek His face and
to be in His presence continually.” (1 Chronicles
16:11 Amp)
90 minutes in the shed allowed my husband and I to hear from the Lord. We actually ate without interruption, he was
able to get some estimates done and I heard from the Lord regarding some
written work. Our strength was renewed
as well as our faith in what God was revealing to us about the project and
situation regarding the animals.
There is Time
Bible tells us that there will come a time when this world will be so
fragmented in chaos that no one will be able to hear or discern the voice of
God. Don’t think that
as a believer you won’t get caught up in the frenzy, because it can happen
easier than you think.
“Seek, inquire for, and require the Lord while He
may be found
(claiming Him by necessity and by right); call
upon Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6)
studying scripture I’ve learned that King David’s life was full of distress,
but he knew it was vital that in order for him to win in any situation he
needed to spend time with God.
Whether it was for victory over enemies, failing health or broken relationships with his family David, the servant of the Most High God, sought the Lord's presence daily and knew the Word of God was the final authority over his problem. Repeatedly we read the same prayer he makes during his time spent with the Lord.
“You have said, Seek My face (inquire for and
require My presence
as your vital need). My heart says to You, Your
face (Your presence), Lord, will I seek, inquire for and require and on the
authority of Your Word.) (Psalm 27:9 Amp)
God is to continue to favor us with His goodness, we have to be in the Throne
room seeking His face more and more in order to receive these blessings. We cannot rely on the favor of man; the
wisdom of God will always point in the direction right for us.
“Many crave and seek the ruler’s favor, but the
wise man (waits)
for justice from the Lord.” (Proverbs 29:26 Amp)
never stops extending His hand of favor, but sometimes He can’t get it to us because we’re too busy to find out where He has it stored in waiting.
Maybe you are facing some difficult challenges right now concerning health, family or financial issues. The key to your victory is knowing that the authority of God in each situation has been given to you through salvation and the blood of Jesus Christ. Spending time with God, speaking His Word and acting on it releases God's mercy, favor and power for whatever you are experiencing.
know that in this information age it’s getting harder to get some one-on-one
time with God, but there is nothing more important than hearing from the Lord
if we are to win over the enemy.
“And they who know Your name (who have experience
and acquaintance with Your mercy and favor) will lean on and confidently put
their trust in You, for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek (inquire of
and for) You (on the authority of God’s Word and the right of their
necessity).” (Psalm 9:10 Amp)
gentleman I discussed purposed to set time aside to spend with his teen
daughter despite her open reluctance to respond as he hoped. It didn’t sway him from continuing on with
the outing and eventually her attitude softened. His desire is to have a relationship with his
children, all of them. He’s found a way
to do that with each of them that isn’t always easy, none-the-less he does it.
there is still time make room in your life to fellowship with the Lord so you
can hear from God, because fractured favor isn't part His plan!
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God - The Marantha Singers
could you get my phone … I just put on hand cream and …”
next time, fractured favor limits possibilities.
“With Me all things are
Jesus Christ
by Greg Holder
you don’t know the Living God that I know but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a
child of the Savior.
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to
lack of belief.
Unless noted, scripture reference in series was
taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.