Crafts are everywhere you look, the bathroom turns into a jungle, while the living room becomes a warehouse and the refrigerator a florist shop. Finally it was “fair” week and time for our labor to be rewarded … hopefully!
up to the Expo building we could see the entrance door was blocked by a
vehicle. It was that lady again … she
does this every year making it hard for the rest of the people to bring in
their entries.
I don’t like that woman, she does this all the time. She is so nasty and has no
consideration for anyone else.” My husband blurted as he repositioned our car
so we could bring in our things for the fair.
really wasn’t paying attention to her, because I was looking at the truck on
the other side of her vehicle. The
entire cab and body of the pick-up was loaded with boxes and boxes full of
flowers. All I could think was how is
she able to do it all and keep them fresh in this tropical heat.
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Discipled by Jesus on Daily Favor Blog.
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Don't miss out on this week's challenge
midsized car was jam packed as well leaving practically no room for us to
sit. Grabbing a silk flower arrangement
that was nestled between my feet on the floor, I managed to pour myself out of
the car without too much difficulty.
When I say “pour” I mean almost literally with the temperature pivoting
on 100 degrees and a heat index of 110.
the back car door close I turned around to see my husband watching the lady
drive away. With a large tote in hand hubby repeated his feelings, “I know I
don’t know her, but I don’t like that woman.”
on Time
were four tables, each about eight feet, lined up end to end length wise. Looking around I could see that the only
table available was at the far side of the room, the other tables were taken up
by the truck lady’s entries. With every
load we brought in, she brought in two or more.
From the looks of it, surely her place must be like a garden of Eden.
was 11:20 a.m. and all exhibits had to be placed by noon. I hoped we would be able to enter our things
in time, but with having to wait for the other woman I wasn’t sure if we would
meet the deadline. For the entire week
my husband and I had about fifty items from baked goods, crafts, vegetables,
flowers and herbs, but this lady had hundreds of entries. It could take well over an hour.
ladies were working to write down all the things that “flower lady”
brought. In the mean time I took all my
items out of the containers and displayed them on the remaining table so I
could easily enter them when it was my turn.
too long the superintendent of the flower exhibit sat down in front of me at
her table and asked if I was ready. I
was surprised to see her, but so appreciative. Thank you Lord for Your favor; I
wouldn’t have to wait. Having
my entries within reach we quickly walked through each category.
it came to each division she asked why I didn’t have some of them. “Do you have a marigold arrangement?” Unfortunately I didn’t because the heat fried
them. “Nope. My neighbor had tons in
their yard, but mine didn’t make it for some reason. Neither did my impatiens, lilies or coleus.”
few minutes later my husband stepped up to enter his flowers. When hubby took back one of his entries the
superintendent asked him why he was removing it from competition. “It doesn’t look good.” She motioned for him
that it was alright and to enter it.”
Whew … we made it with time to spare.
Her Harvest
that the other woman was still in full swing with her items we walked around
the hall to see the other exhibits and entries from earlier in the week. Hubby was at the other end of the room when I
saw the superintendent coming toward me.
don’t want you to feel bad about what you’ve entered or couldn’t enter. That lady goes around harvesting from her
neighborhood plants and flowers that she hasn’t labored for or grown. I can’t
stop her from doing that, but we can do something about her double entering in
the judging.”
away I heard her call out, “Five more minutes.” By now it was almost 12:15 p.m.
and the flower truck lady still had more boxes to unload.
is Well with Her Soul

There are so many things Jesus taught His
disciples that I wasn’t sure what was to be my focus for this article… that was until Thursday
when my husband and I read chapter four together.
this time in ministry Jesus and the disciples had left Judea. They were returning to Galilee, but would
have to go through Samaria before reaching their destination. It was outside of town when the Lord stopped
for a break.

Bible doesn’t tell us how long the woman stayed at the well, but we learn that
she was enlightened to the fact that Jesus was indeed the Saving Christ Messiah
who would teach the people all things.
By the time she departed all was well with this lady’s soul.
did I send you to do?
disciples had come back and saw Jesus talking with the Samaritan lady, but not
one of them dared to ask Him any questions.
I can imagine Peter poking Andrew in the side saying, “Look at the
Master? What is He doing talking to a
married woman and a Samaritan at that?”
their culture at that time both were forbidden.
Also the Samaritan women only gathered water from the well when it was
toward evening. They were not privy to the information that Jesus knew about
this particular lady and judged her based on what they “perceived” was true.
the lady leave the disciples offered Jesus something to eat. Instead of chowing
down Jesus responded with something that baffled the disciples. He told them “I have food to eat of which you
do not know.” (vs. 32) Being confused by
what Jesus said the disciples looked at one another and wondered, “Ok, who
bought Jesus a happy meal?”
Master continued spelling out His position. Jesus’ nourishment (satisfaction) came
from doing the will of His Father who sent Him and finishing it completely. It was the next part of the statement that I
saw favor in what Jesus was telling His followers.
reader has to understand how the disciples felt and that they were learning “as
they go” with their leader. Jesus was
footing their bills and had been sowing seeds and doing good deeds everywhere
they went. What were they learning
through all of this? We’d soon find out
… not very much.

You only look at people as people, but I’m
telling you to see them as a field of ripe fruit waiting to be harvested for
the Kingdom of God. Don’t look at people
through your eyes, but through God’s as souls needing to be saved.
John the
Baptist and others planted seeds about My coming. Now look, see that lady who was just
here? She knew of Me because someone
planted a seed. She was waiting to hear
Good News and received salvation today.
The harvest was ready and I brought it in for My Father. Both the planters and harvester can now
celebrate, because the will of God has been done.
I sent
you to gather the crop where you didn’t plant and all you brought back was a
bag of food. Did you even mention me to
anyone or proclaim I AM has come to save them?
have already done the work for you. As
my disciples I have given you favor and the privilege of gathering the harvest to
reap where you haven’t sown or labored. You
have entered into their labor to win souls.” (taken from John chapter 4)
Did You See?
we were having lunch, clear out of the blue my husband made this
statement. “I judged her and didn’t see
her as a harvest.” Stumped I asked him
what he meant.
lady I said I didn’t like. I judged her
because of her behavior and how it ticked me off. I never saw her as a harvest
for God or needing to be saved.”
have to admit the same was true for me and this led to thinking about the words the
superintendent said concerning that flower lady. “Harvesting
from other people.” Hmm …. Harvest
which isn’t hers. Isn’t that what satan
does? He deceives people and steals as
many souls as he can from God.
devil is very aware he can even use Christians to lead people away from God through
distraction, confusion or detouring so others won’t turn to Christ. In the meantime, if he (satan) is successful the
fruit will waste away in the fields.
in Every Season
the superintendent felt compelled to share the information about the woman is
beyond me. I wasn’t questioning her behavior, but only wanted to know how I
could do better in bringing my entries to the fair as she did. How she gathered her harvest never entered my
mind, and if she went to all that trouble she must have her reasons.
entire event was timely in how Jesus was “discipling” me concerning the way I
see His harvest. I try to view people in
a caring, compassionate way, but have to wonder if the “fruit” fields around me
are being overlooked or stolen right under my nose? What field of labor have I been given in which
Jesus has granted me favor to reap the harvest where I haven’t plowed?
said that the fields are white unto the harvest; they are ready to be harvested
no matter the season. This means that as
Christians we are to have spiritual vision enough to see everyone who hasn’t
accepted Christ as part of a “fruit” crop ready to be harvested for the Lord.
the woman at the fair who had no vision problem and saw everyone’s yard as a
potential harvest, so does satan when it comes to soul winning. If we aren’t
willing to see value in a soul as Christ does, the devil will pick the field
clean for his harvest. If that happens
the soul will be lost for eternity and God’s plan for that person will not be
Harvest Where You Are
Contrary to what you may think, not everyone who becomes
a Christian is sent to the farthest part of the earth to win souls. The truth is all believers are called to
harvest where they are at any given moment. (Please don’t use the phrase “bloom where
you’re planted!”)
Something the first disciples had to learn as they
journeyed with Jesus was that they were to wins souls to Christ even when they
weren’t actually traveling with Him. By
the time they ministered with the Lord the seeds of His coming were already
sown. Think of how many more people have
planted seeds about Jesus before us; the numbers are staggering, yet there are
still so many more souls to be harvested.
This week our challenge is twofold. While out in the world simply doing the
business of the day, think about what Jesus said regarding the “white fields”.
First – Notice the way you have been looking at people
and how it has caused you to think about them.
Stop believing that certain individuals are sent by the devil to tick
you off and make your life miserable (even if that’s what they’re doing).
Without judging people start thinking like Jesus, and
that “everyone is a potential harvest for the Kingdom of God.” As Jesus pointed out to His disciples, “Wake
up and take a look at all souls still lost.”
Second – If you’re a Christian you have already been sent
into the fields by Jesus, so start gathering souls for Him. Harvest right where
you are.
“Let us therefore come
boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace (favor)
to help in time of need.”
(Hebrews 4:16)
Christians today live in a critical time in God’s plan.
There is a reason we have been born during the last days (as the Bible
describes), in which Christ says He will pour out His favor and it’s not about
gaining “stuff.”
God has specifically chosen us to do this work before
Jesus returns. The Old Testament prophets and first disciples were called for
their time period to sow seeds they would not always see harvested. The “field” harvest is ready and full of
hungry souls longing to hear of the hope found only through Jesus Christ. It’s
up to believer’s not to let the spiritual fields go to the devil.
It’s time we lift our voice for Jesus that “out of Zion’s
Hill salvation is still calling.” We
have been given the opportunity to reap the remaining bounty here on Earth, and
gather rewards for Heaven by harvesting souls for the Lord. God will grant us the favor we need in order
to finish our journey with Jesus by our side.
“I have given you favor
and sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant.” (from John 4:38)
Meet Christ in the Throne room of grace, and receive the needed favor
to do the will of God for harvesting souls where you are.
“Finally then, brethren,
we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you have
received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God
(just as you actually do walk), that you excel still
more and more.” (1 Thessalonians 4:1)
Days of Elijah
(Robin Mark)
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
Until next time, receive
God’s favor for harvesting souls!
“I’ll give you favor so that souls may be saved.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. Hubby is fully aware of this article ... being one of my editors.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
When used,
the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him
no place in our lives.
... and
yes the word "discipled" isn't a word used by the world, but that of
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on book or link.
The Soul Winner by Charles H. Spurgeon
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information
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Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Jesus and Samaritan Woman at the Well Map of Jesus Ministry Look Through His Eyes
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Sent to Harvest; Harvest of Souls, Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Journey with Jesus, Discipled by Jesus, Disciples of Jesus, Christian Living, Soul Winning, Charles Spurgeon, Samaria, Woman at the Well, Salvation