The authority that was placed on you gave you the power
over people or situations for a specific purpose. Either way your voice was in command and
circumstances had to adhere to what you said.
It’s not something that can be seen, but when you have it others
respond. The right kind of power makes
all the difference.
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Who Has Authority?
I’d like to use the jury duty situation from last week as
an example of what I want to share. When
I walked into the room for the first time, the other jurors thought I was in
charge by my actions. As soon as I sat
down their responses changed. Every time
a different person stood in front of the group we all reacted to the voice of
instruction equally.
When the twelve jurors were chosen they were set apart
from everyone else in that room. One of
the twelve was selected to be the spokesperson. The judge gave that person
authority to speak for the group. They
had the power to be the voice the judge listened to in the final verdict.
That individual wasn’t different than the rest of us
before or after the trial. The
difference was that the person believed they had power over the rest to speak
their mind, and believing is what caused others to follow.
When the trial was over that person no longer had power
over anyone. It was as if nothing ever
happened and we were right back to listening to those who remained in
authority, submitting to every circumstance like before.
Power and Authority
As Christians, Jesus has given us something that we are
to use to be in charge over every area of our lives. This is what He said, “I have given you authority and power.”
Now why would we need power over anything? To
put it plainly, we need power to let people or things know we are in charge and
have authority. This doesn’t mean we
have power to be rude, unkind, disrespectful or simply not obey others in
The power Jesus gave to all His followers is for specific
things so that Heaven’s Kingdom is brought down to Earth. This power from God is a gift to derail the
work of satan in our lives. We are
vessels through which the power of God can operate, just like that one juror
who was given special authority.
However, there is something believers in Christ have that
the designated juror didn’t. Our
authoritative power isn’t temporary. We
can call on the power of God through Christ Jesus, to work in a situation at
any time.
“But as many as received Him, to them gave He
power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” (John 1:12 KJV)
There is Power in the Blood
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Written by Lewis E. Jones 1899 |
For years I’ve been singing the good old gospel hymn
“There is Power in the Blood” in church services, but it wasn’t until I was an adult
that I realized what the words actually meant.
The power that Jesus gave us was the same power that
raised Him from the dead after He was crucified on the cross. God’s Holy Spirit worked in the body of
Christ and that power defeated death and everything satan has ever done or will
The power was in the life blood of Jesus. In order for a person to live the body must
contain a continual flow of blood; it’s the blood that causes life to be
maintained. Without it the body has no
power to live on its own. When Jesus
died He shed His life blood on the cross.
Even though Jewish ceremony doesn’t do anything to alter the body after
death like most cultures, Jesus’ body lost so much blood from the beatings and
crucifixion that His body couldn’t have survived.
When Jesus rose from the dead it wasn’t because the blood
was restored in His body. It was the
power of the Holy Spirit of God working by authority in Jesus that brought Him
back to life. The blood that gave life was the power of God, not actual human blood.
Christians have the same power of God in them if they
believe as Jesus did. Mortal blood
doesn’t activate it, but God’s life does.
That supernatural power conquers all things.
The Breath of God
Now I’m going to say something that a lot of people will
disagree with, but here goes. Every
person who ever lived had God’s spirit living in them. It is His breath that gives us life. However, life has no power on its own. Only God can make a person live and we’re all
subject to His rules whether we believe in Him or not.
Something changes in our life after we receive Jesus as
our Savior. We become power packed. God
activates that Holy Spirit power when we believe in Him. When we said we believed God, He graced us
with gifts that allow us to experience Kingdom living before we reach the
Kingdom. It’s what John 10:10 is all
about, but most of us never experience it.
“The thief (satan and his cohorts) doesn’t come
for any other reason other than to steal, kill and destroy. I (Jesus) have come
so you may have life and have it even more abundantly with the Holy Spirit
power.” (from John 10:10 emphasis mine)
We forget that the Holy Spirit is in us and always ready
to go into action, but we walk out of the power when the world claims authority
over our lives. What or who has taken
that power away from you crushing your spirit so that it’s almost destroyed
leaving you helpless as a believer? Are
circumstances, situations or people stealing the power that is rightfully yours
through salvation?
There’s only one way for the power of God to work in our
lives. We have to believe it’s there and
then use that authority against the wiles of the devil.
The jurors believed in the person in charge, and
responded accordingly. That chosen one also
believed, and his/her belief allowed the power to work over the situation. Why
did it work? First of all, he/she
believed the judge. Second he/she had authority backing him – the judge and the
lawyers. All submitted to his/her commands
because of the judges say so.
Whose Voice Do You Believe?
Do you believe the voice of Jesus still speaks to us
through His Word? If you do, you have
the power to change a situation in the name of Jesus so that it lines up with
God’s Word and the Kingdom of Heaven.
The power of God can’t be abused, because it only works
if it’s in agreement with the Word of God.
God’s power is still available to every person who will believe.
Jesus didn’t take back the authority He gave
to His followers, so we are still in possession of it. Our part is to believe Him and use it as He
said. In other words, will you finally
believe Judge Jesus?
Believe the Power
challenge this week is to activate the power living inside by faith when we
believe the Word of God over any situation.
We’re going to remind the devil of God’s gift of the Holy Spirit in us,
by speaking truth (over facts that change) into our lives until a circumstance
time to believe and take charge with authority.
“Then Jesus
called His twelve disciples (and is still calling) and gave them power and
authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God and
to heal the sick.” (Luke 9:12 NKJV)
you are not feeling well or the doctor has declared some sickness in your life,
start your healing process by saying:
believe the power of God is working in me to heal me of (you fill in the blank)
and by Jesus’ stripes I declare that I am healed.”
have to believe you are power packed with the Holy Spirit over all situations
satan can throw at you.
“Behold, I (Jesus) give you (believers) the authority to trample on
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall
by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do
not rejoice in this, that the spirts are subject to you, but rather rejoice
because your names are written in Heaven.”
(Luke 10:19-20 NKJV)
of listing problems, declare that the power of God is active in you giving
favor for a job, mercy to turn the situation around, etc.
believe the power of God is working through my prayers and my children, spouse,
family … are saved.”
believe the power of God is working on my finances … my living conditions … my
car ….”
it is that you are in need of, God is already there with His Holy Spirit
power. You’re a walking power pack. Set
your heart to believe and keep believing.
Expect something to change in your favor. Not
because of some spooky power or spell, but because you finally believed God at
His Word and are ALL In to living a Kingdom life Christ died for you to live
here on Earth and eternity.
Power in the Blood by Fernando Ortega
next time, believe you are favored with Holy Spirit power.
“I gave my power. Who is
using it?”
Jesus Christ
What’s New This Week: Click
on book or link.
the Power of God in Your Life by Cindy Trimm
Also available in ebook.
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. A.N.A. logo by
J.C.Penney, Inc.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Gateway BibleImage credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Dinosaur Power Packed Authority by Charles H. Kraft Power in the Blood Lyrics Breathe of Me Breath of God Judge Jesus
There is Power in the Blood by Lewis E. Jones 1899, Copyright Public Domain
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.