When someone is poorly they often forget someone looking after them.”
That was
the kind message I received from a friend named Steven also known as @themovingroad
on Tuesday September 16th after we had gotten back from the doctor’s with a new
report that we didn’t like.
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Planting for a Harvest
Steven has been
such an encouragement throughout this outer part of our journey. He has been planting uplifting words into
our spirit even though he has never met us.
Those words were seeds planted before we knew we would need them.
Quality verses Quantity

When my husband
was standing on the scale we learned why the staff seemed so aloof to the
patients. They were running behind
because of a sales luncheon from a pharmaceutical company.
It was time for
the extension of the doctor’s “right arm for counsel” heart specialist, to give
his follow-up instructions concerning the condition of how hubby’s heart was
doing. He went through the list of
medications and new blood work results.
The blood thinner medication Warfarin would have to be increased again
as we suspected after seeing the results of the test.
when the cardio nurse specialist came into the room I felt strange, because he brought in
a spirit of doom with him. One of the first things out of his mouth was,
“We’re going to concentrate on quality not
quantity of life.”
You can imagine
what that sounded like to us. My husband and I looked at one another and all
the questions we had didn’t seem to matter.
A few minutes
later he repeated the same thing. What was he saying? We had lots of questions,
but neither of us dared to ask them not wanting to give voice to the bad
report. Quantity? What does that mean,
quantity? We knew what it meant, but
refused to believe the report.
Be Careful Little Ears
I remember
learning a song in Sunday School when I was a child, “Be Careful Little Eyes What You See.” There is another verse that
tells us that we are to be careful what we receive in our ears as well. This wasn’t something my ears wanted to hear,
and so I shut off everything he said after that initial announcement.
That night was
not a good one for either of us. For
days I hadn’t gotten much if any sleep because of how my husband was
feeling. Lack of sleep was working on my
immune system and something was trying to manifest itself in me.
The words of
encouragement from Steven and others resounded in my spirit helping me to
resist all the devil was trying to do.
By Thursday a fever came on and sent me to bed stopping me from being
able to minister to my husband. I knew
it was from exhaustion, but what else could I do being the only one to care for
my spouse.
Illness brings
out a strange side in us. People are concerned at the beginning, but only the
few gems remain to see you through.
That’s why, like Steven’s word seeds, your messages and prayers have
been such help to us. We gladly listen
to those words that line up with what we’ve been praying throughout this part
of our journey.
Voice in the Night
He gave me a message. “Instead of thinking on
still and know I Am God, think this: KNOW
That message
didn’t line up with what the Word of God said, so I thought. I questioned it right away, because the Holy
Spirit never goes against the Word. Then
God gave me this verse as confirmation:
“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits
nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John6:63 NKJV)
Then God
revealed to me the way I was thinking, especially when it came to the bad
report. In my reply to someone I even
said, “We’re not going to receive the
doom news, but believe God.”
When we are to “be
still”, the Holy Spirit showed me that it is a Word from the Lord concerning
comfort. When I am still I am not
fretting or worrying. God was explaining
that His comfort is always there, but I needed to remember that there is
never a time that He isn’t God. It’s
easy to forget that truth when someone tries to plant words of doubt into our
God was
reminding me of the seeds of life that were planted into my life when I
received Jesus. He gives all who believe seeds of an abundant life. Anything that isn’t of
God is a bad seed that I don’t want and need to refuse to allow it to take
“The thief
comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may
have and enjoy life, and have it in abuandance (to the full, till it
overflows). (John 10:10 AMP)
Right after I
was awakened with this message God also reminded me of something He said to me
on Wednesday while I was in the kitchen. “It’s
going to be alright.” I wasn’t even
in conversation with Him at the moment, but that word of encouragement was
dropped into my soul and sustained me.
Not only had God
said it once, but twice! The message in
the night was the Lord reassuring me of what He had spoken and not to believe
anything less.
The Seeds Determine the Harvest
When I woke up
my husband told me of the phone calls he had received. A friend of ours had called to make sure he
had eaten breakfast. She knows how hard
of a time I’ve had with hubby trying to get him to eat so the medicine would
absorb properly into his system. God
allowed her to be a back-up, so to speak, to help keep things going while I was
out of commission for a day.
can have strong faith, but when something is coming against us we may not
always think clearly. That is why we need to have people who speak words of agreement
with us when we are down.
Over the past
weeks our seeds of faith have been tested. By planting God’s Words into our
lives before this happened I know what God revealed to me is true, because He
never lies. The seed in my heart determined my harvest of belief.
In our inner
journey we practiced what it meant to “Be still” and let God be God. Our outer
journey is measurable and others can see if we are failing in our faith
walk. It’s easy to slip and slide when
the devils fire darts are being thrown at us.
This is another reason why God
was reminding me that He is still God, always was and always will be God. He was giving me His Word seeds of encouragement. If I truly believed Him my actions would
reveal it and others could see my trust or lack of it in the seed words I spoke.
You Are Special
My husband and
I have not responded to those negative words by the specialist, so they would
not become a part of our thinking. To us
he didn’t speak words of life or value, therefore we didn’t receive it as
wisdom, comfort or encouragement.
This doesn’t
mean we neglect what the cardio tech said in care or treatment, but that with
that care we chose to believe God for complete healing and long life.In the course of a day, all of us have lots of opportunities to plant negative word seeds into the life of everyone we interact with during that twenty four hour period. What words are you planting? Are you planting words of encouragement or words of doubt?
A well know Christian, author C.S. Lewis, once said that in the course of life, “We meet no ordinary people in our lives.” That means every person God allows to come into our life is special. How are we treating them? Our words speak the way we actually feel about someone.
God has been faithful to His Words by sending favor through His servants. We recognize that each and every one of you are so special and bring good things into our lives through prayer, support and your wonderful words of life.

Planting Words
Every word we speak is a seed to life or death. We are instructed to speak life into people and that’s what we are going to do.
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue (your word seeds), and those who love it (meaning love life) will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21 NKJV)
No doubt you will be talking to someone within minutes of reading this, whether it is verbally or sending a message by Internet. This challenge is to take effect immediately, without delay because it will have an effect on your life sooner than you think. If you love your life, you will change your words to favor God’s without hesitation.
“Be careful little
tongue what you say, for the Father up above is looking down with love, so be
careful little tongue what you say.”
Instead of replying to someone with words
that don’t carry weight with God, begin planting word seeds that are packed with power, faith and love.
Speak life, encouragement and hope. God is watching and listening to what you are bringing into the lives of others. Let our words be measured as seeds of life, love and encouragement.
Wonderful Words of Life [Live]
next time, God’s Words are His favor.
“Know that I Am still God.”
– Jesus Christ
What's New this Week: 9 Inspirational Bargain Books for the Family
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. A.N.A. logo by
J.C.Penney, Inc.
Scripture reference was
taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Gateway
BibleImage credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Lyrics to “Be Careful Little Eyes What You See” Public Domain Isaac Lewis
Image: How Are You Quality God is Still God Seeds Quote