our lessons, we’ve learned that as believers we are chosen for Holy favor, and
that attracts favor from mankind.
in order to walk in continual favor from the Lord, it comes with a price. That is, we have to obey God and follow His
rules in pursuing the path He has laid out for us from before we were born,
which sometimes can be quite difficult.
of the most important aspects we learned is that all of this is tied to a
certain “key” for favor, and that is vision.
God explains in His Word that without vision, a road map to life, people
literally die because they aimlessly wander with no destiny in mind.
there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.”
(Proverbs 29:18 KJV)
made this statement that I still firmly believe, “Your vision key is attached
to God’s favor, and that comes with helping Him fulfill His plan for leading
souls to Christ.” Favor has a purpose,
and it isn’t so we can get stuff or have things go our way.
God sees you have a passion for winning souls, He makes sure that doors of
opportunity open so that favor can take place on the situation. Dreaming the impossible dream is no longer
just a dream or impossible, because with God, all things are possible.
said to him, if you can believe, all things are
possible to him who believes.”
(Mark 9:23 NKJV)
more as we continue part three of the teaching series "Begin in
Favor". Catch-up here: Begin in Favor: Part 1 Begin in Favor: Part 2
so pleased you are here.

all grow up dreaming; it’s part of our DNA.
No one enters life without having dreams of being “somebody” special. Even those who may have physical or mental
limitations have desires no one else knows of but their Creator God.
something inside us that cannot be explained, but is felt deeply. From the moment our brain connects things
with words we begin to envision ourselves in roles that we cannot fully
comprehend, yet we dream on anyway.
is that? Is what we dream implanted in
our spirit from creation or is it something we think of ourselves? Does God send messages through our thoughts
even when we cannot understand what they mean?
Are they signs of what could be or what is to come?
dream and have grand visions of what life could be because of “imaging.” It is instinct to think of things on a larger
scale based on the truth we were created in God’s image. He doesn’t think small, and there are no
limits to what He can do.
our minds, mankind thinks like God does in imagining the impossible. However, when it comes time to put the plan
into action, that’s where things get complicated and we put the brakes on our dreams.
between the brain and the hand our vision often gets blurred or lost. It’s still in there, but we start believing the
obstacles are too great so this must not be God.
we seek other avenues trying to capture what we “think” is real, when in fact,
it’s a lie from the devil. We allow fear
to cripple our dreams and forget to trust the One who gave us the dream in the
first place.
is a phrase that plenty of girls, including myself, have used when it comes to certain
persistent boys/men. If a guy that I wasn’t
interested in asked me out or he was acting like a jerk, I’d simply respond to his request
for a date, “In your dreams” or “Dream on buddy, it’s not going to happen!”
other words what he was expecting or hoping for was more than just unlikely to
happen, it was pure fantasy on his part.
The reason this dream never became a reality is because it wasn’t in my
when dreams are joined together with a greater source do they ever come to
fruition. However, when they are united
with the Dream Giver – Jesus, they become bigger than ourselves and more than
we could have ever dreamed!
like to share a story that revealed the heart of man to me when it comes to our
inner being knowing there is a Living God. Whether or not mankind admits it is another
bear with me. I’ll get to the point; but first journey
back in time with me.
I were to ask if you knew of a man called Steven Victor Tallarico you probably
wouldn’t have a clue to who he is. What
if I mentioned the name Steven Tyler or Aerosmith, would that hit a cord? Even if you don’t follow secular music, there
are certain songs that we recognize just because they follow artists throughout
their careers.
was a reason this particular person caught my interest. When Tyler was starting
out professionally, his newly formed band purchased sound equipment from a
local band from South Jersey (so you can see why), which had broken up and sold
off their possessions including their music.
This attributed to the controversy about the famous recording of Dream
I don’t want to get sidetracked, but wanted to share how I got interested in
this in the first place. Maybe strange,
but that’s what happened and I believe it was for a reason.
isn’t about the song, but how the song was inwardly connected to the man and
the dream that once was. I’d like to focus
on a few lines that Steven (supposedly)
wrote, before I go into more detail. Take a look.
time that I look in the mirror
All these
lines on my face getting clearer
The past
is gone, it went by like dusk to dawn
that the way, everybody’s got the dues in life to pay …”
Bible tells us that what is in our heart (motive) will eventually be revealed
or show itself publicly. I truly believe
this is true, and is connected to whether or not we fully live out our dreams
or vision for our life.
“What goes out of the mouth comes from the
heart. And that’s what contaminates a person in God’s sight. Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adultery, sexual sins,
thefts, false testimonies, and insults.” (Matthew 15:18-19 CEB; also 1 Corinthians 4:5;
Proverbs 18)
the lyrics, this sounds like a person who has come to grips with life and how
they’ve had to fight their way to the top doesn’t it? Now things really weren’t making sense. Why would a teen be talking about the wrinkles
on his face or paying dues in life when he barely was out of puberty?
“As face mirrors face in water, so
the heart reflects the person.
Sheol and Abaddon (hell) can never be
satisfied; so the eyes of mortals (desire for material things) can never be
(Proverbs 19-20 NABRE)
if I told you that these so-called profound lines were penned by a gifted seventeen-year-old,
poking at an upright piano in his parent’s living room in New Hampshire while
he was high on cocaine? Would that
change the way you felt?
read a comment from a former drug user that said how they felt and how their
life was fashioned after false dreams that drugs create in their mind. That wasn’t “news” especially understanding
the conditions.
thing that really got me wondering why Steven wrote “Dream On” came from something
else he wrote. It gave insight to what he already knew in his heart, but chose
the wrong path anyway.
“… I know, it’s everybody sins …
Half my
life’s in books’ written pages
Lived and
learned from fools and sages”
so was this lad referring to the sages as in the wise where their motto is to
think before you act? He certainly wasn’t
referring to sage as in the herb or it’s uses, because why else would he compare
it to a fool?
he aware of the pages or books recorded by God as in the Lamb’s book of life or
recording of deeds in one’s lifetime?
Let’s look at the last bit.
“… All
the things come back to you …
tomorrow the good Lord will take you away.”
the thing, obviously this boy had dreams of being a successful musician. He also mentioned his musical father and “imagined”
what it would be like following in his footsteps, but on a grander level.
could tell there was favor on his talents, yet he felt the need to include the “good”
Lord in the unfinished sonnet. Seemingly there was an understanding of God’s character, and that there was a possibility
of his dreams being snatched away for some reason.
interviewed this superstar said that the song took over six years to write, and
it was about hungering to be somebody. Did
you notice the wording he used, “hungering” not wanted or hoped to be someone,
but hungered as in having an appetite (yearning) for something he couldn’t put
his finger on at his tender age.
of the Heart
the time of its origin this was all in the not so famous Tallarico’s
imagination; he never expected the lyrics to actually become a song, much less
the thing that would define his future.

He pronounced the same thing as a once young
Ringo Starr, “It didn’t come easy”, claiming that there were plenty of
struggles in trying to reach the top.
actually normal for anyone who has big dreams, but it doesn’t mesh with what
Tim Tebow claims happened in his life or as I recall, some other “favored”
people for that matter. Something is
different and I sense Steven Tyler was referring to more than the music scene
rocking his world.
went wrong for this current day senior citizen or did anything? Was there any “sage” wisdom gained from his
rise to stardom? Is it possible that the
Holy Spirit was trying to warn the younger Steven on a level he had not known,
even though there was no evidence of salvation?
it be that there is no escaping the truth that mankind was made in the
image of God, and that we have an inner awareness of our Creator when it comes
to morality, dreams and vision?
favor from God look different than favor from man, and does it even matter in
the end?
Open Another Door
looked like this particular talented musical artist had begun in an environment
for favor. Doors did open, but were they the ones God intended?
Anyone can see he has blasted through the airwaves on the stairway to heaven (no, that was someone else …)
Steven, shouldn’t we take all the opportunities we can get in achieving our
goals, dreams and vision for what we want in life? Actually, no.
Not all doors will lead you to your desired end.
some good opportunities may not necessarily be the right ones for you, and possibly
delay or dispose of your vision entirely.
This is why it’s vital not to lose sight of the real God-given dream by settling for less.
may rise to fame, but at what cost and will it truly make you happy? When God is in your dreams and vision, the sacrifices
you make won’t cost you your soul.
week go back to the drawing board of your dream vision and see if there is a
place where you should have opened another door. Don’t get caught up in the past mistakes, but
in prayer ask God for His forgiveness.
Then pick yourself up and step out the right door this time.
know, somewhere in our life we have all opened a wrong door or two, and walked down paths that have taken us off course. We're no different than the next guy when it comes to wanting to live out our dream.
Without judging or finding fault we can ask ourselves this same thing:
the path Steven (put your name here instead) chose to travel for success really
the vision he once had to “dream on, before the good Lord takes him away,” or
has his heart actually confessed something else? Find out as we continue the series “Begin in Favor” on Daily Favor Blog.
If this article has encouraged or helped you please consider
sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.
Until next
time, be wise to God’s favor.
God’s wisdom will lead you to His favor.
- Jesus Christ
Steven Tyler; Dream On lyrics ©BMG Rights Management
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know
but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click
on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information
on becoming a child of the Savior.
Note: Emphasis may be given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take away from the inspirited Word of God.
used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we
give him no place in our lives.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues but is geared toward spiritual awareness.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues but is geared toward spiritual awareness.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may
vary due to lack of belief.
Unless noted, scripture reference
in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Image credit: Creative Common License if not
specified. Proverbs 29:18 Mirror Image Dream Heart Confession Dream Vision
Salvation, Favor of God, Favor, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Covenant, Obedience, Steven Tyler, Aerosmith, Dream On, Trust, Holy
Spirit, Begin in Favor: Part 3, Vision, RIngo Starr, Tim Tebow.