Friday, July 28, 2017

Making the Connection

Shopping has never been my cup of tea.  I can picture the men reading this falling on the floor right now with shock and unbelief.   

It’s true though and as my husband used to say before we were married, “She’s a cheap date.” Of course I strongly encouraged him to change his wording … okay, I told him not to say that anymore. 

What I mean is that I’ve never been a “window shopper” going from store to store to look at things I can’t afford or long for things someone else may have.  I plan to shop and then shop the plan.  It’s my way of dealing with reality and not having to say to an item, “I’ll be back” for something when you have to return it to the shelf because it’s not in the budget. 

I don’t like going to the store unless I really plan on a “good shop” with hubby.  To me, a good shop is being able to stuff your cart with the necessities and a few not so “have to have” items.  So this cuts down on my shopping outings to about once a month and I’m perfectly fine with that, because my working hours are normally later than his. 

This leaves all those short runs to the store up to my husband, which he really doesn’t mind (that much anyway).  Even though I love the fact that he is willing to do me a favor by running all household errands leaving me to do other things, there’s something he does that frustrates the socks off me!

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Besides being my best friend since high school, he is also my “bestest” boyfriend and girlfriend (because he is willing to do “girly things with me like shopping, taking me to tea rooms and carries my purse in public without being asked). 
This behavior actually made him more manly and appealing, because he wasn’t trying to impress anyone else but me.   

Things have changed though … not that he doesn’t do those things because he does and even more.  It’s something else. 

Having eight operations these past two years has kept hubby home more, which has him poking about the house and limited on what he’s permitted to do by his doctors.  He’s become more “aware” of his emotions and at any given moment could break out in tears or cheers.  It’s a whole new world of medical side effects that we’re discovering. 

With it just being the two of us the connection between my husband and I has always been extremely close, and is even more so without family living nearby anymore.  How can I frame this out for you to envision? 

Reverently my husband has no problem following the instructions God gave from the beginning of mankind. 

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother,
 and shall be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”
 (Genesis 2:24 AMP) 

A mother and her newborn still attached by the umbilical cord couldn’t be more connected if you get the picture.  A child fastened to his mother by one of those bungee leashes couldn’t be more attached than this guy is to me these days, and he’s not even retired!   

If I need to inhale he’s right there to exhale for me … that’s how connected we’ve been since his illness.  With us being “in each other’s face” more than normal, we actually love seeing one another throughout day … but there’s still that one thing.  

Rambling … 

I’ve never been bored in my life with all the things I put my hand to when it comes to interests.  You name it I always have several projects of some sort in the works.   Somewhere along the line I'm sure this stems back to being part of a large family and us not being under mom's feet all day.

Hubby - an only child on the other hand, has never been one for “hobbies” like me, that is except when it comes to cooking, which he loves. He has the bread maker and is the one that orders those gadgets in the middle of the night.  I often said that I’d like a second kitchen so I could work in mine! 

Back to how this relates to our story. 

I Don’t Care … Make a Decision! 

Almost every decision that is made in our household is collaborated on between the two of us; that is until it comes to groceries.  This frustrates and baffles me at the same time, because hubby does almost all the cooking these days.   

He’s taken over the kitchen and the cupboards.  When I asked which soup of mine had the oldest date on it he said, “Tomato.”  He knew what it was!   

Folks, are you still praying for him?  Remember … he’s a master builder?  I’d think redesigning the kitchen or fumbling around in the shed would be more up his alley.  He’d get no arguments from me. 

I can’t find a thing in our freezer anymore since he reorganized it.  I’d complain, but seriously … he’s doing the cooking!  Knowing this you would think he is pretty much aware of what we eat and which brands we use right?   

Here’s the kicker … I kid you not. 
Whenever my husband has to run an errand that involves food it doesn’t take him two minutes after he’s left the driveway to re-connect with me on his phone.  By the time he reaches the store five minutes from the house, I’ve received at least six to eight calls from him.   

When he’s walking the aisles of the store he makes a dozen more calls, and by the time he reaches home we’ve connected twenty-seven times!  I know, because I counted.
This is for only one time that we’re apart.  If he is running errands or working we’ve probably connected with one another almost fifty times. 

Hubby says that he calls because he doesn’t want to make a mistake and hear about it later, but I think I’ve busted his justification. True, true … I could believe part of that “may” be correct, but here’s what I think is behind “Mister Tough Guy’s” behavior. 

At home the connections continue in different ways, that's right … texting! 
Yesterday he was working in one room of the house and hubby texted me to come see him – true story! 
The thing is, we’re not often apart other than work hours, and even then we find a way to stay connected.   

Why is it so important that we stay in contact and on the same page in our thinking?  Love … love is what drives the relationship, and love wants us to keep connected as much as possible even if it seems strange or silly to others. 

Now to set the record straight, my husband could call me a thousand times a day and I’d answer every time with joy. The thing that frustrates the socks off me is the same thing that he said frustrates him a few weeks ago on this very site. One of us has to make another decision that day… this would be 35,001!  

How You Connected 

While preparing for this unit of study, the Holy Spirit directed my attention to the lengths people go to in order to stay connected to the things they like or the people they love.  The phone, internet and regular mail are a few of those methods. 

Looking through the statistics that I’ve collected over the course of five years on Daily Favor, I’ve become aware of how people have stayed connected with us.  Didn’t everyone use Google?  It never dawned on me until my friend from Trinidad, Jahmadar told me how he and his wife stayed connected through his phone.

This is how people like you connected to Daily Favor 

Visitors browsed through: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Samsung Browser, Mobile/Mobile Safari, Bing Preview, GSA, Opera, Dragon, Iron, Qt or RockMelt. 

They did their viewing through operating systems such as: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Unix or other compatible programs. 

Of course there are loads more, but the point is that people want to be connected to something or someone and are willing to go to great lengths to do so just like my husband does with me. 

Did you know that God did the same thing, and still wants to connect with you?  As a matter of fact, the first relationship connection ever to be made was without cell phones, the internet or even the USPS.  It all began in the “Garden of Favor.” 

We’re Ready to Begin 

For the past few weeks we’ve sown seeds of anticipation for our next project and I’m pleased to say, “We’re Ready” … and hope you are excited as much as we are to see where the Lord will take us on this part of our journey with Jesus. 

Starting next week we begin our series on Daily Favor Relationships.  We’ll take a look at topics such as:

Why people needed to be connected.

How do we connect to people?

What makes us connect at all?

What draws us to a relationship?

What favor has to do with relationships? 

I look forward to your joining us as we dig into the truth about God’s favor, and how it was planned from the beginning for mankind in our relationship with the Lord and others. 

If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post. 

Until next time, make a connection with someone about Daily Favor.

Next time on Daily Favor: The Garden of Favor” 

*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. 

Note: Emphasis is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take away from the inspirited Word of God. 

When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior. 

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Scripture references provided by Gateway Bible in the New King James Bible Version or as noted.
Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.
Window Shopper, Google, Internet, Making the Connection, Daily Favor Relationships, Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, LG Cell Phones, Journey with Jesus, Decision Making, Favor of God, Teaching Series, Hubby Update, Inspiration, Christian Living