Friday, July 30, 2021

The Other Bucket List

I don’t know about you, but no matter how well I planned my daily schedule something seemed to interrupt it, so getting around to those things on my life bucket list just got farther and farther away.  After a while it was looking like my dreams would never happen, that’s when I knew something had to change and giving up wasn’t on any of my lists! 

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I stopped pursuing that big “gotta do” list and started focusing on my other “B” list.  When I redirected my heart and thinking to eternal things, the things here on earth just didn’t seem to be as important.  You know what?  That’s when both the lists started coming together! 

Lay Up Treasures in Heaven 

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV) 

Every life is a journal waiting to be written, and we are the ones who hold the pen.  What we do in life is recorded for God in Heaven or counted as nothing and credited to things of this earth.  Our actions are our record; we determine tomorrow by what we do today.  

To the world the “B” list stands for things people want to do before they leave earth or “kick the bucket”. However, to the believer the “B” list stands for something else entirely – “B” as in “Before Jesus Comes” to do list.  

The world is changing dramatically each day before our eyes, and we don’t know how much time is left before Jesus calls His children home to Heaven.  I know, I know … people have been claiming “Jesus is coming” for centuries, but as each day goes by, we are that much closer to the actual event!  Are you ready to meet your Maker? 

Someone has told me over and over that she’s not ready for Jesus to return because she has so much on her bucket list to do before He comes.  Every time she mentions this it reminds me that her heart treasures are clearly set on earth and not in Heaven. No wonder she’s so discouraged; I know, I was living and thinking the same thing.

Wanting the Lord to return doesn’t mean that you’re ready to give up on life here, but actually the opposite.  Knowing that Jesus will return at any moment should keep us on our toes searching for ways to reach the lost, while striving to achieve those goals we deeply desire in our heart. 

When the Plan Comes Together 

I’d like to entreat you to redirect your heart and thinking.  Yes, your dreams and vision are important, but until God’s desires take first place in your heart, those other earthly aspirations will not turn out to be what you really wanted or expected.  They’ll always fall short because His hand of favor wasn’t on them. 

When my husband and I were coaching Little League boys we had a ten-year old fellow named Mark whose favorite saying has stuck with us for years. When the team came off the field making a great play he’d smile and run into the dugout shouting, “I love it when a plan comes together!”  Well, you know what? So, does God! 

Begin working on your new “B” list – the things you want to achieve before Jesus returns that will cause Him to say, “Well done!” when you stand before Him for eternity.  

It’s not something that will happen in one week, a month or even a year.  The converted list will be one to work at the rest of your life, the only difference is that this time you won’t be trying to achieve those things alone! 

Are you working on the other “B” List?

Okay, I get it, there are some things I need to change you say.  How do I know what to change and what to do?  There’s only one place to go for that answer – the prayer room.  The place of supernatural, Holy Spirit power, where instructions are given making the life path clear. 

Ask the Lord what needs to change specifically so that your bucket list lines up with His.   He may only give you one thing at the time, and if that happens, start there.  After all, why give a list of things to do if it’s hard to accomplish only one right?  

“Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. (Psalm 25:4 AMP)

Be patient with yourself and enjoy the newest of what God has in store for you.  Life certainly has been full of unexpected changes recently, isn’t it about time some of them are good? 

Loving your time with the Lord should be the first thing on your list.  May I give a word of wisdom?  There are a lot of things in our heart we’d like to do, but it’s the Lord’s list that will prevail. 

“Listen to advice and accept instruction, so you might grow in wisdom in the future.  Many plans (thoughts) are in a person’s mind (heart), but the LORD’s purpose will succeed.” (Proverbs 19:20-21 CEV) 

Spending quality time enjoying family and friends places high on God’s list of things to do, so it should rate up there on yours as well. This includes church family and spending time fellowshipping with people of like faith.  

Tackling the Before Jesus Comes List

Surely there are oodles of things we could do for the Lord in a lifetime, but have you considered these?  Here are ten “to do’s” you might include on your “Before Jesus Comes” (other bucket) list.

📃Lead someone to Christ. (Most believers never do this.)

📃Visit Israel to further understand the gospel message.

📃Read through the entire Bible every year. (So rewarding!!!)

📃Volunteer to work on a foreign mission project. (Actually go!)

📃Give a sacrificially large amount of money to a Christian charity.

📃Start a Bible Study or join one - online counts too!

📃Financially back a missionary monthly. 

📃Become a Jonathan, in other words, become an encourager.

📃Weekly write a letter to a stranger sharing the gospel message.

📃Organize and/or totally pay for a Christian event for the community.

Your “bucket list” desires are important to God. He isn’t asking you to do away with them, but to put His first over yours.   

Whatever God places on your heart, always make good use of your time and be sure to follow it through (remember our lesson on “Finish What You Started?”).  He will make a way for you to accomplish it through blessings, grace, mercy and favor. 

“Lord, teach us what it truly means to number our days wisely,
so that our work for You will always find favor."

Your life means so much to Jesus that He died for you to live it more abundantly (read John 10:10.  Life is a precious gift with every day being numbered and worth living.  Get started with your new bucket list and make the most of the time you’ve been given Before Jesus Comes, and He will establish the work of your hands to succeed!  

“Show Your servants the wonderful things You do (Your miracles); show Your greatness (splendor and beauty) to their children.

Lord our God, treat us well (show us favor). Give us success in what we do establishing the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17 EXB emphasis mine).

Until next time, invite God’s favor into your life list! 

“I establish My work with favor.”
Jesus Christ

Note: The words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

What’s New This Week: Click on book link below.

by David Roper
Available in eBook, Hardback, Paperback, Large/Easy Print

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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.

Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified. Image  

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