Friday, February 26, 2016

Approved Continuing Education

It had been hours and I was still sitting at the computer in a zombie mode with bubbles from the screensaver floating on my desktop.  

This was the third day I tried to get some major writing done, but hadn’t been able to conquer the task.  There was a perfectly valid reason though; my cat needed some lap time and I was prepared to indulge him. 

Actually, it was a good opportunity to get a much needed“catnap” myself.  With kitty draped over my shoulder I tilted back in position to rest my head on the back of the chair.  It didn’t take long before we were both out like a light! 

Welcome new friends this week from:
See if your city/state/country made the list. 

New on DFBChile; Gabon; Cheddington, England, United Kingdom; Bosnia & Herzegovina. 

USA Cypress, CA; Roscoe, IL; Lexington, NC; Celoron & Randolph, NY; Rutherford & Sugar Grove, PA; Vansant, VA. 

I am so happy for your visit and hope that you come back each week to participate in the weekly challenges.  God has been faithful and we expect His favor to abound in the lives of those who chose to Journey with Jesus on Daily Favor Blog.
You are welcome to leave comments or prayer requests below.  All are private. I would love to hear from you and how Daily Favor has worked in your life.  Contact me by leaving a message in the box at the bottom of this week’s post.  

Don't miss out on this week's challenge (below).

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Continuing Education 

I'm not kidding ... this was me!
Minus the cat on my shoulder.
Several times my husband made his way back and forth into the room to see if I was awake. He stared at me as my head lay back in a full tilt with mouth wide open like a seal waiting to receive fish.
Easily he could have dropped treats down my throat but the dear heart refrained; unlike me who in some way probably would have taken full advantage of the situation! 

I finally woke from his giggling and my snoring (which was more like a snort) when he began the nightly inquisition over our evening menu. 

“What do you want for dinner?” my husband asked calling out from the kitchen. 

Barely holding my head up, without hesitation I said: “A nap.”  

Chuckling he asked, “How do you want it cooked?” 

“Very slowly!” I quipped. 

I reciprocated the question: “What do you want for dinner?  

“I don’t know.” 

Building off his comedy I asked: “How do you want that cooked?”  

“Usually well done.” 

You can tell that not much brain work went on in this conversation.  The fact was, we were both too tired to say or do much of anything except laugh.  We never tire of that. 

All week long I’ve been having difficulty staying awake. If you remember at the beginning of the year I shared how I would be taking on new things by faith.  Well, for the past month I’ve been doing exactly that in the way of research.  

It’s back to school for this gal with educational classes … again! 

Remembering Gregg 

Attending high school was merely a place to socialize and to say that much education occurred on my part would be a stretch. My grades were okay, but not great following the A,B,C rule – any one of those were acceptable as long as there were more of the top two!  Funny how that rule changed once I had to pay for college! 

I never wanted to miss my classes. It’s rather ironic when you think about it now that I am an instructor, but nonetheless, I am. 

Getting through classes at times was difficult being dyslexic, but knowing how to take dictation by shorthand really pulled me out of some tight spots especially in Biology class.  On the other hand, it also got me into trouble when in college. 
Sample Gregg Shorthand Letter

Why I took shorthand still baffles me since I never wanted to become a secretary or work in the business field.  (No, I'm not that old, and yes they still taught it up to the late 80's in some states!  It was required for court reporting, business school and being a Notary Public, which I was.)
Less than 25% of schools in America had computers in 1986 and still used typewriters. It wasn’t until the mid 90’s that teacher’s (like me) had access to one in their classroom.
I grew up with parents in business and saw how hard they worked with little time to spare.  When I tried my hand at it I wasn’t that convincing of a salesman. My gift was in the socializing end of marketing.  Can you tell?  Hubby calls me the social butterfly! 

Conversely, Gregg Shorthand was about the only thing my mother and I had in common then; I suppose it somehow played a role in taking the class for two years.  I can’t recall ever bringing schoolwork home except for that class, which did result in better grades. 

Mom was a wiz at dictation and we would compare notes.  The bad thing was that it really messed up my spelling … you know … leaving out most of the letters to write in code using a bunch of squiggly lines! 

That brings me back to how shorthand got me in trouble during my first years in college. 

Secrets in Psychology 

Stationed in the front row is where I like to sit when in class.  I had heard that professors never called on the people directly under their noses, because they are usually standing in front of them when lecturing.  Through the years I’ve found this to be mostly true in my own teaching.  However, it backfired on me in my first psychology class. 

Due to my shorthand skills I took loads of notes, practically everything the professors said I wrote down. You might say I took too many notes, which made it hard to study correctly.  It wasn’t until I taught Journalism that I really learned the art of note taking that cured me of that habit. 

With notebook opened and pen in hand I was busy writing down everything my professor Dr. Visce was teaching.  The way he taught intrigued the entire class, but there were two secrets few people knew and I was privy to them. 

My beloved prof favored the ladies. No, he didn’t do anything out of line, but he had daughters and it was almost natural to prefer the lassies over the laddies.  Check one off in my favor! 

Second it was rumored that whatever you received as a mark on your first test was the grade you got for the course.  Score! It was mid-term and I had received an A on my first exam, so I presumed I was in good standing for the semester.  

An Open Book 

One day as the professor was speaking he made his way to the front of my seat.  My head was buried in taking notes (of course) and I wasn’t watching him. 

As he was talking, rather than walk back to his desk the Professor leaned over and picked up my textbook hoping to point out specific details in our reading assignments.  While instructing the class to turn to a particular passage we all heard this sound - “crack”.  It was the binding of the book … my brand new book! 

The class was in a roar laughing and I could tell my teacher was trying to compose himself.  Looking up at him literally peering over me Dr. V. said in an intimidating voice, “You haven’t even opened the book have you?  How have you done so well in this class without even reading one chapter?”  

If I could have slithered down my chair and out the door I would have.  How embarrassing, yet totally correct!

I didn’t know how to respond but announced in a reluctant sort of way, 
“… I take good notes?!” 
Practically dropping my book in my lap he said, “We’ll see.”  My study habits became an open book to my classmates, the professor and myself. 

Yes, my shorthand helped but it also hindered me from getting into the book to study like I should have.  After that I started reading the required textbook and was certain my instructor became aware of it.   

My study habits changed, because I wanted to show myself approved before my instructor and not be ashamed in front of my classmates.  Graciously, I was favored with an A for the course despite my lack of wisdom in the beginning sessions of the class. 

Jesus 101 – Discipleship Classes 

As an instructor you can be sure that one of the first things I check is if my students have cracked the binding on their books.  I want them to make full use of the materials provided as they study for their lifelong journey.  

This subject is something the Lord brought to my attention as I researched the Master Teacher. 

Did you know that Jesus taught on over 570 subjects or topics?   

If you take into consideration that the disciples only spent three and a half years on their “physical” journey with Jesus, that’s a whole lot of teaching!  Somehow I don’t picture the boys taking notes or asking Jesus, “Could you repeat that Teacher, I didn’t get it all down on my parchment?” 

It’s not until after Jesus was resurrected that we learn of the Disciples and first followers of the church in the “act of studying” the Word of God.  As modern day disciples we too are to practice the act of studying the scriptures. (See Acts 6) 

That means folks we have to crack the bindings on our Bibles to find out what the Master was saying to the first disciples in His 101 courses.  There’s no shorthand script or shortcut to learning when it comes to being well versed in the Word of God.   

How can we follow or share what is contained in God’s Word if we don’t know what Christ taught?  It is not possible to walk with Jesus if we aren’t aware of His teachings.  This is why taking discipleship classes online or in a classroom with a teacher/professor is still needed no matter how long we’ve been born again. 

Why Study the Bible? 

When I ask the question “Do you study the Bible?” I get all sorts of answers, but this is the one most given.  People say they only stick to the King James Version, but fail to study because they don’t understand it. 
If that’s the excuse you’re using it is easily remedied – use the KJV if you wish as your base but incorporate other translations, concordances, study guides or books to assist you on your journey through the scriptures. 

The main reason why I admonish people to study the Word of God is because He told us to do it.  With obedience also comes God’s favor on our lives; certainly that would be a good enough reason for anyone.  Take a look at a few verses that indicate how studying the Word of God changes your journey to success. 

“Study this Book of Instruction continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” (Joshua 1:8 NLT) 

Apparently obeying the Word of God determines prosperity and success.   

“Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to (minister at) Berea.  When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word (teachings of Jesus) with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:10-11 NKJV) 

Searching scriptures daily helps us recognize true and false teachings.  Here are a few more reasons to meditate on and study the Bible. 

-        To proclaim God’s work and deeds. Psalm 77:12

-        To contemplate God’s ways of how He does things. Psalm 119:15

-        To understand God’s ways.  Psalm 119:27

-        To help settle decisions in the heart to give right answers. Luke 21:14

-        To keep from listening to things that would squash faith. Philippians 4:8

-        To measure progress on our journey with Jesus for “Whoever finds Me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8:35 and 1 Timothy 4:15 

Perhaps this is the main reason we should study the Bible … to keep us from sinning. 

“I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:11 NLT) 

Tired but not Weary  

Learning anything new takes research, study and time.  Those things combined can cause a body to get tired, but not necessarily weary.  These past weeks I have been in targeted study for improving areas that the Lord has directed me into for this leg of my journey.   

Something I’ve taught my classes for over twenty years is that you cannot teach what you don’t know (especially to kids).  People can tell if you know what you are talking about in all sincerity or if you’re blowing smoke. 

Every follower (disciple) of Christ is responsible for having correct answers when people ask us questions about our faith.  We need to be in the Word of God adding to or “increasing” what we know on a regular basis in order to achieve this.   

I want the words that I speak or write to be full of wisdom, as well-driven nails that hold faith together in the hearts of all I come in contact with on this journey with Jesus. 

Until I see Jesus face-to-face, I’ll crack a few more bindings and continue studying His Word, so that I may show myself approved before God and man.  If that means falling asleep at the computer at times, open mouth snores and cuddling kitties … I’m all for it.  How about you? 

“The Preacher (King Solomon) sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright – words of truth.  The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. And further, my son, be admonished by these.  Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.” (Ecclesiastes 12:10-12 NKJV)

This Week’s Challenge: Approval Study 

What was true for the patriarchs, priests, prophets and disciples still holds so for us … the most basic fundamental way to learn about God is through His Word. 

When I first studied 2 Timothy 2:15, the focus was on “not wanting to be ashamed” of doing anything that went against God.  With more studying I learned that this was a loaded verse! 

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”

The last part of the verse is what stood out in my biblical classes: “rightly dividing.”  Wow, if God’s Word can be divided rightly then it can also be divided wrongly!  Studying is the only way to know the difference and that takes us to our challenge. 

Paul the Apostle and disciple of Christ shed light on five parts in the act of studying God’s Word, so that we can be effective faith walkers along our journey here on earth. 

1 – We are to be diligent as we prepare to see Jesus. 

2 – Our goal is to be approved as knowledgeable in the Word.  

3 – We are to be fruitful workers as Ambassadors for Christ. 

4 – Our desire is to be presented worthy of the call and not be ashamed of slacking off when on duty. 

5 – We are to know what God deems as Truth and separate it from what is false. 

I urge you to get involved by continuing your education through some type of biblical study this week. It can be through books, listening to messages on topical teachings, or watching programs that take you beyond what you know on a subject.  

With your Bible as your main source, gain understanding and insight by using other resources that will increase favor for your faith walk. 

“Good understanding gains favor …" (Proverbs 13:15a NKKV) 

You may want to study with others or research a topic on your own. Select something that you need to learn rather than repeating things you’ve already studied.  Those things are good for refreshing and reinforcement, but this challenge is about stepping out in topics you really haven’t studied in the past. 

“It’s time to put the fun back in fundamentalism!” Pastor Joe Nelms 

Whatever way you choose to go about your “Approval Study” keep in mind the five points of Paul from 2 Timothy.  Jesus wants this time in His Word to be a good one laced with faith, favor, fulfillment and fun! 

If this article has encouraged or helped you please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post. 

Thy Word - Maranatha Singers - with Lyrics


Thy Word – Amy Grant 

Until next time, favor studying God’s Word! 

“Obedience warrants My favor .”
Jesus Christ

*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. 

Note: The words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

What’s New This Week: Click on book or link.

by Billy Graham

Favored1 on  TwitterYou Tube, Pinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. 
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by BIble Gateway.
Image credit: Google Images or Deamstine Creative Common License if not specified.
Image:  Bubbles Clock Screensaver  Lady Sleeping at Computer  Gregg Shorthand Sample  College Classroom  Jesus 101 Classes   Why Study the Word of God?  2 Peter 1:5
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief. 
Dyslexic  Gregg Shorthand  College Professors  Biology Psychology  Online Bible Studies

Friday, February 19, 2016

Random Acts of Favor

How far would a man go to show his love for a woman? I know that’s a loaded question isn’t it? 

Actually, love was the farthest thing from my mind when I asked my husband to escort me to an all-women’s event.  I suspect love won out though from the story I’m about to share. 

It all began with my husband when he was in a cardio rehab session last week.  Someone was about to extend a random act of favor and I was glad to be the recipient. 

Welcome new friends this week from:
See if your city/state/country made the list. 

New on DFBConakry, Guinea; Cagayan de Oro, Northern Mindanao, Philippines; Maseru, Maseru District, Lesotho; Riyadh, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia; Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh. 

USA Coal Hill & Springdale, AR; Johnson, FL; Powder Springs & Roswell, GA; Aiea, HI; Asheboro, Mount Pleasant & Kannapolis, NC; Fargo, ND; Celoron, NY; New Kingstown & Sugar Grove, PA; The Woodlands, TX; Omak, WA. 

I am so happy for your visit and hope that you come back each week to participate in the weekly challenges.  God has been faithful and we expect His favor to abound in the lives of those who chose to Journey with Jesus on Daily Favor Blog.
You are welcome to leave comments or prayer requests below.  All are private. I would love to hear from you and how Daily Favor has worked in your life.  Contact me by leaving a message in the box at the bottom of this week’s post.  

Don't miss out on this week's challenge (below).

Visit the Q & A or other sections. 

Give Me a Reason 

It was the annual “Heart of a Woman” type silent auction fund raiser for the cardiac rehabilitation center at the hospital. Tickets for the event didn’t come cheap either; to give you an estimate of pricing, a dinner for eight auctioned at around $525.00. 

The event wasn’t open to the general public, but only to an exclusive mostly affluent circle of individuals (112 to be precise excluding the speaker and servers).  

My hubby informed me that I had been invited and questioned if I was interested in attending the luncheon.  He told the lady that extended the invitation that I probably wouldn’t be, but he would ask anyway. 

Upon hearing the details I quickly grabbed the opportunity.  This would be the “airing or outing” that Kathy from last week’s story was referring to in the parking lot at Walmart.  Remember that incident? This event preceded the “Someone Loves Me” caper which took place on the same day.  (I’m really backing up three hours before that to 11:30 a.m.) 

No, accepting the offer wasn’t to prove my husband wrong, but it was an opportunity to mingle with actual people … ladies was a bonus.  He wasn’t sure if I should go not having been to an event like this in the past.  I understood his point, but something else persuaded me. 

Beautiful hanky quilt auctioned!
The reasons for not attending were weighing against me. 
It’s been said that women may show their claws when it comes to “shopping” (and the items for auction were amazing!), but few scratch you, unlike my feline friends that I care for on a daily basis.  Mind you cats do make great conversationalists, but they are so biased! (Prejudice in favor that is usually unfair.)

Reason two for not going was that I wouldn’t know anyone.  Well, that was his argument, but it would be a way to hook up with friends I never met.  So that thought didn’t stick either. 

Did I have to pay for the ticket? It did seem rather dumb to purchase a ticket to a luncheon even for charity when there probably wouldn’t be anything for me to eat.  That one almost got me, but I wasn’t through.  After all, I wouldn't be going mainly for the food.

A doctor bought the ticket and this random act of “favor” was extended to me.  Plus there may be an article or life lesson in it!  I’m in … let the auction begin. 

Hubby Take a Seat 

We arrived at a huge church that has a separate campus for such community functions.  My husband was going to drop me off and remain in the car until it was finished.  I insisted he come inside due to the cold weather and hang out at the back of the building if it made him more comfortable. 

It only took me one eye sweep around the room to see I was WAY underdressed.  Thank you Lord that hubby didn’t wear shorts as usual. 

Sure I looked nice, but my loving spouse failed to get the details on this being a “dressy bling” occasion.  My hot pink Ocean Pacific coat wasn’t their idea of pearls from the Pacific, if you know what I mean. 

Taking on the “at ease” military stance, he insisted on waiting by the door as the bouncer just in case (his words …) “things got rough”.  Rough … on a Baptist campus … run by the hospital, with Catholic kids serving?  

Having respect for my husband who isn’t a wuss of a man, but seriously … the roughest thing there would be the roughage in the salad! 

Besides the servers, he was the only male in the room.  Suddenly the keynote speaker poked his head around the corner and came over to talk to him.  Instantly invisible male bonding took place, and before long hubby was at our table in a room full of women!  

“OK, I’ll sit down but I won’t eat because I didn’t pay for this seat.”
He made it clear that sitting was somehow under protest.  While pulling out his chair we noticed one other lone hubby at a table beside us. I’m still not sure if it was the keynote speaker, the other husband or me that persuaded him, but was glad to see a familiar face I could talk to during the event.  

Chocolate Never Disappoints 

“How are you ladies doing?” said the male server as he filled our glasses with water.  “Good.” Answered my husband, causing the young man to reverb … “and man.” 
Hubby seemed right at home at our table gathering and why not, he knew most of the ladies from the cardio rehabilitation center!   

As I looked for things to write about, he chatted with everyone that came by to say hello.  How nice.  There was only one thing to do; get acquainted with a soul friend of mine – chocolate.  I scooped up the candy kisses along with a few chocolate hearts and began eating.   

Favor Found Me 

The menu was served and each of us had a beautiful dish of food plated before us.  My husband leaned over to me and whispered, “I’m not eating if that man over there doesn’t.”  Obviously the other gentleman didn’t have such issues and dove into the meal. 

I buttered a roll and was picking at the fruit salad with my fork, when a woman from the kitchen came from behind us to bend over for a hug. It was the head of the cardio rehab center who had volunteered to help organize the food end of the event.   

“Would you like a plate of vegetables.” she asked.  Turning toward her I said, “That would be very kind.”  A few minutes later she brought out a special dish.  This kindness was favor geared just for me!  Favor found me; I didn’t go looking for it, nor did I say anything to anyone at the table about being a vegetarian. 

My husband delighted in my favor, because he devoured two plates of delicious food he didn’t pay for or prepare.  It was a little hard to get caught up in his joy seeing he spilled his icy tea down the front of him!  You can imagine the look on my face as I tried not to burst out laughing or scold him like a five year old.  

While trying to cover his shirt with his coat he looked at me sheepishly and said, “I’m not used to drinking without a straw!”  Oh bother!  Maybe I should get him a sippy cup. 

Random Acts of Favor 

While I was researching for an article the Lord reminded me of His time spent with the disciples over a three year span.  Along the way they often stopped what they were doing and performed what we might refer to as “random acts of kindness.”  That’s not exactly how Jesus saw it. 

We know that these events took place from something Jesus said to Judas before He was crucified.  The Lord was referring to the betrayal, but the disciples thought He was talking about an act of favor (kindness). 

"Random" meaning they weren’t scheduled, but always were in God’s agenda.  They were so used to Jesus doing random acts (which included healing but was not limited to that sole deed), that the disciples didn’t blink an eye when Judas was ordered to do whatever it was “quickly.” 

“What you do, do quickly. But no one at the table knew for what reason He (Jesus) said this to him (Judas). For some thought, because Judas had the money box, that Jesus had said to him, buy those things we need for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor.” (John 13: 27b-29 NKJV) 

Although the Lord’s actions were kind, many were specific acts of favor geared toward a certain individual or group.  The Apostle John reminds us that there were so many stops along their journey for doing such things that they were too numerous to record.  

“And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.” (John 21:25 NKJV) 

Favor Kindness is a Fruit

You may not think that having someone give you an expensive ticket or having veggies served on a pretty plate rank up there with “favor”, but it does.  Both of these things were more than just random acts of kindness.

Lots of people do nice things, but not all are recipients of God’s favor. There is a reason for that. 

Scripture tells us that each believer is equipped with the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  We receive it upon the gift of salvation.  However, the sad thing is that many don’t know they possess it or that God wants us to reap favor when sown.

Kindness is a fruit or outward act that we are to experience on a regular basis (in both giving and receiving). The world sees it as acts of kindness or being nice; God sees it as favor fruit.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, KINDNESS, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV)  

This Week’s Challenge:
Distributor of Targeted Favor

When we respond to the Holy Spirit in being kind to others, we zero in or target favor toward the individual He had directed us to at a specific time. 

Our challenge this week is two-fold.

First - The next time you do something kind for someone, be thankful the Lord allowed that person to receive the favor fruit through you His earthly distributor.  Don’t mistake this as “It’s my nature to be kind and even the unsaved would do this.”  There’s more to it than that, so recognize the difference.  It’s favor seed sown.

Also, in doing so it is a witness that the fruit of the Spirit is functioning inside you to the point it is now productive!  Well done you!  Here is where favor sown gives way to favor being reaped as a harvest.

Second - My fellow modern day disciples, as you walk with Jesus, God may have you stop in the middle of the “journey road” to do something for Him.  Besides following through with your instructions, learn to expect Random Acts of Favor to fall on you, because you are a distributor of favor for the Lord. 

The law of reaping what you sow includes favor seed.

I doubt the lady with the veggies got up thinking about me that morning, but what I do know is that she is a woman of God who is always ready to grant favor through service.  It is foremost on her mind every day, and that’s why it’s easy for her to journey with Jesus whenever and wherever He leads.  

I am grateful that I was on the receiving end this time!  Plus it showed a room full of people that “somebody” loved me beyond embarrassment.  Thank you Honey, you were a good sport!

If this article has encouraged or helped you please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post. 

Until next time, be ready to do random acts of favor! 

“Prepare to operate in Random Acts of Favor.”
Jesus Christ 

*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. 

Note: The words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

What’s New This Week: Click on link. BACK in STOCK!
by: Robert Strand

Favored1 on  TwitterYou Tube, Pinterest and Articles.  

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image:  Kindness Mark Twain Quote  Challenge
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Daily Favor Blog, Favor, Favored1, Fruit of the Spirit, Fundraising, Heart Health, Kindness, Random Acts of Favor, Random Acts of Kindness, Robert Strand, Secret Auction, Women.