Friday, December 30, 2016

The Hope of Christmas Favor

Christmas Favor Series: Part 5 

If there is one thing that really excites me it’s when Christmas Day falls on a Sunday.  Surely the churches would be packed with thousands praising God, and having favor with all the people as He added to the Body of Christ. How much more perfect could it get, right?  

On Christmas Day the carols of the birth of our Savior were flooding the halls of the church. Entering the sanctuary the instruments were silent as the voices of the Saints rang sweetly throughout the room.  In harmony we sang, raised our hands to give praise, prayerfully stood in agreement and attentively listened as the pastor spoke of the timing of God in the delivery of the promised Messiah that would come to save the world.   

The service closed with the congregation partaking of Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) in remembrance of a Savior who was born to die that we may live.  Slowly the sanctuary emptied into the corridor as each congregant was given a parting smile with words of encouragement from our earthly shepherd. 

Welcome new friends this week from:
See if your city/state/country made the list. 

New on DFB – Willemstad, Curaçao; Yaro, Western Division & Suva, Central Division, Fiji; Trail, BC, Canada; Riyadh, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia; Perosa Argentina, Piedmont, Italy; Diemen, Noord-Holland, Netherlands; Ethiopia; Curacao; Kharkov, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine; Kikinda, Serbia; Tel Aviv, Israel. 

USA Albertville, Balleyton, Berlin, Boaz, Cullman, Eva, Good Hope, Hanceville, Holly Pond, Hulaco, South Vinemont, Walter, Welti &  Wilmer, Alabama; Ionia, Kentwood, Grand Haven, Montague, Muskegon, Ottawa Center, Shelby & Whitehall, Michigan; Charleston, AR; Fort Myers, Ocala, Pensacola, Ponce Inlet & Winter Haven, FL; Campbellsville, Panther & Phelps, KY; Cumberland Center, ME; Asheboro, Greensboro, Jaars & Roxboro, NC; Oklahoma City, Muskogee & Poteau, OK; Salem, OR; Folly Beach & Hartsville, SC; Collin, Elmina, Houston, Sherman, McKinney & Prosper, TX; Farmington, UT; Auburn, Jamestown, Mexico, Niskayuna & Rochester, NY; Bluefield & Maurertown, VA. 

I am so thankful for your visit and hope that you come back each week to participate in the weekly challenges.  God has been faithful and we expect His Christmas favor to abound in the lives of those who chose to believe in His Son, Jesus all year round. 

You are welcome to leave comments or prayer requests below.  All are private. I would love to hear from you and how Daily Favor has worked in your life.  Contact me by leaving a message in the box at the bottom of this week’s post.  

Don't miss out on this week's challenge (below).
Be sure to visit Tell Me, Q & A or other sections.

The Woman in Red 

My husband and I were about to leave the building when I noticed the attractive woman who sat a few rows in front of us during the service.  She was a refined lady elegantly dressed in a beautiful Christmas red sequined poinsettia blouse and a slim line black skirt.  Her blondish hair was perfectly styled with poufy curls, and every strand was sprayed in place on the head of this lovely lady of seventy plus odd years. 

Turning around I walked over to her and spoke about how lovely she was in her “Christmassy” attire.  Not two seconds went by when she grabbed me by the neck and gave a full headlock hug, practically squeezing the stuffing out of me!   

Boy was she strong for an older gal!  I felt like a squirming cat trying to escape the gripping wrapped arms of a human showing their affection a little too vigorously.  

As I tried to regain my stance, with a happy grin she uttered, “Hardly seems like Christmas; it’s like it’s already over.” That was it; she didn’t have anything else to say.  Now how should I respond to her?  I didn’t, but simply smiled and bid her a Merry Christmas as I scampered toward the door. 

Where was hubby through all this?  When I told him what happened he said, “What lady?”  Thanks for being there Hon! 

Her statement left me a bit uneasy (or perhaps it was trying to recoup air in my lungs …), but I soon forgot it after we got back to the house. 

December 26th, 2016 

Someone is sharing the Christ-mas in their community.
Christmas was over technically, but the season was still in full swing … so I thought.  In an attempt to lengthen the holiday, the next day we decided to drive around town to see the lights.  Oh my, it was like the lady from the church was speaking prophecy! 

We drove down street after street, and almost all of the Christmas lights and decorations were already down.  The atmosphere was as if people just wanted it over and had a “Let’s get on with the next thing” kind of attitude. 

When we got home we turned on all our Christmas lights to remind people that the hope and joy of Christmas not only came, but is still here. 

… and the song plays on … 

Continuing in our Christmas Favor series, the celebration in song doesn’t end with Mary, Joseph or the angels during the first Christmas season.  God moved on the hearts of two seniors that have been looking for signs of promises of the Lord to unfold.  Take a step back in time with me as we glance into the lives of these individuals who served the Lord with gladness.   

The Time Has Come   

There is one more song to be sung, that of Simeon, an aged man possibly with signs of weathered storms upon his brow.  His voice is softened, yet not heavy with sadness or despair.  In holy garments he sings joyful praises of hope to Jehovah.   

Serving in the temple at that time was an aged prophet, named Simeon who was a Bible translator of the Septuagint besides a psalmist in poetry and music.  In hope and by faith, he was waiting for God’s promise to be manifested to Israel, and that salvation to all mankind both Jew and Gentile would come. 

God has proclaimed him to be a just and devout man, who at night in the Temple sang praises to the LORD.  He faithfully looks toward the Heavens for the “Consolation,” which is the coming of the Promised Messiah with salvation to be revealed to his people.  

At some point in his life, the prophet was promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Christ with his own eyes.  That day had come … the timing of God to fulfill His promise was at hand. 

Now imagine the event as it unfolds before Simeon.  There is no evidence of the actual age of this servant of God, only that he had served the Lord and was really up in years (some even believe almost two hundred based on the favor of God on his life).   

Do the Math 

Anna the prophetess is the second person we see has entered the picture.  For all of her adult life she never left the temple area, but served God 24/7 with fasting and prayers.  (Luke 2:35-37) 

The Bible describes her as an elderly lady, but let’s do the math shall we?  Scriptures tell us that she was married for seven years before being widowed for eighty-four years.  This would bring her to the age of ninety-one, except that we’re forgetting something.  

How old was Anna when she got married?  Making a general guess around the same age as Mary or at least in her teens which was customary, Anna would be a good old age of one hundred and five plus years (give or take a two).  It’s highly unlikely that she would have waited until the age of twenty to marry in that culture, but if she did …. Anna would be a whopping one hundred-eleven years old.   

So could it also be true that Simeon was much older than we even believed?  Long life is a promise from God to those who obey their parents; it’s actually the first law of God with promise and is mentioned as such in over twenty-five verses in the Bible. 

Examples such as:  

I will satisfy him with a long life and show him My salvation. 

Honor your father and your mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. (Exodus 20:12) 

Follow the whole instruction the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live, prosper, and have a long life in the land you will possess. (Deuteronomy 5:33) 

Although in Genesis 6:3 God specifies the number of days for mankind to one hundred and twenty because of sin, extended years could very well have been part of God’s favor on their lives based on their faithfulness and service to Him.   

The Hope of Favor 

Just what was so special about this ancient of days prophet they called Simeon?  How was it that God extended grace to him and not the other prophets?  It was because of God’s plan on his life, so that all would come to believe on His Son Jesus. 

Something we need to clarify is that the work of the Holy Spirit was different in this passage. Simeon was an Old Testament prophet and like the religious leaders or prophets of that time period, the Holy Spirit was “on” him and not “in” him as John the Baptist, Elizabeth and Mary. 

Simeon was told through the Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the LORD’s Christ in person.  He had no idea how this would come about, but stood on the favor promise of hope that it would in his lifetime. 

Favor - A Spiritual Gift  

When Simeon was given word from the Holy Spirit about being able to see God’s Christ, he received a special gift that only a few have been blessed with throughout biblical history.  The word pneuma means Spirit in Greek and “ruach” in Old Testament Hebrew, always referring to the Holy Spirit as the giver of spiritual gifts.   

However the word “pneuma hagion” is used when speaking of Simeon referring to the favor of God Himself spiritually given to an individual. 

It was the favor of God spiritual gift “pneuma hagion” and not the Holy Spirit the “giver of gifts”.  God’s faith and/or power to believe was working in Simeon’s life and that’s why he never got depressed or discouraged having to wait so long. 

The Song of Simeon 

In the early evening the Holy Spirit guided Simeon to enter the Temple.  As he waited, in walks Joseph and Mary cradling baby Jesus in her arms.  They didn’t utter a word, but the prophet knew immediately what he was about to experience. He would behold the Christ-mas child. 

Taking Jesus in his arms Simeon begins the customary Jewish blessing on a child.  Making a declaration he breaks into his farewell address song referred to as “The Nunc Dimittis”, a traditional canticle night prayer. In Latin, it translates as “Now, Master, You can let Your servant go (rest and be relieved of duty and depart) in peace being fulfilled, just as You promised.” 

Singing his last duty as a soldier of the Most High God this is Simeon’s Salvation Song: 

Simeon took Him up in his arms, praised God, and said:
 Now, Master, You can dismiss Your slave in peace,
as You promised.
 For my eyes have seen Your salvation.
 You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples—
 a Light for revelation to the Gentiles
and glory to Your people Israel.
Luke 2:28-32 (HCSB) 

By faith Simeon rejoices declaring that because of the promise fulfilled he could now die in peace, knowing that salvation was secure through Jesus.   

How Christmas Favor Came to You and Me

Notice in verse thirty how Simeon uses the phrase “Thy Salvation”.  Translated from the Greek word Soterion, it’s not the usual word “Soteria” which means nothing broken, nothing mission. 
The word here (Soterion) is used of Jehovah Himself, not merely of salvation. God Himself has come … Immanuel, God with us. (Matthew 1:23) 

In verse thirty-two Simeon spoke of a Light to the Gentiles and Israel, meaning the revelation by unveiling and manifestation that could be viewed or seen.  In other words, hey guys this baby is the One! 

The “glory” spoken of in the last part of the song was a fulfilled promise to the people of Israel who were waiting for the glory; that special blessing from God and the Christ-mas child was that miracle. 

Hope Has Come 

At the same moment Simeon began sharing the prophecy with Mary and Joseph, the widow Anna that served in the church entered the room.  She waited as Simeon finished his message that the Deliverer has come like the prophet Isaiah had said in chapter 49 verse 6.  

Now it’s Anna’s turn to speak about Jesus to all who were looking (hoping) for the redemption of Jerusalem. (Luke 2:38)  She would also share in the favor of God by witnessing this promise being fulfilled. 

A forty day old baby was the promise Deliverer for the Jewish people, and Messiah to all nations who would come to believe in Him as the Savior.  The Christ-mas light is here and shines throughout the earth with good tidings of great joy to all mankind.  The hope of God’s favor for salvation was marked for eternity when Christ was born in a "cattle’s" cave in Bethlehem. 

Throughout the years Simeon continued to believe, without knowing how God would work things out for his good.  He saw a baby physically, but spiritually Simeon saw the solution that would repair the breach that sin caused between God and man. 

In wisdom Simeon prepared the young couple for what would become of the Christ child.  The sword that would pierce the Son of God would do the same emotionally as Mary would one day observe this prophecy before her own tear filled eyes. (Luke 2:34-35) 

Gender to Generation 

As we have walked through the lives of those who received Christmas Favor in this series, it isn’t surprising how God has done so.  He has crossed generations and gender using a young virgin, a barren woman, a working class man, an elder in the priesthood, an old prophet and a prophetess. 

Elizabeth, Zechariah, Joseph, Mary, Simeon and Anna trusted God’s plan and remained faithful and receptive to the Holy Spirit.  Their faithfulness allowed God to give them His favor and be a part of something great that others only witnessed or missed out on altogether. 

What did they all have in common (besides a song in their heart)?  Not knowing how things would play out for their future, they surrendered their all to the Spirit of God, reminding us that we are never too young or too old to be used for God’s plan. 

These now citizens of Heaven responded to the call of God on their lives when their day of salvation came.  Their hearts weren’t hardened, but surrendered, ready and willing to do “whatever it takes” to get the message that Christ-mas Light, that the Messiah and saving grace (favor) had come.  

Today many Christians continue to sing the songs of Christmas past but fail to remain a beacon of light so all would come to believe, because they are not willing to be led.

Are you allowing the Spirit of God to lead you so that you remain righteous and a devout servant of Christ?  Perhaps it’s time to surrender to the plan so that the Hope of Christmas Favor will flourish in your life every day. 

As we come to the end of this series, believe and receive what you have heard on this day.

God’s Greatest Hope 

Driving to church on Christmas morning, I noticed that the church parking lots weren’t full, and sadly the hope of the Messiah didn’t reach as many souls as it could.  It made me wonder:
“Have God’s people forgotten about the Hope of Favor we received when the Christ-mas child was born into our own lives?” 

This Week’s Challenge:
Surrender to the Christ-mas Light  

The Christ-mas Light message is still shining bright, and the hope of salvation favor to all who will believe is very much alive!  

On December 27th, 2016 we received an aerogramme from a man in Indonesia.  My husband asked me if I knew who he was, but I informed him that I did not. 

Although physically our Christmas lights can only be seen a short distance, the Light that brought us salvation reaches from sea to sea around the world.  This devout man of God wrote a letter of thanks to us for helping them in their outreach missions so other Indonesians would learn about the Christ-mas Child Jesus, and the hope of salvation (through God’s Daily Favor) was now theirs by faith.  Praise God for the Light of Christ-mas! 

Our challenge this week is not one that should end for any believer, but one of spiritual favor for all to witness as Simeon and Anna did.  

As you prepare to set goals and resolutions for the upcoming year, through prayer surrender your life plans to the Lord no matter how young or old you are.  If you’re still here, God has favor designated for your life plan. 

Let this year be guided by the Holy Spirit so that He can work joyful wonders of His love through you, and grant you more favor then you’ve ever experienced. 

Your life matters to God. There is a promise behind that hope of Christmas Favor set aside just for those who dare to believe. 

Let me leave this thought with you as to why God is willing to show favor to those who will shine the Light of Christ-mas not only on the holiday, but all through the year. 

“The people are living very much below poverty line, and in part living in fear, anxiety and are desperate.  They very much need the news of peace, joy and eternal life through salvation.”  Letters of Hope from Indonesia 

Remember what you’ve learned this year, and take it to the next step. Shine the Light of the Hope of Christ-mas Favor with others each and every day God grants you life.   

“For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the Saints, but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God. 

While, through the proof of this ministry, they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ,
and for your liberal sharing with them and all men, 

and by their prayer for you, who long for you because of the exceeding grace ((His favor and mercy and spiritual blessing which is shown forth) of God in you. 

Thanks be to God for His indescribable free gift of eternal life through salvation! (2 Corinthians 9:12-15 NKJV emphasis mine)

All To Jesus Surrender led and sung by Robin Mark 

If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post. 

Until Jesus comes, share the message of Christ-mas Favor!

“The Holy Spirit is waiting to give you Christ favor.”
Jesus Christ 

*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. 

Note: Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB).  Emphasis is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take away from the inspirited Word of God. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

What’s New This Week: Click on the photo or link.
Spirit Filled Life by Charles Stanely on Daily Favor Blog
Discovering the Joy of Surrendering to the Holy Spirit
Large Print by Charles Stanley 
Also available in eBook, paperback, audio and MP3 

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. 
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image:  Christmas Service  Christmas Light on House   Anna the Prophetess  Immanuel God with Us  Hope Has Come  Led by the Holy Spirit
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

The Hope of Christmas Favor, Christmas Favor, Christmas Lights, Charles Stanley, Holy Spirit, Christian Living, Birth of Jesus Christ, Simeon the Prophet, Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Christmas Favor, Christmas Service, Anna the Prophetess, Immanuel God with Us, Led by the Holy Spirit, Christmas Favor Series, Communion, The Lord's Supper, The Nunc Dimittis of  Simeon, The Spirit Filled Life.

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Songs of Christmas Favor (Mary’s Song)

Christmas Favor Series: Part 4 

Music is an essential element in my life; Christmas songs especially. So when it comes to participating in a play or cantata, I’m all in on the festivities.  There’s one in particular that could have changed the whole “gotta be a part of this” though … it all happened about twenty years ago. 

Our church was preparing for the annual Christmas cantata and as usual both my husband and I volunteered to be in the play and musical part of the program.  We were blessed being paired with one another as a couple.  He had a ton of lines and was really good.  

As for me, well I managed to get over my stage fright in the acting part.  It was the musical end that almost closed the curtains for this gal. 

Welcome new friends this week from:
See if your city/state/country made the list. 

New on DFB – Afghanistan; Bolivia; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Djibouti; Egypt; Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia; Gamberale, Abruzzo, Italy; Kuwait; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Panama; Saudi Arabia; Switzerland; Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela; Zambia. 

USA Verbena, AL; Bodcaw, AR; San Diego, CA; Colorado Springs, CO; Sandy Springs, GA; Phelps, KY; Thayer, MO; Ramseur, NC; Sanford, NC; Levittown, PA; Rochester, NY; Trenton, TX. 

I am so thankful for your visit and hope that you come back each week to participate in the weekly challenges.  God has been faithful and we expect His Christmas favor to abound in the lives of those who chose to believe in His Son, Jesus all year round.

You are welcome to leave comments or prayer requests below.  All are private. I would love to hear from you and how Daily Favor has worked in your life.  Contact me by leaving a message in the box at the bottom of this week’s post.  

Don't miss out on this week's challenge (below).
Be sure to visit Tell Me, Q & A or other sections.  

Practice Perfect 

It was late September when those involved with the annual church Christmas program received the scripts and music that would be performed in December.  This year the cantata was the most difficult, but the songs were wonderful. 

After church on Sundays and following prayer meeting on Wednesdays we had rehearsal.  As the performance dates grew closer music practice would also be set for Monday or Tuesday, giving us time to weed out any problems in the solos or interactive parts.  

Our choir director was a perfectionist when it came to making sure everything went right.  We were in awe of his piano and singing abilities, but extremely blessed that he was part of our congregation and not off touring the world.  He could have been; he was highly favored by God in his theatrical music talent. 

Sing that Tune 

Even though the cast was good sized, our choir was not.  There were only about a dozen or so in the group, but every one of us was thrilled to be a part of the cantata.  Some of us were also in the play, which kept us hopping back and forth in the room. 

There were two lines that formed the group; boys in back and girls in front during rehearsals.  Being stage and platform challenged we sort of had no other choice. 

That’s the way it started out, but as we progressed people got switched around.  Eventually the choir director figured out the best positions for us all and we settled in to our new slots. 

I can’t remember where everyone stood, but it wasn’t hard to forget where I was standing.  To my right was Raven, one of the senior members in the church.  Next to her was my sister Ann and a few others to her right as well.  There was only one lady to my left. 

Watch just how off key he really is. So funny!.
Everything was going well until we opened our mouths to sing.  What a sad song it was as we all tried to sing in tune.  The problem was we each sang to our own beat.  It didn’t take long for us to get on key … for the most part anyway.  At least I tried and kept trying to sing the notes correctly.   

Our director would point to a person and on cue we had to sing a line or two from the program.  It reminded me of that episode of Andy Griffith when Barney tells the choir director he can sing.  Everyone knows but Barney that he can’t sing … not a lick! 

When he called on me I was as nervous as a cat.  I couldn’t really figure out why it happened, because our family sang professionally for years.  It is easier singing to people you don’t know though, at least it is for me. 

Not One More Step 

Whew … I did it, sang on key that is with no glitches at all.  Stepping back into my spot in line the director called on a couple more to belt out a few notes.  Not bad, everyone was doing okay. 

Sitting at the piano our director gave the signal to begin singing.  Within seconds that tone deaf bird flew back into the room, only this time it wouldn’t get off my shoulders.   What happened?  Not even ten minutes earlier I was singing fine. 

You can hear someone was NOT hitting the right notes, and I knew it was me.  No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get it right.  Looking past Raven I leaned over to see my sister.  I had this weird frown on my face as if she understood what I meant. 

Straightening my stance I leaned back into my position, but as I did the mysterious was uncovered. Dear Raven was the cause of my sour notes.  For some reason her voice was throwing me off key.  I didn’t understand this because when she sang a solo her voice was fine.  A bit low, but fine.   

I am a soprano and my sister is a falsetto soprano. After practice I asked if she was having any difficulty singing her part.  Of course she didn’t, her voice is perfect and beautiful. 

With some last tweaks of the positioning for the singers, the choir director decided to move me to the other side of the person standing on my left.  I didn’t really want to be switched, because I was in the center and eye-to-eye level in approximation with the director making it easy to follow his cues. 

Quickly stepping into her new spot she moved in front of me and ever so gently pushed me to the side.  As the night wore on I noticed that the tips of my toes were slightly off the platform and with another step I would have fallen off the stage.  In fact, I did take that giant leap one night.  Thankfully during the actual program the choir would be located on the floor to the right of the stage! 

Resounding Hallelujahs 

Our anticipation and anxiety grew as the performance dates arrived.  With lights lowered and positions set, it was time for Raven to sing her solo.  The audience silenced as her raspy bass voice sang the song of Christmas … the Savior has come.   

The voices of the saints were in harmony as we repeated the angelic sounds of rejoicing hallelujahs to the new born KING.  Jointly our “magificant” song mirrored that of Mary’s, which was given voice the night of Gabriel’s visitation.  Oh how the arms of God surrounded us with the revelation of Christmas favor that had come to mankind. 

The Songs of Christmas Favor 

Continuing through chapters one and two of the book of Luke in the New Testament of the Bible, there is another common thread that the participants of the first Christmas shared – a song of favor.  Zacharias, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary along with Simeon and Anna all echoed a song of praise for the grace (unmerited favor) they received from the Lord.  For the sake of time, I’d like to share the heart of Mary in this post. 

This week I discussed with my husband what the Lord was sharing through His scriptures concerning the Magnificat of Mary also referred to as the Song of Mary.  It’s so much more than just lyrics from a young virgin girl who was excited about what God was about to do through her. 

If you’re not familiar with it, this canticle is most often sung during Christian church services around Advent from the scripture found in Luke 1:45-55 following a conversation she had while visiting Elizabeth.  Some think of it as a continuation or a follow-up response to the praises that she received when the news of her expectancy was revealed. 

In this hymn of praise, Mary describes that the joy in her soul reflected what she already possessed in her spirit.  She had found gladness of the Lord in God her Savior.  The delight was that He chose her, a lowly humble hand-maiden to bear the Son of God.   

It is likened to the magnificant song of Hannah when she rejoices in praise to Yahweh for the birth of her son Samuel (1 Samuel 2:1–10).  Traditionally we can see traces fashioned after the prophetess in the Song of Deborah found in Judges 5:1-31.  Mary chose to magnify God, but sadly many people throughout church history choose to magnify her over God.

Mary’s Four Soul Finds 

If we take a closer look between the lines of the Song of Mary, we can see how she describes the favor of God in four specific areas: 

1 - Favor God has shown her.

2 - Favor on those who fear God.

3 - Favor to others who choose God as Savior.

4 - Favor for Israel/Zion. 

The “Hymn of Mary” begins in Luke 1:46 and ends at verse 55.  Breaking down the four finds, it begins in verses 46-49 where Mary sees favor given to her.  It is here where we notice her humility in the condescension tones she uses comparing her lowly positioning or state to others from the merciful Almighty God, creator of all things. 

Mary rejoices and gives praise for Heavenly favor by trying to make sense of it all for the reason why God would choose such a girl as she to carry His child.  At this time she becomes fully aware that all generations will call her favored of God, because this is like no other that will ever be shown toward another human for all eternity past, present or future. 

1 - Favor to Herself 

Her song is a continuation of Elizabeth’s words in the conversation they were sharing about the favor of God on both their lives.  She tells how her soul (spirit) exulted rejoices and magnifies in God her Savior … the Savior of me personally.  

She starts with praise and rejoicing then repeats the process: 

Rejoice – And Mary said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” (vs. 46-47) 

Mary recognizes she is a sinner that needs to be saved.  The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that “all” have sinned.  She is in awe how the Lord has “looked upon her” with such mercy even though she isn’t royalty, but a servant in which she is now humbled to be a recipient of His grace and favor.  It gives her a reason to rejoice with gladness. 

Reason for rejoicing – “because He has looked with favor on the humble condition of His slave.” (vs. 48) 

Rejoice – “Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed.” 

Mary openly proclaims that indeed God is mighty - the Mighty One. (Psalm 20:1) 

Reason 2 for rejoicing - “because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and His name is Holy.”  (vs. 49) 

2 - Favor and mercy on those who fear God.  

The voice of thanksgiving for favor is extended to those who fear God.  Mary understands that through THIS CHRIST-mas child will come the fulfillment of the promise to redeem mankind. 

God has reached down from Heaven granting His eternal mercy for all generations that revere and fear Him.  It’s no longer just about her receiving extraordinary favor. 

“His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him. (vs. 50) 

3 - Favor to others who choose God as Savior. 

New light is given to her revelation when she learns that God is discriminating in His distribution of remarkable favor.  It is only extended to those who seek His Son through the redemptive power of salvation. 

Favor is no longer just for those who love God among the Jewish nation, but through Jesus Christ, favor will be extended to the Gentiles – all people, every nation and tribe who receive the message of salvation.   

God has stretched out His arm of favor through the power of the Holy Spirit to save the lost, and reject those who remain filled with pride. 

“He has done a mighty deed with His arm; He has scattered
the proud because of the thoughts of their hearts.” (vs. 51) 

Instead of promoting the high and mighty upon earthly thrones (the Bible refers to as “seats”), God has passed over Kings of the past who exalt themselves over Him.  He didn’t look to the elite rulers of Israel, but showered her, a lowly handmaiden, with His favor. 

Mary’s Song of Favor starts out magnifying God, and ends with proclaiming the promises that will be remembered forever.   She is encouraged, lifted up and her joy is full.  Her life is now satisfied with good things and those in power have been sent away with nothing from the Lord. 

“He has toppled the mighty from their thrones and exalted the lowly.
He has satisfied the hungry with good things
and sent the rich away empty.” (vs. 52-53)

4 - Favor for Israel (Zion which is the Church). 

The last favor find that Mary tells us is that God has kept His promise to grant mercy to Israel.  This is a two-fold remembrance vow.  Israel is to remember how God has granted them mercy throughout generations past when He took them by the hand and led them to the promise land.

God also remembers His promise to Abraham’s seed or offspring, which covers the vastness of earth from generation to generation.  You could think of it like this:
“God remembers His own promises.” 

Jehovah remembers His love and devotion to the people of Israel and His plans will always include them. (Psalm 98:3)  We would be wise to do the same! 

“He has helped His servant Israel, mindful of His mercy,
just as He spoke to our ancestors, to Abraham and his
descendants forever.” (vs. 54-55 HCSC)

Raven’s Song of Christmas Favor 

It’s amazing how God reveals His messages to us.  Sometimes it comes through ministering angels as it did with those mentioned in this Christmas Favor Series, sometimes through His Word or others.   

This week it came through Raven, a humble servant of the Lord who left earth to sing with the Heavenly Saints this past Monday, December 19th, 2016.  The love of God was deep in her heart as it was with Mary; we heard it sung time and time again through the song of favor she sang from John 3:16. 

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son,
so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 HCSB)

Although we shall miss our sister in Christ, we believe and receive the CHRIST-mas favor of salvation that Immanuel, God is with us. (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8)  

The promise of eternal life was manifested through God’s Son Jesus … the CHRIST-mas child, over 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem!   

Rejoice all ye Saints, Mary’s song of CHRIST-mas favor is still being sung.  Won’t you join me in the choir and proclaim your song of Christ’s favor? 

This Week’s Challenge:
Sing Your Song of Favor  

Throughout the Christmas season we love to join in the chorus and sing carols in whatever key we want.  There’s a laughter and joy that fills the room penetrating into our hearts as we sing joy to the world.  By the time we get to Silent Night a hush covers the room, and the Spirit of the Lord reveals Himself to our humbled hearts. 

For our challenge this week, let us sing our song of favor for all to hear. As we celebrate Christmas this season, be very mindful of the four things that Mary pondered in her heart when CHRIST-mas was born.   

Remember how God has favor in store just for you.   

Remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully crafted, created and molded by Him for His plan. 

Remember that you are not exempt when it comes to needing your sins washed away, and that only His grace and unmerited favor will grant you access into Heaven. 

Remember that God loves Israel and Zion (His Christian church both Gentile and Jewish).  We are His and the promised CHRIST-mas child came that all will not perish, but have everlasting life. 

With a song in our hearts and praise on our lips, it’s our time to joyfully proclaim His fame from this generation to the next generation!  God has shown us great things; Holy is His name.  His mercy and favor are free for all those who fear Him and receive Him. 

Merry Christmas beloved of God, may the songs of Christ’s favor bring glad tidings of good news to all who hear it. (Hopefully, they’ll all be on key!) 

If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post. 

Until next time, join in the Song of God’s favor for your life!

“There is a favor song for all the Saints.”
Jesus Christ

*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy. 

Note: Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB).  Emphasis is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take away from the inspirited Word of God. 

Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness. 

What’s New This Week: Click on the photo or link.
The Women of Christmas by Lisa Curtis Higgs on Daily Favor Blog
Experience the Season Afresh with Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna
By Lisa Curtis Higgs (Hardcover Edition) 

Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also.  Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.

Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. 

Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image:  Christmas Cantata  Christmas Sheet Music  Barney Can't Sing  Hallelujah  Mary's Song  God's Favor  John 3:16
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

Songs of Christmas, Mary's Song, Birth of Jesus Christ, Favor of God, Extraordinary Favor, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Christmas Favor, Merry Christmas, Christian Living, Lisa Curtis Higgs, Todd Agnew, Raven, Christmas Cantata