Yesterday (April 27th) marked the second
anniversary of my husband’s open heart surgery.Since then he’s had quite a journey on his road to recovery.
Those who follow Daily Favor know my posts are wrapped
around the actual events in my life.So,
being that, right now we are at the hospital for my husband’s prep for
surgery.This will be his sixth
operation (eighth hospital stay).
I’ll post as soon as I can keeping you informed.Click here to see what’s happening (it's the last update).We love you and appreciate your prayers and faithfulness
to this site.
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also.Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.Image credit
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due
to lack of belief.
references provided by Gateway Bible in the New King James Bible Version or as
Have you ever done something that may not have been the
brightest idea, but you did it anyway?I’ve proved not to be the sharpest tack in the box by doing this a ton of
times. I probably shouldn’t admit that openly, let alone in writing.
There are just some things that we know we shouldn’t do,
but often time restraints keep us from thinking clearly.That’s something Brandy experienced a few
weeks ago.
Her day began as usual, but not long after Brandy left
the house the supernatural world became real through the help of neighbors.
Welcome new friends this week from:
See if your city/state/country made the list.
New on DFB –Argentina;Bangladesh; Barbados; Edmonton, AB, Canada; Equatorial Guinea; Waitara,
Taranaki, New Zealand; Tanuku, Andhra Pradesh, India; Dasmariñas, Calabarzon,
Philippines; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Antilyas & Kasrouane, Mount Lebanon
Governorate, Lebanon; Mazabuka, Southern Province, Zambia; Providenciales,
Turks and Caicos Islands; Fiorano Canavese,
Piedmont, Italy.
Fontana, Temecula & Vacaville, CA; Castle Rock & Westminster, CO; Belle
Glade, Brownsville, Johnson, Pembroke Pines & Timber Pines, FL; Peachtree
Corners, GA; Pearl City, HI; Chester & Reisterstown, MD; Owendale, Saginaw & Sebewaing, MI; Cumberland, Cranford, Glassboro, Milltown,
Pine Lake Park & Williamstown, NJ; Canby, OR; Ephrata & Linglestown, PA;
Sherman, TX.
I am so thankful for your visit and hope that you come
back each week to participate in the weekly challenges.Join us in our new series as we spend time in
the study of Daily Favor Prayers.
You are welcome to leave comments or prayer requests below.All are private. I would love to hear from
you and how Daily Favor has worked in your life.Contact me by leaving a message in the box at
the bottom of this week’s post.
Don't miss out on this week's challenge
Be sure to visit
Tell Me, Q & A or other sections.
Keep your motor running …Not!
Brandy had just dropped her one year old son off at
daycare and was heading to work.Realizing that she had forgotten a package to be mailed that day, the
young cook made a quick turn around and returned home.
Not wanting to be late for work Brandy left her vehicle
running leaving the door wide open as she made haste into the garage to
retrieve the parcel.At the same time
her roommate Leslie was coming out of the house on her way to work, when she
saw a strange man lurking near the back of Brandy’s truck.Keeping silent she dialed 911.
The man had lowered the tailgate and
started to put his bicycle in the back of the truck when Leslie called out to
her friend in the garage.Seeing he had
been spotted the man pulled his bike out of the truck bed and tried to make a
Running away the “almost robber”
started disrobing, tossing his very identifiable bright red jacket in a bush and
a greyish sweatshirt in a yard a few houses away from theirs.Ditching his bike, back and forth he ran from
house to house trying to find a place where he could make an escape.His efforts were to no avail, because every
home on the street had a fenced in back yard that was joined together at some
Auto Zone
Hardly believing what they saw, the
two girls watched in fear from their front porch as the “would be thief” tried
to find shelter by hiding in the bushes.The easterly morning sun made plain where he was by revealing his
shadow.Abiding in man’s shadow surely
wasn’t a safe haven for him.
Within minutes the police converged
on the neighborhood like a swat team ready for action.Tension grew when the armed officers drew
their guns.Tracking the steps of the criminal
they swiftly moved wasting no time apprehending the fellow and arrested him.
The following day the two women
learned that the auto thief was definitely not in the right zone and had a list
of priors and warrants for his arrest as high as the truck itself!
It Was Prayer
Last week, after the event, Leslie
saw her neighbor getting out of his vehicle when she motioned for him to come
to the fence that divided their yards.After hearing the details of the almost robbery that literally took place ten feet from their home, he went inside his
house and shared the news with his wife.Immediately
she knew why the man’s plan to do evil was destroyed … it was prayer!
Something unbeknown to Brandy and
Leslie is that their neighbors are not just Christians, but gateway to Heaven’s
courtyard prayer warriors.In prayer
each night the middle aged couple activates the promises of God by giving voice
to Psalm 91, calling on His angels to form an invisible cover of protection
over the entire community.
The Favored Saints Prayer
I’m not going to rewrite history by
giving a long dissertation about all the ins and outs that pertain to Psalm 91,
but will share that it’s one of the most powerful songs of prayer in the Bible.Scholars refer to this passage of scripture
as the “Favored” Saints Prayer, because of its limited access to the Throne of
the Almighty.
Although there are only sixteen
verses, it is packed with promises of God for those who dare to enter "the
secret place" reserved for a chosen few.It is clearly broken down into sections describing what each is for and
the privileges that pertain to those who God makes these assurances to in His
A Guest of God’s
Prayer isn’t foreign to anyone, not
even those who don’t know Jesus as their Savior. People “pray” or call out to a
higher authority whenever they’re in a situation they can’t face alone.
New believers learn to pray from the
time they’re babes in Christ, but they don’t always know how to do it with the
authority they received upon salvation. Although God hears the prayers of all
His children, not every person that prays is invited into the Throne room of
God as His guest in the inner court.There’s a reason for that.
Let me explain what I mean without
going into too much detail about the kinds and types of prayer.What I’m referring to involves fellowship in
prayer with God where an individual “dwells” or “abides” with the Lord.It’s a place where friendship is formed and
builds upon the foundation of trust.
Only those who put their complete
faith and trust in God enjoy the full benefits found in Psalm 91.
The Inside Scoop
Scripture tells about such
relationships like that of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Elijah or Enoch, and these are
only a few mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible.Don’t get me started with the New Testament folks
or this article would never get finished!The trust between the covenant partners was so great that miraculous things
happened and angels were a common sighting.
Take Abraham for our first example.
His relationship was valued by GOD so strongly that He made a covenant with old
Abe that no one could break, ever! (Abrahamic covenant ceremony Genesis 15) Talk
about being on the inside track for a news scoop, Jesus and His angels popped
in for a meal before sharing with His friend the plans about destroying Sodom
and Gomorrah.
The LORD trusted Moses’ faith in Him to
give him the sacred Ten Commandments in private meetings where they fellowshipped
for long periods of time without interruption. (Exodus 20)The anointing and favor of God fell on Moses’
second in command, Joshua, because he learned how to spend time with the Lord as did
his leader.How many people do you know asked
God to stop the sun from setting and He did it? (Joshua 10:12-14)
Who else in history strolled with God
all the way to Heaven without dying, because the Heavenly Father valued the fellowship
of a friend so much He didn’t want it to stop? (Enoch - Genesis 4:21-24)That’s really sitting at ringside in the
court of God wouldn’t you say?
The favor of God on Elijah was so
strong that Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing before he
witnessed the Prophet ascending to Heaven in a whirlwind. (2 Kings 2:9 -11)I can hear him now … ”Where can I get some of
Abiding in His Shadow
It was during a difficult time when I
first learned how to pray and understood that angels only move into
action when they heard the Word of God spoken.Knowing this was another good reason to memorize passages of scripture,
especially in times of danger.
Breaking down the psalm there are key
elements that believers sometimes overlook.From the opening the psalmist (not really known, but believed to be
Moses due to Psalm 90 being written by him), share the key to being invited
into the secret places of the Most High God.
In order for us to dwell (live or abide)
under God’s protection, we have to trust Him and actually go where He is when seeking
our refuge.Only those who dwell
with God get a place under His shadow to be covered from the works of the
devil.It’s like if you’re caught in a
rain storm but your husband has the umbrella in the car! (That just
happened!)Without a covering of protection
believers are vulnerable and prey for satan.
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most
High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.Surely He shall deliver you
from the snare of the fowlerand from the perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be
your shield and buckler.”
(Psalm 91: 1-4 NKJV)
When you abide with God, there’s safety in
His presence because His shadow always goes with Him.It’s a secret place for the favored because
of their personal relationship and abiding communion with God near His mercy seat.
It’s a privilege to be a guest with the Lord
where He pours out protection, refreshing, comfort and favor to those who love
to sit and chat without seeking “favors” all the time.God values those precious times and is a
rewarder of those who seek Him and not His handouts.
They’re His Angels
Another promise of God for those in
the secret place is that He sets angels over any situation that comes against
the person who has taken refuge under His shadow. They are His angels, not
co-workers of satan or flunkies that lost access to the Throne room of
Not only do “shadow dwellers” have
God’s protection, they have angels ... that's plural, not singular angels surrounding them.
“ Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most
High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”
(Psalm 91: 9-11 NKJV)
If you read the life accounts of the few individuals I
mentioned there would be no doubt that they spent a lot of time under God’s
shadow.Angels were everywhere pulling
them out of situations as only God’s servants could.
He Did it for Them, He’ll Do it for
Like Brandy there are times that we
make innocent mistakes in judgment, and it’s those times we really need the
angels of the Lord surrounding us as a shield to guard against the enemy.She trusted in the fact that the neighborhood
was a pretty safe one and didn’t expect evil biting at her tires.
Brandy’s vehicle (or anyone else’s
for that matter) didn’t get stolen because of diligently praying the Daily
Favor of Psalm 91.Angels prevented the
man from fleeing, the officers captured a “wanted” criminal and no one was
Taking Psalm 91 to heart and trusting God as your refuge
will allow anyone who believes in Jesus to abide in His shadow of
protection.If we set our love on God, what
God did for the people in the Bible, He will also do for you or me.
He promises to be with us when we’re in trouble. God will
answer our prayers, honor our relationship, deliver and satisfy us with long
life.Personally God will reveal the
benefits as Kingdom heirs, and we will experience the fullness of our salvation.
“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore
I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My
(He has a personal knowledge of My unmerited
favor, love, and kindness. He trusts and relies on Me,
knowing that I will
never forsake him.)
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver
him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him, and show him
My salvation.”
(Psalm 91: 14-16 NKJV emphasis mine)
When someone truly loves and trusts you,
keeping that person safe and showing them endless favor is something you just
want to do!
This Week’s Challenge:
Neighborhood Prayer Watch
Praying over our neighbors should be one of the first
things on our list when we go before the Lord with our petitions.Safety is a number one priority for us when
we think of our family, so shouldn’t we be praying for anything and
anyone that could come into their path each day?
We have no control over what happens around us when it
comes to what people do, but we can make sure that when “stuff” happens we’re
already under the “Shadow Protection” plan of God.Whom shall we fear when we’re standing in the
shadow of the Almighty?
From this point on our challenge is to make sure that
every day we pray Psalm 91 over our neighborhood and put God’s angels to flight
in keeping everyone safe.Get it down
deep in your soul that God’s protection acts as a shield around the Righteous
who take refuge in Him.
Be more than an “ordinary” Christian, be a “Shadow
Dweller” and the favor of God will always surround you as a protective shield of
“ For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.”
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also.Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due
to lack of belief.
references provided by Gateway Bible in the New King James Bible Version or as
Psalm 91, Daily Favor Prayer, Protection, Safety, Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, The Favored Shield Weapon, Christian Living, Phil Driscoll, Shadow of the Almighty, Favor of God, Prayer, Weekly Challenge
This is a
very special time for Christians when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ. In obedience to
God’s command, Daily Favor will not be posted as usual as we are observing Holy
Week in remembrance of Him.
sacrifice Jesus made through dying on the cross in taking our sins upon Himself,
was and always will be the greatest form of grace – unmerited favor anyone could give for those He loved.
Read about
the greatest gift of love in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ here
in Matthew chapters 26-28. For more answers visit the Tell Me section of this site.
I am truly thankful for all of you,
and am looking forward to our next visit here and fellowship on Daily
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also.Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for more information on becoming a child of the
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due
to lack of belief.
references provided by Gateway Bible in the New King James Bible Version
or as noted.
Have you ever had times when you wanted to yank your hair
and scream because of frustration?Waiting for results or answers can sort of make us all a little crazy
can’t it?
For some of you this is the second or third time perhaps
that you’ve checked here.Even though
you may have been disappointed or “put out”, hey, you’re here!That shows diligence; a sign of maturity and
something God can use during frustration.It also shows that the timing was most effective.I guess you can tell where this is leading.
Sadly others checked for the update and figured there
wouldn’t be one so they may not return.They
like being able to predict and control all their actions or movements thinking
others will line up with their schedules.What we’ve been learning over the course of weeks is that we can’t do
that when it comes to the lives of others, and we certainly can’t put a
deadline on God’s agenda.
By now we realize that in EVERYTHING there is something to be learned, but we are not always being tested.
With that being said, shall we pick up on our story where
security took a holiday, at least briefly?
Welcome new friends this week from:
See if your city/state/country made the list.
New on DFB –Sweden; Thailand; Brazil;
Iraq; Italy; Chile; Zambia; Cyprus; Romania; Costa Rica; San Juan, Puerto Rico;
Samone, Piedmont, Italy; Kasrouane, Mount Lebanon Governorate, Lebanon; Sunderland,
England, United Kingdom.
–Canton, GA; Sewell, NJ; Duncan,
SC; Oklahoma City, OK; Smethport & Sugar Grove, PA; Pembroke Pines, FL; DeKalb,
IL; Sharpsburg, NC; Warrensburg, MO; Sebewaing, MI; Parma Heights, OH; Huntingdon,
TN; Howard, WI.
I am so thankful for your visit and hope that you come
back each week to participate in the weekly challenges.Join us in our new series as we spend time in
the study of Daily Favor Prayers.
You are welcome to leave comments or prayer requests below.All are private. I would love to hear from
you and how Daily Favor has worked in your life.Contact me by leaving a message in the box at
the bottom of this week’s post.
Don't miss out on this week's challenge
Be sure to
visit Tell Me, Q & A or other sections.
One thing I can say for certain is that life isn’t dull
and if you think it is you aren’t looking at people!“Stuff” is always happening – some good, some
bad, some just plain funny or weird. My life … weird stuff is taking the
driver’s seat lately.Well, I should
rephrase that, I’ve been in the passenger seat watching this happen in hubby’s
Now that the sharp dressed man was long gone and the
turmoil from the beginning of our excursion had subsided, we hit our shopping
groove and went about our business.Things went smoothly with no rushing or sense of urgency.
Where Is that Boy?
I was ringing things up at the self-checkout when hubby
decided to go to the ATM inside the store.Not really good timing on his part especially since I was almost done. Keeping a watch on what he was doing I slowed
down my pace of scanning items to almost a complete stop so he’d have time to
get back before I was done.
Glancing over to the ATM machine I noticed the hubster
wasn’t there.Without a word to me he
changed his plans.Want to guess what he
did?If you said visit the restroom you
would be right on the money. While right
next to the restroom he decided that he would visit one more time before
By now I was finished checking out and was ready to feed
the machine the money for the goods we purchased.Looking down the aisle to my right there was
no husband to be found.In my mind was,
“Where is that boy?”
That Good Old Bench
Leaving the “essentials room” in a bit of a hurry to get
back to me, hubby almost bumped into the bench outside the door, (you know that
good old bench where we first saw the quick change artist).
Looking down to avoid hitting his leg he saw something
quite unexpected; “frumpled” (partially folded and crumpled up) money on the
end of the bench.
He didn’t see anyone near the area and no one was sitting
on the bench. His immediate thoughts were to return the money to its rightful
owner as it says in Deuteronomy, but whose wad was this, and how could he
return it if he didn’t know who lost it anyway?
“If you see your neighbor’s ox or sheep or goat
wandering away,
don’t ignore your responsibility. Take it back to its owner.
its owner does not live nearby or you don’t know who the owner is,
take it to
your place and keep it until the owner comes looking for it.
Then you must
return it.
Do the same if you find your
neighbor’s donkey, clothing, or anything else your neighbor loses. Don’t ignore
your responsibility.”
Deuteronomy 22:1-3
It was just “there” calling out “here I am” … waiting as
if a gift from Heaven beckoning to be picked up and used.Grabbing the cash discretely he came back to
me at the check-out.
A side note here, earlier that morning I prayed and asked
God to provide for a new vacuum cleaner.Remember the one I said that constantly gives … it spews out everyone it
digests?Could this be pennies from
Heaven (I suppose dollars would be more accurate)?
Why is this happening to me?Again!
I was wondering what was taking my husband so long when
here he comes practically at a gallop towards me with his arms close by his
sides like he was in a straightjacket. Weird … I thought.
“Why is this happening to me?Again!Why did I get out of bed
this morning?”I could hear hubby saying as he came closer shaking his head in unbelief.
What is it now, I thought, that has him so worked up?In about five seconds flat with uncertainty
in his voice he explained what happened and turned his hand over disclosing the
new found funds.
He didn’t even give me time to react except to ask how
much it was and that it didn’t belong to us.Instead of waiting until we were done, he abruptly took off and headed
to customer service.Once again he left
me with a shopping cart of unpaid groceries and him forgetting to leave his
We’re at Defcon 3 Folks
Now this is beginning to get awkward.As I stood there awaiting his return the annoying
register kept saying, “Do you wish to
continue?”I pushed the “yes” key
numerous times drawing the attention of the security guy at the check-outs.
Sure, forget about the guy who changes into a new set of
clothes in the bathroom and walks right out the door.I’m just waiting for my husband and security zeros
in on me for a second time that day. The
first time was when I was in the garden department with my pocketbook in the
cart.A security guard asked if I was
taking something out of the store without a receipt!Awhhhh – frustration building.
Security went from non-existent to Defcon 3 in a matter
of seconds.I thought of asking the
interested employee to go and get hubby for me, but oh that’s right … he couldn’t
leave until he was relieved. (Now who’s being sarcastic?)
Charity begins Here
Reporting back to customer service, the same lady he
talked to about the "clothing exchange" was still in command. She called for the assistant manager who
instructed my husband to leave the cash with him. If no one claimed it in thirty days the store
will donate it to a charity of their choice.
A bit of speculation washed over hubby’s thinking when
the manager suggested he give him the money, especially when he said in a
condescending tone, "Of course we can't force you to do it, but..." Was he one of those "name it and claim it" people that believed someone else's loss was meant for their profit?
Money, money, money! Unclaimed cash, no identification … hmmm “charity begins
here” … could have been what came to mind when the manager said to give him
the money. Holding his ground hubby made
other arrangements with the store and rejoined me at the check-out.
As we began to leave a fellow believer and longtime
resident of the area entered the store. Sharing the last incident she agreed my
husband had made the right decision.
When Timing Matters
Lord, all we wanted to do was get cat food and a few
groceries.We weren’t seeking drama,
adventure, or to interfere with other people’s lives.
Looking back we can see how a few minutes either side of
the events we experienced would have kept us from being smack in the middle of
them.However, it is obvious that the
Lord wanted us (hubby) there at those express moments in time. Apparently timing does matter.
So many times we need to make split second decisions and
aren’t always sure how to handle them. Do
we stick with morals and do what God says?What if the situation isn’t exactly crystal clear in the Bible, what do
we do then?
Please Take the Polls
What would you have done in these situations? Would you have reported the man or just let
it go? Would you have butted in and told
him that what he was doing was wrong? Was
it possible that the man had already paid for the clothes and decided to forego
getting a bag and just changed into them before he left?
What would you have done with the money?Would you have picked it up waved it in the
air shouting, “Anybody lose this?”That
would have created a nice little mob scene. How about leaving it at the store and just going
on your way taking no responsibility to see if the funds were returned to the
rightful owners? That would have been
the easiest thing to do.
Take a few seconds and let me know what you’d do in taking
the polls to the right of this page.No
one knows who it is, so you can be honest.
I’ll give the results before the next posting and then they will be closed. (Please leave your answers in the comment section if the poll gadget is not showing. Your answers will not be made public.) POLL CLOSED POLL RESULTS from Security Takes a Holiday: Part 3 (4/7/17)
Would you snitch on a person stealing?
Yes (33%) Not sure (67%) What would you do with the found money? Give it to the store & forget it. (33%) Give it all to charity. (67%)
Mind Your Character
In recalling the “King’s new wardrobe” incident, my
husband made the choice that in order to prevent the man from getting into
trouble he would buy the clothing for him given the opportunity.
As for the second incident, the character of a man
remained intact because the focus wasn't on gaining from another person’s
loss.God wants us to stay in “character”
as the image bearers of Christ regardless of what situations He brings into our
Regardless to what the employees of the store did, we
tried to do what was right and honorable in God’s eyes despite how it looked to
the public.This was one thing that
caused the posting of this to be later in the day.We wanted to do things according to the law
in waiting and that was after the regular posting time.
To clarify things, our frustration didn’t come from
waiting for this situation to be resolved, but waiting on God for answers as to
why my husband witnessed these incidents.Not knowing where favor played a role, or our part in this, was really
weighing on us.
What we realized was that God sometimes calls on His
children for “favor” but it’s never unmerited.He simply wants to include us in His plans and wants to be included in ours.
This Week’s Challenge:
Favor for God’s Trust
Friends, sometimes God just wants us to be there for Him.
He doesn’t have a grand scheme or some tremendous test that we must pass (although sometimes
He does), but He has seen the character we maintain in all situations.
Most of the time it’s we humans that have a hard time
trusting God in a situation and rarely do we think of it the other way
around.The challenge this week is to check our own moral character with
the trust factor God is looking for in each of us.
Here were two very different types of stealing. One witnessed and one that we could have taken
part in if that was where our hearts were.For these particular situations
God placed my husband where He needed him and I viewed it from the sidebar.
Would I have made the right decisions that pleased the
Lord and showed that I could be trusted, without expecting favor compensation
from Him?I can tell you that paying for
the man’s duds wasn’t the first thing I thought.Maybe if it were a woman … hmm?
As we go about our business have we made room in our
plans to include Daily Favor for God’s plans? Can He trust us to stop in the middle of our
routine schedule and let Him use us no matter how strange or weird it may seem?In other words, are we the moral vessels of
honor God can use?
“Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the
latter (immoral acts),
he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and
useful for the Master,
prepared for every good work.”(2 Timothy 2:21 NKJV)
For my vacuum cleaner … we haven’t parted
ways ... yet! Oh, but there will come a day
of rejoicing!
Something special to share with you ...
As a worship leader I look for songs of integrity
that are based on scripture for our congregations and me to sing. Our video this week is a song I sing
that isn’t on You Tube.I first heard
it around 2001. It is from a ministry in music that we have used for twenty years.
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also.Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due
to lack of belief.
references provided by Bible Gateway in the New King James Bible Version or as
credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common
License if not specified.