Northern East Coast Region including the fabulous State of New York is a
favorite among tourists when it comes to the glorious fall season weather.
There is lots to see and do whether you are traveling alone or with family. Visit the historical sites and
drive through the mountain range or walk along the lake shores.
the state, stop by area farmland produce markets, and include time for visiting the various shore points for great entertainment and
fine dining.
Have fun in the sun strolling the sandy beaches, then watch it all come to life at night with live entertainment
and rides for any age.
While at the lake areas, drop by the shops for some special gifts and souvenirs you can only get in New York. Don't forget those post cards you promised to mail!
There's a sweet time to be had watching candy makers while they make homemade candy, fudge or mouthwatering salt water taffy. A gift like this is sure to please loved ones and friends back home.
you are into boating, water skiing, fishing, camping or trailing, NY is a
fantastic place to take the family on vacation. Be sure to
bring your camera and capture this season of fun for everyone!"
this little snippet, you might think it’s an advertisement brochure for tourists, or perhaps it's merely a summary of the first parts in this teaching series. Although it does make the Lake District sound
like an intriguing place to visit, in reality, it’s something else.
As promised, I mentioned in past posts that there is always a reason behind any season of waiting on God, and I'd like to share that with you now.
Need to read the beginning of this teaching series? No problem.
Thanks for joining us on Daily Favor Blog.
The photo in the introduction and this one above is the glorious view we woke up to each morning from our villa stay at Sun Castle on the shores of Lake George. In those moments we experienced how big God really is, and that waiting on His season of favor is totally worth it. Thank you Lord!
able to take mini-vacations is an extreme blessing that many people have never
been able to do, and neither did we for years after our honeymoon. It was during the difficult seasons that we
learned to lean on God for His preparing us to receive the blessings He gives
through favor.
had to learn about God’s seasons, which teaches us to wait for His perfect
timing for what is best. It’s easy for
us to understand the changing of seasons when it comes to the weather, but the
same applies to differing seasons in our life.
a look at these verses from the book of Proverbs in the Bible:
wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will
attain wise counsel.” (1:5)
your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding.” (2:2)
the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding (2:6)
will preserve you; Understanding will keep you.” (2:11)
in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” (3:5)
is the man who finds wisdom, and gains understanding.” (3:13)
If you haven't noticed there
is something that is identified as “key” … here is the perfect scripture that
sums it up entirely.
“Wisdom is the
principal (main) thing; therefore, get wisdom.
And in all your
getting, get understanding.” (4:7)
our own seasons in life will help us handle situations and circumstances more
effectively. Through the counsel of the
Lord we gain knowledge and understanding as did King Solomon, which led to gaining
wisdom for operating in God’s Daily Favor.
Purpose under Heaven
it may have taken years, but when we made our first trip to the Adirondack area things worked out for our good because it was
the right timing and season as the Bible states in Ecclesiastes 3.
everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose
the Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV)
At the time we didn’t realize there
was a purpose for those trips. As the
years went by God opened doors providing the finances for bringing couples to
the mountains on an all-expense paid trip, to refresh and save rocky marriages.
It literally birthed my counseling career
by introducing them to God’s idea of being united.
We sowed seeds into other during the season we were in at the time. Our "season of life" has completely changed
since then, but God’s promise of favor on those who trust in Him has not.
Season of Hope
Maybe you’ve been waiting for your
season of favor to come, but it seems like it’s just out of reach. The season of hope is taking forever and
there’s no way the desires of your heart will ever be met.

About now you’re completely stressed with no
strength to fight back.
Let me lift the veil of
discouragement so the Light of God is able to shine hope on you with His truth.
“But the people’s minds were hardened (closed to understanding), and to
this day whenever the old covenant is being read, the same veil covers their
minds so they cannot understand the truth.
This veil can be removed only by
believing in Christ. Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their
hearts are covered with that veil, and they do not understand. But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the
veil is taken away.” (2
Corinthians 3:14-16 NLT)
The veil that is keeping people from understanding their season can only be removed when they put their faith in Christ. Without belief the covering that prevents them from seeing the truth will stay on them keeping confusion, discouragement and oppression alive and active.
Believing and trusting God removes the doubt and lies of satan that cover our
being able to stay in faith or think clearly. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that without
faith it’s impossible to please God, and the devil knows that.
“A man cannot please God unless he has faith. Anyone who comes to
God must believe that He is. That one must also know that God gives what is
promised to the one who keeps on looking for Him.”
(Hebrews 11:6 NLV)
have no control over life or nature seasons, if we did, we wouldn't have to wait. Some seasons seem to fly by while others take
their good old time. What we have to be
mindful of always is that if faith is gone, there is no hope of a season of
favor to ever happen.
"And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding." (Daniel 2:21 NKJV)
So what's happening that we can't seem to "get" understanding from the knowledge we've learned? Confusion has set in because we don't understand the season and why things are taking so long.
We wonder "why is this happening" instead of being in awe of what God is doing. Later we finally see that God was working for our good all along.
"God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT)
There is A
Reason for Your Season
everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under Heaven.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:1 BSB)
Although it may be hard to see or understand, God has a reason and purpose for every season we experience, even in waiting on His favor. He sees the whole picture and knows the right timing for everything so the situation works out for good in the long run.
"And we know that God causes everything to work together
for the good of those who love God and are called according
to His purpose for them." (Romans 8:28 NLT)
Ecclesiastes 3 talks about seasons in life. We'll go through lots of them in our lifetime and can't change what God has already set in motion. Often a season will bring on "spring" cleaning attributes where we empty out our lives of the junk that has been clouding our life vision and relationship with the Lord.
Most understand the concept of sowing in one season and reaping in another when it comes to agriculture. We have no problem waiting for the seeds to take root and grow to maturity before harvesting. However, when the season comes to an end we rejoice not in the waiting, but in the final product that came with patience.
This theory also applies to spiritual seasons as well. The difference is how we respond to the waiting that will determine the outcome and length of time we have to wait. Usually we grow weary, impatient, frustrated and abandon God because He's taking too long to grant favor on something we pleaded for in prayer.
How many times have we forgotten the promise of God for that "due" season which is to come? It's during the times of waiting that we need to reflect on past experiences where God has shown up and delivered on His Word, because we were disciplined enough to obey Him when we didn't understand what was happening.
How many times have we forgotten the promise of God for that "due" season which is to come? It's during the times of waiting that we need to reflect on past experiences where God has shown up and delivered on His Word, because we were disciplined enough to obey Him when we didn't understand what was happening.
“You shall therefore love the LORD
your God and always keep His charge, His statutes, His ordinances, and His
commandments. Know this day that it is not your children who have known and
seen the discipline of the LORD your God: His greatness, His mighty hand, and
His outstretched arm; the signs and works He did in Egypt to Pharaoh king of
Egypt and all his land …” (Deuteronomy 11:2 BSB)
Just like the Lord reminded the Israelites of what He had done for them, we need to remember what was learned through our own experiences. It will help us stay faithful to God during the waiting season.
Trust God with Your Season of Favor
I hope you enjoyed reading about a few things I've shared personally. With each trip we could see God's mighty work, blessings and favor on us and those who put their trust in Him. We also witnessed His hand withdrawn from a situation when the enemy (satan) was believed instead.
Maybe you aren't waiting to take that fabulous vacation because you desperately need a break, but are in need of something much greater. Perhaps your season of favor is for a better job with benefits, healing for your body, food for the family, new shoes for the kids, a home complete with all the "extras" (running water mainly), some means of transportation or a windfall of cash to finally get out of that mountain of debt. God knows it all and is ready to fulfill His promise to you.
“But I keep praying to You, Lord,
hoping this time You will
show me favor.
In Your unfailing love, O God, answer my prayer
with Your
sure salvation.” (Psalm 69:13 NLT)
Take this challenging opportunity to gain
insight, knowledge, direction and intimacy with the Lord. What is He telling you? If you don't know Jesus as Savior make that commitment to Him right now and receive the favor gift of salvation.
There is a good reason and purpose for having
you wait on certain blessings. Do you love God? Then trust Him and His timing; the result will be better than you could have ever imagined.
eye has seen, nor ear has heard, and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
Don’t give up on hope! Be encouraged that God’s work lasts for eternity and you will receive the benefits for waiting on His best.
Lord has heard your prayers, and watched your faithfulness. You are gaining knowledge
that brings understanding. Through
application of this information you are becoming wiser in decision making.
wait and stay in faith. Keep studying
the Word of God and be obedient. Jesus
knows where you are and what you can handle.
Your season is about to change and the favor you’ve been waiting for is
going to come – believe it.
Everything Has A Season - Your Favor Season is Coming!
To everything there is
a season,
and a time for every
purpose under Heaven."
this article has encouraged or helped you, please share it by using the social
media icons provided at the end of this post.
Until next
time, pray for wisdom during a season of favor.
“Seasons of
favor do come.”
- Jesus
*Unless noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s)
Note: When used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized
deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as
treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual
the Shifting Patterns of Your Life Reveal His Purposes for You
Richard Blackaby
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on
becoming a child of the Savior.
and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible
Image credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not
Labels: Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Waiting for Favor Season: Part 3, Hope, Waiting on God,
Obedience, Understanding, Teaching Series, Inspirational, Faith, Vacation, Relationship, Weekly Challenge, Wisdom