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Friday, September 25, 2020
2 Major Events on September 26th!
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Friday, September 18, 2020
The Plan of Life
About ten minutes after he was gone the phone rang. Trying to pick up the phone, it slipped through my fingers and dropped to the floor. Of course, it was out of reach, why wouldn’t it be!
Seeing it was my husband I needed to get to it quickly, so I stretched out my leg trying to answer it with my big toe. Remembering that this has happened before, scrolling through past conversations in my head, I could hear him say, “Swipe it, swipe it.”
I mashed it with my foot trying to get it to answer, but couldn’t because of a twisted knee injury that happened earlier in the week. Having difficulty getting my phone to pick-up is normal, but using my big toe … that’s a first for me I assure you. (By the way, it didn’t work.)
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Testing Anxious Thoughts (in Progress)
I didn’t know if there was a problem. Anxiously trying to retrieve it by sliding the phone with my foot (remember I still can’t move my leg), I was able to get it within reach. By the time I picked it up it had already gone to voice mail, only to notify me that there was no service.
Playing phone tag, we finally got through to one another. Sharing my dilemma with my husband, this time he was laughing and calling to inform me that his plans changed in which now he was going to the library.
These things seem silly, don’t they? Sometimes it’s not the big things, but all the little ones adding up that get us frustrated. They try our patience and cause us to get anxious, so that when a big problem happens, we get thrown for a loop.
Another thing we were dealing with was waiting to hear from the doctor, which made us impatient especially when we were told it would take only one day (which never happened). I wish I had as many hours in my “day” as they do, maybe I’d get more done.
immobilized from the leg injury, the internet kept going out all week, no phone
service, praying the doctor’s results were good and several more unsettling
issues, certainly challenged our faith. In trying to keep a good
attitude, no one knew the struggles that we’d been experiencing except for one
person – Jesus.
Psalm 139:23 declares that the Lord surely knows about our anxious thoughts, even when we try to keep them quenched.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Test me and know my anxious thoughts.”
“Search me, test me.” Really Lord? How many times have you asked God to test your faith? Frankly, I can’t say that is on my prayer request list.
Be Anxious for Nothing
Throughout scriptures we are told over and over not to let the cares of this world cause our faith and testimony to be compromised in how we react to situations. The way we respond shows the depth of our trust in the One we call Lord and Savior.
If we act like the unbelieving world does in handling problems, they will have no reason to trust God for anything. Basically, without words we’re really saying He isn’t a powerful loving God Who can do squat.
Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us not to be anxious, fret or worry over anything and to let the peace of God rule over our thoughts. We do this by going to the Lord in prayer and believing He will handle each request in a manner that best fits our need(s).
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
would expect that means the little things as well, don’t you? So,
casting our cares would be right in the middle of that mix I’d say.
“Casting all your cares (all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares about you (with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully).” (1 Peter 5:7 AMP)
Knowing that God’s got things under control, His peace (not ours) surrounds and guards our emotions. We can rest (comfort) in His ability to work things out for the good of those who love Him.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 KJV)
The Plan of Life
God wants to be a part of our life, and always has a better plan that will see us through any situation. He doesn’t want us to experience life’s circumstances all by ourselves. The choice is up to the individual.
If we refer to the scriptures, God reveals through the Apostle James that there is a way to go about the tests and struggles we encounter each day. Whether they are large or small, each trial is an opportunity to grow in faith and favor from the Lord.
“… when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So, let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” (James 1:2-4 NLT)
I truly want to get to that point where I am complete and lack nothing, what about you? In order for that to happen, just how much endurance do we really need to experience? Apparently, a lot if we want God to step in with His plan book of favor.
Believe You Have What You Need
faith we have to believe that when we ask God for assistance and wisdom to get
through the trials we encounter, He will give us what we
need. After we have prayed, we must believe that help is
on the way to see us to the next step in life.
If we pray and don’t truly believe God will do anything, then we will get exactly what we expected – and that is squat, nada, zilch, nothing from the Lord.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally
and without getting angry at you for asking, and it will be given to him.
But let him ask in faith believing God will help, not doubting, for he who doubts is unstable in their faith and will not receive anything from the Lord.” (from James 1:5-7 NKJV emphasis mine)
This Week’s Challenge: Plan on Believing
When it comes to winning in life (over the obstacles that are thrown along our path), believers in Christ have an upper hand on strategy – the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith in the Word of God and prayer are the most powerful weapons we have to help us overcome any situation. The devil knows that, do you?
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)
God declared that the victory is already ours. That means we’re already winners. Now we need to act like it.
As you enter the throne room of God in prayer make sure your heart is right. Ask in faith believing that He will help you. Don’t let your mind wander causing you to doubt in any way. Instead of believing in your plans, plan on believing God’s Word.
Lots of interference was thrown our way this week, but through our disappointments we smiled, laughed and didn’t let it get us down. We’re patiently believing God for a good outcome over every situation and have received favor in doing so. Twice my husband has had a stranger pay for his beverage at a drive-thru restaurant and even more things have happened where we have been blessed.
happening in your life that’s throwing your plans out of whack? No
matter what you’re going through, God’s grace and mercy will see you through if
you remain steadfast in your belief.
“You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit.” (Job 10:12 NKJV)
Let God into your heart to guide you through the good and bad times. Trust Him and His plans. He promises to grant favor on your life and care for you, giving renewed hope to your spirit, soul and body.
grant me wisdom throughout the day,
through the trials I will pray,
perfect will ... in Your perfect way.
Perfect Wisdom of Our God (Keith
& Kristyn Getty)
“I will favor you with My wisdom.” Jesus Christ
Note: The words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no place in our lives.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
credit: Google Images Creative Common License if not specified.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Labels Believe in God, Favored1, Faith, LG Cell Phones, Andrew Murray, Daily Favor Blog, Wisdom, Patience, Favor, Trials and Tribulation, God's Favor, Endurance, Frustration, Testing, Promises of God, Prayer

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020
The Crowning Glory of Grandparents
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Friday, September 4, 2020
World Premier: Rush of Hope
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