I have something for you to consider in your holiday activities that could lead someone to the Light of the World - Jesus.
Have you thought about how decorating with lights at Christmas affects people emotionally, physically and even more so, spiritually? Most haven't, but it's true. A few simple lights have the power to change the life of someone forever!
Maybe you never thought much about putting up a few lighted things around your yard or residence, but it can make a difference to someone and just might cause them to ask about the Jesus you call Savior.
You may ask, "Why should I decorate with lights? What difference does it make if I put up lights or not? They're just symbolic to some and don't really mean anything."
I understand your point and relate to your reasoning, after all, not everyone celebrates Christmas or believes in the whole Christmas story. That may be so, however, true believers in the Christchild are identified as Sons and Daughters of Light.
Understanding this the next thing to consider is "What does light symbolize biblically and how does that relate to me? Glad you asked.
Scriptures teach that "light" is a symbol of awareness; that lightbulb moment to insight on something once hidden to our thoughts. It's revelation into the wisdom of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit given to individuals upon receiving Christ into their lives as Lord and Savior.
The truth about Christ (born into this world as a baby therefore giving us Christmas) has penetrated into their hearts, shedding the Light of Hope to all they come in contact with throughout the day. These individuals no longer associate with things of darkness from the life they formerly lived when being guided by the prince of darkness, satan.
Now as Children of Light (of God), they operate in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit with a lifestyle that represents one who lives holy, seeks goodness, is full of grace (favor), wisdom, knowledge and understanding into the things of God. They operate in revelation knowledge of the heart of God and shed light into living as Christ followers, remembering what they used to be and where God has brought them currently.
"For you were once darkness, but now your are light in the Lord. Walk as children of Light." (Ephesians 5:8 NKJV)
Lead Them To the Light
Children of God (aka Children of Light) are to represent lives that draw people to Jesus in the things we say and do, which includes decorating (or even not decorating). Think of it like this.
People are generally attracted to lighted areas, especially at Christmastime. Unless someone is looking to start trouble, no one in their right mind intentionally heads down a dark alley; it just doesn't make sense. A dark path, street or roadway isn't inviting and most people will try to avoid those areas if possible.
I know from experience that if we see decorative lights several streets over from where we are traveling, we will take a quick detour and head toward the light. Seeing a few lights here and there brings joy to our spirit and is uplifting. Shouldn't we try to stimulate an atmosphere around our homes or neighborhood as well? Isn't time to lead people to the Light?
Once we scope out the scene it doesn't take long to recognize if the people believe in Christmas as the birth of Christ or view it as a worldly celebration. When drivers pass your dwelling at night during the season of giving, what are they receiving from you? Can they tell that "Christians" live in your place or is it like every other house on the block - dark with no signs of Light?
Darkness doesn't attract anything or anyone, and the devil knows that. Believers need to strive to be a "light" on the hill so to speak. It doesn't have to be something elaborate, but in fact can be something quite simple.
Our small front yard has a flower pot that proudly displays a sign stating, "Happy Birthday Jesus." That's it ... but without Christmas lights on the property to draw the attention of people to the area, only regular traffic to that street would ever see it.
We knew that white lights on the house would attract people, and when they passed by they could see the sign from the glow that surrounded it. Those three words are an open testimony of Whom we believe in and serve - without speaking one word audibly.
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill canot be hiddden." (Matthew 5:14 NKJV)
"Therefore take heed (notice, be aware) that the light which is in you is not darkness." (Luke 11:35 NKJV)
In planning for the holiday season, have you considered the "Light"? How have you let others know that Jesus is and remains the center and reason for your celebration? We are not the light, but like John the Baptist, a witness for the Light, Jesus Christ the Messiah who gives forgiveness of sins and salvation to all who believe in Him. (from John 1)
By using a few festive lights create an environment around your place that will draw others to Jesus, the true Light and meaning of Christmas.
Until next time, favor the shine the Light of Jesus!
A teaching devotional that is designed to take you spiritually through the Christmas season. Download it or favor it as a gift.
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Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. Book Advert Photo by Anthony Godinho.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief. The reference to satan or devil are not capitalized intentionally.
Unless noted, scripture reference in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway. Image Creative Common License if not specified.
Christmas, Birth of Christ, Favored Life Lesson, Christian Living, Inspiration, Have You Concidered the Light, Fay Ann Daniels, Daily Favor Blog, Encouragement, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, The True Meaning of Christmas, Making Favored Decisions, Christmas Decorating with Lights