Monday, April 17, 2023
Celebrating Earth

Sunday, April 9, 2023
He Is Risen Just As He Said
Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Holiday, Unconditional Love, Love of God, Love, Resurrection Sunday, Easter, Jesus Christ Crucified, National Holiday, Salvation, He Is Risen

Saturday, April 8, 2023
Sunday Is Coming!
Sunday is Coming! Phil Wickham
Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Resurrection Sunday, Phil Wickham, Easter, Holiday, Hope, Sunday is Coming

Friday, April 7, 2023
This Is Love
Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Holiday, Unconditional Love, Love of God, Love, Good Friday, Easter, Crucified, Jesus Christ

Saturday, April 1, 2023
Sharing Holy Week
If you are a believer in the Work of the Cross, you have probably learned there are many ways to “preach” the redemption gospel. Biblical teaching and even writing are among the most common ways to tell the message of the cross, but there are tons more!
Other methods of sharing Holy Week may be in the form of handing out gift cards, Bibles, gospel tracts and religious literature. Keeping these items in my car or purse helps me to be ready when God places an open door circumstance before my eyes.
Selling products or promoting something specific like wearing shirts and hats that have a scripture reference speak volumes when trying to convey a passion. These are always fun for me and I've had my share of lively conversations with strangers over the apparel I've often sported for a cause!
Decorating your home inside and out with a cross or sign in lights about Easter lets those who pass by know you believe Jesus is the Son of God without ever opening your mouth. At our last home my husband built a giant 12 foot cross and positioned it at the front of our property. During Holy Week it was draped with a purple cloth and anyone who drove down the surrounding streets saw our faith in action. Restrictions in our current residence do not permit us to have such a large display, however, we still have a cross in lights mounted to the house.
Watching programs and movies about Jesus such as The Passion or The Jesus Film sometimes help get a message across that can often be quite difficult, especially if you don't have all the answers to those hard questions about Christianity people frequently ask. We've shown several films in our home, and when they were over it lead to so many heartfelt conversatons including the prayer of salvation. If this is something you'd like to do, be sure to serve some great snacks and don't forget the good popcorn!
All of these ways to get the message out about God's unmerited favor for forgiveness of sins are terrific and are powerful tools to be used in the correct setting. However, did you know that individual testimonies through story telling are the most effective? It's true.
You don't have to be a preacher or bible teacher to tell someone about Jesus Christ. Simply sharing a few stories on how you learned about God can inspire people and cause them to seek out the person you call Lord.
This week believer's in Christ have a wonderful opportunity to share what it means to be "saved" by telling the events that happened in what we refer to as "Holy Week or Passion Week". Follow the footsteps of Jesus on His journey to the cross with these helpful passages from the Bible. I've listed the daily events and scriptures on the Holy Week Timeline of Events. View here.
Daily Favor Blog, Favored1, Daily Favor Teaching Blog, Easter, Palm Sunday, Resurrection, Redemption, Salvation, Holiday, Unconditional Love