Did you ever have a time when you spend days and days in
prayer waiting for God to give you an answer?
I know I have many times, and this week was another one of them.
In preparing for today I thought the Lord was giving me
direction in a certain area, but as I prayed and read the word nothing was
coming into place. I felt as if there
was this curtain like in the Wizard of Oz, blocking everything and keeping me
from God. If I could separate it I would get to God and gain understanding as
to what was happening in my life.
I need to hear your voice, talk to me.” I pleaded, but the curtain
never moved.
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Do Have A Brain, Use It
Over the weekend and into Monday night I concentrated on
the mercy of the Lord, which is a good thing, but I felt it was for me and not
this post. I kept looking up verses,
praying and couldn’t get the “new thing” that we talked about previously.
Conversations that I had with people the last few days
kept rolling through my head. I wondered
why in the world did those particular subjects come up in the discussions?
it was time to go to bed, well not really. It was time for the “night watch” on
my husband as he slept.
I started to read Psalm 33 again on my electronic Bible,
but shut it off and got up to get a “real” one.
Thumbing through the concordance I was looking for scriptures that
referred to moving on, but instead found the word “meditate”.
My resistance was low and I felt like the stuffing had
been knocked out of me, being pulled emotionally in every direction. Here the “Scarecrow” found some information
that God was trying to reveal.
reminded me that we weren’t getting revelation to the new thing He was doing,
because we had been focusing on scriptures we already knew. The devil knew that and was counting on our
not putting things together.
If the Lord was taking us into new areas then it would
make sense that I had to build on what I knew, not relax on past teachings. That curtain was now opening and I didn’t
like what I was thinking.
Real Lion Hearted

In my talk to the Lord I started to cry and
repented for being such a coward and not having courage. I wanted
God to get me out of the situation rather than trust Him to see us through.
He spoke up and asked, “Why are you crying?” I didn’t
want to admit it, but I had to … He already knew what I was feeling.
I’m afraid. I’ve been battling with not giving
in to fear, but it’s so hard. You know
what the doctor said. My husband hasn’t fulfilled his “big” calling. If you would just come and take us out of
this world, everything would be fine.”
My husband had no idea about my feelings. They started to emerge the other day when I
couldn’t wake him and his body was cold.
Ever since the surgery his body temperature drops at night, but he didn’t
know that.
Heart Wasn’t Right

Our conversation continued.
“What you are feeling isn’t of Me. I did not give you the spirit of fear (but power, love and a sound mind).” is what
I heard in my spirit.
I knew that, of course I knew that. I immediately thought of James chapter one on
wavering, “Let not that man think they will receive anything from the Lord.”
Then more verses popped into my remembrance; scriptures
on trust, perfect love and peace. All
things I have meditated on in the past, all but one, the passage I showed nurse Sharon
on Tuesday.
Psalm 33 starts out like this:
“Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; for praise is becoming and
appropriate for those who are upright in heart.” (That’s me, right?) Verse three: “Sing to Him a new song …” This would go along with the new thing He is doing in
our lives I thought.
“For the Word of the Lord is right; and all His work is done in
faithfulness. The Lord looks from
Heaven, He beholds all the sons of men; From His dwelling place He looks
intently upon all the inhabitants of the earth.
He Who fashions the hearts of them all, Who considers all their doings.”
God is watching what I’m doing and noting how His favor
should be distributed by my actions.
Have I tied His hands?
“Behold, the Lord’s eye is upon those who fear Him, who wait for Him
and hope in His mercy (there’s that word) and loving-kindness. To deliver them from death and keep
them alive in famine.”
Do you know how many times I’ve read this scripture just
this year? Enough that I should have
seen this. For months I have been
reading this very passage, dwelling on it and putting my hope in the mercy of
God to give us the strength we needed. I
never noticed the part “to deliver them from death.”
The Wicked One
“Our inner selves wait earnestly for the Lord; He is our Help and
our Shield. For in Him does our heart rejoice, because we have trusted (relied
on and been confident) in His Holy name.”
Each night I thank God that His favor surrounds us like a
shield, and rely on Him to carry us through the night keeping us from the storms.
The wicked one (devil) wanted me to forget that and stand
in fear waiting for my husband to draw each breath.
This is where God showed me the curtain I had put up before Him.
“Let Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, be upon us, in proportion
to our waiting and hoping for You.” (Psalm 33:1,3,4,13-15,19-22 Amp)
When I showed this to Sharon I asked her if she got what
it meant. She said, “I think so.” We agreed
and both thought how scary it was to be in that position.
This verse reminds me of the prayer that Jesus taught
when He said, “Forgive us our debt, trespasses as we forgive others.” Everyone gets that message. If we don’t
forgive we won’t be forgiven either. God
was showing me a verse I had been studying in a new way … the new thing was
God wasn’t holding back His favor from me in giving me
answers. I was. I determined the answers by my actions. His
mercy in delivering us was being measured unto me according to the way I was
waiting in hope on Him.
Mercy Proportion Be on Me
“Let Your mercy be on me in proportion to my waiting and
hoping for Your answers.”
I was getting exactly what I was giving to Him in my
faith. When the doctor gave us his
report this week we were shaken by what he said. I saw the look in my husband’s eyes and it
was as if the doctor sucked out any joy or hope we had when he said, “There’s nothing I can do for you.”
God measured out His mercy and favor based on the measure
I showed toward trusting Him over the reports we heard. His proportions can only be what we have
faith for as we wait on Him. Our faith
and trust is something that He sees and measures.
...according to your faith, be it unto you ... Jesus said. That measure determines our mercy (and favor) proportion.
Peace Was at Home
If I had not been in the word, even though I didn’t know
what I needed at the time, God wouldn’t have had a way to direct me to that
passage. He won’t bring something to
your memory that wasn’t initially learned. The Lord does give revelation and insight, but it is based on His Word.
Without God's Word in us, satan will toss us about thinking we are lost and hopeless.
My answers came through meditating on the word of God,
just as He said it would. It was right
where I started all along, not the Emerald City meaning a place where God cannot be reached.
Peace came when I meditated on His Word, because it reminded me in whom I trusted. God is watching over my husband to deliver him from harm.
Peace came when I meditated on His Word, because it reminded me in whom I trusted. God is watching over my husband to deliver him from harm.
Meditate on the Word
God has something wonderful planned for us and we have to
be prepared with answers.
Last week we
looked up scriptures that directly applied to our situations. Each of us had different things we needed to study.
Now we are going to take those passages and do what God instructed until they become part of us, giving way to that new thing the Lord is doing in our lives.
Now we are going to take those passages and do what God instructed until they become part of us, giving way to that new thing the Lord is doing in our lives.
“This book of the Law (the Bible) shall not depart out of
your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe
and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way
prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.
Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very
courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with
you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:8-9 Amp)
As you meditate on those things He has shown you, ask God
to direct you and shine light on what you have been studying. He will reveal an answer that was right in
front of you, but the wicked one has tricked you into putting up that curtain
of doubt.
We have hope, a rainbow of wonderful promises from God that extend far beyond what we can ask or think.
God knows that we sometimes fall into fear of the unknown. Trust Him, because nothing is secret to Him.
Our success for this outward journey depends on us meditating on God’s
Word day and night. Show the Lord that
your proportion of hope in Him is great, and watch how He measures out His mercy
and favor on your situation. We have hope, a rainbow of wonderful promises from God that extend far beyond what we can ask or think.
God knows that we sometimes fall into fear of the unknown. Trust Him, because nothing is secret to Him.
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and in His law does he meditate day and night.” (Psalm 1:2)
and in His law does he meditate day and night.” (Psalm 1:2)
Until next time, may your faith measure
highly in God’s favor.
“My favor measure is great.”
– Jesus Christ
What's Not So New this Week: The Bible - the best book ever!
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. A.N.A. logo by
J.C.Penney, Inc.
Scripture reference was
taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Bible GatewayImage credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Curtain Scarecrow Lion Tin Man Measure Home Rainbow
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief. Updated 10/1/18
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