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Seems I'm not alone in this! |
Throughout the day my dress straps kept falling off my
shoulders. I couldn’t figure out why it
was happening, but it did cross my mind “maybe I’m losing weight.” Wishful thinking was all that turned out to
It wasn’t until 11:30 P.M. when we were giving Jewel her
last feeding for the day that it clicked in my mind. Sitting down to get into
position to hold Jewel, her paw got caught on my clothing label. When I tried to loose her I noticed that my
dress was on backwards and I’d worn it that way all day!
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to abound in the lives of those who chose to Journey with Jesus on Daily Favor
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Don't miss out on this week's challenge
Backward Thinking
When it comes to doing things backwards, I’m not at the
head of the class for that lesson. Once
I’ve learned something I generally stick to that for pretty much - forever!
After all, who wants to relearn what you’ve already learned right? Well … not me ... at least that's what I thought.
Learning to undo what you’ve known to do for a lifetime
is practically impossible, that’s what Destin Sandlin from Smarter
Everyday said when it came to his “backwards” thinking.
Several years ago some co-workers played a practical joke
on him by rebuilding what looked like a “normal” bicycle. His friend Barney challenged Destin to ride
the new bike.
What seemed like a simple task turned out to be impossible,
because his brain had already been programed to ride a bike in the traditional
What was the trick?
Barney had made only one change on the bike; when the handlebars turn to
the left the bike goes right and vice versa.
Learning to ride would take intense focus and months of reprograming his
way of thinking. Finally eight months
later Destin was able to ride the “backwards” bike.
Technically it wasn’t backwards, but the opposite of what
he had learned from the way a regular bicycle should function. Even though Destin already knew the
principles of riding a bicycle, he discovered knowledge isn’t always
understanding, at least it wasn’t in this case.
He had to change his “think” pattern in order to process
the new information. This is something
that most of us don’t take to easily.
Generally people hold on to what they "know" is comfortable, not like my
backwards dress.
Knowledge Isn’t Always Understanding
When I watched this video it reminded me of how many
believers view the Bible based on what they had been taught in the past. We have knowledge of God and His Word, but
not nearly the understanding that we should have when it comes to the favor of
God we experience.
In an evening Bible reading God led me to Psalm 30; a passage
that I’ve read many times as I’m sure you have.
While reading through the chapter I paused and actually began reading
the verses backwards or in reverse (opposite) order. Specific words pinged
my brains way of thinking.
How many times have we been taught about the blessings of
God, but not His favor? My husband said
that he couldn’t think of one time he heard a message on it or ever learned
about it until I mentioned it (about 20 plus years ago). It’s not discussed much because it’s rarely understood.
Let me prove my point. Finish this verse:
“…Weeping may endure for
a moment, but ….”
You know it don’t you.
“Joy comes in the morning." It’s
from Psalm 30:5.
Did you notice I have three dots at the beginning of the
verse? That meant that something
preceded it. Can you tell me what it
is? Let me fill you in on the entire
verse from the King James Version:
“For His (Jehovah’s) anger
endureth but a moment;
in His (God’s) favor is life: weeping may
endure for a night,
but joy cometh in the morning.”
How many times have you read through that passage and
skipped over the first part not realizing that it was the key to the second
part of the verse? You may have had
knowledge of the scripture, but did you have understanding to be able to live
in the promise?
Looking Backwards
There are some intriguing facts about this particular
psalm that I’d like to share with you. Did
you know that it is the only psalm that isn’t referenced anywhere else in the
bible? Another interesting point is that
the word favor used in verse five is the only time it is linked back to the
book of Genesis referring to all living creation.

The word favor in this particular verse translates in Hebrew and Greek as the same. “In His favor” means in God’s pleasure, delight, goodwill, acceptance of us, His voluntary Will, desire to do.
Continuing in the origin of the phrase “In His favor
is life” we learn that life pertains to being alive, living (all things living –
plants, animals, humans), flowing fresh with life, reviving like in springtime,
lively, active.
Gaining Wisdom to Know
When we cry out to Jehovah (Father God), relief in sorrow
is obtained and joy succeeds weeping. Not just for eternity, but in our lifetime
here on earth.
Moving backwards to Verse 4 the word Saints literally
means “favored ones endued with grace (favor)”.
Favored children are given more grace to lodge in God’s eternal favor,
because we were never created to die and neither was any of His creation. Sin caused something to happen in us that God
never desired, willed or ordained.
There is no day of creation that God created death or
sickness, so it isn’t in His favor to “put it on” people. It’s the opposite of
favor and backward thinking says these things are His will.
Barnes Commentary Notes states this about Psalm 30:5 on
“In his favor is
life - It is his nature to impart life. He spares life; He will give eternal
life. It is, in other words, not His nature to inflict death; death is to be
traced to something else. Death is not pleasing or gratifying to Him; it is
pleasing and gratifying to Him to confer life.
His favor secures
life; death is an evidence of His displeasure - that is, death is caused by sin
leading to His displeasure. If a man has the favor of God, he is sure of life;
if not life in this world, yet life in the world to come.”
What most miss is the comparison between a moment
and lifetime. God’s anger against our
sin is brief, momentary when we repent.
His favor has no bounds or time limits. It is continual in this
lifetime and forever.
Our happiness and joy is inside of God’s favor on His children
and that’s why our weeping is for a short time. If it wasn’t then we would
never cease shedding tears.
So it seems when it comes to the knowledge, understanding
and truth about God’s favor, something new has to be introduced in our
traditional way of thinking. We may have
to go backward in some of our teaching and re-learn what being a Christian
really means; that may not be as easy as it sounds.
In the meantime learn to recognize the favor God has
given you through life itself as a child of His. God’s Daily Favor provides mercy (Isaiah
60:10), preservation (Psalm 86:2 Hebrew), security (Psalm 41:11) and a covering
shield (Psalm 5:12).
Until this clicks in our thinking we cannot truly
understand the joy that comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
Go Back Until Something Clicks
At the end of the bike experiment Mr. Sandlin said he
learned that truth is truth no matter what we think about it. He makes a statement that we are
programed with a bias and may not realize it.
The same goes for God’s Word. Whether we “get it” or not,
the truth remains that we are favored. We just don’t know HOW favored we are by
Our challenge this week will send us backward in our
thinking and scripture reading when it comes to what we’ve learned about God’s favor
from the beginning of our journey. It may
seem a little uncomfortable like wearing our clothes the wrong way round or
riding a bike the opposite of how we’ve been taught, but until something clicks
in our understanding life favor we have to keep at it.
To start, read Psalm 30 for yourself and don’t get stuck
on this being only about our life in Heaven.
The King was praising God for his renewed life through health, but dig
deeper in your thinking since you now know what “favor” in this psalm really means. It pertains to anything that has to do with
your life “in” Him.
When I was praying this psalm it related to our pets
health at the time; they were “in” His favor from creation, that’s why God
extended a covenant strictly to animals/creatures. However these twelve verses include so much
more than sorrow being exchanged for joy! I love that, but why only take part
of the goodness, mercy and grace package when the whole promise belongs to all
Saints (favored of God)?

I know it may be hard, almost like learning to ride a
bike again … but stick with it. Stay on
a passage until it clicks in your understanding to the point that it redirects
the way you look at God’s Word for your journey with Jesus. Hopefully it won't take eight months, but only a short time like it did with Destin's son.
Where’s the inspirational song this week? Every song on this passage left out the first
part of the verse. There is no joy in the morning without God’s favor on the
situation wouldn’t you agree? Maybe someone will write one, however, until it clicks in their thinking I guess we'll just have to sing our own song of praise!
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.
next time, in God’s favor is life!
“Favor has been My will from the very beginning.”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: The
words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no
place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on link.
"The Essential Bible Companion to the Psalms: Key Insights for Reading Gods Word" book by Brian Webster & David Beach eBook format
Favored1 on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Pinterest and Hub Pages Articles.
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Gayle King Backwards Dress Psalm 30:5 Relevant Cat Lightbulb Idea
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
The Essential Bible Companion to the Psalms: Key Insights for Reading God's Word by Brian Webster & David Beach, Until it Clicks, Daily Favor Blog, Favor of God, Favored1, Psalm 30, Inspiration, Christian Living, Backwards Bike, Smarter Everyday, Gayle King, Destin Sanders
There is so much here to think about and ponder. I like the way you featured our need to revisit the way we had been taught especially about God. Each day, God continues to reveal Himself in a new way and being able to see this is a grace.
ReplyDeleteJust when we think we've got it, God reveals more and it's back to square one. I'm so glad He doesn't get tired of us having to revisit "old" stuff and sorting through the rubbish. Praying for your comfort during a difficult time.