It’s been a long time since I gave up New Year’s
resolutions, now I opt into learning or doing something different.
So far I’ve been pretty good at trying things that I may not have tackled had I really thought about what I was getting myself into for each situation. Hindsight* … is always relevant
When we turn our lives over to Christ the Bible says we
have been redeemed of our sins. However,
there is another type of redemption that is our responsibility – time and we
are to take advantage of it recognizing that without Christ we are merely
existing, not living. Nothing we do will
count toward anything and that’s why putting off salvation is foolish.
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Pyramid of the Sun Teotihuacan Mexico Juggling Couple in Garden Juggling Time Best Kept Secret Redeem the Time
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Juggling Time, Daily Favor Blog, Daily Favor Prayer, Favored1, Prayer, Christian Living, Inspiration, Your Time for Favor, Pyramid of the Sun, Mark Batterson, Changing Me, Obedience, Time Management
So far I’ve been pretty good at trying things that I may not have tackled had I really thought about what I was getting myself into for each situation. Hindsight* … is always relevant
Camel riding, ice skating, water skiing, climbing the
Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico in August, bringing a cat to a nursing home and
taking a snake to church were a few of those “What was I thinking” ideas.
I’m doing better with quilting, but nowhere near done, and learning to
play drums is still on my “bucket” to do list in case you were wondering. (Read that story here.)
Most recently I’ve taken on the challenge of learning to
juggle. Although I’m not really good at
it, mastering two objects at a time is going okay. Throw in an extra orange or two and you might
as well forget it. Although it would
make for plenty of You Tube laughter, I wondered if this is what we’d call
“time management” worthy or productive.
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I am so thankful for your visit and hope that you come back each week to participate in the weekly challenges. Join us our new series as we spend time in the study of Daily Favor Prayers.
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the bottom of this week’s post.
Don't miss out on this week's challenge
Toss it Here
Sometimes my mind does the strangest things at the most
inopportune times, as it did the other day after we finished lunch. Hubby and I were seated at the table talking
when I noticed some of our tangerines were looking a bit unhappy, meaning they
needed to be eaten asap. Grabbing a few
I tossed one to my husband and I took one to eat as well, only neither of us
For no reason in particular we began playing “orange
ball.” (No, we don’t make it a habit of playing with food, but this just
happened.) Tossing one back and forth we
would switch hands to see if our skills were still there. With both of us being former baseball players
and coaches, I wondered if we still “had it.”
Whew … we did and no oranges were harmed in the process!
Picking up a few more of these “Cuties” I decided it was
time to practice my juggling. Peeling
his as he watched me, I challenged hubby to give it a try as well.
“No, I’m terrible at it. I can’t keep them in the air.”
Totally confident in his ability to outdo me I said, “You can with only two. Try it.”
So there we were juggling away with not many mishaps, but
a ton of laughter causing us to enjoy our meal time more than usual. Even though all this was a healthy kind of
fun, something was way out of balance and it totally threw off my schedule.
Break Time
Our table time turned into fun time and our lunch time
turned into way too much time sitting around doing nothing that really
mattered. It had me thinking about other
things that I spent too much time on in the past, when in fact it wasn’t the
right time to do some of those things at all.
The point is, while I love learning to do fun stuff
(which includes activities that don’t take any planning – just spur of the moment
things), sometimes juggling my time around to include them becomes a problem
especially when they overtake what I really should be doing. Maybe you can relate to that as well. On the other hand, when do I allow for them to
be part of my day without feeling guilty?
Along the way I’ve learned that spending quality time
with my husband isn’t a sin or a waste of “valuable” time; now it is something
that we try to do each day and is biblical.
Being only the two of us, we tend to do the unusual almost all the time
and we pretty much have a good time while doing it.
Now that hubby is home more (due to the health recovery
process), I find it’s really hard for me to stay focused. He is a real
distractor; not because he is doing anything to keep me from work, but I don’t
want to work when he’s around. I love
being able to have meals with him, because we didn’t have that many in the past
due to our jobs.
Our schedules were so tight that I had to set alarms
every two hours to take a break. Before
I’d work right through them, but now it’s a pleasure to take them and if it’s
nice outside I’m like a kid who doesn’t want to come in to do my “chores”.
These days long walks are out, but break times may
consist of going outside and kicking a ball around, snipping away a bit of things
in the garden, playing with a kitty or snapping a few pictures for some
articles. All of these things may not look
like they “count” toward eternity, but they do add value to my relationship
with hubby, the overall life vision and plan by helping me to refocus.
Here’s the real issue that ignited my studying what God
said about our use of time. How do we
juggle our time for the fun things into the vision God has for us and still live
a balanced life?
Spending Time
Probably the most contemplated questions in life have to
do with time. Let me ask you this, how
many times a day do you look at the clock or does someone ask you for the time? I know that I’m constantly looking at mine
whether it’s one on the wall, my watch or on the computer.
Everything I do revolves around how I can manage or “juggle”
my time to make room for all the things I want to do for that day, and have
them fit into my plans. Thus the problem
… my plans!
The Apostle Paul reminds us that God has given each of us
a specific amount of time (allotted days) that we’re going to live here on
earth, and one day we’ll have to give an account for how we spent it.
“Look carefully then how you walk! Live
purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible,
intelligent people); making the very most of the time (buying up each
opportunity), because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16 AMPC)
We "spend" time as if we're expecting to get change! I don’t know about you, but I want my time to count for
something so that means checking in with God about His plans for my life.
Making the Most of Your Time
Throughout scripture Paul talks about two types of people
and how they use their time. There are those
who aren’t mindful of the time and spend it doing things that benefit
themselves. Nothing they do will last
for eternity. Keeping company with
people who have no vision or plan for their life will cause us to abandon our
Then there are those who are mindful of the time, and make
the most of it by understanding what the will of the Lord is concerning their
lives. The real question is which one
do we want to be?
It’s easy to waste time by drifting along in life letting
the days wither away without accomplishing one thing. Then we have the nerve to look back and ask:
“What happened to my life? What did I do with it?
Here I am at this age and I thought I would have done
so much more with my life, but have nothing to show for
Psalm 31:15 says our time is in God’s hands. He is the
one who sets the days we have here on earth. He has numbered them and knows
exactly when the last day will be for each individual. Understanding this concept we need to
purposely juggle our time schedule around the “visionary” plan rather than any
other plans.
Are You a Good Time Manager?
Like you, there are some jobs that I could qualify for as
“manager” if I was asked to do so. Being
in leadership fields I’ve been graced with the opportunity to oversee many
projects and events, but have I been a good steward over how all the time was
spent in walking out the vision for each?
Would God have been pleased with how I managed what He gave me to do
through His favor, or did my time go to something else?
“As each of you has received a gift (a
particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one
another as (befits) good trustees of God’s many-sided grace (faithful stewards
of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians
by unmerited
favor).” (1 Peter 4:10 AMPC)
Our gifts and spiritual abilities are an act of God’s
grace (favor) on our lives because of His love for us. We are to put these
gifts to work serving God by serving other people. How do we do that?
If we are to look at time and talent as part of the favor
of God on our lives, the Bible says we are to use them as servants of our
spirit. In other words, put your gifts
and time to work for you. Rule over them
to benefit the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ, doing things that count
for eternity.
The Best Time Saver Secret
Trying to relax and do fun things when I “had” work to be
done was always difficult for me. For me
this was saving time so I could do other things, but the other things never
came because I didn’t juggle my time to make room for them.
I’d grade papers in a restaurant or during sports events,
write thank you notes or letters during time with my hubby, and forget about actually
sitting down watching a movie without doing something that “needed” to be done! Everything I did was important and required
all my time including doing things for God or the church.
Surely I must be using wisdom because my time was so
designated that there wasn’t any left to waste.
That’s where I got it all wrong.
I spent so much time doing things for
God that I never spent time with Him
asking Him what He needed me to do each day.
Would you like to know the best kept secret for saving
time and finding favor with God? The
greatest time saver in the world is prayer! Yes, that’s it – prayer. I spent time reading or studying scriptures
and praying for understanding during those sessions, but neglected to ask for
guidance in carrying out God’s Word in my life.
As a Christian you would have thought I knew better, but
I wasn’t taught that I had access to the Holy Spirit or God’s favor! How could I possibly know that my juggling
time to get everything accomplished all added up to a simple checklist in life,
and nothing more?
Give Me Just a Little More Time
It’s true, as believers when we spend time with God
seeking His guidance for our lives, we don’t usually spend time on things that
count for eternity. In order to do it
all we simply need more time!
Our prayers consist of “Lord show me …. Lord, help me
to do … Father God, give me, give me, give me …. I need, I need …”
Although God delights when we seek His guidance for
things that we have to do concerning “life” matters, we also need to ask what
His will is for us on that given day or for our lives. When we enter into our morning prayers we have
the opportunity to ask God for His wisdom, guidance, discernment, direction and
understanding for any situation.
We also are given permission to ask God for His favor in
carrying out the vision He has set for us, including help in time management
that will count for His glory and for eternity.
It makes all the sense in the world, but oh how we fail
to take advantage of the favor benefits we received upon salvation through the
power of the Holy Spirit. God already
knows what will happen every second and knows when to intervene in your
We waste time because we don’t ask God what to do and how
to do it. There is nothing more that God loves than to spend time with His
children, and He is willing to reveal the mysteries through time spent in
Redeeming the Time

It’s time we discover the will of God for our lives and
do it. Forget trying to juggle in things
that don’t matter and start rearranging your time for things that count for
Maybe part of God’s plan for your life is to take care of
your family, build a business or work in the community, but there is another
part of that vision for your life. Are
your days balanced with work, fun and leisure?
Do you have direction and purpose for what you are doing?
Beloved, discover the will of God for your life. Our
times are in God’s hands and putting off what He has directed will cause the
favor He has set for your life not to be given.
Prayerfully Spend Time
Planning with God
The Bible says that, “Life
is but a vapor and vanishes away.”
Knowing that the days are short on earth, what are we doing with them to
make a mark in eternity? Are we wisely
using the time and talents we’ve been given by the Lord to make something out
of our life? (see James 4:13-14)
I spent a lot of years juggling my time for things that
weren't necessarily wrong or bad, but they didn’t count for much beyond that
current time. Many times I needed to do
some things, but didn’t give time to relationships including quality time with
God. Thankfully through the favor of God
and wise biblical teaching I've learned to value (not juggle) my time,
appreciating those special lunches with my husband.
He also showed me the difference in “working life” and
“working relationships” – which included spending more time doing simple things
to enjoy the abundant John 10:10 life He died to give me. Time spent with God and those I love is
valuable, and it cannot be replaced by tasks on my “gotta do this so juggle
someone or something else out” list.
This week’s challenge is to use our time more wisely in
prayer knowing that our days are indeed numbered. Evaluate whether or not your time and
attention is counting toward eternity and fit for God’s plan.
Why is it important to spend time with God in
prayer? This is why …
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you
do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV)
Are you happy with what you’ve accomplished in life? Do you think God is satisfied with how you’ve
managed the time and gifts He has graciously given? First Corinthians three describes the kind of
work that doesn’t last and the kind that will be rewarded in Heaven. It would
be good to refresh yourself on this scripture.
Maybe you’re the opposite of me and you spend so much
time in work or indulging those around you that you’re not accomplishing
anything God has ordained for your life.
Pray for balance and wisdom in the way you are using time.
God has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit so that we
thrive in His favor to succeed at life, which includes balanced not “juggled”
time at work, home and play without feeling any guilt. Through prayer we can do life right and it
will count eternally for Christ.
Be sure to come back next week when we learn how
successful people organize their day, and why it’s vital believers do the same.
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please
consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this
Until next time, favor more time in
“I favor spending time with you!”
Jesus Christ
noted, the names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: Emphasis
is given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take
away from the inspirited Word of God.
When used,
the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him
no place in our lives.
Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical
issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
What’s New This Week: Click
on the photo or link.
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I
know, but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click on the above tab “Tell Me” for more
information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Pyramid of the Sun Teotihuacan Mexico Juggling Couple in Garden Juggling Time Best Kept Secret Redeem the Time
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Juggling Time, Daily Favor Blog, Daily Favor Prayer, Favored1, Prayer, Christian Living, Inspiration, Your Time for Favor, Pyramid of the Sun, Mark Batterson, Changing Me, Obedience, Time Management
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